Source: UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Apr 15, 2008
Project End Date
Apr 14, 2013
Grant Year
Project Director
Sparrow, S.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
High Latitude Agriculture
Non Technical Summary
Fuel costs are high in Alaska and especially in remote areas of rural Alaska. In many villages off the road system, gasoline and heating fuel costs are greater than $6.00 per gallon (Grewe and Caldwell, 2007), in spite of the fact that Alaska produces and exports large quantities of petroleum products, mostly crude oil. Alternatives to the high cost of energy in rural Alaska are to develop renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and biomass. Several communities in the boreal forest region of Alaska are considering the option of using existing biomass (mostly spruce trees) for fuel, but this source is not likely to be sustainable in the long-term due to slow spruce tree growth. It is also not an option for communities outside forested regions. However, willows and many grass and forb species are found throughout the state, and once proper cultivation techniques are developed, production and management of these species for biomass fuel may be feasible, even forsmall communities. This project will provide initial data that could ultimately lead to development of a sustainable, renewable biomass energy resource in Alaska.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The primary objective of this project is to screen numerous crops for their potential as biomass crops for fuel in Alaska. We consider this project a preliminary study to determine which, if any, plant species may have potential as biomass crops in Alaska. Thus, we view this project as a seed project and if successful, it will lead to competitive funding for more detailed studies of biomass crops in rural Alaska. For this study, we will concentrate primarily on yield potential of lignocellulosic crops. Other projects are currently evaluating oilseed crops as bioenergy crops in Alaska. If successful, this research will lead to research on management regimes and genetics. In the future, we intend to conduct research in remote locations in Alaska to determine the feasibility of various crops in small villages where people often have little experience in agriculture. For this purpose, we will concentrate on crops likely to be successful in these situations, especiallywoody crops, which will require little agricultural knowledge and simple technology.
Project Methods
We will establish plots of several woody and herbaceous plants, including both native and non-native species emphasizing willows. Other genera could include birch, poplar and alder, reedgrass (Calamagrostis), wheatgrasses and wildryes, hairgrass (Dechampsia), bromegrass; herbaceous dicot species will include tall fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) and alfalfa. Willow, poplar, and alder will be started with stem or root cuttings, other species will be started with seeds, all planted in the field in spring. Several of these species have already been tested in forage trials or preliminary biomass trials. Those showing promise will be immediately planted in plots (2m x 6m) for herbaceous plants and 6m x 10m for woody plants. Others which have not been tested or for which plant material is limited will be planted in single row plots. For herbaceous species, plots will be split into 1/3 strips, with 1/3 harvested twice each year (after flowering and at end of growingseason), 1/3 harvested at end of season, and 1/3 harvested following spring before commencement of growth. Most species will not be harvested until the 2nd year after establishment to allow them to become well established and reduce the risk of damage to young plants. For alfalfa, we will remove leaves and buds and do all analyses on stems only because leaves and buds are high in nitrogen causing concerns about emission of nitrogen oxide pollutants to the atmosphere (Jung et al, 1994). For woody plants, we will destructively collect a few plants each year to estimate annual growth rates. We plan to harvest the entire plots at the end of three years to determine total biomass production. Plots will be allowed to regrow after harvest so that successive future harvests can be obtained. Promising species with high yield potential and ease of cultivation will be analyzed for carbohydrates and lignin using the sequential analysis described by Dien et al (2006). We will establish plots inFairbanks in two locations, one on a moderately well drained site and the other on a poorly drained soil to determine soil moisture effects on productivity of each species. Smaller scale studies will be established at the Delta Junction Field Research Site (63.94N, 145.35W) Alaska and at the Matanuska Experiment Farm (61.56N, 149.25W) near Palmer, Alaska. We will include these sites to account for possible effects of different soils types and climates. We will not include any sites off the road system for this study because of high travel costs, but hope to include rural sites in several locations in Alaska in future research. We already have established stands of tall fireweed, smooth bromegrass, tufted hairgrass (Dechampsia caespitosa), and slender wheatgrass at Fairbanks and Delta Junction and plots were seeded with Bromus inermis x pumpellianus, Calamagrostis canadensis, C. nutkatensis, Elymus macrourus, and Leymus innovatus at Fairbanks in 2007. We have already establishedsingle-row plots of eight species of willows, two species of poplar and two species of alder at Fairbanks. We will use information from these small trials as a guide for choosing species to emphasize in this study.

Progress 04/15/08 to 04/14/13

Target Audience: Alaskan farmers Rural communites in Alaska Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? We found that grasses can produce reasonably high biomass yields (up to 11 Mg/ha per year, although 3 -4 Mg/ha/yr were more typical), but high nitrogen rates were required for high yields. Since nitrogen fertilizer is expensive in Alaska, cost of N fertilizer could be a major inhibitor for production of a low value crops like biomass for energy. The highest yielding grass species (reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea) is considered an invasive weed in most parts of Alaska and thus may not be suitable for use as a biomass crops. Since conditions in fall in central Alaska are not conducive to field drying and cost of drying is expensive, we studied various harvest methods to determine if harvest times other than in autumn after senescence would be optimal. Harvesting in mid-summer and again in fall produced yields which were lower or no higher than a single fall harvest. Allowing the crops to stand in the field over winter and harvesting in early spring when weather is usually warm and dry, produced low moisture biomass (< 15% water), but yield losses over winter were high (as much as 50%), thus spring harvest is likely not a suitable option. Willows and poplars harvested at the end of the 3rd growing season following establishment from dormant cuttings were disappointingly low (<1 to 2 Mg ha/yr). We expect annual biomass yields would be higher had we continued the study through more harvest rotations, as yields of balsam poplar in a companion study on well established stands produced 11 Mg/ha after two years of regrowth. Soil moisture is a major factor limiting yields, especially of willows, in central Alaska. We discovered that method of collection, handling, and planting of cuttings is critical to successful establishment of both willows and poplars and limiting soil moisture can result in almost complete failure of the cuttings to become established. Early spring plantings seem to succeed better than later plantings, probably because they were able to establish a well-developed root system necessary for winter survival. We found weed control to be a major problem in successful establishment of woody species, especially during the first two growing seasons following planting of the cuttings. Longer studies in various locations and under various management regimes will be required for assessment of the economic feasibility of growing biomass as crop for use as an energy source in Alaska.


  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2009 Citation: Garber-Slaght, R., Sparrow, S.D., masiak, d.t., and Holdmann, G. 2009. Opportunities for woody biomass fuel crops in interior Alaska. Alaska Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Misc. Pub 2009-09. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK.

Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: We harvested woody species following four growing seasons (including establishment year) on a wet site at Fairbanks in fall 2012. Salix alaxensis produced an average above ground dry matter yield of 6.8 Mg ha-1 and Populus balsamifera produced a yield of 3.5 Mg ha-1. The S. alaxensis yield was 2.4 times and the P. balsamifera 1.8 times that of the yields produced after four years growth on a drier site (harvested in 2011). Salix lasiandra produced less than 1.0 Mg ha-1 at both locations. These results indicate soil moisture is a major yield determinant for willow and poplar species in central Alaska. A trial comparing numerous grass species showed highest yields for smooth bromegrass on well drained soils, with an annual yield of 4.9 Mg/ha at the highest nitrogen rate at Delta Junction and 7.9 Mg/ha at Fairbanks. At a wet site at Fairbanks, reed canarygrass produced the most biomass with an average annual yield of 9.3 Mg/ha at the high N rate, which was almost double the yield of any other species. Unfortunately, reed canarygrass is considered an invasive weed in Alaska and therefore is not likely to become a biomass crop in the state. Introduced grasses generally out-produced native grass species at all sites. To date our results indicate biomass yields for both woody shrub and grass species are likely to be considerably lower than those reported in more temperate regions, although we expect yields to be higher in the future with improved management practices and through selection of strains for high biomass yield. However, more research will be required to understand the full potential biomass yield production and the economic feasibility of producing these crops in a subarctic environment. PARTICIPANTS: Stephen D. Sparrow, Professor of Agronomy is principal investigator. Mingchu Zhang, Associate Professor of Agronomy, is a co-investigator on the project. Darleen Masiak and Robert Van Veldhuizen, both research associates, were responsible for much of the field work on the project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Alaska farmers; Rural communities in Alaska; Communities in Alaska. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

It is too early to provide impacts for this project. Expected impacts include provision of management information for farmers and communities wishing to grow biomass crops for energy use in Alaska.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: Field research plots were established at Fairbanks and Palmer in 2008 and at Fairbanks and Delta Junction in 2009 and 2010 as described in a previous report. Plots at Palmer were abandoned because of excessive weed competition. At Fairbanks, for fall harvest at the high N rate, grass yields averaged over three years were 6.6 Mg dry matter per ha for smooth bromegrass, 5.5 Mg/ha for hairgrass and 4.7 Mg/ha for wheatgrass with all species showing a yield response up to the highest (100 kg N/ha) N rate. Yields for grasses over-wintered intact and then harvested in spring were 3.2 Mg/ha for smooth bromegrass, 3.5 Mg/ha for tufted hairgrass, and 3.6 kg/ha for slender wheatgrass. At Delta Junction yields for the fall harvest under the high N rate averaged over three years were: smooth bromegrass, 4.9 Mg/ha dry matter; tufted hairgrass, 4.1 Mg/ha, and slender wheatgrass, 3.4 Mg/ha. Spring harvest yields at Delta Junction averaged 2.8 Mg/ha for smooth bromegrass, 1.8 Mg/ha for tufted hairgrass, and 2.7 Mg/ha for slender wheatgrass. At both locations, harvesting twice (mid-season and at end of season) produced similar yields to a single harvest at the end of the growing season, indicating no advantage to a two harvest management regime. The over-winter yield loss at both locations indicates that spring harvest is not likely a suitable practice for these locations. A two-year old study comparing numerous grass species at Delta Junction showed highest yields for smooth bromegrass, with an annual yield of 5.1 Mg/ha; at Fairbanks on well drained soils, Siberian wildrye produced the highest annual yield at 5.1 Mg/ha, and at a wet site at Fairbanks reed canarygrass produced the most biomass with an average annual yield of 6.5 Mg/ha, but with some plots exceeding 8 Mg/ha. Unfortunately, reed canarygrass is considered an invasive weed in most parts of Alaska, and thus may not be suitable as a bio-energy crop. For woody species at Fairbanks, Salix alaxensis yield averaged 2.8 Mg/ha and Populus balsamifera averaged 1.9 Mg/ha four years after establishment of cuttings on a well drained soil. On a wet site at Fairbanks, S. alaxensis yielded 2.0 Mg/ha after two growing seasons. More time will be required to understand the full potential yield production for the woody species as they tend to be slow to establish in a subarctic environment. PARTICIPANTS: Mingchu Zhang, Associate Professor of Agronomy, is a co-investigator on the project. Darleen Masiak and Robert Van Veldhuizen, both research associates, were responsible for much of the field work on the project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Alaska farmers Rural communities in Alaska; Communities in Alaska. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

It is too early too provide impacts for this project. Expected impacts include provision of management information for farmers and communities wishing to grow biomass crops for energy use in Alaska.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OUTPUTS: Field research plots were established at Fairbanks and Palmer in 2008 and at Fairbanks and Delta Junction in 2009 as described in a previous report. Also, in 2010 additional grass plots were established in new locations at Delta Junction and Fairbanks and willow spacing and coppicing studies were established at Fairbanks. Plots at Palmer were abandoned because of excessive weed competition. At Fairbanks, for fall harvest at the high N rate, grass yields averaged over three years were 6,560 kg dry matter per ha for smooth bromegrass, 5,480 kg/ha for hairgrass and 4,750 kg/ha for wheatgrass with all species showing a yield response up to the highest (100 kg N/ha) N rate. Yields for grasses over-wintered intact and then harvested in spring were 3,250 kg/ha for smooth bromegrass, 3,460 kg/ha for tufted hairgrass, and 4,240 kg/ha for slender wheatgrass. The higher yields for wheatgrass were likely because it stood up better under snow than other species. At Delta Junction yields for the fall harvest under the high N rate averaged for 2009 and 2010 were: smooth bromegrass, 4,850 kg/ha dry matter; tufted hairgrass, 4,920 kg/ha, and slender wheatgrass, 4,060 kg/ha. Spring harvest yields at Delta Junction in 2010 averaged 2600 kg/ha for smooth bromegrass, 1660 for tufted hairgrass, and 2130 kg/ha for slender wheatgrass. At both locations, harvesting twice (mid-season and at end of season) produced similar yields to a single harvest at the end of the growing season, indicating no advantage to a two harvest management regime. A preliminary study at Fairbanks showed yields (averaged over two years) of 3,820 kg/ha for tall fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) and 5,600 kg/ha for bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis), both species native to the area. No yields are yet available for woody species as the first harvest is not scheduled until fall 2011. PARTICIPANTS: Mingchu Zhang, Associate Professor of Agronomy, is a co-investogator on the project. Darleen Masiak and Robert Van Veldhuizen, both research associates, were responsible for much of the field work on this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

It is too early too provide impacts for this project. Expected impacts include provision of management information for farmers and communities wishing to grow biomass crops for energy use in high latitude environments.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: 2009 CRIS Report Field research plots were established at Fairbanks and Palmer in 2008 and are described in a previous report. In 2009, three willow species, felt-leaf willow (Salix alaxensis), Pacific willow (S. lasiandra), and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) were established on a poorly drained soil at Fairbanks. Grass plots previously established for other purposes were used for biomass energy trials in 2008 at Fairbanks and again harvested in 2009. In addition, grass plots from a previous study at Delta Junction were used for biomass trials in 2009 and included Carlton smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis), Nortran tufted hairgrass (Dechampsia caespitosa), and Wainwright slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus) managed under three N fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100 kg N/ha) and three harvest timing regimes (2-cut per season, single harvest in the fall, single harvest in spring of succeeding year). At Fairbanks, for fall harvest at the high N rate, yields averaged over two years were 7,950 kg dry matter per ha for smooth bromegrass, 6,470 kg/ha for hairgrass and 5,650 kg/ha for wheatgrass. Smooth bromegrass had much higher water content than the native grasses; this would reduce its gross energy value. Spring harvest yields were 3,775 kg/ha for smooth bromegrass, 5650 kg/ha for tufted hairgrass, and 4430 kg/ha for slender wheatgrass, indicating significant yield losses over winter, especially for smooth bromegrass. At Delta Junction in 2009 for the fall harvest under the high N rate, smooth bromegrass produced 6,710 kg/ha dry matter, tufted hairgrass produced 7,100 kg/ha and slender wheatgrass produced 5,190 kg/ha We do not yet have spring harvest yields at Delta Junction. At both locations, harvesting twice (mid-season and at end of season) produced similar yields to a single harvest at the end of the growing season, indicating no advantage to a two harvest management regime. Drymatter yields for all species was increased by addition of N fertilizer up to the highest N rate. A preliminary study at Fairbanks showed yields of 5,530 kg/ha for fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium genus spp) and 6,490 kg/ha for bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis), both species native to the area. We intend to add additional species and study sites in 2010. Impact: PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Alaska farmers Rural communities in Alaska PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Since the study is in its infancy, it is too early too provide impacts. Expected impacts include provision of management information for farmers and communities wishing to grow biomass crops for energy use in Alaska.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: Three woody species, felt-leaf willow (Salix alaxensis), Pacific willow (S. lasiandra), and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) were established from cuttings in replicated plots at Fairbanks, Alaska in 2008. A similar study was established by a cooperator (Alaska Plant Materials Center) in Palmer, Alaska. In addition, 10 woody species, including willows, alders (Alnus), and birch (Betula) were established in non-replicated or in single-row plots and 14 herbaceous species including native and non-native grasses and forbs were established from seed in replicated plots at Fairbanks and Delta Junction. None of the plots established in 2008 were harvested that year. Grass plots previously established for other purposes were used for biomass energy trials in 2008 at Fairbanks. Carlton smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis), Nortran tufted hairgrass (Dechampsia caespitosa), and Wainwright slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus) were managed under three N fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100 kg N/ha) and three harvest timing regimes (2-cut per season, single harvest in the fall, single harvest in spring of succeeding year). Early results indicate smooth bromegrass, an introduced species, has higher yield potential than either of the native species. For fall harvest at the high N rate, smooth bromegrass produced 10,590 kg dry matter per ha compared to 6,938 kg/ha for hairgrass and 6,060 kg/ha for wheatgrass. However, the smooth bromegrass had much higher water content than the native grasses, and this would reduce its energy value. Harvesting twice (mid-season and at end of season) produced similar yields to a single harvest at the end of the growing season, indicating no advantage to a two harvest management regime. Dry matter yield for all species was increased by addition of N fertilizer. Smooth bromegrass yields for the 50 kg N/ha rate were similar to those for the 100 kg N/ha rate whereas the native species responded to the highest N rate. No plant composition analyses have yet been done on the plant samples. Since results are from only a single year's data, it is too early to draw conclusions from this study. PARTICIPANTS: Mingchu Zhang, Associate Professor of Agronomy, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Co-P.I. on project. Margaret Hunt, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Plant Materials Center. Collaborates on this project, has established similar research at Palmer, Alaska. TARGET AUDIENCES: Alaska farmers. Communities in Alaska. Students majoring in natural resources management and related fields at University of Alaska Fairbanks. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Since the study is in its infancy, it is too early too provide impacts. Expected impacts include provision of management information for farmers and communities wishing to grow biomass crops for energy use in Alaska.


  • Sparrow, S.D. and Masiak, D.T. 2008. Second harvest timing and cut height of forage crops in Central Alaska. Agronomy Journal 100: 1615-1621.