Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2007
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2012
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.7]- Aquaculture
Project Director
Drennan, D. G.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Commercial-scale marine aquaculture has the potential to close the gap between an increasing demand for high quality seafood products and marine fisheries near maximum sustainable yields. In flow through aquaculture systems, the release of NO3 to nearby streams, lakes, etc. can be detrimental to the ecology of the receiving water body. Similarly, in recirculating aquaculture and/or aquarium systems (RAS), high NO3 levels are toxic to many species. Therefore, the reduction of NO3 by denitrification is of major concern. Denitrification is normally achieved by adding methanol or a similar substance to act as the necessary carbon source; however, by using PHAs in the denitrification unit, carbon is supplied as the bacteria degrade the PHAs. Since the PHAs are biodegradable, they are an environmentally friendly type of media, which makes them more attractive from a user's viewpoint and eliminates the need for working with hazardous materials, such as methanol. Successful results from the initial studies led AST researchers to hypothesize that the problems associated with clogging and short-circuiting of the PHA filter bed could be addressed by utilizing the newest bead filter technology as a denitrification platform.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This Phase II project will continue the investigation of the commercial feasibility of employing PHAs as a simple, low-cost alternative to the relatively complex existing treatment methods. The final goal is to develop commercial systems to complement the exiting line of PolyGeyser bead filters to provide both nitrification and denitrification in aquaculture systems.
Project Methods
The Phase II effort will continue work with the lab-scale PolyGeyser denitrification bioreactors to further develop design criteria for the commercial scale proto-type. The comprehensive approach of integrating laboratory studies with commercial scale testing, and water quality monitoring with precise analytical methods, will assure the successful completion of this project.

Progress 09/01/07 to 08/31/12

OUTPUTS: Significant delays were experienced during the first several years of this project due to the unavailability of media from Telles, Inc. In a very real sense, this Phase II research effort reflects the realities of working in the "real world" where research and design testing can often take very unexpected turns. During the first years of this project, we encountered unanticipated delays due to the unavailability of the PHA media from Telles Inc., a partnership between Metabolix Inc., and Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM). Telles experienced unexpected delays during the construction and start-up of their primary production facility. In addition, they were focusing their initial marketing effort on larger markets, i.e. the biodegradable plastics industry. More than a dozen formulations of PHA were evaluated during this period in several different bioreactor configurations to evaluate different potential formulations of PHA that were in production by Telles, Inc. in significant volumes, but were advised by Telles that there would be some changes in the formulation of the product with the new large scale manufacturing that might affect it performance. It wasn't until 2011, that we were able to receive several product formulations for testing and worked with Telles to establish the optimal formulation and size for the media for the commercial bioreactors. SInce then, multiple bioreactors of various sizes have been constructed operating in either an upflow anaerobic mode or as fluidized-beds. Multiple tests have been conducted by adding Sodium Nitrate to the production tanks and measuring the removal rates of dissolved oxygen and nitrate nitrogen and also monitoring for hydrogen sulfide production. Based on the results of these experimental runs, several commercial size bioreactors have been constructed and are now undergoing field tests. In addition, Through a partnership with a widely recognized home aquarium company, we have launch the DP-9002 formulation as a product for removal of nitrate and phosphorus in coral and other high-end marine aquariums. By applying engineering lessons learned through extensive testing as an aerobic fluidized bed, a set of instructions for use of the media by a consumer with their own supplied reactor was developed. This production launch was supported by a unified marketing campaign with included market potential identification, packaging design and associated marketing activities both through creation of a website ( and attendance at home aquarium conferences. PARTICIPANTS: Douglas G. Drennan, II, Project Director, Co-PI James M. Ebeling, PhD, Co-PI/Research Engineer Pradyot Deshpande, Research Associate Paul Hightower, Research Engineer Erik Kopache, Research Engineer Todd Guerdat, PhD, Do-PI/Research Engineer Dr. Ronald Malone. LSU, Consultant TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: In a very real sense, this Phase II research effort reflects the realities of working in the "real world" where research and design testing can often take very unexpected turns. During the first years of this project, we encountered unanticipated delays due to the unavailability of the PHA media becuase of unexpected delays during the construction and start-up of their primary production facility. It wasn't until 2011, that we were able to receive several product formulations for testing. As the research project progressed, it was realized that not one system concept, but several were required to meet the different demands of the potential markets. Thus two very distinct bioreactors were developed that utilized the two means of nitrate-nitrogen removal, i.e. assimilation and denitrification. The first was an aerobic fluidized-bed designed for the removal of very low concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (less than 50 mg-N/L) using nitrate-nitrogen assimilation with minimal potential for the production of hydrogen sulfide for the home marine aquarium industry. The second biofilter design was an anaerobic upflow packed-bed for the removal of moderate (50 to 150 mg-N/L) and high concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (>500 mg-N/L). The anaerobic upflow packed-bed bioreactors were further subdivided into the aquarium market with low feed rates and BOD levels and the commercial marine aquaculture industry with high feed rates and high BOD levels in the water. In both of these bioreactors, the dissolved oxygen is removed in the first few centimeters of media by aerobic heterotopic bacteria using nitrate-nitrogen as their nitrogen source and the PHA's as their carbon source. At low nitrate-nitrogen concentrations and low flow rates, very little bacterial solids are generated and limited backwashing of the bioreactors are required. But at high nitrate-nitrogen concentrations and flow rates, frequent backwashing by fluidization of the bioreactors are necessary for both solids and gas bubble removal (pulsed-bed bioreactors).

As the research project progressed, it was realized that not one system concept, but several were required to meet the different demands of the potential markets. Thus two very distinct bioreactors were developed that utilized the two means of nitrate-nitrogen removal, i.e. assimilation and denitrification. The first was an aerobic fluidized-bed designed for the removal of very low concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (less than 50 mg-N/L) using nitrate-nitrogen assimilation with minimal potential for the production of hydrogen sulfide for the home marine aquarium industry. The second biofilter design was an anaerobic upflow packed-bed for the removal of moderate (50 to 150 mg-N/L) and high concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (>500 mg-N/L). The anaerobic upflow packed-bed bioreactors were further subdivided into the aquarium market with low feed rates and BOD levels and the commercial marine aquaculture industry with high feed rates and high BOD levels in the water. In both of these bioreactors, the dissolved oxygen is removed in the first few centimeters of media by aerobic heterotopic bacteria using nitrate-nitrogen as their nitrogen source and the PHA's as their carbon source. At low nitrate-nitrogen concentrations and low flow rates, very little bacterial solids are generated and limited backwashing of the bioreactors are required. But at high nitrate-nitrogen concentrations and flow rates, frequent backwashing by fluidization of the bioreactors are necessary for both solids and gas bubble removal (pulsed-bed bioreactors).


  • Hightower, P.G., Ebeling, J.M., Kopache, E., Drennan II, D.G., 2012. Solid Phase Denitrification (SPD) for marine recirculating systems- Upflow Anoxic, Fluidized Aerobic and Hybrid Bioreactor Designs. Abstract accepted for presentation at the World Aquaculture Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Feb 29-March 2.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., Simms, P.G., 2007. Self-regulating PHA Technology Offers Denitrification for Marine Aquaculture Systems. Global Aquaculture Advocate, May/June, pgs 54-55.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2008. Low Substrate Nitrate Kinetics Utilizing Passive Self-Regulating Denitrification Technology. Proc. 7th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture (ICRA), Roanoke, VA. July 25-27.
  • Hightower, P.G., Ebeling, J.M., Woods, T.E., Drennan II, D.G., 2010. Passive Denitrification Research/Technology Using Biodegradable Biopolymers (PHA). eds. Rakestraw T.T., Douglas, L.S., Proceedings of the 8th Inte'l Conf. on Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke, VA, August 20-22, pgs. 11-13.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Drennan II, D.G., Deshpande, P., 2007. Denitrification Technology for Marine Aquaculture Using Biodegradable Biopolymer. Presentation at Third International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference, Harbor Branch, Oceanographic Institute, Oct 15-17, Fort Pierce, Fl.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2007. Passive Self-regulating Denitrification Technology for Aquaculture. American Aquaculture Society Program and Abstract Book Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2008. Denitrification Technology for Marine Aquaculture Using Biodegradable Biopolymer at Low Nitrate Concentrations. American Aquaculture Society Program and Abstract Book, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl., Feb 1-4.
  • Drennan II, D.G., Ebeling, J.M., 2009. SBIR Funded Denitrification Research/Technology Using Biodegradable Biopolymer at Low Nitrate Concentrations. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Aquarium Life Support Operators, April, 14, Seattle, WA.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Hightower, P.G., Drennan II, D.G., 2010. USDA SBIR Funded Denitrification Research/Technology Using Biodegradable Biopolymer (PHA). Abstract presented at the World Aquaculture Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 1-5.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Hightower, P.G., Drennan II, D.G., 2010. Passive Denitrification Research/ Technology using Biodegradable Biopolymer (PHA). Abstract presentation to the Association of Aquarium Life Support Operators, Galveston, TX May 3-5.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Hightower, P.G., Drennan II, D.G., Malone, R.F. 2010. Passive Denitrification Research/Technology Using Biodegradable Biopolymers (PHA). Abstract presented at the European Aquaculture Society, Porto, Portugal, October 5-8.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Hightower, P.G., Kopache, E. Drennan II, D.G., 2011. A Commercial Marine Passive Denitrification System Using Biodegradable Biopolymer (PHA). Abstract presented at the World Aquaculture Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb 28- March 3.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Hightower, P.G., Kopache, E., Drennan II, D.G., 2011. A Commercial Marine Passive Denitrification System Using Biodegradable Biopolymer (PHA). Abstract presentation to the Association of Aquarium Life Support Operators, Orlando, FL, May 27-29.

Progress 09/01/09 to 08/31/10

OUTPUTS: We have completed a number of trial to demonstrate the ability of our denitrification filters to consistently and reliably reduce nitrate levels in both fresh water recirculating aquaculture applications and marine home aquarium applications. We are moving forward on the design and commercialization of a home aquarium scale model that will be offered to the US marine aquarium industry as an easy, passive way to treat the high levels of nitrate that inevitably build up in aquariums. We are still working closely with our media providers (Telles) to settle on a media with the optimum composition and size. Both of these issues will be vital to the success of our technology. This work has been presented at the World Aquaculture Society Conference in San Diego as well as at the 8th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture during 2010. Additionally, we are working on an article for publications that are widely read in the aquaculture community (Global Aquaculture Advocate, Hatchery International). PARTICIPANTS: Principle Investigator Douglas G Drennan II: Managing member of Aquaculture Systems Technologies, LLC. Douglas is in charge of overseeing all activity and making the appropriate connections with industry collaborators and market opportunities. Research Engineer James M Ebeling Ph.D.: James is in charge of designing experiments and final data analysis. Research Associate Paul G Hightower: Paul aids with experimental design, operation, data gathering and analysis. Research Assistant E. Taylor Woods: Taylor worked during the summer as a paid intern to assist with data collection and data entry. Industry collaborator Telles: Telles is the manufacturer of Mirel, the PHA biodegradable media that we use for denitrification. Telles has worked with us to optimize the shape and composition of our media to achieve the highest possible nitrate removal rates. This partnership is ongoing. TARGET AUDIENCES: While our long term focus is still on the marine aquaculture industry, we have also started to target the home aquarium industry. This is a market where a premium is often paid for technology that makes a difficult (yet extremely popular) hobby a little easier. We are hoping to work with a manufacturer in the region to develop smaller scale bioreactors to use with our PHA media to put together an "off the shelf" model that could be stocked by any home aquarium store in the nation. Our work is also relevant to the greater aquaculture community. Denitrification is an issue which commonly garners much interest at conferences around the country. While a number of solutions have been proposed, we believe our technology has the potential to become industry standard. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: As described earlier, we have had to modify our proposed filter design to eliminate the issues of excessive biofloc generation. We have addressed this issue by combining multiple media into our filter design to "prefilter" water and remove dissolved oxygen. This design also allows for backwashing of the prefilter media to cope with the excessive biofloc. The only other project modification has to do with our target audience. We are excited about the potential for our technology to be used in the home aquarium industry and see that as a large market for us to tap in to.

With each experiment and trial we conduct, not only do we expand our base of knowledge when it comes to passive denitrification using polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), we bring our company closer to having a product which we believe will in high demand both in the marine aquaculture industry as well as in the aquarium industry. As we have not been able to acquire a floating media from Telles, we have had to go back and tweak the design methods for our filters. We have had to include a new screening mechanism to maintain the media in the appropriate part of the filter. Additionally, the sinking media has proven trickier to backwash than floating media, so we came up with a new approach to reducing biofloc on the PHA media. Namely, we have created what we are calling a "polybed" reactor that employs two different types of media. There is a floating polyethylene bead prefilter zone which floats up against a screen that separates this prefilter from the PHA/denitrification zone. The idea behind this design modification is that the floating media is easier to backwash and has the added advantage of reducing the dissolved oxygen in the water that flows through it (and therefore accumulating a large quantity of bacterial biofloc). This in turn allows the PHA bead bed to operate exclusively as a denitrifying zone without any needless consumption of the biodegradable media during oxygen removal.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 09/01/08 to 08/31/09

OUTPUTS: Three lab-scale PolyGeyser denitrification unit designed and constructed during the Phase I SBIR were used to characterized the removal of nitrate-nitrogen at low substrate concentrations (10 to 50 mg-N/L) and the impact of backflushing frequency for biofloc solids removal. The manufacturer of the Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) media finally completed its production facility and three samples of possible PHA formulations were obtained. These were evaluated in the three lab-scale denitrification units, both individually (three replicates) and a cross comparision (individual samples in each of three bioreactors). Results of all the tests have been shared with possible customers in the aquarium and zoo industries, as well as at several major research aquaculture conferences. PARTICIPANTS: Aquaculture System Technolgies, LLC served as a mentor through the Intensive Harlem Children Society Internship Program in Science, Technology Engineering & Mathematics, and Allied Sciences. We hosted a college student for the summer, who conducted the PHA evaluation trials. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: No changes are anticipated for the research project. Delays in the research program are currently due to insufficient supply of floating PHA media. At the end of Summer, the manufacturer visited our facility and specifications for the PHA media were agreed on and should be available by late Fall for both laboratory trials and field trials.

The three samples of possible PHA formulations were obtained from the manufacturer in early summer. These were evaluated in the three lab-scale denitrification units, both individually (three replicates) and a cross comparision (individual samples in each of three bioreactors. Results of these tests are being shared with the manufacturer and they are currently formulating a floating form of the PHA media for further evaluation.


  • Drennan II, D.G., Ebeling, J.M., 2009. SBIR Funded Denitrification Research/Technology Using Biodegradable Biopolymer at Low Nitrate Concentrations. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Aquarium Life Support Operators, April, 14, Seattle, WA

Progress 09/01/07 to 08/31/08

OUTPUTS: In order to examine the denitrification kinetics under the low substrate regime, i.e. less than 2 mg/l nitrate-nitrogen, a set of experiments were conducted with the three lab-scale PolyGeyser denitrification bioreactors operated at the optimum backwash frequency and flow. Through a series of batch reaction rate experiments, the kinetic reaction rate parameters were estimated for denitrification using PHAs, i.e. maximum reaction rates and half-saturation constants for the Monod kinetics model. Based on this information, removal rates were determined for the various tropic levels: oligotrophic (severely nutrient limited), mesotrophic (moderate nutrient limitation), or eutrophic (nutrient enriched) with respect to their degree of nitrogen and biodegradable organic carbon levels. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

The results of the three bioreactor studies verified the application of this technology to low nitrate substrates and thus a wider field of application including public marine aquariums and zoos as well as commercial marine aquaculture.


  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2008. Low Substrate Nitrate Kinetics Utilizing Passive Self-Regulating Denitrification Technology. Proc. 7th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture (ICRA), Roanoke, VA.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2007. Concurrent Clarification and Biological Nitrification/Denitrification in a Single Floating Bead Bioclarifier to Simplify Nitrogen Management in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. American Aquaculture Society Program and Abstract Book Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2007. Passive Self-Regulating Denitrification Technology for Aquaculture. American Aquaculture Society Program and Abstract Book Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Ebeling, J.M., Deshpande, P., Drennan II, D.G., 2008. Denitrification Technology for Marine Aquaculture Using Biodegradable Biopolymer at Low Nitrate Concentrations. American Aquaculture Society Program and Abstract Book Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl.