Source: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 29, 2006
Project End Date
Oct 28, 2011
Grant Year
Project Director
Shannon, J. G.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This project will incorporate high yield genes from elite lines with 13 to 75% pedigree derived from plant introductions (PIs) into adapted lines with SCN and root knot nematode resistance. The purpose is to develop high yielding lines with broad resistance to nematode races with major yield genes not found in the current US varietal gene pool.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
To develop soybean cyst nematode and root knot nematode resistant soybean varieties from with high yield potential from diverse germplasm and to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with broad resistance to SCN from new sources and incorporate resistance into elite soybean lines.
Project Methods
We will make up to 100 crosses among elite group III, IV, and V SCN and RKN resistant genotypes and high yielding genotypes with 13% to 100% diverse pedigree. Progeny from each cross will be advanced to the F4 generation by the single-seed (pod)-descent procedure. Up to 200 individual F4 plants from each cross will be harvested, threshed individually and the F5 generation will be planted in seven foot plant rows at Portageville, MO or in the SCN nursery near Clarkton, MO. Individual F5 rows which are generally homozygous for most traits are selected and bulked based on agronomic traits. Seed of selected rows will be evaluated in both the field and greenhouse for resistance to both SCN and RKN. Marker assisted selection (MAS) for SCN and RKN resistance will also be used. Up to 1000 lines resistant to SCN and RKN will be entered into one replicate preliminary yield tests and compared to high yield checks at four locations. The following winter best lines (up to 150) will be re-screened and checked by MSA to SCN and RKN. In year two of yield trials, promising lines will be entered into advanced yield tests at six locations involving different planting dates and soil types. Those SCN and RKN resistant lines, yielding more than the checks will be entered into Regional preliminary group III, IV, or V tests at 10 to 15 locations across the US. Best lines will be entered the following season in the Regional Uniform tests where if yield remains high they will be released as cultivars or as germplasm for use by other soybean breeders. The timeline from cross to release is 6 to 7 years. F7 recombinant inbred lines for SCN mapping populations are being developed. We will utilize all available SSR and SNP markers to saturate the targeted QTL regions to fine map SCN QTL to less than 1cM intervals. F7 lines with desired SCN resistance genes from these populations will be crossed with elite maturity group IV and V high yielding lines with SCN resistance genes derived from PI 437654. Combining alleles from two resistance sources with broad resistance to HG types into adapted varieties will give greater protection to the diverse SCN field populations found throughout the Missouri and the USA. Unique SCN resistance genes will be mapped and incorporated into elite soybean germplasm and cultivars. Although more than 100 sources of SCN resistance are known few resistance sources are currently used in USA soybean breeding programs. Resistance of most commercial cultivars derives resistance from PI 88788 in the USA and has led to genetic vulnerability. Of all the sources of resistance, PI 437654 has the most comprehensive resistance. The cultivar Hartwig derived from PI 437654 with resistance to multiple HG types was released and has been used in the recent development of productive SCN resistant varieties. Further enhancement of resistance could be accomplished by pyramiding genes from other unique resistance sources with `Hartwig type' resistance that might lead to the development of soybean cultivars with more durable resistance to the range of genetically variable field populations of soybean cyst nematode.

Progress 10/29/06 to 10/28/11

OUTPUTS: This project incorporates high yield genes from elite lines with 13 to 75% pedigree derived from plant introductions (PIs) into adapted lines with SCN and root knot nematode resistance. The purpose is to develop high yielding lines with broad resistance to nematode races with major yield genes not found in the current US varietal gene pool. Several varieties were released with resistance to multiple nematode species and include two early group V conventional soybean varieties S05-11482 and S05-11268. In addition several Glyphosate herbicide tolerant soybeans were released in which S06-4649RR was released with excellent yield potential and resistance to multiple nematode species. All of the releases have yielded equal to or more than Jake, a conventional variety and popular Monsanto and Pioneer Roundup tolerant products of similar maturity. These three lines have moderate resistance to multiple populations of SCN, root knot nematode reniform nematode and are chloride excluders for salt tolerance. High yielding germplasm lines,S02-2259 (maturity group V) and LG04-6863 (maturity group IV) with25% and 38% exotic pedigree derived from plant introductions, respectively were released in cooperation with USDA for use by soybean breeders to broaden the soybean germplasm base and for yield improvement. Yield of each line was very similar to the widely grown Roundup Ready cultivars of similar maturities in southern environments. Other high yielding lines with 13 to 50% exotic pedigree and SCN resistance have been developed in both conventional and Roundup Ready material. Plant introductions have been identified which show resistance to drought and flooding. Several lines from an F7 recombinant inbred population developed from a cross of S99-2281 (sensitive) x PI408105A (flood tolerant)showed no yield loss from flooding compared to non-flooded plots. Raising oleic acid from 24% in common cultivars to 60% or more has been achieved by intercrossing crossing PIs with higher than average (35 to 40%) oleic acid content. We determined that combining a gene with a mutation at the Fad2-1A locus from certain PIs with a gene with a mutation at the Fad2-1B locus from other PIs resulted in lines with seed oil having 75 to 84% oleic acid content. Perfect markers have been identified on linkage groups O (Fad2-1A) and I (Fad2-1B) that control the expression of the high oleic trait. Recombinant inbred lines of from SCN resistant parents PI438489B and PI404198B with resistance to SCN, root knot nematode and reniform nematode have been developed and studies are in process map reisistance genes and develop germplasm with multiple nematode resistance. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Soybean breeders, oil processors and prodcers who desire improved soybeans better oil, high yields and multiple nematode species resistance. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Today's soybean varieties have a very narrow genetic base and trace primarily to 25 or so soybean accessions. Yet there are about 19,000 plant introductions in the USDA soybean germplasm collection. Therefore, there are many potential genes from these accessions to improve yield, disease resistance, abiotic stress and seed composition. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes more yield loss than any other disease in the US. Over 90% of the varieties in the US trace to PI88788 source of resistance. This has allowed new SCN HG types to overcome the resistance in cultivars tracing to this source. High yielding cultivars developed with broad resistance to SCN races and other nematode species will prevent losses to several nematodes races which have become predominant in southern soybean farmer fields. Soybean oil with higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid is in demand because it will be more competitive with canola and sunflower oils in heat stability, taste and health benefits. The need for hydrogenation to improve oil flavor and oil stability will be reduced. Eliminating hydrogenation not only will be more cost effective for oil processors, but it will prevent the undesirable trans-fatty acids that increase blood serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Also, higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid soybeans will result in soy oil that is much more functional for use not only for food, but for many other products such as lubricants, biodiesel, cosmetics and other products. Generally soybeans face too little or too much water. About half of the soybeans in southeast Missouri are irrigated and this percent is increasing. Often farmers are not capable of getting irrigation water off of fields plus low areas in result in soil waterlogging in which soybean plants are severely damaged and may never fully recover. Soybeans which tolerate excess water will reduce losses after excessive rainfall or over irrigation especially on poorly drained soils. Salt water from irrigation wells or surges from hurricanes is increasingly causing reductions in soybean seed yields. Soybeans which tolerate salt are in demand from farmers with yield reductions from salinity problems.


  • Voung, T.D., D.A. Sleper, J. Grover Shannon, X. Wu, and H.T. Nguyen. 2011. Confirmation of quantitative trait loci for resistance to multiple-HG types of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) in soybean PI567516C. Theor. Appl. Genet. 121:1253-1266.
  • Pham, Anh-Pham, Jeong-Dong Lee, J. Grover Shannon and Kristin D. Bilyeu. 2011. A novel Fad2-1A allele in a soybean plant introduction offers an alternate means to produce soybean seed oil with 85% oleic acid. TAG 123:793-802.
  • Lenis, J.M. M. Ellersieck, D.G. Blevins, D.A. Sleper. H.T. Nguyen, D. Dunn, J.D. Lee and J.G. Shannon. 2011. Differences inion accumulation in Glycine accessions. J. of Agron and Crop Sci. 197:302-310.
  • Mengistu, Alemu, Jason Bond, Rouf Mian, Randy Nelson, Grover Shannon, and Allen Wrather. Identification of Soybean Accessions Resistant to Cercospora sojina by Field Screening, Molecular Markers, and Phenotyping. 2011. Crop Sci. 51:1101-1109.
  • Lee, Jeong-Dong , Tri D. Voung, H. Moon, Ju-Kyung Yu, R. L. Nelson, Henry T. Nguyen and J. Grover Shannon. 2011. Genetic diversity and population structure of Korean and Chinese soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] accessions. Crop Sci. 51:1080-1088.

Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OUTPUTS: This project incorporates high yield genes from elite lines with 13 to 75% pedigree derived from plant introductions (PIs) into adapted lines with SCN and root knot nematode resistance. The purpose is to develop high yielding lines with broad resistance to nematode races with major yield genes not found in the current US varietal gene pool. We released two early group V soybean varieties S05-11482 and S05-11268 with excellent yield potential and resistance to multiple nematode species. Both lines are three days earlier in maturity and have yielded equal to or more than Jake a conventional non-GMO variety and Asgrow AG5605 widely grown glyphosate tolerant cultivar over a range of soil types. These two lines have moderate resistance to multiple populations of SCN, reniform nematode and are chloride excluders for salt tolerance. S05-11482 also has shown resistance to southern root knot nematode and frogeye leaf spot. High yielding germplasm line, LG04-6863 with 38% exotic pedigree derived from plant introductions, was released in cooperation with USDA for use by soybean breeders to broaden the soybean germplasm base and for yield improvement. Its relative maturity (4.4) and yield is very similar to the widely grown Roundup Ready variety AG4403 in southern environments. Other high yielding lines with 13 t0 50% exotic pedigree and SCN resistance have been developed in both conventional and Roundup Ready material. Plant introductions have been identified which show resistance to drought and flooding. Several lines from an F7 recombinant inbred population developed from a cross of S99-2281 (sensitive) x PI408105A (flood tolerant)showed no yield loss from flooding compared to non-flooded plots. Raising oleic acid from 24% in common cultivars to 60% or more is has been achieved by intercrossing crossing PIs with higher than average (35 to 40%) oleic acid content. We determined that combining a gene with a mutation at the Fad2-1A locus from certain PIs with a gene with a mutation at the Fad2-1B locus from other PIs resulted in lines with seed oil having 75 to 84% oleic acid content. Perfect markers have been identified on linkage groups O (Fad2-1A) and I (Fad2-1B) that control the expression of the high oleic trait. Recombinant inbred lines of Hutcheson and Williams 82 crossed to PI404198B and PI303652 resistant to SCN, root knot nematode and reniform nematode are under development to map study genetics of multiple nematode resistance. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Today's soybean varieties have a very narrow genetic base and trace primarily to 25 or so soybean accessions. Yet there are about 19,000 plant introductions in the USDA soybean germplasm collection. Therefore, there are many potential genes from these accessions to improve yield, disease resistance, abiotic stress and seed composition. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes more yield loss than any other disease in the US. Over 90% of the varieties in the US trace to PI88788 source of resistance. This has allowed new SCN HG types to overcome the resistance in cultivars tracing to this source. High yielding cultivars developed with broad resistance to SCN races will prevent losses to these new races which have become predominant in farmer fields. Soybean oil with higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid is in demand because it will be more competitive with canola and sunflower oils in heat stability, taste and health benefits. The need for hydrogenation to improve oil flavor and oil stability will be reduced. Eliminating hydrogenation not only will be more cost effective for oil processors, but it will prevent the undesirable trans-fatty acids that increase blood serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Also, higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid soybeans will result in soy oil that is much more functional for use not only for food, but for many other products such as lubricants, biodiesel, cosmetics and other products. Generally soybeans face too little or too much water. About half of the soybeans in southeast Missouri are irrigated and this percent is increasing. Often farmers are not capable of getting irrigation water off of fields plus low areas in result in soil waterlogging in which soybean plants are severely damaged and may never fully recover. Soybeans which tolerate excess water will reduce losses after excessive rainfall or over irrigation especially on poorly drained soils. Salt water from irrigation wells or surges from hurricanes is increasingly causing reductions in soybean seed yields. Soybeans which tolerate salt are in demand from farmers with yield reductions from salinity problems.


  • Wrather, A, G Shannon, R Balardin, L Carregal, R Escobar, G K Gupta, Z Ma, W Morel, D Ploper and A Tenuta. 2010. Effect of diseases on soybean yield in the top eight producing countries in 2006. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2009-01XX-01-RS. Shannon, JG, RL Nelson and JA Wrather. 2010. Registration of LG04-6863 soybean germplasm line with diverse pedigree. J. of Plant Registrations 4:70-72. Vuong, Tri, David Sleper, James Shannon, Henry Nguyen. 2010. Novel quantitative trait loci for broad-based resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) in soybean PI 567516C. TAG doi 10.1007/s00122-010-1385-7.

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: This project incorporates high yield genes from elite lines with 13 to 75% pedigree derived from plant introductions (PIs) into adapted lines with SCN and root knot nematode resistance. The purpose is to develop high yielding lines with broad resistance to nematode races with major yield genes not found in the current US varietal gene pool. We released two early group V soybean varieties S05-11482 and S05-11268 with excellent yield potential and resistance to multiple nematode species. Both lines are three days earlier in maturity and have yielded equal to or more than Jake a conventional non-GMO variety and Asgrow AG5605 widely grown glyphosate tolerant cultivar over a range of soil types. These two lines have moderate resistance to multiple populations of SCN, reniform nematode and are chloride excluders for salt tolerance. S05-11482 also has shown resistance to southern root knot nematode and frogeye leaf spot. High yielding germplasm line, LG04-6863 with 38% exotic pedigree derived from plant introductions, was released in cooperation with USDA for use by soybean breeders to broaden the soybean germplasm base and for yield improvement. Its relative maturity (4.4) and yield is very similar to the widely grown Roundup Ready variety AG4403 in southern environments. Other high yielding lines with 13 t0 50% exotic pedigree and SCN resistance have been developed in both conventional and Roundup Ready material. Plant introductions have been identified which show resistance to drought and flooding. Several lines from an F7 recombinant inbred population developed from a cross of S99-2281 (sensitive) x PI408105A (flood tolerant)showed no yield loss from flooding compared to non-flooded plots. Raising oleic acid from 24% in common cultivars to 60% or more is has been achieved by intercrossing crossing PIs with higher than average (35 to 40%) oleic acid content. We determined that combining a gene with a mutation at the Fad2-1A locus from certain PIs with a gene with a mutation at the Fad2-1B locus from other PIs resulted in lines with seed oil having 75 to 84% oleic acid content. Perfect markers have been identified on linkage groups O (Fad2-1A) and I (Fad2-1B) that control the expression of the high oleic trait. Recombinant inbred lines of Hutcheson and Williams 82 crossed to PI404198B and PI303652 resistant to SCN, root knot nematode and reniform nematode are under development to map study genetics of multiple nematode resistance. PARTICIPANTS: Several individuals including those from other universities,the USDA college or graduate students, visiting scholars from other countries and local high school students were able to work on various projects involving the research reported herein. TARGET AUDIENCES: Audiences include soybean breeders, soybean producers, soybean seed processors, ag consultants and other scientists who are interested in the direct application of this research. Results may include new soybean varieties or germplasm with improved yield, stress tolerance or seed composition. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Today's soybean varieties have a very narrow genetic base and trace primarily to 25 or so soybean accessions. Yet there are about 19,000 plant introductions in the USDA soybean germplasm collection. Therefore, there are many potential genes from these accessions to improve yield, disease resistance, abiotic stress and seed composition. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes more yield loss than any other disease in the US. Over 90% of the varieties in the US trace to PI88788 source of resistance. This has allowed new SCN HG types to overcome the resistance in cultivars tracing to this source. High yielding cultivars developed with broad resistance to SCN races will prevent losses to these new races which have become predominant in farmer fields. Soybean oil with higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid is in demand because it will be more competitive with canola and sunflower oils in heat stability, taste and health benefits. The need for hydrogenation to improve oil flavor and oil stability will be reduced. Eliminating hydrogenation not only will be more cost effective for oil processors, but it will prevent the undesirable trans-fatty acids that increase blood serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Also, higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid soybeans will result in soy oil that is much more functional for use not only for food, but for many other products such as lubricants, biodiesel, cosmetics and other products. Generally soybeans face too little or too much water. About half of the soybeans in southeast Missouri are irrigated and this percent is increasing. Often farmers are not capable of getting irrigation water off of fields plus low areas in result in soil waterlogging in which soybean plants are severely damaged and may never fully recover. Soybeans which tolerate excess water will reduce losses after excessive rainfall or over irrigation especially on poorly drained soils. Salt water from irrigation wells or surges from hurricanes is increasingly causing reductions in soybean seed yields. Soybeans which tolerate salt are in demand from farmers with yield reductions from salinity problems.


  • Mian, R., Bond, J., Joobeur, T., Mengistu, A, Wiebold, W, Shannon, G., and Wrather, A. 2009. Identification of Soybean Genotypes Resistant to Cercospora sojina by field screening and molecular markers. Plant Dis. 93: 408-411. Lee, J.D., J.G. Shannon, T.D. Vuong, H.T. Nguyen. 2009. Inheritance of Salt Tolerance in Wild Soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) Accession PI483463. J. of Heredity 100:798-801. Lee, Jeong-Dong, Melissa Woolard, David A. Sleper, James R. Smith, Vincent R. Pantalone, Catherine N. Nyinyi, Andrea Cardinal and J. Grover Shannon. 2009. Environmental effects on oleic acid in soybean seed oil of plant introductions with elevated oleic concentration. Crop Sci. 49:1762-1768. M.S. Pathan, K. M. Clark, J. A. Wrather, G. L. Sciumbato, J. G. Shannon, H. T. Nguyen, and D. A. Sleper 2009. Registration of soybean germplasm SS93-6012 and SS93-6181 resistant to phomopsis seed decay. J of plant Reg. 3:91-93. Shannon, J. Grover, Jeong-Dong Lee, J. Allen Wrather, David A. Sleper, M. A. Rouf Mian, Jason P. Bond, and Robert T. Robbins. 2009. Registration of S99-2281 soybean germplasm line with resistance to frogeye leaf spot and three nematode species. J. of Plant Reg. 3:94-98.

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: PROGRESS: 2008/01 TO 2008/12 This project incorporates high yield genes from elite lines with 13 to 75% pedigree derived from plant introductions (PIs) into adapted lines with SCN and root knot nematode resistance. The purpose is to develop high yielding lines with broad resistance to nematode races with major yield genes not found in the current US varietal gene pool. We developed two early group V soybean lines S05-11482 and S05-11268 with excellent yield potential and resistance to multiple nematode species. Both lines are three days earlier in maturity and have yielded equal to or more than Jake a conventional non-GMO variety and Asgrow AG5605 widely grown glyphosate tolerant cultivar over a range of soil types. These two lines have moderate resistance to multiple populations of SCN reniform nematode and are chloride excluders for salt tolerance. S05-11482 also has shown resistance to southern root knot nematode and frogeye leaf spot. Plant introductions have been identified which show resistance to drought, salt and flooding. An F7 recombinant inbred population has been developed from a cross of S99-2281 (sensitive) x PI408105A (flood tolerant) and studies are near completion to map genes for soil water logging tolerance. We completed a study in which a single dominant gene named Ncl2 is responsible for salt tolerance in wild soybean PI483463. Mapping studies are near completion to determine the location of this gene. Raising oleic acid from 24% in common cultivars to 60% or more has been achieved by intercrossing crossing PIs and other sources with 35 to 40% oleic acid. Progenies from these crosses with 65 to 75% oleic acid have been recovered. The genetics of the high oleic content from these combinations are being studied. Recombinant inbred lines of Hutcheson and Williams 82 crossed to PI404198B and PI303652 resistant to SCN, root knot nematode and reniform nematode are under development to map study genetics of multiple nematode resistance. In another study based on molecular markers, we found that wild soybean accessions from Korea are as genetically diverse as those from China or Japan. Thus, Korea is a very important center of diversity for G soja. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: The relavance of this research will be primarily to soybean producers, crop consultants, soybean breeders, companies involved in soybean seed improvement, oil seed processors and users such as food companiesor others who use soybean oil. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

IMPACT: 2008/01 TO 2008/12 Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes more yield loss than any other disease in the US. Over 90% of the varieties in the US trace to PI88788 source of resistance. This has allowed new SCN HG types to overcome the resistance in cultivars tracing to this source. High yielding cultivars developed with broad resistance to SCN races will prevent losses to these new races which have become predominant in farmer fields. Soybean oil with higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid is in demand because it will be more competitive with canola and sunflower oils in heat stability, taste and health benefits. The need for hydrogenation to improve oil flavor and oil stability will be reduced. Eliminating hydrogenation not only will be more cost effective for oil processors, but it will prevent the undesirable trans-fatty acids that increase blood serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Generally soybeans face too little or too much water. About half of the soybeans in southeast Missouri are irrigated and this percent is increasing. Often farmers are not capable of getting irrigation water off of fields plus low areas in result in soil waterlogging in which soybean plants are severely damaged and may never fully recover. Soybeans which tolerate excess water will reduce losses after excessive rainfall or over irrigation especially on poorly drained soils. Salt water from irrigation wells or surges from hurricanes is increasingly causing reductions in soybean seed yields. Soybeans which tolerate salt are in demand from farmers with yield reductions from salinity problems.


  • 2008/01 TO 2008/12 Lee, Jeong-Dong, Scotty L. Smothers, David Dunn, Margarita Villagarcia, Calving R. Shumway, Thomas E. Carter, Jr. and J. Grover Shannon. 2008. Evaluation of a simple method to screen soybean genotypes for salt tolerance. Crop Sci. 48:2194-2200. Scherder, Curtis W., Walter R. Fehr, and J. Grover Shannon. 2008. Stability of oleate content in soybean lines derived from M23. Crop Sci. 48:1749-1754. Lee, J.D., M.L. Oliva, D.A. Sleper and J.G. Shannon. 2008. Irrigation has Little Effect on Unsaturated Fatty Acid Content in Soya Bean Seed Oil within Genotypes Differing in Fatty Acid Profile. J. of Agron. and Crop Sci. 194:320-324. Lee, Jeong-Dong, Ju-Kyung Yu, Young-Hyun Hwang, Sean Blake, Yoon-Sup So, Geung-Joo Lee, H.T. Nguyen, J. Grover Shannon. 2008. Genetic Diversity of Wild Soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc) Accessions from South Korea and Other Countries. Crop Sci. 48:606-616.

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

This project incorporates high yield genes from elite lines with 13 to 75% pedigree derived from plant introductions (PIs) into adapted lines with SCN and root knot nematode resistance. The purpose is to develop high yielding lines with broad resistance to nematode races with major yield genes not found in the current US varietal gene pool. S02-2259, high yielding germplasm line in late group V maturity with 25% pedigree from diverse origin not known to be present in the current southern variety pools was released. It has resistance to race 3 of soybean cyst nematode and is resistant to stemcanker and some races of frogeye leaf spot. Plant introductions have been identified which show resistance to drought, salt and flooding. An F7 recombinant inbred population has been developed from a cross of S99-2281 (sensitive) x PI408105A (flood tolerant) and studies are underway to map genes for soil water logging tolerance. We completed a study in which a single dominant gene is responsible for salt tolerance in wild soybean PI483463. Raising oleic acid from 24% in common cultivars to 60% or more has been achieved by intercrossing crossing PIs with 35 to 40% oleic acid. Transgressive segregant progenies with 65 to 75% oleic acid have been recovered from these crosses. Breeding populations with PIs PI404198B and PI303652 resistance to SCN, root knot nematode and reniform nematode have been developed to map study genetics of multiple nematode resistance.

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes more yield loss than any other disease in the US. Over 90% of the varieties in the US trace to PI88788 source of resistance. This has allowed new SCN HG types to overcome the resistance in cultivars tracing to this source. High yielding cultivars developed with broad resistance to SCN races will prevent losses to these new races which have become predominant in farmer fields. Soybean oil with higher oleic acid and lower linolenic acid is in demand because it will be more competitive with canola and sunflower oils in heat stability, taste and health benefits. The need for hydrogenation to improve oil flavor and oil stability will be reduced. Eliminating hydrogenation not only will be more cost effective for oil processors, but it will prevent the undesirable trans-fatty acids that increase blood serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Generally soybeans face too little or too much water. About half of the soybeans in southeast Missouri are irrigated and this percent is increasing. Often farmers are not capable of getting irrigation water off of fields plus low areas in result in soil waterlogging in which soybean plants are severely damaged and may never fuly recover. Soybeans which tolerate excess water will reduce losses after excessive rainfall or over irrigation especially on poorly drained soils. Salt water from irrigation wells or surges from hurricanes is incresingly causing reductions in soybean seed yields. Soybeans which tolerate salt are in demand from farmers with yield reductions from salinity problems.


  • Lee, J.D., K.D. Bilyeu, J.G. Shannon. 2007. Genetics and breeding for modified fatty acid profile in soybean seed oil. J. Crop Sci. Biotech. 10:201-210.
  • Shannon, J.G., J.A. Wrather, J.D. Lee, D.A. Sleper and S.C. Anand. 2007. Registration of S02-2259 soybean germplasm line. J. of Crop Registrations 1: 68-69.
  • Md Pathan, Jeong-Dong Lee, J. Grover Shannon, and Henry Nguyen. 2007. Recent advances in breeding for drought and salt stress tolerance in soybean. M.A. Jenks, P.M. Hasegawa, and S.M. Jain (eds). In: Advances in molecular breeding toward drought and salt tolerant crops. Springer Netherlands. pp 739-773.