Source: UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Aug 15, 2006
Project End Date
Aug 14, 2008
Grant Year
Project Director
Bennetzen, J. L.
Recipient Organization
ATHENS,GA 30602-5016
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Plants are susceptible to many diseases that decrease plant viability and crop yields. Many of these diseases are caused by fungi that produce toxins. Natural genetic resistance to these toxins is present in some varieties of plants, but the molecular nature of this toxin resistance characteristic is unknown for all but a handful of cases. The purpose of this project is to isolate a plant toxin resistance gene, the pc allele of the Pc locus of sorghum, and determine how it provides resistance. With this information, it may be feasible to design strategies to enhance plant fitness and crop yields in the presence of toxin-producing fungi.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
212 - Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants;

Subject Of Investigation
1520 - Grain sorghum;

Field Of Science
1040 - Molecular biology;
Goals / Objectives
This research project is designed to isolate and characterize the Pc locus of sorghum and several pc derivatives. Pc is a semi-dominant genetic trait that specifies susceptibility to a toxin encoded by the necrotrophic fungus Periconia circinata. The molecular basis of this susceptibility is not known, but Pc spontaneously mutates to a recessive resistant alleles (pc) at a gametic frequency higher than 1 in 10,000. We have isolated numerous pc derivatives of a known Pc allele, and have mapped the pc region to an ~110 kb DNA interval, so we should be able to define both Pc and the nature of its instability by DNA sequence analysis of the region in Pc and its pc derivatives. In addition, we will investigate the RNA-level expression of genes in the Pc and pc regions to help characterize the nature of the susceptible response and as a possible further confirmation of the precise molecular outcome of the Pc to pc transition.
Project Methods
We will clone and sequence Pc and pc regions from the Colby sorghum background. A fosmid library will be constructed from Pc/Pc Colby and the semi-dominant Pc allele will be cloned as one or more fosmid clones, using DNA probes that we have identified in the mapped pc region. The fosmid clone(s) will be sequenced and assembled into a contiguous sequence of >40 kb. Comparison of the sequence of this region from Pc/Pc Colby to the comparable region that we have already sequenced from pc/pc inbred BTx623 should indicate the general nature of the Pc to pc transition, and provide a strong suggestion as to which gene in the region is actually Pc. Using this information, we will use PCR to characterize numerous pc/pc Colby derivatives of Pc/Pc Colby. The PCR amplifications will indicate the approximate boundaries of the Pc to pc transitions (which appear to be deletions due to unequal recombination, from our earlier results). Sequencing these PCR products should indicate the precise locations of the rearrangements. In addition, we will use RT PCR as a tool to identify the presence of transcriptional products for each of the candidate Pc/pc genes in the Pc region. RT PCR will be performed on RNA isolated from numerous tissue sources, at different times in development, and in both the presence and absence of PC toxin or Periconia circinata.

Progress 08/15/06 to 08/14/08

OUTPUTS: In order to accomplish the research goals of this project, several outputs were necessary. All were accomplished in the appropriate time frame. We generated a fine-scale genetic map of sorghum in the region of the Pc locus. We constructed a fosmid library from sorghum line Pc/Pc Colby. We cloned the Pc region, and also sequenced it, from inbreds BTx623 (on a BAC clone) and a Pc/Pc Colby fosmid. We also cloned and sequenced PCR fragments from several pc derivatives of Pc/Pc Colby, and demonstrated that they were primarily deletion products of unequal homologous recombination. Finally, we also generated expression data by RT-PCR from all of the Pc and pc lines investigated. This information was disseminated in numerous seminars given by the PI and the lead scientist on the project, Dr. Ervin Nagy, a postdoctoral fellow in the PI's lab. In addition, the sequence data of all BACs, fosmids, and PCR products generated in the project were downloaded to GenBank with unrestricted access by all interested parties. Finally, as indicated below, there were two refereed publications that described all of the research that was undertaken. PARTICIPANTS: The primary researcher on this project was postdoctoral fellow Ervin Nagy. He has completed his term in my lab and is currently pursuing a second postdoctoral experience. This project involved a collaboration between Dr. Larry Dunkle and his lab at Purdue University, with significant involvement by Dr. Patricia Klein and the late Dr. Keith Schertz, both at Texas A&M University. The training from this funded project was solely for Dr. Nagy, who learned several molecular biological technologies (e.g., fosmid library construction, RT-PCR, DNA sequencing) and some bioinformatics (e.g., genome annotation) while in my lab. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience for this research is other plant pathologists, in both academia and industry. Our dissemination of these research results has significantly altered our understanding of the interaction between different kinds of disease resistance and is leading to new research programs to screen for and characterize the breadth of the phenomena we have discovered. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: No major modifications were required or undertaken in this project from the research proposed.

The cloning of the Pc region indicated that it was comprised of three CC-NBS-LRR genes like those usually associated with gene-for-gene disease resistance. The analysis of many independent pc derivatives of this specific Pc gene indicated that loss of the central gene, either by internal deletion or by unequal recombination, was responsible for the change from susceptibility (Pc) to resistance (pc) to the saprophytic fungus Periconia circinata. Hence, the loss of a disease resistance gene created resistance, the opposite of what is expected for the usual biology of CC-NBS-LRR disease resistance genes. We proposed that the P. circinata toxin mimics an avirulence gene product, thus causing the CC-NBS-LRR to initiate hypersensitive necrosis (HR). However, instead of providing resistance, this HR creates the necrotic tissue that is needed for infection by P. circinata. This is the first case of a known disease susceptibility gene being associated with corruption of a disease resistance pathway, although a similar system has been indicated in the model system Arabidopsis by the Wolpert lab. Most interesting, though, was the observation that the recombination events at the Pc locus that yielded pc alleles were not random. Instead, unequal crossovers were resolved in one of the most variable portions of these genes, within the LRR regions that carry the primary responsibility for differential recognition of different avirulence gene products. The simplest explanation of this result is that it is caused by a site-directed recombination phenomenon, the first discovery of site-directed recombination in any plant. A patent application has been made on the use of the process we discovered, to make plants with specific useful traits This patent application is entitled "Compositions and Methods Useful for Site-Directed Recombination in Plants."


  • Nagy, E. D., T.-S. Lee, W. Ramakrishna, Z. Xu, P. E. Klein, P. SanMiguel, C.-P. Cheng, J. Li, K. M. Devos, K. Schertz, L. Dunkle and J. L. Bennetzen (2007) Fine mapping of the Pc locus of Sorghum bicolor, a gene controlling the reaction of a fungal pathogen and its host-selective toxin. Theor. Appl. Genet. 114:961-970.
  • Nagy, E. D. and J. L. Bennetzen (2008) Pathogen corruption and site-directed recombination at a plant disease resistance gene cluster. Genome Res., published online in August, hard copy in press.