Source: FOREST SERVICE submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2006
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2011
Grant Year
Project Director
Groover, A. T.
Recipient Organization
WASHINGTON,DC 20002-6405
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Little information is available about the genetic regulation of wood formation in trees. This project will provide insights into the genetic mechanisms regulating wood formation in trees, and provide basic information that can be fed into breeding or selection programs for trees better suited for forest products, biofuels, or carbon sequestration applications.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The objective of this research is to better understand the genetic regulation of wood formation and the vascular cambium of forest trees. We will study a specific class of transcription factors, the Class I KNOX factors, which are known to regulate fundamental aspects of plant growth including apical mersitem function. We have shown that these genes also regulate the meristematic cells of the vascular cambium, and will detail the function of each of the class I KNOX genes using the model forest trees of the genus Populus. By the end of these studies, we will have both basic information about the evolution and molecular genetic regulation of wood formation in trees, as well as information about the regualtion of wood formation that can be used in applied breeding programs towards forest industry objectives. We have already shown that one function of these genes is the regualtion of lignification during wood formation, which has potential applications for biofuels or carbon sequestration.
Project Methods
We will use the model trees of the genus Populus to understand the regulation of wood formation and cambium function by Class I KNOX transcription factors. We are using the newly completed genome sequence for Populus to clone and characterize these genes. The genome sequence allows for rapid and complete identification of all gene family members, and also facilitates cloning of the genes and their associated regulatory elements. We will make use of the efficient transformation system available for Populus to determine the function of individual genes by misexpressing or knocking out individual genes or groups of genes, and inferring the function of the genes through interpretation of resulting plant phenotypes. Part of phenotype interpretation will use a a microarray resource for Populus, which will allow us to determine the expression level of all the genes in wild type versus mutant plants.

Progress 09/01/06 to 08/31/11

OUTPUTS: We used a combination of developmental genetics and genomics approaches to characterize genes regulating woody growth in the model trees of the genus Populus.In the process, we contributed to the development of developmental biology and genomics approaches for Populus, including testing the first full-genome microarray in Populus. The results from the project were featured in six major publications, and numerous lectures at scientific conferences in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Two postdoctoral researchers were trained and published major papers associated with this research. PARTICIPANTS: Postdoctoral researchers Juan Du and Marcel Robischon were trained in molecular biology as part of this research. University of British Columbia contributed to wood chemistry analysis, while Wake Forest University contributed to auxin biology in wood formation research. TARGET AUDIENCES: Target audiences were other researchers of forest tree growth, woody growth, and optimization of woody biomass for biofuels. Industry targets included forest industry and biofuels industry. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: No major changes to report.

The funded project was highly successful in identifying and characterizing genes that regulate how trees produce wood. Two transcription factors, ARBORKNOX1 and 2 were cloned and characterized from Populus trees, and shown to play key roles in regulating the vascular meristem in trees. One major role of these transcription factors is to directly regulate the balance of cell division versus cell differentiation in woody tissue of trees. This is accomplished in part through ARBORKOX1 and 2 regulating the expression of genes involved in secondary cell wall biosynthesis and lignification. One major impact from this work was the demonstration that there is significant overlap in the genetic regulation of the shoot apical meristem and the vascualr cambium of woody stems. This has helped change the strategies for identifying and characterizing genes regulating woody growth in trees. This work is of higher relevance now because of the importance of developing woody biomass as a biofuels feedstock, the importance of woody as raw material for forest industry, and the role of forests in carbon sequestration.


  • Spicer R, and Groover A (2010). The evolution of development of vascular cambia and secondary growth. New Phytologist. 186: 577-592.
  • Groover A, Nieminen K, Helariutta Y, and Mansfield S (2010). Wood formation in Populus. in Genetics and Genomics of Populus. Jansson, Bhalerao, and Groover (eds). Springer.
  • Du J, and Groover A (2010). Transcriptional control of secondary growth and wood formation. J. Integrative Plant Biol. 52(1): 17-27.
  • Du J, Mansfield S, and Groover A (2009). The Populus Homeobox Gene ARBORKNOX2 Regulates Cell Differentiation During Secondary Growth. Plant Journal. 60: 1000-1014.
  • Brunner A, DiFazio S, Groover A (2007). Forest genomics grows up and branches out. New Phytologist 174(4): 710-713.
  • Groover A (2007). Will genomics guide a greener forest biotech Trends in Plant Science, 12: 234-238. (featured on journal cover)

Progress 09/01/07 to 08/31/08

OUTPUTS: Outputs from this research have been presented at several meetings with audiences ranging from developmental biologist to foresters, including : A. Groover. Secondary growth in trees: Regulation of complex, adaptive wood phenotypes. Society of Developmental Biology 68th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. July 2009. A. Groover. Transcriptional mechanisms regulating tissue development and patterning in tree stems. International Plant Vascular Biology and Agriculture Conference. Chongqing, China. June 2009. A. Groover. Transcriptional regulation of secondary growth and wood formation in forest trees. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Beijing, China. June 2009. J. Du and A. Groover. Role of ARBORKNOX2 in regulating secondary growth in Populus. International Poplar Commission 23rd Session. Beijing, China. October 2008. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Forestry researchers, bioenergy researchers and developers, forest industry. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

The outcomes from this research has been influencing our understanding of how trees produce wood, including the genes and mechanisms responsible for wood properties. Because wood properties are important for ecological and economic reasons, the imapact of the research is broad. We have also identified key genes for manipulating wood properties relevent to biofuels production from trees.


  • Du, J, Mansfield, S, and Groover, A (2009). The Populus Homeobox Gene ARBORKNOX2 Regulates Cell Differentiation During Secondary Growth. Plant Journal (in press)

Progress 09/01/06 to 08/31/07

OUTPUTS: During the funding period, significant progress has been made in defining the function of class I KNOX transcrption factors in regualting secondary growth and wood formation in trees. Using poplar as a model system, we made DNA constructs which were transformed into poplar that either up or down-regulated individual KNOX genes. We have recovered independently transformed lines and are currently evaluating their phenotypes for alterations in wood properties. Initial analysis indicates that misexpression of KNOX genes alters woody tissue formation and lignification. Findings from the study to date have been presented at several meetings, including A. Groover. Populus as model angiosperm trees - what we can learn about plant evolution and development from a walk in the woods. Invited lecture at the joint ASPB and BSA meeting in Chicago. July 2007. A. Groover. Populus as a model for woody perennial angiosperms. Invited lecture at Radcliffe Institute Workshop on Genetics and Genomics of Emerging Model Systems. Harvard University. May 2007. A. Groover. Evolution and genetic regulation of secondary vascular growth. Invited lecture at International Conference on Plant Vascular Biology, Taipei, Taiwan. May 2007. A. Groover. Evolution and developmental biology of the cambium. Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. April 2007. A. Groover. What genes make a tree a tree? UC Davis Botany Club. March 2007. PARTICIPANTS: Juan Du, postdoctoral researcher Cecilia Osorio, graduate student Collaborators include: Rick Meilan, Purdue Shawn Mansfield, University of British Columbia TARGET AUDIENCES: Forestry researchers, plant developmental biologists, tree breeders, biofuels and carbon sequestration-related industries. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: We are also now developing antibodies towards KNOX proteins.

The findings from these studies are supportive of our fundamental understanding of wood formation, towards the ultiamte goal of using this information in breeding programs to select and breed for trees with optimal wood propoerties for biofuels feedstocks, carbon sequestration, and forest industry.


  • Tuskan GA, Difazio S, Jansson S, Bohlmann J, Grigoriev I, Hellsten U, Putnam N, Ralph S, Rombauts S, Salamov A, Schein J, Sterck L, Aerts A, Bhalerao RR, Bhalerao RP, Blaudez D, Boerjan W, Brun A, Brunner A, Busov V, Campbell M, Carlson J, Chalot M, Chapman J, Chen GL, Cooper D, Coutinho PM, Couturier J, Covert S, Cronk Q, Cunningham R, Davis J, Degroeve S, Dejardin A, Depamphilis C, Detter J, Dirks B, Dubchak I, Duplessis S, Ehlting J, Ellis B, Gendler K, Goodstein D, Gribskov M, Grimwood J, Groover A, Gunter L, Hamberger B, Heinze B, Helariutta Y, Henrissat B, Holligan D, Holt R, Huang W, Islam-Faridi N, Jones S, Jones-Rhoades M, Jorgensen R, Joshi C, Kangasjarvi J, Karlsson J, Kelleher C, Kirkpatrick R, Kirst M, Kohler A, Kalluri U, Larimer F, Leebens-Mack J, Leple JC, Locascio P, Lou Y, Lucas S, Martin F, Montanini B, Napoli C, Nelson DR, Nelson C, Nieminen K, Nilsson O, Pereda V, Peter G, Philippe R, Pilate G, Poliakov A, Razumovskaya J, Richardson P, Rinaldi C, Ritland K, Rouze P, Ryaboy D, S
  • Brunner A., DiFazio S., Groover A. (2007) Forest genomics grows up and branches out. New Phytologist 174(4): 710-713.
  • A. Groover (2007). Will genomics guide a greener forest biotech? Trends in Plant Science, 12: 234-238. (featured on journal cover)