Source: KENYON COLLEGE submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2006
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2007
Grant Year
Project Director
Hicks, K. A.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The timing of sexual maturation is a major determinant of the characteristics and economic value of many crop species. Many plants flower only at a particular time of year due to regulation of reproductive development by daylength, or photoperiod. The purpose of this study is to further scientific understanding of daylength regulation of moss sexual reproduction, in order to examine the evolution of seasonal regulation of reproduction in land plants. Genes that serve a similar role in seasonal regulation in evolutionarily distant plants, such as non-flowering moss and more highly derived flowering plants, are likely to be central players in the seasonal regulation of reproductive development, and would likely be those most effectively manipulated in economically important crop plants. Towards this goal, I propose to identify and analyze the function of moss genes that are involved in daylength regulation of reproduction, using genes that have been identified and characterized in the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a starting point.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
206 - Basic Plant Biology;

Subject Of Investigation
2420 - Noncrop plant research;

Field Of Science
1050 - Developmental biology;
Goals / Objectives
Environmental factors such as light and temperature play a major role in regulating the growth and development of many flowering plants, significantly impacting both reproductive capacity and agricultural production. Daylength, or photoperiod, can greatly influence the timing of sexual maturation in plants, and scientific knowledge regarding the genetic and biochemical basis of plant photoperiodism has increased greatly during the past decade, largely due to research efforts focused on the model species Arabidopsis thaliana (Searle and Coupland, 2004). This project proposes to use our current understanding of photoperiodism in Arabidopsis to investigate the evolutionary origins of photoperiodic responses in land plants, with photoperiodic sporophyte induction in the moss Physcomitrella patens serving as a model system. Related genes that are involved in photoperiodic regulation of both early land plants and more highly derived angiosperms are likely to be central players in this process, and would likely be those most effectively manipulated in economically important photoperiodic crop plants, either through transgenic technology or traditional breeding approaches that utilize naturally occurring variation in these genes. Importantly for the objectives of this proposal, Physcomitrella patens has recently been established as a model system in which one can efficiently and specifically remove the function of particular genes of interest, and for which the entire sequence of the genome is being obtained. Specific project aims are to: determine the function of Physcomitrella patens CONSTANS-like (COL) genes by removing their function using homologous recombination identify moss orthologs of additional Arabidopsis photoperiodism genes, focusing on Arabidopsis genes that have been identified by members of my laboratory, and determine the function of these additional moss orthologs by removing their function using homologous recombination.
Project Methods
CONSTANS belongs to a large gene family, members of which encode proteins of similar amino acid sequence and therefore presumably similar biochemical function. Using the Arabidopsis CONSTANS sequence, five CONSTANS-like (COL) genes have been isolated from Physcomitrella, three of which are closely related to Arabidopsis genes within the same branch of the CONSTANS gene family (Zobell et al. 2005). Clones of these three COL genes (PpCOL1, PpCOL2, and PpCOL3) have been isolated in the Reiss and Coupland labs and will be used to generate DNA constructs that will replace each of these three genes within the moss genome using homologous recombination. Homologous recombination has been effectively used to knock out function of specific genes in a wide variety of species. While homologous recombination occurs at very low frequency in Arabidopsis, it is highly efficient in Physcomitrella patens and has led to the targeted knockout of many individual genes (Hohe et al. 2004). Briefly, DNA sequence encoding a selectable marker, such as antibiotic resistance, will be inserted into the middle of DNA encoding a PpCOL gene, such that DNA encoding antibiotic resistance interrupts the PpCOL gene sequence. These DNA constructs will then be transformed into haploid (gametophyte) moss cell cultures, where the DNA of the engineered construct will recombine with, and thus replace, genomic DNA (Frank et al. 2005). Homologous recombination thus will result in the insertion of DNA encoding antibiotic resistance within the Physcomitrella genome at the site of the targeted PpCOL gene. Presence of the knockout mutation in antibiotic resistant moss cell lines will be confirmed by specific amplification of the targeted DNA sequence using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with amplification products differing in size dependent on the presence of the selectable marker. Resistant cells containing the targeted knockout will be allowed to develop into moss gametophytes on solid media in preparation for functional testing (Frank et al. 2005). In order to determine the function of PpCOL genes, knockout moss lines will be grown under a variety of light conditions and physiological responses will be quantitatively measured. This approach will be broadened to consider additional photoperiodic genes, including a number of previously uncharacterized genes that have been identified by my research group. These genes will be used to identify candidate moss genes required for photoperiodic responses from publicly available DNA sequence databases. Moss homologs will be disrupted via homologous recombination and phenotypic effects will be assessed as described above.

Progress 08/01/06 to 07/31/07

OUTPUTS: Outputs: Activities. Directly related to the proposed work, I developed assay conditions to assess photoperiodic regulation of sexual reproduction in Physcomitrella patens. I constructed double PpCOL knockout lines via transformation and PCR confirmation of gene replacement, and carried out initial phenotypic analysis of these lines. I also obtained a series of Physcomitrella strains collected from locations worldwide and carried out an initial assessment of natural variation in photoperiodic regulation. Using the first draft of the moss genome sequence, which was made available to me in the summer of 2006 as an annotator, I searched for moss sequences related to Arabidopsis genes of interest using the tblastn algorithm. Related sequences were aligned using the TCOFFEE algorithm, which also produced phylogenetic trees. In addition, I carried out a small side project using chemical genetics approaches to further elucidate the photoperiodic mechanism in Arabidopsis. Finally, I served as an additional senior scientist in the Coupland group, where I contributed my expertise and experience to the mentoring and training of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the MPI. Events. I attended weekly seminars by outside speakers, weekly meetings of the Coupland research group, weekly meetings of the Plant Development department, as well as the annual symposium held at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding research. Services. As stated under activities, I served as an additional senior scientist in the Coupland group, where I contributed my expertise and experience to the mentoring and training of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the MPI. Dissemination: I presented this work several times to the Coupland research group, and presented research seminars for the Plant Biology department at the Max Planck, at the University of Freiburg, and at Kenyon College. PARTICIPANTS: Karen Hicks served as PI of this project. The Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research was the partner organization and provided facilities, equipment, and supplies for this work. Collaborators and contacts include George Coupland, Bernd Reiss, and members of their laboratories. TARGET AUDIENCES: Other plant biology researchers and students in courses taught by Karen Hicks are the target audience. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

I gained in scientific expertise by learning new techniques that will allow me to carry out future investigations using moss as a model system, particularly through my interactions with the Reiss group at the MPI in Cologne, but also through interactions with the moss group at the University of Freiburg.


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