Source: TUFTS UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 1, 2004
Project End Date
Nov 30, 2008
Grant Year
Program Code
[31.0]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Vitamin folic acid plays an important & crucial role in almost every cell in the body and through stages of life. This role is assigned because many processes that occur in the body, whether the formation of DNA or RNA, the formation of cell membranes, proteins & others involve participation of this vitamin. Functions of folic acid involve many pathways the execution of which depend on availability of this vitamin & amount of folic acid-containing vitamin that we consume and many enzymes controlled by genes. The complexity of interactions between nutrition & function of vitamin is poorly understood & this project is designed to begin to learn such complexity. Understanding the complexity of function of folic acid in the body often requires feeding people for a long period a diet which is deficient in folic acid & determine the consequences of such measure. In this study we use a different approach. We will study people whose habit is to consume a diet which is poor in folic acid. Also we will select among the people those who have common mutation in a gene (MTHFR ) which is responsible for formation of one of the enzymes of folate metabolism. This mutation will cause altered metabolic activity of folic acid only when the intake of folic acid is poor. Our purpose is to study this population & compare it to a population that has poor folic acid intake but not this mutation. We will study the two populations before & after supplementation with folic acid or placebo. We will determine if these differences in folic acid nutriture & mutations affect the expression of genes.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long standing goals of our group are aimed at understanding the one carbon biochemical regulatory network, which is governed by nutritional inputs from dietary intake of B vitamin and genetic determinanats and identifying the disease associations caused by genetic or nutritional disruption of this pathway. With the advent of molecular tools to assess genome wide changes in gene expression, and the identification of common polymorphic variants, i.e. the 677C>T common mutation in the MTHFR gene, in this pathway, we are now poised to further refine our studies to define the molecular and cellular changes caused by alerted metabolism that contribute to age related diseases including cognitive function, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Project Methods
We will select among a population of men residing in Northern Italy, subjects which have low folate status and high homocysteine in plasma and who are homozygoes for the 677C>T mutation in the methyleneterahydrofolate reductase (MHTFR) gene and those with the wild type MTHFR genotype. Subjects will be given for 3 months daily folic acid or placebo tablets. Blood collected at zero time and after 3 months will be used to isolate DNA and RNA for determination of effect of the MTHFR mutation and folte status on gene methylation and global gene expression using methods developed in our laboratory andstate of the art gene array technology.

Progress 12/01/04 to 11/30/08

OUTPUTS: We have identified a U-shaped association between plasma folate status and telomere length in our study population, which was comprised of men. Telomere dysfunction, which is manifest as changes in telomere length, is associated with many age-related diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and Parkiinson's disease. Low folate induced telomere dysfunction could be one of the mechanisms by which folate status influences disease risk. There was a trend for longer telomeres in individuals homozygous for the C677T polymorphism of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene when folate status was below median. For the microarray analysis, we have completed sample collection and a part of the sample analysis. At this point the data has not been analyzed yet. We will report the results once the data analysis is completed. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Based on our results on the association between telomere length and folate status in men, we are analyzing a larger population (Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort [FOS]) to determine this association in both men and women. A larger cohort like FOS can also provide critical data on the association of telomere length with genetic polymorphisms. At this point majority of the data has not been analyzed yet. We will report the results and the impact once the data analysis is completed.


  • Ligi Paul, Marco Cattaneo, Armando D'Angelo, Francesca Sampietro, Isabella Fermo, Cristina Razzari, Gessica Fontana, Nindra Eugene, Paul F. Jacques, Jacob Selhub. Telomere length in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with folate status in men (accepted for publication in Journal of Nutrition 2009)

Progress 12/01/06 to 11/30/07

The protocol for this study is to determine effect of 84 days of supplementation with folic acid or placebo, on DNA methylation and gene expression in individuals homozygous for the CC genotype and TT genotype of the C677T polymorphism of the MTHFR gene. We selected Milan, Italy as the site where the subjects will be recruited from because of the high prevalence of low folate status and homozygotes for this polymorphism. 20 subjects each from the CC genotype and TT genotype have been selected. From each genotype, 10 subjects are given folic acid and 10 subjects are given placebo. Thus far all 40 subjects have been recruited through 2 hospitals in Milan, San Paolo and San Raffaele by our collaborators. The intervention study is at various stages: 13 subjects have completed the study, 23 subjects are within a month or two from completing the study, and 4 subjects will enter the study in January 2008 and will be completing the study by the end of March -beginning of April 2008. By the end of April, my colleague will be traveling to Milan to help prepare the cDNA from the collected blood samples. Microarray experiments will be done at Tufts.

Data from the research project have not been generated as of yet. Results of this study will be available by October-November 2008.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 12/01/05 to 11/30/07

The protocol for this study is to determine effect of 84 days of supplementation with folic acid or placebo, on DNA methylation and gene expression in individuals homozygous for the CC genotype and TT genotype of the C677T polymorphism of the MTHFR gene. We selected Milan, Italy as the site where the subjects will be recruited from because of the high prevalence of low folate status and homozygotes for this polymorphism. 20 subjects each from the CC genotype and TT genotype have been selected. From each genotype, 10 subjects are given folic acid and 10 subjects are given placebo. Thus far all 40 subjects have been recruited through 2 hospitals in Milan, San Paolo and San Raffaele by our collaborators. The intervention study is at various stages: 13 subjects have completed the study, 23 subjects are within a month or two from completing the study, and 4 subjects will enter the study in January 2008 and will be completing the study by the end of March -beginning of April 2008. By the end of April, my colleague will be traveling to Milan to help prepare the cDNA from the collected blood samples. Microarray experiments will be done at Tufts.

Data from the research project have not been generated as of yet. Results of this study will be available by October-November 2008.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 12/01/05 to 11/30/06

The protocol for this study is to determine effect of 84 days of supplementation with folic acid or placebo, on DNA methylation and gene expression in individuals homozygous for the CC genotype and TT genotype of the C677T polymorphism of the MTHFR gene. We selected Milan, Italy as the site where the subjects will be recruited from because of the high prevalence of low folate status and homozygotes for this polymorphism. 20 subjects each from the CC genotype and TT genotype have been selected. From each genotype, 10 subjects are given folic acid and 10 subjects are given placebo. Thus far all 40 subjects have been recruited through 2 hospitals in Milan, San Paolo and San Raffaele by our collaborators. The intervention study is at various stages: 13 subjects have completed the study, 23 subjects are within a month or two from completing the study, and 4 subjects will enter the study in January 2008 and will be completing the study by the end of March -beginning of April 2008. By the end of April, my colleague will be traveling to Milan to help prepare the cDNA from the collected blood samples. Microarray experiments will be done at Tufts.

Data from the research project have not been generated as of yet. Results of this study will be available by October-November 2008.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 12/01/04 to 12/01/05

This is a human study project with a great deal complexity, because many of the important features of this projuect are carried out in two institutions in Milan Italy, the UnThis is a human study project with a great deal complexity, because many of the important features of this project are carried out in two institutions in Milan Italy, the University of Milano and Ospidale di San Raffaele. Approval by the respective Institute review boards (IRB) were complex. First the two collaborators, Dr Armando D'Angelo and Dr Marco Cattaneo had to pass the NIH examination for human studies. The study protocol was translated into Italian and back translated into English and all three institutions have finally approved all protocols. We are now awaiting the signing of the contracts by the budget officers of the two respective institutions. We plan to begin the study and start with the screening around February 2006iversity of Milano and Ospidale di San Raffaele. Approval by the respective Institue review boards (IRB) were complex. First the two collaborators, Dr Armando D'Angelo and Dr Marco Cattaneo had to pass the NIH examination for human studies. The study protocol was translated into Italian and back translated into English and all three institutions have finally approved all protocols. We are now awaiting the signing of the contracts by the budget officers of the two respective institutions. We plan to begin the study and start with the screening around February 2006

One of the most important aspects of this study is that the great majority of the studies on epigenetic regulations were done in cell cultures or in animal models. This study will determine the extent to which some of these regulations, e.g. methylation in promoter regions of the genes, can be seen in healthy human volunteers by dietary modifications


  • No publications reported this period