Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 15, 2004
Project End Date
Mar 14, 2007
Grant Year
Project Director
Fluellen, V.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This proposal is in response to a need recognized by the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards, Inc. The eight 1890 FCS units that are committed to this planning process have interest in forming an inter-institutional distance education alliance to share coursework leading to academic degrees and seek to work toward the development of inter-institutional financial planning program that meets the standards set by the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards, Inc. As an individual institution, the faculty and other relevant resources are too small up for new program initiatives but as an Alliance with the capacity inherent in all of the 1890 institutions, the Alliance can become a force for changing higher education and advancing FCS programming in 1890 institutions. The 1890 FCS Alliance will enable these eight units to more readily expand their instructional capabilities and representation in areas of emerging need. The purpose of this project is to establish an Alliance among Family and Consumer Sciences Units at 1890 institutions that will enable these units to build capacity in program and faculty development utilizing innovative instructional delivery systems. This proposal is one of three coordinated proposals that seek to establish lasting capacity in 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences units.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overaching objective of this proposal is to build a plan for developing a collaborative Family Financial Planning Certificate program to be offered at eight 1890 land-grant institutions. This proposal is one of three coordinated proposals that seek to establish lasting capacity in 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences units. The objectives are to identify FCS faculty who are willing to obtain educational preparation in the area of family financial planning and to facilitate the completion of family financial planning courses, leading to certification in FFP. The implementation of a program offering a certificate in FF Planning will position those completing the certificate program to sit for the CFP exam. In addition, this program will create a larger pool of minority faculty trained to work with individuals and communities in addressing family financial planning, literacy and related issues. Faculty will complete 18 hours of coursework at Great Plains IDEA. Faculty will in term, become a Certified Family Financial Planner and will meet the standards set by the Certified Financial Planning Boards of Standards, Inc.
Project Methods
The project director will contact each 1890 FCS unit to ascertain the name of the person who will be re-tooled in the family financial planning area. At least one faculty member from each of the participating FCS units will commit to enrolling in family financial planning courses by completing the application for involvement in the program. Following the receipt of the application, the faculty to be re-tooled will participate in an orientation session, detailing proposed plans for the project. Over the period of 18 months, the lead institution will assist the faculty in applying to the appropriate institution within the Great Plains Alliance, as well as enrollment in appropriate courses. Additionaly, the Director of the project will arrange for summer enrollment for the cohort of 1890 faculty/students. During the time that the FCS faculty members are completing the required courses, necessary support will be provided through one or more of the 1890 members units of the Alliance. Upon completion of all course requirements, the students will apply for and complete the certification examination.

Progress 09/15/04 to 03/14/07

The overarching objective of this project was to build a plan for developing a collaborative Family Financial Planning (FFP) Certificate Program to be offered at eight 1890 land-grant institutions. The purpose of the project was to establish an Alliance among Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Units at 1890 institutions that will enable these units to build capacity in program and faculty development utilizing innovative instructional delivery systems. The goal of this project was to develop faculty expertise in Family Financial Planning at eight 1890 land-grant universities. Eight 1890 universities identified one faculty member who were willing to obtain educational preparation in the area of family financial planning and complete the coursework leading to FFP Certification. Each faculty member from each participating FCS unit completed the application process and was admitted to a Great Plains IDEA University (Kansas State University and Iowa State University). Eight faculty members enrolled in the FFP Program at Kansas State University and Iowa State University. Five faculty members completed eighteen hours of coursework in the FFP Program. These five faculty members received a Certificate in Family Financial Planning for completing the six courses. One faculty is presently enrolled in an FFP course and will complete the coursework in May, 2007. She will receive the Certificate in FFP upon completing the last course. The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty have planned and implemented the Family Financial Planning Program Certificate Program utilizing interactive distance education at their university. The first course was offered Fall 2006. The second course is offered Winter/Spring 2007. The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty participated in three face-to-face meetings with GPIDEA faculty who are serving as our model partners in reaching our goals. The faculty demonstrated professional development and involvement by attending the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators (AFCPE) Conferences each year. All faculty are members of AFCPE and serving on the board or on a committee. Faculty will continue to increase the teaching capacity of the participating 1890 institutions and establish partnerships and strengthen linkages among the participating 1890 FCS Units. PRODUCTS: The 1890 FCS-DIA identified eight faculty who were committed to retooling and obtain educational preparation in the area of family financial planning. Eight faculty completed the application process to be admitted to Kansas State University and Iowa State University. Fort Valley State University completed the logistics for faculty to enroll in the GPIDEA Program. Faculty members participated in the 1890 FCS-DIA orientation program. Eight faculty enrolled in the FFP program. Five faculty completed the development and attended three AFCPE Conference. OUTCOMES: Eight faculty enrolled in the Family Financial Certificate Program. Five faculty completed the coursework at Kansas State University or Iowa State University. Five faculty received the Certificate in Family Financial Planning for K-State or ISU. One faculty is presently enrolled in the Insurance Planning for Families course. Upon completing this course in May, 2007, she will receive the Certificate in Family Financial Planning. Three faculty members have not completed the FFP coursework due to illness, death or some other extenuating circumstances. DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES: The faculty are planning to submit a proposal by June, 2007 for a group presentation during the AFCPE Annual Meeting in November, 2007. FUTURE INITIATIVES: The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty and Department Chairs will seek additional funding to support the Family Financial Planning Certificate initiative. Several faculty members are interested in sitting for the CFP Board Exam and becoming a Certified Family Financial Planner.

The 1890 FCS-DIA is a collaborative effort among eight historically black universities Family and Consumer Sciences units that will offer a certificate program in Family Financial Planning in response to increasing needs for 1) diversity in the family financial planning workforce, and 2) expanding online course offerings that address emerging societal needs in family financial planning. Eight faculty members completed eighteen hours (six courses) of course work in family financial planning. All eight schools have received approval to offer the Family Financial Planning Certificate Program. The first course was offered Fall 2006 semester. The second FFP course is presently being offered Winter/Spring 2007 semester.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

The overarching objective of this project is to build a plan for developing a collaborative Family Financial Planning (FFP) Certificate Program to be offered at eight 1890 land-grant institutions. The 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences Distance Instructional Alliance (1890 FCS-DIA) has been adopted as the alliance name. The goal of this project is to develop faculty expertise in Family Financial Planning. Each university identified FCS faculty who were willing to obtain educational preparation in the area of family financial planning and to complete family financial planning courses leading to certification. Each faculty member from each participating FCS unit completed the application process and was admitted to a Great Plains IDEA university (Kansas State University and Iowa State Universities). Eight faculty enrolled in FFP courses during the Spring, Summer and Fall 2005 semesters. The faculty are continuing to build knowledge base in family financial planning and are preparing to offer the first online course in Fall of 2006. The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty participated in a face-to-face meeting with GPIDEA faculty who are serving as our model partner in reaching our goals. The faculty demonstrated professional development and involvement by attending the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators (AFCPE) Conference in Denver, Colorado. All faculty are members of the AFCPE. The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty are committed to planning and implementing a certificate program in FFP utilizing interactive distance education at their university. Faculty will continue to increase the teaching capacity of the participating 1890 institutions and establish partnerships and strengthen linkages among the participating 1890 FCS Units. Faculty members continue to collaborate with FCS Department Chairs and others to obtain institutional approval of FFP courses. PRODUCTS: The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty are still making progress toward this area. Each participating 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences unit identified a faculty member who was committed to retooling and developing skills in FFP. Eight faculty members completed the application process to be admitted to one of the schools in the GPIDEA universities. Fort Valley State University completed the logistics for faculty to enroll in the GPIDEA Program. Eight faculty members are presently enrolled in FFP courses. Faculty demonstrated professional development and attended the AFCPE Conference. OUTCOMES: The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty will complete the eighteen hours of coursework at GPIDEA. Faculty will become Certified Family Financial Planners and will have met the standards set by the Certified Financial Boards of Standards, Inc. DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES: Results of the project will be disseminated at the end of the project. FUTURE INITIATIVES: The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty will seek additional funding to support the family financial planning initiative.

The 1890 FCS-DIA Faculty is a collaborative effort among eight historically black university Family and Consumer Sciences units that will offer a certificate program in Family Financial Planning in response to increasing needs for 1)diversity in the family financial planning workforce, and 2) expanding online course offerings that address emerging societal needs in family financial planning. Eight faculty members have completed an average of one courses per semester. Of the six courses identified as needed by all faculty, approximately three have been completed by faculty members from eight institutions. Surveys of the distance education capacity of the universities were performed and an agreement was made to offer the distance education courses at each university.


  • No publications reported this period