Source: OQUIRRH INSTITUTE submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
May 15, 2004
Project End Date
Aug 14, 2006
Grant Year
Program Code
[XP]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
4001 SO. 700 EAST, SUITE 230
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The increasingly complex environmental challenges our nation faces today require innovative tools for effective problem solving. The purpose of this project is bring a new appraoch to envrionmental problem solving.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
During the recent recessionary period in the U.S., rural America has undergone serious economic struggles. In many instances the conflicts with environmental regulation and laws exacerbate these economic struggles. As Western Governors struggled with this range of environmental and economic problems in the rural west, it became evident that there are common principles underlying the most promising approaches and successful solutions to environmental conflict. These principles for environmental management which emerged, the Enlibra Principles, call for greater participation and collaboration in decision-making, focus on outcomes rather than just programs, and recognize the need for a variety of tools beyond regulation that will improve the environment while at the same time keep agriculture and rural America economically viable. Within the Enlibra philosophy, the goal is to find innovative market solutions which can at the same time improve the environment. The objective of the Oquirrh Institutes Center for Environmental Management: Enlibra Toolkit project is to advance the eight Enlibra principles to a nationwide audience. The eight principles of Enlibra are listed below. National Standards, Neighborhood Solutions: Assign responsibilities at the right level Collaboration, not Polarization: Use collaborative processes to break down barriers and find solutions Reward Results, Not Programs: Move to a performance based system Science for Facts, Process for Priorities: Separate subjective choices from objective data gathering Markets before Mandates: Pursue economic incentives whenever appropriate Change a Heart, Change a Nation: Environmental understanding is crucial Recognition of Costs and Benefits: Make sure all decisions affecting infrastructure, development and environment are fully informed Solutions Transcend Political Boundaries: Use appropriate geographic boundaries for environmental problems In order to successfully disseminate information regarding the Enlibra philosophy the Oquirrh Institute will focus on four main tasks to meet its objective: future Enlibra Toolkit editions, Enlibra Toolkit training seminars, project/process facilitation and an awards program.
Project Methods
Enlibra is a shared philosophy that encourages a balanced approach to envrionmental management. The Oquirrh Institute (OQI) has recently created a comprehensive document called the Enlibra Toolkit based on the eight Enlibra principles. As part of the ongoing Toolkit project we will provide future editions of the Toolkit that will include innovative case studies, new lessons learned and updated tools which will allow users to successfully implement the principles of Enlibra. With the completion of the first edition of the Enlibra Toolkit, OQI will now begin the next phase of the project: The Enlibra Toolkit Training Seminar Series. The Toolkit trainings will be offered in half-day and full-day formats and provide participants with an in-depth understanding of Enlibra and assist them in incorporating the Enlibra principles into practical situations. Each training seminar will be tailored to specific audiences. For example, a training offered to USDA Forest Service employees who work specifically on forest health issues would be customized to address current environmental issues within their agency. As part of the Enlibra Toolkit project, OQI will offer project or process facilitation to interested government agencies and business organizations that face increasingly complex environmental challenges such as growth management or water quality. These projects will take on various forms; from simply advising groups on process and outcomes, by assisting in a project or by taking a more active role in process facilitation. The goal of this effort is to help organizations create a successful process that will involve key stakeholders in a collaborative decision-making process with the intention of avoiding costly and time-consuming litigation.

Progress 05/15/04 to 08/14/06

Enlibra is a shared philosophy that encourages a balanced approach to environmental management. The Enlibra Toolkit - Tools and Techniques for Environmental Management has been completed. The 130-page Toolkit contains numerous case studies, tools and lessons learned for applying the Enlibra Principles to real-life environmental problems. The Toolkit provides private citizens, business leaders, interest groups and government agencies with a collaborative, constructive and cost effective approach to environmental problem solving. To date over 1000 copies have been distributed. The Toolkit is also available online and has had hundreds of copies downloaded. The Oquirrh Institute is applying the Enlibra principles detailed in the Toolkit in model projects, such as working with land owners to show them how they can conserve their ranches and associated wildlife, water quality and scenic values, while still realizing economic benefits from the land. The Oquirrh Institue has prepared Toolkit Training Seminars. Upon request, the Oquirrh Institute will conduct for government, education and business organizations training sessions to educate key stakeholders on how to effectively use the Enlibra Principles to improve the environmental problem-solving process. In addition to the Toolkit training, the Oquirrh Institute offers project and process facilitation to interested government agencies and business organizations that face increasingly complex environmental challenges, such as growth management and maintaining water quality. Building on the key Enlibra principle of "Markets before Mandates", the Oquirrh Institute has augmented the Enlibra Toolkit by adding a compendium of economic tools and strategies that also yield environmental benefits. The Oquirrh Institute has completed the first major area of focus for its compendium of economic tools and strategies that produce environmental benefits. A final draft of Enlibra - Innovative Tools and Strategies in Transportation has recently been completed. This addition to the Enlibra Toolkit promises to be an important resource for effectively planning both local and regional transportation systems that address the transportation needs of both rural and urban populations. The Oquirrh Institute plans to focus next on innovative tools and strategies for effectively managing watersheds.

The Oquirrh expects the Enlibra Toolkit to be an important resource for environmental stakeholders, including government, business and environmental protection groups, to collaborate more effectively on creating solutions to environmental problems that are less constly and more sustainable. The Oquirrh Institute's ability to distribute and train environmental stakeholders in the effective implementation of the Enlibra principles to environmental problem-solving situations will increase the prevalence of collaborative, constructive and sustainable solutions to environmental problems. The Oquirrh Institute will be a catalyst for demonstrating the value of the Enlibra principles through demonstration projects, such as the Thunder Ranch Project, which shows how landowners can conserve their ranches and associated wildlife, water quality, and scenic values, while still realizing economic benefits.


  • The Enlibra Toolkit - Tools & Techniques for Environmental Management, Oquirrh Institute (2004)
  • Enlibra - Innovative Tools and Strategies in Transportation, Oquirrh Institute (2005)

Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

Late 2003 marked the first publication of the Enlibra Toolkit: Principles and Tools for Envrionmental Management. After two years of extensive research and writing, the Toolkit was formally introduced to public and private sector organizations as a tool for solving complex environmental challenges in December 2003. Since the release, we have been presenting the principles of Enlibra to communitites across the country and introducing the Toolkit to universitites as an environmental policy text. Several universities have used the Toolkit in their classrooms and professors have been giving their input on future Toolkit editions. In order to build upon the strengths of the Toolkit, we are currently gathering information, feedback, and case studies to use in the development of a second edition of the Enlibra Toolkit. This second edition is anticipated to be completed in mid to late-2005. Throughout 2004 the Oquirrh Institute has been developing a Toolkit Training Seminar Series. The training is intended to provide public and private sector policy leaders and decision-makers with and in-depth understanding of Enlibra and assisting them in incorporating the Enlibra principles into practical situations. As of Fall 2004, the training program is nearly complete and will be ready to present in Dec 2004 or Jan 2005. A marketing tool is also being developed to inform potential participants of the new training program. Using the principles of Enlibra as a framework, the Oquirrh Institute has also begun the exploration of project/process faciliation for government and business organizations who face challenges in solving envrionmental issues/disputes. Through a collaborative process, the Institute is interested in identifying and involving partners and stakeholders in managing complex issues such as growth management, conservation of ranchlands, and water quality. A marketing plan is being developed for the project faciliation piece of the Enlibra Toolkit project and we are currently ready to move forward with projects as they become available.

The expected impact of the Oquirrh Institute's Center for Envrionmental Management Enlibra Toolkit project is to improve environmental health and create more sustainable communitites.


  • Enlibra Toolkit: Principles and Tools for Envrionmental Management, 2003