Source: DARTMOUTH COLLEGE submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2003
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2006
Grant Year
Project Director
Jack, T.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
In many crop species, vernalization accelerates flowering. Gaining a molecular understanding of genes potentially involved in vernalization has important agricultural implications. We are interested in characterizing gene function in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Specifically we aim to characterize a family of genes (the REM genes) in Arabidopsis that contains 44 members. The REM genes are found only in plants; there are no family members in animals, fungi, or bacteria. An unusual feature is that many of the REM genes are clustered in the genome; nine REM genes are clustered on chromosome 4, five REM genes on chromosome 2, and three REM genes on chromosome 5. Several lines of evidence suggest that the REM genes play a role in plant growth and development. The one REM gene for which a loss-of-function phenotype has been described is VRN1/REM39. VRN1/REM39 is involved in maintaining the response to vernalization, an extended cold treatment that accelerates the transition to flowering. Understanding the molecular basis of vernalization and how vernalization affects flowering timing has important practical implications for US agriculture. Increasing our understanding of the molecular basis of vernalization will make it possible, for example, to engineering early flowering of vernalization-sensitive crop plants in the absence of vernalization.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this proposal is to molecularly and genetically characterize members of a gene family in Arabidopsis called the REproductive Meristem (REM) gene family. There are 44 REM genes in the Arabidopsis genome. At present, the function of only one of the REM genes has been determined at present; specifically, a gene called VERNALIZATION1 (VRN1) / REM39 has been demonstrated to be necessary for a proper response to vernalization. The REM genes are found only in plants; there are no family members in animals, fungi, or bacteria. The REM genes are a subclass of the B3-domain transcription factor family. An unusual feature is that many of the REM genes are clustered in the genome; nine REM genes are clustered on chromosome 4, five REM genes on chromosome 2, and three REM genes on chromosome 5. We will focus our studies on the REM genes in the gene cluster on chromosome 4 as well as on REM19 (the gene most similar to VRN1/REM39). We plan to 1) determine the spatial and temporal RNA expression profiles, 2) construct and analyze gain-of-function overexpression lines, 3) construct and analyze deletions of the REM gene cluster on chromosome 4, 4) phenotypically characterize T-DNA loss-of-function mutants, 5) test whether rem19 is defective in the vernalization response, and 6) determine the protein expression pattern and subcellular localization of REM3.
Project Methods
To determine the spatial and temporal expression patterns of the REM genes, we will use in situ hybridization, Northern analysis, RT-PCR, and construction of promoter-reporter fusion transgenic lines. Transgenic overexpression lines will be constructed by fusing either cDNA or genomic clones to the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus. Deletions in the chromosome 4 REM gene cluster will be constructed using gamma-irradiation to mutagenize pollen from an enhancer trap line in one of the chromosome 4 REM genes that exhibits a shoot apical meristem-specific expression pattern. Mutagenized pollen will be crossed to a male sterile mutant and putative deletions will be identified in M1 plants by loss of the shoot meristem enhancer trap staining pattern. The goal is to identify deletions that remove multiple REM genes in the chromosome 4 cluster. Presently, many T-DNA insertions in REM genes are publicly available. We will obtain these T-DNA insertion lines and examine them for growth and developmental phenotypes. Specifically, we will test rem19 mutants for defects in response to vernalization. We have generated antisera to REM3. We plan to use this antisera to determine the spatial and temporal expression pattern of the REM3 protein by immunohistochemistry using seedling and inflorescence sections. Since the REM genes that have been examined to date are nuclear, we assume that REM 3 will be present in the nucleus as well. REM3 subcellular localization will be determined by observing co-localization of REM3 protein with known nuclear markers.

Progress 09/01/03 to 08/31/06

We are interested in characterizing gene function in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, with the idea that knowledge from Arabidopsis can be easily transmitted to important crop species. In this project, we characterized a family of genes (the REM genes) in Arabidopsis that contains 45 members. The REM genes are found only in plants; there are no family members in animals, fungi, or bacteria. An unusual feature is that many of the REM genes are clustered in the genome; nine REM genes are clustered on chromosome 4, five REM genes on chromosome 2, and three REM genes on chromosome 5. The one REM gene for which a loss-of-function phenotype has been described is VRN1/REM39. VRN1/REM39 is involved in maintaining the response to vernalization, an extended cold treatment that accelerates the transition to flowering. We concentrated our efforts on three genes: REM3, REM4, and REM19. REM3 and REM4 are in the chromosome 4 cluster while REM19 is the closest Arabidopsis homolog to VRN1. Neither loss of function nor overexpression or REM3 and REM4 resulted in dramatic developmental phenotypes; likely this is due to genetic redundancy. Overexpression of REM19 results in an increase in the number of secondary inforescences. We have also analyzed rem19 mutants for vernalization defects, and to date we have not observed defects in the vernalization response in rem19 mutants. We are confident that the reagents we have generated will be useful to future researchers who investigate the REM genes.

If we are to engineer plants for human benefit, we need to understand the function of all the genes in plant genomes. In this project we attempted to elucidate the function of a moderate size gene family in Arabidopsis, the REM gene family. The REM gene family consists of 45 members, and the REM genes are conserved in angiosperms; for example, the rice genome contains approximately the same number of REM genes as Arabidopsis. The REM genes would not have been conserved if they did not have a function in plants. Unfortunately, despite considerable effort, we were not able to define a developmental function for the members of this gene family. We were optimistic when one of the REM genes (VRN1/REM39) was implicated in the vernalization response, the accelerated flowering of plants in response to extended cold treatment (e.g. overwintering). However, we were unable to demonstrate that other REM genes were involved in vernalization. Future studies on these genes may reveal a role in vernalization. Certainly understanding the molecular basis of vernalization and how vernalization affects flowering timing has important practical implications for US agriculture.


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