Source: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jun 1, 2003
Project End Date
May 31, 2008
Grant Year
Project Director
Cardinal, A. J.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Soybean breeders have been genetically altering the fatty acid composition in soybean seeds to improve the nutritional and functional quality of the oil by conventional hybridization and selection methods for the last 20 years. Several lines with decreased linolenic acid, increased oleic acid, decreased palmitic acid, or increased stearic acid contents have been developed through recurrent selection, mutagenesis, or screening for natural mutations. The understanding of the biosynthesis of fatty acids in plants has improved tremendously over the last 10 years. Most of the genes involved in the fatty acid synthesis pathway in plants have been cloned and sequenced in several plant species, including soybeans. However, there have been very few studies that relate a particular fatty acid mutant (phenotype) with a specific gene in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in soybeans. Furthermore, very little is known about the interactions between fatty acid gene mutations in a common genetic background. Sequence information of genes involved in the lipid biosynthesis pathway in soybeans provide a tool to develop allele-specific markers to investigate the relationship between quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for seed fatty acid components and specific genes of the pathway and their interactions. Sequence information of genes involved in the lipid biosynthesis pathway in soybeans provide a tool to develop allele-specific markers to investigate the relationship between quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for seed fatty acid components and specific genes of the pathway and their interactions
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
201 - Plant Genome, Genetics, and Genetic Mechanisms;

Subject Of Investigation
1820 - Soybean;

Field Of Science
1080 - Genetics;
Goals / Objectives
The goals of the research proposed here are to: 1)Identify chromosomal segments (QTLs) that are associated with increased oleic acid content in a soybean line that is currently being used for cultivar development by several breeding programs. Determine if particular QTLs interact with the environment. 2)Determine if candidate genes of the fatty acid pathway cosegregate with QTLs for seed fatty acid composition. Develop allele-specific markers for several candidate genes of the fatty acid pathway. 3)Relate epistatic interactions among candidate genes and QTLs to well-characterized steps in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway to identify the biochemical basis of epistasis for fatty acid phenotypes. Results of this research will provide information to more efficiently manipulate the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway with naturally occurring allelic variants. Specifically, this proposed research will address the following questions: 1)How many genes (QTLs and candidate genes) contribute to the high oleic acid content in lines currently used in soybean programs? What are their genetic effects? Where are they located in the soybean genome? 2)Which structural genes of the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway contribute to the variation of oleic acid content in these populations? How large are their genetic effects? 3)Which candidate genes and QTLs are sensitive to environmental changes? 4)Which candidate genes and QTLs epistatically interact? How important is this interaction to the overall expression of oleic acid content?
Project Methods
The current knowledge and understanding of the biochemical and gene function of most steps in the lipid biosynthetic pathway and of the inheritance of particular fatty acid mutants can help us devise new tools and approaches to elucidate and improve the understanding of QTLs and phenotypic variation in the fatty acid content of soybean in a fashion similar to the study of maysin synthesis in maize (Byrne et al., 1996; McMullen et al., 1998). Specifically, since most of the genes from the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway have been sequenced, we propose to use candidate genes and QTL mapping approaches to understand the effects of specific genes on the synthesis of oleic acid in a soybean population that is segregating for palmitic and oleic acid contents but has a fixed low linolenic acid content and in a population that is segregating for oleic acid content only. Allele-specific primer pairs for several candidates gene will be developed to map candidate genes, compare their locations to fatty acid QTLs, and to study the importance of epistatic interactions among QTLs and candidate genes. Cosegregation analysis between QTLs for high oleic acid and candidate genes will be used to test the importance of structural genes in the regulation of oleic acid synthesis in soybeans (Tanhuanpaa et al., 1996 and 1998; Perez-Vich et al., 2002). If a candidate gene segregates independently of QTLs, this would indicate that other independent genes, such as trans-acting regulatory genes or transcription factors, are important for oleic acid synthesis. The study of QTL-by-environment interactions involving particular QTLs and candidate genes will help us understand which steps of the biosynthetic pathway are more sensitive to environmental changes. Such knowledge will be invaluable for plant breeders to assist manipulation of oleic acid composition. For example, if particular QTLs or candidate genes interact, maximum improvement for oleic acid content can be achieved only if particular allelic combinations are selected. Similarly, if particular QTLs or candidate genes are highly sensitive to changes in the environments, a breeder may choose not to incorporate those loci in their selection criteria.

Progress 06/01/03 to 05/31/08

OUTPUTS: Presentations Bachlava E J.W. Burton, C. Brownie, S. Wang, J. Auclair and A. J. Cardinal. Quantitative trait loci mapping for oleic acid seed content in soybean. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton, A.J. Cardinal. Mapping the microsomal omega-6 fatty acid desaturase genes controlling oleic acid seed content in soybean. The 98th America Oil Chemists' Society annual meeting & expo, May 13-16, 2007, Quebec City, Canada. Community resources generated Three F5-derived populations with phenotypic information and genotypic information will be released. Dr Nelson (USDA soybean curator) mentioned that they are not interested in keeping mapping populations in the collection. I will increase seed of these populations in the next couple of years and keep them in storage for the next 5 to 10 years to have seed available to interested public researchers. Poster Presentations Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton and A.J. Cardinal. Cosegregation of candidate genes for oleate biosynthesis with quantitative trait loci for oleic acid seed content in soybean. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, October 5-9th, 2008, Houston, TX. Bachlava E. and A.J. Cardinal. Temperature and oleic acid seed content: Correlation in soybean populations with different maturity profiles. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, October 5-9th, 2008, Houston, TX. Bachlava E., J. Auclair, J. Burton, R. E. Dewey, A. J. Cardinal. Genetic Control of High Oleic acid content in Soybean. Plant and Animal Genome XVI. The international Conference of the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research. January 12-16, 2008, San Diego, CA. Abstracts Guide p. 217. Bachlava E., J. Auclair, J. Burton, A. J. Cardinal. Heritability of Oleic and Linolenic Acid Seed Content and Their Genetic Correlations with Quality and Agronomic Traits in Soybean. American Society of Agronomy International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton, A.J. Cardinal. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for the microsomal omega-6 desaturases in soybean. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, IN. Training Postdoctoral fellow. Jerome Auclair. Phenotypic and genotypic information on one population. PI performed the phenotypic analysis and QTL analysis since Auclair has left the program. PI will perform the final QTL analysis when SNP genotypic information is available. Eleni Bachlava (partly funded by this project) graduated with a Ph.D. in May, 2008. Phenotypic and genotypic information, and QTL analysis, candidate genes sequencing and development of allele specific primers, candidate gene mapping, and QTL mapping in two populations. Eleni Bachlava was awarded the AOCS Biotechnology Student Excellence Award (2nd): "Mapping the microsomal omega-6 fatty acid desaturase genes controlling oleic acid seed content in soybean" 98th AOCS annual meeting & Expo. Quebec City, QC, Canada (May 13-16th, 2007). Eleni has presented our work in numerous meetings and was the first author in all the 5 manuscripts derived from her work. PARTICIPANTS: PI (Cardinal): Developed the whole project, developed the field design with help from Dr. Brownie (NCSU statistician), analyzed phenotypic and genotypic data, and performed QTL mapping of one population. Tutored Jerome Auclair and Eleni Bachlava in the analysis of the data and several issues that arose during the project. Training: Postdoctoral fellow. Jerome Auclair. Phenotypic and genotypic information on one population. PI performed the phenotypic analysis and QTL analysis since Auclair has left the program. PI will perform the final QTL analysis when SNP genotypic information is available. Eleni Bachlava (partly funded by this project) graduated with a Ph.D. in May, 2008. Phenotypic and genotypic information, and QTL analysis, candidate genes sequencing and development of allele specific primers, candidate gene mapping, and QTL mapping in two populations. Eleni Bachlava was awarded the AOCS Biotechnology Student Excellence Award (2nd): "Mapping the microsomal omega-6 fatty acid desaturase genes controlling oleic acid seed content in soybean" 98th AOCS annual meeting & Expo. Quebec City, QC, Canada (May 13-16th, 2007). Eleni has presented our work in numerous meetings and was the first author in all the 5 manuscripts derived from her work. Eleni visited was trained to perform Tilling by a group in Collaborators: Dr. Dewey provided laboratory equipment and training of Eleni Bachlava in gene sequencing techniques and sequence data analysis. Dr. Joseph Burton provided laboratory equipment and training for fatty acid analysis. Dr. Perry Cregan laboratory will perform SNP genotyping of one population. TARGET AUDIENCES: Soybean breeders working with the oleic acid trait. Plant geneticists that work with the fatty acid pathway. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Delay in hiring post-doc fellow (9 months). Field problems (herbicide damage one year, and drought).

We met all the objectives of the proposal. We have identified several QTLs and validated 1 associated with increased oleic acid content. In one population, we indentified QTLs on Linkage Groups (LG) N, A2, F, I, A1, and E. On a second realted population, we identified QTLs on LG M, G, D2, O, I, F. QTL on LG F was validated in both populations. We identified some environment sensitive QTLs. One epistatic interaction was detected between the QTL on LG F and the candidate gene FAD2-1B. We developed allele specific primers for the FAD2-1A, FAD2-1B, FAD2-2A, FAD2-2B candidate genes encoding the omega-6 microsomal desaturase and mapped them to linkage groups O, I, and L, respectively. We also developed SSR primers that are very close (1,870-42,587 bp) to candidate genes FAD2-2C, FAD2-2D, FAD6, AAPT1a, and AAPT1b that encode 2 constitutive omega-6 microsomal desaturases, the plastidial omega-6 microsomal desaturase, and 2 aminoalcoholphosphotransferases, respectively. The FAD2-2C, and FAD2-2D gene mapped to LG E and N, respectively. FAD6 and AAPT1a are linked and mapped to LG D1b. We could not map AAPT1b. We determined that QTLs co-segregate with FAD2-1B, AAPT1a, and FAD2-2C, indicating that differences in the parental alleles of these genes may cause changes in oleic acid content. However, these results need to be confirmed. All the other QTLs do not co-segregate with the other candidate genes. We have not published the results of our QTL mapping analysis in a second very large population (719 F4-derived lines) from this project. Multiple Interval analysis detected 4 QTLs on linkage groups A1, C1, D1b, and L. The combined QTLs explained a small proportion of the genetic variation (16.5%), indicating that many QTL had not been detected in this population because we only genotyped 90 SSR markers(funding restriction). We have requested that ~580 lines from this population are genotyped with SNPs (collaboration with Dr. Cregan) with funding from a United Soybean Board project in progress. We will have 300 to 400 SNPs markers for ~580 lines to perform a thorough QTL analysis. We discovered that the great majority of the genetic loci responsible for conferring a high oleic acid phenotype did not correspond to natural allelic variation of genes from the primary fatty acid biosynthetic pathway and that the role of the FAD2 genes in the genetic control of the high oleic acid phenotype inherited from N98-4445A is very small. Our findings contradict results from similar investigations in other oilseed crops which nearly always found clear associations between high oleic acid and specific metabolic genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis. The continuation of the groundwork laid by this project will lead to new insights into the mechanisms by which plants (soybean) define and regulate the fatty acid composition of the seed oil.


  • Meetings Abstracts Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton and A.J. Cardinal. Cosegregation of candidate genes for oleate biosynthesis with quantitative trait loci for oleic acid seed content in soybean. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, October 5-9th, 2008, Houston, TX.
  • Bachlava E. and A.J. Cardinal. Temperature and oleic acid seed content: Correlation in soybean populations with different maturity profiles. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, October 5-9th, 2008, Houston, TX.
  • Bachlava E., J. Auclair, J. Burton, R. E. Dewey, A. J. Cardinal. Genetic Control of High Oleic acid content in Soybean. Plant and Animal Genome XVI. The international Conference of the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research. January 12-16, 2008, San Diego, CA. Abstracts Guide p. 217. Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton, A.J. Cardinal. Mapping the microsomal omega-6 fatty acid desaturase genes controlling oleic acid seed content in soybean. The 98th America Oil Chemists Society annual meeting & expo, May 13-16, 2007, Quebec City, Canada.
  • Publications Bachlava E., R. E. Dewey, J. W. Burton, and A. J. Cardinal. 2009. Mapping and Comparison of Quantitative Trait Loci for Oleic Acid Seed Content in Two Segregating Soybean Populations. Crop Sci. 49:1-10.
  • Bachlava E., R. E. Dewey, J. W. Burton, A. J. Cardinal. 2009. Mapping candidate genes for oleate biosynthesis and their association with unsaturated fatty acid seed content in soybean. Mol. Breeding 23:337-347.
  • Bachlava E., J. W. Burton, C. Brownie, S. Wang, J. Auclair, and A. J. Cardinal. 2008. Heritability of Oleic Acid Content in Soybean Seed Oil and Its Genetic Correlation with Fatty Acid and Agronomic Traits. Crop Sci. 48:1764-1772.
  • Bachlava E., R. E. Dewey, J. Auclair, S. Wang, J. W. Burton, and A. J. Cardinal. 2008. Mapping Genes Encoding Microsomal ω-6 Desaturase Enzymes and Their Cosegregation with QTL Affecting Oleate Content in Soybean. Crop Sci. 48:640-650.
  • Bachlava E., and Andrea J. Cardinal. 2009. Correlation between Temperature and Oleic Acid Seed Content in Three Segregating Soybean Populations. In Press: Crop Science.
  • Bachlava E., J. Auclair, J. Burton, A. J. Cardinal. Heritability of Oleic and Linolenic Acid Seed Content and Their Genetic Correlations with Quality and Agronomic Traits in Soybean. American Society of Agronomy International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. (Verified 1/1/2008,
  • Bachlava E., J. Burton, R. E. Dewey, and A. J. Cardinal. Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Oleic Acid Seed Content in Soybean. American Society of Agronomy International Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, LA. (Verified 1/1/2008,

Progress 10/01/05 to 09/30/06

Objectives 1) To develop allele-specific markers of candidate genes to investigate the relationship between quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for oleate content in the soybean oil and specific genes of the pathway and their interactions with the environment; 2)to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and develop allele-specific markers for the isoforms of Fad2-1 gene; 3) to localize Fad2-1A and Fad2-1B in the soybean genome; and 4) to determine the association of the isoforms of Fad2-1 gene with the eate trait. Materials & Methods. Plant material, Phenotyping, and Genotyping. Population FAF00 consisting of 118 F5:7 lines derived from the cross of the high-oleate, low-linolenate line N97-3363-3, and the mid-oleate PI423893; and population FAE00 consisting of 724 F5:7 lines derived from the cross of the high-oleic, low-linolenic line N98-4445, and low palmitate, low linolenate, Satelite were planted in a sets in rep designs in Kinston, Clinton, and Plymotuh in 2005 and 2006. Fatty acid composition of seed oil was determined by gas-liquid chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters (2006 FAE00 samples remained to be done). 98 polymorphic SSR markers were genotyped in FAF00 from the 20 linkage groups of soybean genome. Genotyping in FAE00 is in progress. Oleate trait means were estimated by best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) with SAS 9.1 and linkage analysis was performed with JoinMap 3.0 in population FAF00. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms' detection. Sequence information was derived from GenBank (accessions AB188250 and AB188251) and isoform-specific primers were developed with Primer3. Two isoforms, Fad2-1A and Fad2-1B, were amplified, TA cloned into vectors and sequenced for all the parental lines and a control (Brim). ClustalW was used for sequence alignment and SNPs' detection. One of the SNPs detected for PI423893 in Fad2-1B was located on the restriction site of HpyCH4III endonuclease. A cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker was designed and used for genotyping of FAF00 population. Fad2-1A was genotyped in FAF00 population with the allele-specific primer extension (ASPE) assay in a Luminex platform. Results Two SNP were detected for PI423893 in Fad2-1A coding region and upstream region, respectively. The SNP in Fad2-1A coding region changes the amino acid residue but no significant association was found between Fad2-1A and the oleate trait in FAF00 (preliminary analysis). Fad2-1A is linked to SSR markers satt153 and sat_108 on LG O. Five SNPs were detected for PI423893 in Fad2-1B coding region and only two of those SNPs result in a non-synonymous amino acid change. No significant association was found between the Fad2-1B CAPS marker and oleate trait in FAF00 (preliminary analysis). Fad2-1B maps to LG I within SSR markers satt354 and sat_268. Discussion Neither Fad2-1A nor Fad2-1B mapped close to QTL for oleate trait reported in SoyBase. The lack of association between these loci and oleate in FAF00 implies that these isoforms cannot explain the observed variation in oleic acid content. The location of the SNP in Fad2-1A coincides with a region responsible for the enzyme's instability at high temperatures.

Cosegregation analysis between QTLs for high oleic acid and candidate genes will be used to test the importance of structural genes in the regulation of oleic acid synthesis in soybeans. If a candidate gene segregates independently of QTLs, this would indicate that other independent genes, such as trans-acting regulatory genes or transcription factors, are important for oleic acid synthesis. The study of QTL-by-environment interactions involving particular QTLs and candidate genes will help us understand which steps of the biosynthetic pathway are more sensitive to environmental changes. Such knowledge will be invaluable for plant breeders to assist manipulation of oleic acid composition. For example, if particular QTLs or candidate genes interact, maximum improvement for oleic acid content can be achieved only if particular allelic combinations are selected. Similarly, if particular QTLs or candidate genes are highly sensitive to changes in the environments, a breeder may choose not to incorporate those loci in their selection criteria.


  • Abstract. Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton, A.J. Cardinal. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for the Microsomal Omega-6 Desaturases in Soybean. CSSA-ASA Annual Meeting, 12-16 November, 2006, Indianapolis, IN. Poster Presentation. Bachlava E., R.E. Dewey, J.W. Burton, A.J. Cardinal. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for the Microsomal Omega-6 Desaturases in Soybean. ASA Annual Meeting, 12-16 November, 2006, Indianapolis, IN.

Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

We have grown all the lines (l000) and the parents from two populations segregating for high oleic acid seed content in replicated yield trials at three locations in NC. One population (280 lines) was lost in Plymouth due to herbicide damage; therefore those lines were grown in a replicated test in the greenhouse. The F5-derived lines for each population were divided in sets. The sets were randomized in a sets in rep design with 2 replicates in each location. In addition, the lines, including the parents, were divided into maturity groups. Each maturity group was represented at least once in each set. Sets were randomly assigned within each replication and location. The only restriction in the assignment of lines in plots within each set was that lines of the same maturity group should be assigned to the same combine pass (row). Flowering date (R2 stage) and maturity date (R8) were recorded in all locations. The date for R4 and R6 stages was recorded at one location. Height notes were taken at two locations. Seed from each plot is being prepared for subsampling for fatty acid analysis. Genotyping of one population in genomic regions near high oleic acid QTLs (Boerma, personal communication) has been done. Genotyping of this population has shown that many of the lines are not the progeny of a cross but selves. However, we believe that the original female parent of the cross was not homozygous for all the high oleic genes because the self lines tend to fall in two phenotypic categories therefore these lines may comprise a NIL population for 1 QTL. We will perform the QTL analysis as soon as we obtain the fatty acid results for the 2005 experiments. In addition, we have sequence information for the FAD3 genes (published by other groups) and FATB thioesterase genes (our group, not published) and FAD2 genes (our group, not published). We have allele specific primers for 1 FATB and 1 FAD3 gene that were developed for related lines but have to be tested in the parents of these populations. We are working in developing FAD2 primers to perform "eco-TILLING" in our parents and detect polymorphisms between them. Allele specific primers for these candidate genes are necessary for the cosegregation analysis between QTLs for high oleic acid and these genes. We plan to repeat the field experiments next year and to finish all the genotyping. We will need to have a 1-year non-cost extension of this project because the harvest of the second year trials and analysis of the data will be performed after the proposed termination date.

Cosegregation analysis between QTLs for high oleic acid and candidate genes will be used to test the importance of structural genes in the regulation of oleic acid synthesis in soybeans. If a candidate gene segregates independently of QTLs, this would indicate that other independent genes, such as trans-acting regulatory genes or transcription factors, are important for oleic acid synthesis. The study of QTL-by-environment interactions involving particular QTLs and candidate genes will help us understand which steps of the biosynthetic pathway are more sensitive to environmental changes. Such knowledge will be invaluable for plant breeders to assist manipulation of oleic acid composition. For example, if particular QTLs or candidate genes interact, maximum improvement for oleic acid content can be achieved only if particular allelic combinations are selected. Similarly, if particular QTLs or candidate genes are highly sensitive to changes in the environments, a breeder may choose not to incorporate those loci in their selection criteria.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

In this first year, we have grown all the lines (1000) from both populations segregating for high oleic acid seed content. The F5-derived lines were grown in an unreplicated modified augmented design to obtain data for fatty acid seed composition and to increase seed for replicated trials in 2005. Three checks were used in this design to obtain an error term to make comparisons among unreplicated entries. Flowering and maturity dates were obtained for all the lines. There was a wide range (48 to 60 days) in maturity in both populations. This wide range in maturity will complicate the field design of the replicated tests in 2005 and the interpretation of QTL results. A 30 seeds subsample from each line will be sent for fatty acid analysis this winter and seed packaging for the 2005 replicated trials will start this coming winter/spring. In addition, all the parents have been screened with 600 SSRs markers to determine which markers are polymorphic and can be used for linkage mapping in each population. One third of the SSRs did not work very well and we will adjust the PCR protocol of those markers if we need to fill some gaps in the genome coverage. DNA isolation of the lines has been started and it should be finish in the next month. As soon as the DNA isolation is done, we will start the genotyping both populations in some genome areas of interest.

Cosegregation analysis between QTLs for high oleic acid and candidate genes will be used to test the importance of structural genes in the regulation of oleic acid synthesis in soybeans. If a candidate gene segregates independently of QTLs, this would indicate that other independent genes, such as trans-acting regulatory genes or transcription factors, are important for oleic acid synthesis. The study of QTL-by-environment interactions involving particular QTLs and candidate genes will help us understand which steps of the biosynthetic pathway are more sensitive to environmental changes. Such knowledge will be invaluable for plant breeders to assist manipulation of oleic acid composition. For example, if particular QTLs or candidate genes interact, maximum improvement for oleic acid content can be achieved only if particular allelic combinations are selected. Similarly, if particular QTLs or candidate genes are highly sensitive to changes in the environments, a breeder may choose not to incorporate those loci in their selection criteria.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/03

This project started on June of 2003. Both populations for this study have been advanced to the F5 generation. One F5 plant from each line of both populations was harvested this fall to obtain F:5 seeds. Some lines were lost in both populations so we grew a previous generation to recover those lines. Those lines are one generation behind so we will need to use the winter nursery in 2004 to increase seed. Plant-rows will be planted in 2004 for seed increase and for fatty acid analysis. Tissue for DNA isolation was harvested from each F5 plant of both populations. DNA isolation will be performed as soon as possible. We are in the process of hiring the post-doc researcher who will perform the experiments outlined in this grant.

Cosegregation analysis between QTLs for high oleic acid and candidate genes will be used to test the importance of structural genes in the regulation of oleic acid synthesis in soybeans. If a candidate gene segregates independently of QTLs, this would indicate that other independent genes, such as trans-acting regulatory genes or transcription factors, are important for oleic acid synthesis. The study of QTL-by-environment interactions involving particular QTLs and candidate genes will help us understand which steps of the biosynthetic pathway are more sensitive to environmental changes. Such knowledge will be invaluable for plant breeders to assist manipulation of oleic acid composition. For example, if particular QTLs or candidate genes interact, maximum improvement for oleic acid content can be achieved only if particular allelic combinations are selected. Similarly, if particular QTLs or candidate genes are highly sensitive to changes in the environments, a breeder may choose not to incorporate those loci in their selection criteria.


  • No publications reported this period