Source: UNIVERSITY OF MAINE submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2002
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2005
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
ORONO,ME 04469
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Conservation and management often do not directly consider adaptive variation. Likewise, the implications of conservation and management schemes for adaptive variation are largely untested. This work characterizes potential adaptive variation in Maine salmonids and employs simulation and biological model systems to understand management implications for preserving adaptive variation.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1)To initiate basic research on patterns of potentially adaptive phenotypic trait variation in populations of Maine freshwater fishes (especially salmonids). 2)To develop evolutionary model systems for testing hypothesized management actions of relevance to the conservation of freshwater fishes and other species. 3)To provide managers with knowledge of the genetic resources they are charged with conserving and with insights into the outcomes of their operational strategies on the ongoing evolution and persistence of Maine fishes. 4)To build elements of these initial studies into more detailed investigations of adaptive trait variation in Maine fishes and the use of model systems in evolutionary conservation.
Project Methods
This work examines trait variation in three species of Maine salmonids, and model systems for exploring evolutionary implications of conservation strategies. The three focal species include Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus oquassa). Recent listings of Atlantic salmon populations in Maine as endangered, clearly signifies the critical conservation status of these populations, and yet little is known of how they differ adaptively or what impact recent reductions have had on that variation. Brook trout are abundant in Maine and their range extends over much of Eastern North America. They provide a significant contribution to state fisheries, but which strains are best suited to local conditions remains unknown. Isolation of a few remnant populations of Arctic char at the extreme southern end of the species range, suggests that these char may be of considerable adaptive uniqueness and historic transplant offer a means to evaluate environmental and adaptive plasticity in this species. In Atlantic salmon, we will measure trait variation in six populations that are currently reared under similar conditions in the same conservation facility. We will contrast trait variation among populations and with patterns of microsatellite variation. Two genetically distinct brook trout strains will be raised and planted in a pairwise fashion into multiple ponds, as part of state stocking programs. We will measure traits of these fish during the common rearing period before release and monitor their relative survival and variation after release to evaluate divergence and patterns of selection. For Arctic char we will characterize phenotypic trait variation in several indigenous populations, including contrasts among populations potentially adapted to piscivory and invertebrate prey. In addition we plan to compare the phenotypes of extant translocated populations with their source population to examine evolutionary and environmental plasticity. The traits in all studies will include morphological (digitized photos and caliper measurements) and life history features (e.g., size and age at maturity, egg size and number, growth rate, etc.). Simulation and biological model systems will be developed to evaluate short-term evolutionary implications of management approaches. Numerical simulations will involve individual based quantitative genetic models based on breeding values. Models will be parameterized using data on population variation and trait inheritance collected in in the above studies. Laboratory populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) will be used as a biological model system for testing the assumptions and predictions of the above simulations under scenarios relevant to the conservation of the above species. Trinidadian guppies should provide a useful biological fish model given that they naturally exist in locally variable populations (like salmonids of Maine and many other freshwater fish species) and that they have very short generation times and small space requirements (allowing laboratory study of evolution prohibitive for salmonids).

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/05

In the course of this three year project we have made great progress in implementing research into adaptive trait variation in Maine salmonid fishes and model systems for integrating evolutionary theory into conservation. Much of this research has translated into results useful to the management of fish resources in Maine and beyond. In the case of research on Endangered Atlantic salmon, we have shown that the subpopulations that constituted the Gulf of Maine DPS differ sufficiently from one-another in important adaptive traits, such as morphology and reproductive investment, to merit independent management within the context of the larger recovery program. I have used insights from this work to assist the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in designing a broodstock management plan for Maines salmon. We are now launching research to quantify how hatchery practices might inadvertently cause domestication selection that might alter these traits in ways that could in turn compromise salmon performance in the wild. Our work on Arctic Charr in Maine has provided strong evidence that Maines indigenous populations differ in traits linked to their feeding (trophic) ecology. Furthermore, we have evidence from a translocated population suggesting that some of these differences can arise on short time scales. We have also initiated a long-term study of one charr population of special concern. In three years we have individually measured and marked more than 1000 fish in this population. The state of Maine, particularly the Inland Department of Fish and Wildlife (IDFW), is extremely supportive of our work its value for managing Maines charr populations. For our research on brook trout diversity, we have teamed with IDFW biologists to evaluate trait differences among heritage populations that are important to Maines sport fisheries. We have shown that even populations in the same geographic region may differ in features not only important to their ecology, but to sports fishing. Furthermore, knowledge of our research on these and other salmonids has led to increased interest in future collaborative research into the adaptive variation that underlies this very important fishery. Perhaps one of our greatest areas of progress during this project has been the dramatic growth of our work on guppies as a model system of conservation. In the last three years we have used these fish to explore the influence of gene flow on local adaptation. This is a critical issue in conservation, because there is little empirical data available to help managers decide how to manage gene flow or predict its outcome. For example, by employing experiments in the wild we have begun to quantify the role that gene flow plays in the rebound of populations following population crashes resulting from natural catastrophes. In summary, I believe we have not only met the majority of our research objectives, but also the equally important objectives of: 1) providing insights useful to management of Maine fishes and 2) building new research programs supported by local constituents and funded by additional sources.

Local adaptation is critical to the productivity and persistence of populations, but it is rarely addressed directly in conservation and management. Our research on locally adaptive variation in Maine salmonids is now providing direct insights into the states genetic resources. Furthermore, we have employed animal and simulation models of evolutionary processes to explore ways in which evolutionary principles can play a role in conservation. In combination, these approaches are now allowing for evolutionarily informed management and conservation strategies that seek to preserve the evolutionary legacy and value of Maine's (and the nations) fish resources.


  • Hendry, A.P., M.L. Kelly, M.T. Kinnison and D.N. Reznick. 2006. Parallel evolution of the sexes? Effects of predation and habitat on guppy body shape. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
  • Millar, N.P., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Disentangling the selective factors that act on male colour in wild guppies. Oikos.
  • Crispo, E., P. Bentzen, D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. The relative influence of natural selection and geography on gene flow in guppies. Molecular Ecology.
  • Stockwell, C.A., M.T. Kinnison and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Evolutionary Restoration Ecology. In Foundations of Restoration Ecology. D. Falk, M. Palmer, J. Zedler eds. Island Press.

Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

In our second year of study we continued to make progress toward our project goals. In particular we have further developed research on adaptive trait variation in several Maine salmonids and built our guppy model program. All of these research elements are still in progress. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) research focused on obtaining further data from the 2004 spawning season, processing of previously collected samples and further analyses of the resulting datasets. We have continued to investigate a possible relationships between microsatellite diversity and phenotypic trait variation in endangered Maine salmon populations. This supports contentions that populations that have suffered recent declines have lost potentially important adaptive trait variation. To compliment this work, we have also begun detailed studies of early selection on hatchery produced fry in the few weeks following stocking. We have continued to intensively sample two populations of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus oquassa): one indigenous population and a translocated population derived from it. In the indigenous Floods Pond population, we have now captured, photographed, measured and marked more than 600 individuals that were released back into the wild. This year we recaptured a number of fish released in previous seasons. We successfully sampled several additional populations to begin establishing the diversity of charr in other lakes in Maine and we are now collecting datasets from throughout the international range of this species to better understand where Maine char fit within the diversity of the species as a whole. With regards to brook char (Salvinus fontinalis), we have developed a proposal to investigate the current status of anadromous populations that are of potential concern in small coastal ecosystems. We hope to start research relevant to these fish this coming spring. We are also working to develop research projects aimed at elucidating potentially adaptive performance differences among Maine populations of brook char. In the area of model fish systems we have made the greatest progress in developing the guppy system. Our guppy (Poecilia reticulata) laboratory facility is up and running and I already advised an undergraduate student on a research project. Furthermore, we have initiated a study on the interaction of gene flow and natural selection in wild populations. Implications of gene flow are central to conservation of all of species and the patterns we elucidate in Trinidadian guppies will likely have implications for management of freshwater fishes in general. As with last year, I believe we have met our objective of turning experimental findings and theory into management insights. Over the past year we have continued to provide data and recommendations that are being used 1) to develop a broodstock management strategy for endangered salmon populations, 2) to evaluate loss of adaptive variation in these populations, 3) to conserve the diversity of Arctic charr present in our state and 4) to foster a status review of anadromous brook charr populations.

Local adaptation is critical to the productivity and persistence of populations, but it is rarely addressed directly in conservation and management. Assessment of locally adaptive variation in Maine salmonids is expected to provide the most direct insights into the genetic fish resources of this state and means to preserve them. Animal models and simulation models of evolutionary processes will allow evaluation of management scenarios and assumptions before they are applied to populations of actual concern. In combination these approaches should allow for evolutionarily informed management and conservation strategies that seek to preserve the evolutionary legacy and value of fish resources from Maine and abroad.


  • Stockwell, C.A., A.P. Hendry and M.T. Kinnison. 2003. Contemporary evolution meets conservation biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18:94-101.
  • Kinnison, M.T., and A.P. Hendry. 2004. From Macro to micro: tempo and mode in salmon evolution. In A. Hendry and S. Stearns eds. Evolution Enlightened: Salmon and their Relatives. Oxford University Press.
  • Einum, S., M.T. Kinnison and A.P. Hendry. 2004. Evolution of egg size and number. In A. Hendry and S. Stearns eds. Evolution Enlightened: Salmon and their Relatives. Oxford University Press.
  • Hendry, A.P., V. Castric, M.J. Unwin, M.T. Kinnison and T.P. Quinn. 2004. Philopatry and dispersal: homing vs. straying in salmonids. In A. Hendry and S. Stearns eds. Evolution Enlightened: Salmon and their Relatives. Oxford University Press.
  • Paterson, I.G., E. Crispo, M.T. Kinnison, A.P. Hendry and P. Bentzen. 2005. Characterization of tetranucleotide markers in the guppy (Poecilia reticulate). Molecular Ecology Notes. In Press.

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/03

In this first year of study we have made significant progress toward our project goals. We have initiated research on adaptive trait variation in Maine salmonids, established a guppy research facility, and have continued development of our quantitative genetic models. All of these research elements are still in progress. Atlantic salmon research focused largely on collection of morphological, reproductive and developmental data starting in the fall of 2002 and proceeding into late spring of 2003. We plan to obtain further data from 2003 spawning season. Initial analyses of these data were presented at the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Our results thus far suggest that microsatellite variation and phenotypic trait variation are correlated in endangered Maine salmon populations. This supports contentions that populations that have suffered recent declines have lost potentially important adaptive trait variation. For our Arctic char research we have extensively sampled two populations: one indigenous population and a translocated population derived from it. In the indigenous Floods Pond population, we have established rigorous long-term sampling that has enabled us to capture, photograph and obtain reproductive condition data for more than 400 individuals that were released back into the wild for study in subsequent seasons. In the case of the translocated population we have captured more than 100 individuals for morphological and diet analyses. This coming summer and spring we plan to sample several other charr populations in and around Maine. Our brook trout work has focused on two efforts. One involved accompanying state biologists during trapping surveys evaluating different genetic strains. We obtained photographic data from this work and insights that will hopefully allow us to extend this into a more detailed study. Furthermore, we collected and analyzed data on a population of brook trout hypothesized to be similar to a form lost in this state. Our morphological analyses suggest that these fish are morphologically different than brook trout from nearby waters in a fashion consistent with the hypothesis. Development of model systems relevant to fish conservation has also proceeded on two fronts. First, I have continued to develop and test my model of quantitative trait evolution under selection, drift, gene flow and founder effects. Second, we have constructed a guppy laboratory facility capable of holding several thousand fish. At this time we are making preparations to implement experimental studies in this lab that are relevant to general concerns in fish conservation. Finally, I believe we have met our objective of turning our experimental findings into management insights. Over the past year we have used our knowledge and experimental insights to 1) help develop a broodstock management strategy for endangered salmon populations, 2) to evaluate loss of adaptive variation in these populations, 3) to determine the current demographic health of a charr population at risk from human water uses, and 4) provided initial data supporting the presence of a potentially unique form of brook trout.

Local adaptation is critical to the productivity and persistence of populations, but it is rarely directly addressed in conservation and management. Assessment of locally adaptive variation in Maine salmonids is expected to provide the most direct insights into what adaptive resources exist and how to preserve them. The use of animal model systems and simulation models of evolutionary processes, can further allow evaluation of management scenarios and assumptions before they are applied to populations of actual concern. In combination these approaches may allow for more informed management and conservation efforts that are backed by scientific evaluations customized to the specific questions and populations of concern.


  • No publications reported this period