Source: UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2000
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2006
Grant Year
Project Director
Elkinton, J. S.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Outbreaks of gypsy moth occur sporadically and often simultaneously across the northeastern United States and yet there is still poor understanding of the causes of these outbreaks. The project will quantify the various causes of mortality ot gypsy moth in order to assess which of them are responsible for maintaining low densities and which are critical to the onset of outbreaks.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1. Maintain long term samples of gypsy moth population density on sites in western Massachusetts. 2. Quantify generational mortality caused by pathogens and parasitoids.
Project Methods
Study sites: I will maintain samples collected from 8 stands near the Quabbin reservoir that we have been sampling since 1986. All sites were chosen based on similar stand conditions: oak spp. (Quercus rubra, Q. alba, Q. velutina) comprise at least 50 percent of the basal area. The Quabbin stands are separated by an average of 8 km. Gypsy moth population monitoring: (Objective 1) I will continue collecting the same basic data on gypsy moth population density that we began in 1986. Each autumn, in each plot, we will count egg masses within at least 20 circular 0.01-ha plots by carefully searching the litter, understory vegetation, and trees. The length of the egg masses within reach, a reasonable predictor of eggs per mass, will be measured and recorded. Egg masses will be collected and neonates reared to determine percent hatch. Each plot contains sixteen 15-m diameter circles inside of which all trees >7.5 cm dbh have been wrapped with a 30-cm wide burlap band at a height of 1 m. We will count late instar larvae, pupae and egg masses under these bands ca. beginning at 4th instar. Previous studies indicate that such counts are reasonable predictors of population density. The survivorship of these larvae is an indicator of late instar survival in the population. Total survival from one generation to the next can be measured as the ratio of egg mass densities between the two years. For pupae, the sex ratio, the proportion surviving, and the cause of death (parasitism, disease) can be determined after adult emergence is complete. Estimating mortality from pathogens and parasitoids: (Objective 2) Each week during the late larval stage, I will collect ca. 100 larvae collected from some of the plots. The larvae will be reared on diet until they die and cause of death will be determined. I will estimate total mortality over the larval stage for each factor from the product of the proportion surviving each factor over the weeks.

Progress 10/01/00 to 09/30/06

This project focused on two important aspects of gypsy moth population dynamics. One concerns the fungal pathogen of gypsy moth, Entomophaga maimaiga, that has been known for many years in Japan, but appeared unexpectedly in North America in 1989. Since that time, E. maimaiga has completely altered the dynamics of gypsy moth in the northeast and made gypsy moth outbreaks much less common than they were. Our research is focused on the question of why the strain of E. maimaiga in North America has been so effective and successful, whereas earlier attempts to introduce E. maimaiga from Japan did not result in any establishment. In laboratory tests we compared the virulence and pathogenicity of E. maimaiga isolates derived from North America with those collected in Japan. We also tested the performance of E. maimiaga from Japan on Japanese gypsy moths that were being reared in quarantine in Hamden CT. Although, North American isolates are similar in virulence and pathogenicity to those from Japan, North American gypsy moths were more susceptible than Japanese gypsy moths to E. maimaiga from either North America or Japan. As part of this work, we realized that there is great confusion in the literature concerning the definitions of virulence and pathogenicity, so we wrote a review article that attempts to clarify this confusion. In 2006 documented a major epizootic of the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga in low density populations of gypsy moth in western Massachusetts. Even though gypsy moth populations resurged across the northeast n 2005-2006 threatening the first major outbreak since 1981, our data suggest that E. maimaiga caused high levels of mortality and prevented widespread defoliation in most areas We completed our study of the curious behavioral change associated with gypsy moth larvae from high density populations, whereby they remain in the canopy of trees and feed day and night in contrast to larvae from low density populations that seek daytime resting locations on the forest floor at the base of trees. These changes in behavior are important to population dynamics because they determine the relative impact of parasitoids and avian predators, which are active in the tree canopies, compared with invertebrate and small mammal predators which are active on the forest floor. We developed a laboratory bioassay of this behavioral change, and demonstrated that the daily migration only occurs if lights dim gradually. Instantaneous lights on or off failed to trigger migration. These finding have implications for anyone who studies daily rhythms of animal behavior in a laboratory setting, where the day and night are determined by lights that typically go on and off instantaneously. With this bioassay system, we found evidence that crowding of larval gyspy moths may cause the cessation of migration in high density populations, but that maternal effects in the form of eggs collected from low and high density populations had no effect of the migratory propensity of larvae reared from those eggs.

Our research helps explain why gypsy moth, which used to be the most important forest defoliator in the eastern United States, now has become a minor pest because outbreaks are much less frequent.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

Gypsy moth populations are resurging across the northeast and we expect a major outbreak for the first time since 1981. We are collecting data on the incidence of Entomophaga maimaiga, a fungal pathogen of gypsy moth that either will or will not cause the decline of outbreak populations. We are also studying the interaction between gypsy moth and winter moth, Operophtera brumata, a new European invader that is causing defoliation of many deciduous trees in eastern Massachusetts. Winter moth, gypsy moth, and another forest defoliator, the forest tent caterpillar, are all in outbreak densities in southeastern Massachusetts. We are estimating densities of gypsy moths and other lepidoptera in sites with and without winter moth to see if the presence of the former influences densities of these other species.

The research enables us to predict whether gypsy moth is likely to resurge again as a major defoliator of forest trees in our region, or whether it is likely to remain as a very infrequent pest.


  • Thomas, S. 2005. Pathogenicity and virulence of Entomophaga maimaiga, (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoracae), a fungal pathogen of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L.(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Ph. D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts.

Progress 10/01/03 to 09/30/04

We continued our research this year on the fungal pathogen of gypsy moth, Entomophaga maimaiga, that has been known for many years in Japan, but appeared unexpectedly in North America in 1989. Since that time, E. maimaiga has completely altered the dynamics of gypsy moth in the northeast and made gypsy moth outbreaks much less common than they were. Our research is focused on the question of why the strain of E. maimaiga in North America has been so effective and successful, whereas earlier attempts to introduce E. maimaiga from Japan did not result in any establishment. In laboratory tests we have compared the virulence and pathogenicity of E. maimaiga isolates derived from North America with those collected in Japan. Last year we tested the performance of E. maimiaga from Japan on Japanese gypsy moths that were being reared in quarantine in Hamden CT. Although, North American isolates are similar in virulence and pathogenicity to those from Japan, North American gypsy moths were more susceptible than Japanese gypsy moths to E. maimaiga from either North America or Japan. This year we completed an experiment aimed at selecting lines of E. maimaiga for higher virulence. We selected fast replicating vs slow replicating lines of E. maimaiga within a host. After five rounds of selection for increased growth within the host, there was no significant difference in replication rate of the pathogen; however, both proportion killed and speed of kill increased as measured with injection bioassays. In addition, there were decreases in pathogenicity in some of the lines when a dipping bioassay was performed.

The research enables us to predict whether gypsy moth is likely to resurge again as a major defoliator of forest trees in our region, or whether it is likely to remain as a very infrequent pest.


  • Elkinton, J. S., A. M. Liebhold and R.M. Muzika 2004. Effects of alternate prey on predation by small mammals on gypsy moth pupae. Population Ecology 46: 171-178.

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/03

We continued our focus this year on two important aspects of gypsy moth population dynamics. One concerns the fungal pathogen of gypsy moth, Entomophaga maimaiga, that has been known for many years in Japan, but appeared unexpectedly in North America in 1989. Since that time, E. maimaiga has completely altered the dynamics of gypsy moth in the northeast and made gypsy moth outbreaks much less common than they were. Our research is focused on the question of why the strain of E. maimaiga in North America has been so effective and successful, whereas earlier attempts to introduce E. maimaiga from Japan did not result in any establishment. In laboratory tests we have compared the virulence and pathogenicity of E. maimaiga isolates derived from North America with those collected in Japan. This year we also tested the performance of E. maimiaga from Japan on Japanese gypsy moths that were being reared in quarantine in Hamden CT. Although, North American isolates are similar in virulence and pathogenicity to those from Japan, North American gypsy moths were more susceptible than Japanese gypsy moths to E. maimaiga from either North America or Japan. As part of this work, we realized that there is great confusion in the literature concerning the definitions of virulence and pathogenicity, so we wrote a review article that attempts to clarify this confusion. We completed our study of the curious behavioral change associated with gypsy moth larvae from high density populations, whereby they remain in the canopy of trees and feed day and night in contrast to larvae from low density populations that seek daytime resting locations on the forest floor at the base of trees. These changes in behavior are important to population dynamics because they determine the relative impact of parasitoids and avian predators, which are active in the tree canopies, compared with invertebrate and small mammal predators which are active on the forest floor. We developed a laboratory bioassay of this behavioral change, and demonstrated that the daily migration only occurs if lights dim gradually. Instantaneous lights on or off failed to trigger migration. These finding have implications for anyone who studies daily rhythms of animal behavior in a laboratory setting, where the day and night are determined by lights that typically go on and off instantaneously. With this bioassay system, we found evidence that crowding of larval gyspy moths may cause the cessation of migration in high density populations, but that maternal effects in the form of eggs collected from low and high density populations had no effect of the migratory propensity of larvae reared from those eggs.

The research enables us to predict whether gypsy moth is likely to resurge again as a major defoliator of forest trees in our region, or whether it is likely to remain as a very infrequent pest.


  • Garcia-Bailo, Bibiana. 2003. Vertical migration of late-instar larval gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar L. Master thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
  • Thomas, S. R. and J. S. Elkinton. 2004. Pathogenicity and virulence. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (submitted).

Progress 10/01/01 to 09/30/02

We focused research this year on two important aspects of gypsy moth population dynamics. One concerns the fungal pathogen of gypsy moth, Entomophaga maimaiga, that has been known for many years in Japan, but appeared unexpectedly in North America in 1989. Since that time E. maimaiga has completely altered the dynamics of gypsy moth in the northeast and made gypsy moth outbreaks much less common than they were. Our research is focused on the question of why the strain of E. maimaiga in North America has been so effective and successful, whereas earlier attempts to introduce E. maimaiga from Japan did not result in any establishment. In laboratory tests we have compared the virulence of E. maimaiga isolates derived from North America with those collected in Japan. Thus far, there is no evidence that North American isolates are any more or less virulent than those from Japan. We are currently engaged in selection experiments to see if it is possible for the virulence to change over time. Another aspect of gypsy moth population dynamics concerns the curious behavioral change associated with larvae from high density populations, whereby they remain in the canopy of trees aand feed day and night in contrast to larvae from low density populations that seek daytime resting locations on the forest floor at the base of trees. These changes in behavior are important to population dynamics because they determine the relative impact of parasitoids and avian predators, which are active in the tree canopies, compared with invertebrate and small mammal predators which are active on the forest floor. We have developed a laboratory bioassay of this behavior, which will allow us to explore the mechanisms that govern this shift in behavior. Graduate students on this project = 2.

The research enables us to predict whether gypsy moth is likely to resurge again as a major defoliator of forest trees in our region, or whether it is likely to remain as a very infrequent pest.


  • Cooper, V. S., M. H. Reiskind, J. A. Miller, K. Shelton, B. A. Walther, E. J. Temeles, J. S. Elkinton+, and P. W. Ewald 2002. Timing of transmission and the evolution of virulence of an insect virus. Proc. Royal Soc B, London 269: 1161-1165

Progress 10/01/00 to 09/30/01

We have continued gypsy moth egg mass counts at sites on Cape Cod and near the Quabbin reservoir in western Massachusetts. We continue to conduct burlap counts of larvae and to assess them for the fungal pathogen, Entomophaga maimaiga. We will conduct comparative work with the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, on Cape Cod. The long time series we have amassed of year to year changes in gypsy moth density should allow analyses that provide important insight into the dynamics of the gypsy moth system.

To be able to predict gypsy moth outbreaks at least a year or two before they occur.


  • Liebhold, A. M., J. S. Elkinton, D. Williams, and R. M. Muzika What causes outbreaks of gypsy moth in North America? Population Ecology 2000 42:257-266.