Source: NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 1997
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2004
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Project Director
Giles, J. F.
Recipient Organization
FARGO,ND 58105-5750
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1. Determine the extent and persistence of subsurface soil structural problems resulting from agricultural equipment operations over a range of soil and climatic conditions. 2. Quantify the effects of industry waste products on soil physical properties and crop yield. 3. Identify soil and crop residue management systems that create and/or maintain ideal soil physical conditions for optimizing crop productiion.
Project Methods
Field sites with structurally related subsurface physical problems which have resulted in a decrease in crop performance will be identified. Characterization of the soil physic-chemical nature will be made both in the laboratory and to the extent possible in situ. Cryogenically related parameters will be evaluated to assess overwinter effect. Long term effects of the application of industrial waste material, sodium chloride and sugarbeet factory waste lime to non acid soil high in organic matter and potassium will be quantified. Crop responses and soil property changes will be determined. Tillage for seedbed preparation, row crop cultivation and tillage following harvest to conserve residue cover and present erosion will be evaluated on various soil types. Effects of soil erosion parameters, stand establishment and crop production will be measured.

Progress 10/01/97 to 09/30/04

Application of spent lime (crushed limestone is used in the processing of sugarbeet to improve sugar recovery) was made in the fall of 2001 at rates of 4.5, 9.0 and 18.0 Mg ha-1 in a sugarbeet field on Bearden silty clay loam (Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, frigid, Aeric Calciaquoll) to evaluate the long term effects on the soil physical properties and crop production. The material contained nutrients which are separated from the sugarbeet juice. The CCE is not reduced much from pure lime. In October 2002, an additional location on Fargo silty clay (Fine, smectic, frigid, Typic Epiaquert) with spent lime rates of 6.7, 13.4 and 20.1 Mg ha-1 was established. Material was spread and incorporated following harvest. Primary tillage each year was disking and/or chiseling. The Bearden was seeded to soybean in 2002, but excessive moisture conditions during the growing season caused severe crop damage. Soil samples taken to a depth of 60 cm showed soil test P increased and K, Cl, and Na decreased with increased spent lime. In 2003, spring wheat was grown and a grain harvest obtained. Sugarbeet was grown in 2004 and soil samples taken in the surface 30 cm prior to harvest, still showed increased soil test P. Wheat yield in 2003 and recoverable sugar in 2004 were not significantly affected. The Fargo location was seeded to sugarbeet in 2003 and spring wheat in 2004. Yields were obtained both years and soil samples in 2004. In 2003, a significant increase in sugar production with spent lime application resulted from seedling disease control. Wheat yield in 2004 was not affected. These results show little detrimental affects from spent lime application.

Crushed limestone is used in the processing of sugarbeet to improve the sugar recovery. Traditionally this spent lime, after being filtered out of the process, has been stockpiled near the factory due to lack of a suitable use given the calcareous nature of most of the soils in the Red River Valley and southern Minnesota. The material has taken up many acres of space over the years factories have operated in this region. Considering the amount of calcium carbonate already present in the soil profiles of most the region, the addition of spent lime per acre should not have a significant effect on the physical or chemical nature of such alkaline soil. The analyses data of spent lime shows the material contains nutrients which are separated from the sugarbeet juice as sucrose is recovered. The acid neutralizing is not reduced much from that of pure lime. Soil P increased and K, Cl, and Na decreased with spent lime application. Yield of wheat was not influenced, but seedling disease of sugarbeet was decreased which increased sugar production. No detrimental affects resulted from spent lime application.


  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2004. Effect of plant population and planting date on sugar production--A 2 year summary. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2003 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 34:159-165.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2004. The effect of small grain stubble length on sugarbeet production--A 2 year summary. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2003 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 34:139-142.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2004. The effect of sugarbeet plant spacing uniformity on sugar production--A 3 year summary. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2003 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 34:166-167.
  • Franzen, D.W., Giles, J.F., Reitmeier, Hapka, A.J., Cattanach, N.R., and Cattanach, A.C. 2004. Use of whole field research to change farm management practices. J Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Edu. 33:161-165.

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/03

A second year field experiment was initiated on Bearden silty clay loam (Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, frigid, Aeric Calciaquoll) in August 2002 to determine the effect a reduction in the length of small grain stubble following harvest has on sugarbeet stand establishment. Previous work conducted on the performance of current sugarbeet seeding equipment with increased surface residue showed a decline in sugarbeet stand establishment. Treatments were stubble left at harvest length and shredded to three-fourths, half, and one quarter of harvest length prior to primary chisel plow tillage. Following secondary spring seedbed preparation tillage, sugarbeet seeding was accomplished with a John Deere MaxEmerge 2 planter. Surface residue measurements, taken at seeding time in 2003, did not decrease as much as in the previous year with decreased length of stubble resulting from the shredding operation. Soil nitrate nitrogen levels in the surface 15 cm were similar in all stubble treatments early in the growing season and at the end of July 2003. Recoverable sugar yields averaged over the two years were not significantly affected by changing stubble length, although there was significant decreased root production with decreased stubble height. Harvest sugarbeet populations were similar for all treatments.

Small grain residue incorporated into the surface of the soil profile is beneficial in preventing soil erosion in the Red River Valley of the North located in Minnesota and North Dakota. This residue has been found to reduce the establishment of adequate sugarbeet plants when left following harvest in long lengths in high amounts. With the development of crop residue shredders, the benefits of reducing the length of stubble and it effects on sugarbeet establishment needed to be evaluated. This reduction in stubble length did not have an effect on the amount of surface residue measured at planting time, nor on sugarbeet stand establishment. Decreasing the size of the surface residue resulted in a decrease in sugarbeet root weight and but not in the production of sugar.


  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2003. Comparison of liquid and dry fertilizer starter material for sugarbeet production. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2002 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 33:100-101.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2003. Effect of plant population and planting date on sugar production. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2002 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 33:121-123.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2003. The effect of small grain stubble length on sugarbeet production. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2002 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 33:128-129.
  • Franzen, D.W., Cattanach, N.R., Giles, J.F. and Khan, M. 2003. Improvements in sugarbeet growth with amendments in sandy soils with a history of poor sugarbeet performance. 2002 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 33:106-113.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2003. The effect of sugarbeet plant spacing uniformity on sugar production in the Red River Valley of the North. Congress Proceedings 1st Joint International Institute for Beet Research - American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists Congress. San Antonio, Texas. pp. 591-595.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2003. The effect of sugarbeet plant spacing uniformity on sugar production in the Red River Valley of the North. Journal of Sugar Beet Research Vol. 40 No 3:120.

Progress 10/01/01 to 09/30/02

Field experiment was initiated on Bearden silty clay loam (Fine-silty, mixed,super active, frigid, Aeric Calciaquoll) in August 2001 to determine the effect of reducing the length of small grain stubble following harvest has on sugarbeet stand establishment. Previous work conducted on the performance of present sugarbeet seeding equipment with increased surface residue showed a decline in sugarbeet stand establishment. Treatments were stubble left at harvest length and shredded to three-fourths, half, and one quarter of harvest length prior to primary tillage. Following secondary spring tillage seeding was accomplished with John Deere MaxEmerge 2 planter. Surface residue measurements, taken at seeding time, decreased with decreased length of stubble resulting from the shredding operation. Soil nitrate nitrogen levels in the surface 15 cm were higher on the shortest stubble treatment in August. Root and recoverable sugar yields decreased with reduction in grain stubble length. Increased rate of decomposition of the smaller stubble pieces may have impacted availability of nitrogen during early season growth resulting in significant decreased root production. Harvest sugarbeet populations were similar for all treatments.

Small grain residue incorporated into the surface of the soil profile is beneficial in preventing soil erosion in the Red River Valley of the North located in Minnesota and North Dakota. This residue has been found to reduce the establishment of adequate sugarbeet plants when left following harvest in long lengths in high amounts. With the development of crop residue shredders, the benefits of reducing the length of stubble and it effects on sugarbeet establishment needed to be evaluated. This reduction in stubble length had effect on the amount of surface residue measured at planting time, but not on sugarbeet stand establishment. Decreasing the size of the surface residue resulted in a decrease in sugarbeet root weight and production of sugar.


  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2002. Application of dry fertilizer starter material for sugarbeet production - 2001. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 32:111-112.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2002. Optimum plant population for late planted sugarbeet - 2001. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 32:188-189.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2002. The effect of Helena nutritional product application on sugarbeet yield and quality - 2001. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 32:204-205.
  • Franzen, D.W., Giles, J.F., Reitmeier, L. J., Hapka, A.J., Cattanach, N.R. and Cattanach, A.C. 2002. Summary of four years of research on poor quality sugarbeet in a sugarbeet, spring wheat, potato rotation. 2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 32:152-173.
  • Hofman, V. and Giles, J.F. 2002. Soil compaction effects of single and tandem tire floater spreaders. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 32:208-213.

Progress 10/01/00 to 09/30/01

Field experiment was repeated on Fargo silty clay (Fine, smectic, frigid, Typic Eqiaquert) in September 2000 to determine the effect of reducing the length of small grain stubble following harvest has on sugarbeet stand establishment. Previous work conducted on the performance of present sugarbeet seeding equipment with increased surface residue showed a decline in sugarbeet stand establishment. Treatments were stubble left at harvest length and shredded to three-fourths, half, and one quarter of harvest length prior to primary tillage. Following secondary spring tillage seeding was accomplished with John Deere 71 Flex and John Deere MaxEmerge 2 planters operated a 4 and 5 MPH. Surface residue at seeding time was not significantly different given the increased number of small residue pieces resulting from the shredding operation. Due to three weeks of saturated soil conditions resulting from excessive rainfall events following planting, the experiment was overcome with aphanomyces root rot and had to be abandoned prior to harvest.

Small grain residue incorporated into the surface of the soil profile is beneficial in preventing soil erosion in the Red River Valley of the North located in Minnesota and North Dakota. The residue reduces stand when plant stubble is left in long lengths in high amounts. With the development of crop residue shredders, the benefits of reducing the length of stubble and it effects on sugarbeet establishment needed to be evaluated. This reduction in stubble length had no effect on the amount of surface residue measured at planting time or sugarbeet stand establishment.


  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2001. The effect of Helena nutritional product application on sugarbeet yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:140-171.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2001. The effect of Awaken and starter fertilizer on sugarbeet yield and quality - 2000. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.2001 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:142-143.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2001. The effect of Crop-Set on sugarbeet yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2000 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:186-187.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2001. The effect of Auxigro seed treatment and foliar application on sugarbeet emergence, yield and quality - 2000. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2000 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:188-189.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2001. The effect of planter ground speed on uniformity of sugarbeet within-row spacing and production in the Red River Valley. American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. Proceedings from the 31st Biennial Meeting Agriculture p76.
  • Giles, J.F., Von Holstein, C.S., Wilson, R., Ransom, C., Guza, C., Ishida, J., and Cattanach, C. 2001. Effect of with-row spacing and row width on sugarbeet production using Glyfosate resistant sugarbeets. American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. Proceedings from the 31st Biennial Meeting Agriculture p68.
  • Meyer, D.W., Badaruddin, M., and Giles, J.F. 2001. Previous crop effects on establishment, yield and quality of sugarbeet (preliminary results). North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.2000 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:150-153.
  • Meyer, D.W., Badaruddin, M., and Giles, J.F. 2001. Previous crop effects on establishment, yield and quality of sugarbeet (preliminary results). North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 2000 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:154-157.
  • Hapka, A.J., Franzen, A.J., Giles, J.F., Cattanach, N.R. 2001. Timing and release of nitrogen from residues. 2000 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 31:114-121.

Progress 10/01/99 to 09/30/00

Field experiment was initiated on Fargo silty clay (Fine, smectic, frigid, Typic Eqiaquert), to determine the effect of reducing the length of small grain stubble following harvest has on sugarbeet stand establishment. Previous work conducted on the performance of present sugarbeet seeding equipment with increased surface residue showed a decline in sugarbeet stand establishment. Treatments were stubble left at harvest length and shredded to three-fourths, half, and one quarter of harvest length prior to primary tillage. Following secondary spring tillage seeding was accomplished with John Deere 71 Flex and John Deere MaxEmerge 2 planters operated a 4 and 5 MPH. Surface residue measurements taken at seeding time were not significantly changed given the increased number of small residue pieces resulting from the shredding operation. Number of harvested beets were similar for all stubble length treatments and both planter types, but were decreased by the increase in ground speed. Root yield and recoverable sugar production were significantly less without shredding. These yield results may have been the result of the increased rate of decomposition of the smaller stubble pieces and increased supply of nitrogen early in the growing season.

Small grain residue incorporated into the surface of the soil profile is beneficial in preventing soil erosion in the Red River Valley of the North located in Minnesota and North Dakota. This residue has been found to reduce the establishment of adequate sugarbeet plants when left following harvest in long lengths at high levels. With the development of crop residue shredders, the benefits of reducing the length of stubble and its effects on sugarbeet establishment needed to be evaluated. This reduction in stubble length had no effect on the amount of surface residue measured at planting time nor sugarbeet stand establishment, but did increase sugar production.


  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2000. The effect of Awaken and starter fertilizer on sugarbeet yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1999 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 30:171-172.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2000. The effect of Auxigro seed treatment and foliar application on sugarbeet emergence, yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1999 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 30:177-178.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2000. The effect of John Deere MaxiEmerge 2 planter attachments on sugarbeet spacing, yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1999 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 30:179-187.
  • Khan, Mohamed F.R., Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2000. Effect of "Wet-Sol" on sugarbeet quality and yield. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1999 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 30:173-174.
  • Khan, Mohamed F.R., Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 2000. Effect of "Epsogrow" on sugarbeet quality and yield. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1999 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 30:175-176.
  • Franzen, D.W., Landgraff, A.J., Giles, J.F., Cattanach, N.R., and Reitmeier, L.J. 2000. Nitrogen availability and movement within wheat fields following sugarbeet.1999 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 30:173-174.

Progress 10/01/98 to 09/30/99

Field experiments were initiated on Fargo silty clay (Fine, smectic, frigid, Typic Eqiaquert), Wheatville silt loam (Coarse-silty over clayey, frigid Aeric Calciaquoll) and Bearden silt loam (Fine-silty, mixed, frigid Aeric Calciaquoll) to determine the effect of sodium chloride on sugarbeet production. Fall and spring application of 100, 200, and 400 pounds per acre of sodium chloride and 200 pounds per acre of sulfur-coated NaCl were surfaced broadcast and incorporated with a field cultivator prior to the 1997 and 1998 growing seasons. Potassium soil test level of the Wheatville soil was in the medium range and high for the Bearden and Fargo, while the Na level was higher for the Fargo and Wheatville than the Bearden. Sugarbeet emergence was not significantly affected by NaCl on the Bearden and Fargo soils either year, but was significantly reduced by spring application on the Wheatville. Increasing NaCl produced a non-significant increasing effect on sugar production on the Wheatville each year. A decrease occurred as NaCl increased on the Fargo soil both years. Greatest positive responses in sugar production occurred on the Bearden soil, however the spring 1998 application caused the greatest negative effect on this soil. The sulfur-coated material had a greater effect than regular granules. Residual NaCl had no effect on production of subsequent crops (spring wheat and dry beans) on any of the three soils.

Sodium chloride application for sugarbeet is a common recommendation on the high potassium testing soils in Europe. This material has not been tested previously in Minnesota and North Dakota. With the possibility of serious disturbance of the structure of clay soil by the displacement of calcium by sodium in the clay complexes, the application of sodium chloride is not normally recommended. With the lack of a significant increase in the production of recoverable sugar in the two years of this study, the addition of sodium chloride is not being recommended for sugarbeet in the Red River Valley.


  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Effect of sodium chloride application on sugarbeet production-1997. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 29:146-148.
  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Effect of sodium chloride application on sugarbeet production-1998. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 29:149-152.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Effect of "Sur-Emerge I" on sugarbeet. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 29:153.
  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, N.R. and Braaten, D. 1999. Application of soybean-based fertilizer for sugarbeet production. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 29:135-136.
  • Giles, J.F. and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Sugarbeet stand establishment with proper planter maintenance. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 29:202-203.
  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Effect of sodium chloride application on sugarbeet production in the Red River Valley. Journal of Sugar Beet Research 36:64.
  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Sugarbeet stand establishment and sugar production using John Deere MaxEmerge 2 planter attachments. Journal of Sugar Beet Research 36:64.
  • Giles, J.F. 1999. Remote telecommunication access of sugarbeet research and extension reports and bulletins on the Internet. Journal of Sugar Beet Research 36:64.
  • Reitmeier, L.J., Giles, J.F., Franzen, D.W., and Cattanach, N.R. 1999. Use of remote imagery to reveal high levels of deep soil N and direct N application. Journal of Sugar Beet Research 36:87.
  • Stael Von Holstein, C., Wilson, R., Ransom, C., Guza, C., Ishida, J., Giles, J.F., and Cattanach, A.W. 1999. Row width and plant population study with transgenic Glyphosate resistant sugarbeet. Journal of Sugar Beet Research 36:92.

Progress 10/01/97 to 09/30/98

Field experiment was initiated in 1996 on a coarse-silty, frigid Aeric Calciaquoll, to determine the effect of sugarbeet factory waste lime on crop response. Lime treatments consisting of 2, 4 and 8 tons per acre were surface broadcast and incorporated with a chisel plow following sugarbeet harvest. The pH of the lime material was 2 units greater than the initial surface soil pH. Pinto beans grown in 1997 did not display any deficiency symptoms during the growing season nor experience a yield reduction regardless of lime treatment. Spring wheat yields in 1998 were similarly not affected by lime treatment.



  • Cattanach, A.W., and Giles, J.F. 1998. Effect of 'Early Harvest PGR' on sugarbeet. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:191-193.
  • Cattanach, A.W., Giles, J.F., Cattanach, N.R. and Mahoney, B.A. 1998. Effect of Asset PPS, Awaken, and starter fertilizer on sugarbeet yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:194-195.
  • Reitmeier, L.J., Franzen, D.W., Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1998. Sugarbeet yield and quality in a potato-sugarbeet rotation (preliminary results). North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:159-166.
  • Cattanach, A.W., Giles, J.F., Mahoney, B.A. and Cattanach, N.R. 1998. Effect of 'Amisorb' on sugarbeet yield and quality. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:188-190.
  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1998. Effect of wheel traffic on sugarbeet production, 1996-1997. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:174-184.
  • Giles, J.F., Cattanach, A.W. and Cattanach, N.R. 1998. Primary tillage effect on sugarbeet production, 1996-1997. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:185-187.
  • Giles, J.F. 1998. Remote telecommunications access of sugarbeet research and extension reports and bulletins on the Internet - 1997. North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota. 1998 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports 28:205.