Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2011
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2016
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Soil and Crop Science
Non Technical Summary
Forages preserved as hay generally ranks as one of the top 3 field crops in terms of value of production in Colorado. In 2009, hay was the leading crop in Colorado with an estimated value of $633 million, accounting for 31.4% of the total value from all crops. Colorado is experiencing several trends that are creating a need for additional information related to forage production and management. First, the dairy industry within the state has experienced a steady increase in cow numbers (40,000 head) over the last 10 years which brings with it a concurrent need for additional forage. In addition, when the Laprino cheese and whey plant comes online in Greeley within the next year, it will be accompanied by an additional need for 80,000 more cows in northeastern Colorado to meet the milk supply demand for the plant. Second, the state is experiencing a conversion of agricultural land to other uses. Large acreages are being subdivided into smaller parcels (less than 35 acres) which are being purchased by people from predominately urban backgrounds that have little knowledge of land management practices. Most like to keep a few animals on their property, but need help with such things as what forage species to plant, how to establish the plants, and weed and grazing management. The clientele base for research and extension information on forages is basically changing from traditional agricultural producers to these new "small acreage landowners". Finally, the urban development and subsequent population growth that Colorado is currently experiencing has brought about a need for more water for municipal uses. About 90% of the water used in Colorado is for agricultural purposes. One of the easiest ways for municipalities to obtain more water is to buy irrigation water rights from agricultural users. This creates a need for information on how to reclaim these formerly irrigated lands by establishing dryland forage species. If active restoration is not pursued, it may take years for succession to reach a point where the land is once again productive for both livestock and wildlife uses. To meet the above needs, various forages (annual and perennial grasses and legumes) will be evaluated for their adaptability in various environments throughout Colorado. Management practices will also be concurrently evaluated that ensure the long-term productivity of these forages which will ultimately minimize input costs to landowners. Results will be disseminated through referred journal articles, AES technical reports and bulletins, Extension fact sheets, workshops and seminars, and field days. Results will also be incorporated into campus courses (Forage and Pasture Management and Integrated Forage Management). Most of the information generated will be made available to the public through the world wide web.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1. Evaluate yield and quality of forage species and/or cultivars potentially adapted to Colorado's varied environmental conditions and unique management needs. 2. Evaluate various management practices for improving forage yield and quality. 3. Evaluate techniques for interseeding grasses and legumes into existing stands of perennial forages to improve yield, forage quality, and/or extend stand life.
Project Methods
Replicated small plot trials will be conducted in various parts of the state to evaluate the yield and quality of different forage species under different management scenarios. The trials will focus on such aspects as hay production, grazing, and restoration/reclamation of degraded sites. Management factors that will be considered include soil fertility, water use and efficiency, timing of harvest, frequency and intensity of grazing, planting method, and mixed versus single species stands. Variables that will be used for evaluation include stand establishment and persistence, yield, forage quality, and composition of the stand and/or hay. Yield will be determined using a flail-type forage harvester or by hand harvesting quadrats of known size. Subsamples will be ground and stored for later determination of forage quality. Forage quality will be measured using variables such as crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and relative forage quality (RFQ). Crude protein will be determined by measuring total nitrogen content of the forage and multiplying by 6.25. The NDF and ADF fiber fractions will be determined using the ANKOM filter bag modification of methodology developed by Van Soest and Robertson (1980). Relative forage quality is an improved measure of the old relative feed value (RFV) index. Composition of the stand and/or hay will be determined using several methods. Hand clipping of quadrats in the field will be used to determine stand composition on a dry weight basis. Individual species or groups will be clipped using a quadrat of known area and bagged separately, oven dried, and weighed. Composition of hay samples will be hand separated in the laboratory by species or group, bagged separately, oven dried, and weighed. The procedures as outlined above will be very similar for all 3 objectives since forage yield and quality are the main measures of interest. Field trials will be layed out in randomized complete block designs. Data will be analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results will be disseminated through referred journal articles, AES technical reports and bulletins, Extension fact sheets, workshops and seminars, and field days. Results will also be incorporated into campus courses (Forage and Pasture Management and Integrated Forage Management). Most of the information generated will be made available to the public through the world wide web.

Progress 07/01/11 to 06/30/16

Target Audience:Target audiences reached over thecourse of the last 5 years include Extension Forage specialists, County Extension Agents, Natural Resources Conservation Service field personnel, seed industry representatives, agricultural crop consultants, Water Bank Workgroup members, undergraduate and graduate level college students, farmers/ranchers, and small acreage landowners. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management, ANEQ 204 - Equine Facilities Management, and ANEQ 478 - Beef Systems) and graduate courses (AGRI 632 - Managing Sustainable Ecosystems and AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management, both in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management Program) at Colorado State University. Two presentations which were developed from information resulting from this project were given at the Pasture Management Professional Development Workshops held in Salmon, Idaho, Dallas, Oregon, Fort Collins, Colorado, and Logan, Utah. Theseworkshops were designed as an advanced class in pasture management to train Extension, NRCS, agricultural consultants, and others. Over 120 individuals attended thesetraining sessions. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Aposter was presented at the Western Section - American Society of Animal Science annual meeting oninterseeding cool-season forages into corn. Fourinvited presentations that covered progress and results on the irrigation fallowing project were given to theColorado Water Institute, Colorado Water Conservation Board, and the Water Bank Working Group. In addition, a volunteer presentation was given on this same project at the American Water Resources Association annual meeting.Over 25 Extension presentations on various forage topics associated with this project were given at workshops over the 5 year project period. An estimated 1200 individuals attended these presentations representing Extension, NRCS field personnel, agricultural consultants, seed industry representatives, farmers/ranchers, and small acreage landowners. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? One of the first trials undertaken overthe course of this project period provided answers directly related to objective 3. Working with colleagues from Idaho and Oregon, we demonstrated that legumes could be successfully interseeded into existing grass stands by first suppressing the existing grasses with glyphosate. Alfalfa established the best, increasing total yield by over2200 kg per ha. Red clover also established well in the glyphosate suppressed plots while birdsfoot trefoil and white clover were intermediate. Sainfoin is not very competitive, and even when the grasses were suppressed, there was very little establishment of this species and it would not be recommended for interseeding. With the recent interest in cover crops and the fact that most cover crops can be used for forage, a project was undertaken to evaluate the yield and forage quality potential of different varieties and species of brassicas grown under northern Colorado conditions (Objective 1). Three varieties of turnip, 3rape, 1 kale, 1 radish, 1 rutabaga, and 1 hybrid were evaluated. All except the kale established well and would be acceptable for planting in northern Colorado. When planted in mid-July, the rapes yielded the greatest amount of biomass, up to 8880 kg per ha when sampled in mid-November. If planting must be delayed until mid-August, then the turnips or hybrid would be the best choices due to their more rapid growth. The radish also had rapid growth but was not as cold tolerant as the turnips and rapes. Based on the results of this evaluation, a 4-way mix was divised for use in other trials. This mix was comprised of Barkant turnip, Barnopoli rape, Pasja hybrid, and Groundhog radish. The radish was included because it is good at scavenging nitrogen and can aid in reducing soil compaction due to hoof action from the grazing animals. Weaned calves have performed well when grazing this particular mix, gaining over a kg per head per day. With ever increasing demands for water in the western US, it is imperative that irrigation management practices be investigated that can free up water currently being used for agricultural purposes while still allowing for the production of existing crops. Since a signficant amount of water is utilized in the production of perennial forage crops like alfalfa and grass hay, it is logical to see ifmanagement can be altered to free up water while yet maintaing productivity of the stands over time. Full season fallowing of several perennial grass hayfields as well as partial season fallowing of three alfalfa fields on the western slope of Colorado was investigated as a means of making water available for other downstream uses. Alfalfa was found to bevery adaptable to partial season irrigation and is a prime candidate for reducing cunsumptive use of water while maintaining partial yields within a given year and stands over time. In fact, plant vigor appeared to be greater in stands that were partially irrigated for several consecutiveyears compared to fully irrigated over the same time period. This was most likely due to reduced weed, disease, and nematode pressure in the partially irrigated stands. In the year of full season fallowing of the grass hayfields, yields were reduced by up to 93%, depending on the amount of precipitation received. When full irrigation was applied the following year to the fieldsthat had been fallowed the previous year, yields averaged only 50% of what the continuously irrigated fields produced. By the second year of full irrigation following the fallow year, yields had essentially recovered to full productivity. This means that if grass hay producers are to participate in this so called "Water Banking", then they will need to be compensated not only for lost production in the fallow year, but also the 50% reduction in yield during the first year of recovery. The final major trial conducted over the course of this 5 year project evaluated the potential of interseeding various cool season forages into standing corn at the V6 stage of growth. By doing so, the plants establish but are then shaded until later in the season when the corn beigns to mature and dry down. Therefore, competition is minimal between the corn and interseeded forages. Once the corn begins to dry down and more light reaches the soil surface, the interseeded forages begin to grow again. Once the corn is harvested for grain, then the stover/forage mix can be grazed with the cool season forages providing not only additional dry matter, but also protein which the corn stover often lacks. Annual ryegrass and the 4-way brassica mix mentioned above were the two most successful entries evaluated with estimated costs of only $0.17 and $0.15 per kg of utilizable dry matter, respectively. These values were similar to or lower than those for good quality alfalfa hay that is often used as a supplement for cattle grazing cornstalks. Basically, interseeding cool season forages into standing corn can increase the quantity and quality of biomass offered to beef cattle grazing cornstalks during the fall while reducing supplementation costs for producers.


    Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

    Target Audience:Target audiences reached during this reporting period include Extension Forage specialists, County Extension Agents, Natural Resources Conservation Service field personnel, seed industry representatives, Water Bank Group representatives, undergraduate and graduate level college students, and farmers/ranchers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management, ANEQ 204 -Equine Facilities Management, andANEQ 478 - Beef Systems) and graduate courses (AGRI 632 - Managing Sustainable Ecosystems and AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management, both in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management Program) at Colorado State University. Two presentations which were developed from information resulting from this project were given at the Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop which was held in Logan, Utah in May 2015. This workshop was the last in a series of 5 that was designed as an advancedclass in pasture management to train Extension, NRCS, agricultural consultants, and others. A total of 30 individuals attended this training. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?For the project highlighted above looking at interseeding cool-season forages into corn, a poster was presented at the Western Section - American Society of Animal Science annual meeting.A total of 7 Extension presentations on various forage topics associated with this project were given at workshops in 2015. At total of 275 individuals attended these presentations representing Extension, NRCS field personnel, agricultural consultants, seed industry representatives, and farmers/ranchers. In addition, a presentation was given at the American Water Resources Association annual meeting on the agronomic responses of grass and alfalfa hayfields to no and partial season irrigation. Approximately 30 individuals attended that presentation. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A technical bulletin will be written summarizing results from the effects of fallowing or partially irrigating grass and alfalfa hayfields. This information is critical for those working on the concept of water banking as a method to free-up agricultural water for other uses, such as municipal or industrial, orto meet downstream compact obligations. The study looking at the feasibility of using brassicas and other cover crops to extend the grazingseason into the fall/early winter was completed in 2015. One paper from this study was published in Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management in 2015. A number of other papers, technical bulletins, and Extension fact sheets summarizing results from this study will be drafted in 2016 and submitted for publication.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Six forage species/mixtures were interseeded into irrigated grain corn to evaluate their yield and nutritional quality as a means of improving diets for beef cattle grazing cornstalks during the fall. Species/mixtures evaluated included annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), Fridge winter triticale (X Triticosecale), a mixture of annual ryegrass plus crimson clover, a brassica mixture (Barkant turnip [Brassicas rapa], Barnapoli rape [Brassica napus], Groundhog radish [Raphanus sativus var.oleifer], and Pasja hybrid [Chinese cabbage {Brassica rapa chinensis} x Turnip hybrid]), and a mixture of winter triticale plus the brassica mix. Dry matter yield (DMY), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (aNDF), and digestibility (IVTD) differed among the interseeded forages. The brassica mix had the highest DMY (790 kg ha-1) and CP of all interseeding treatments (18.3-26.1%) could increase the protein supply when grazing cornstalks (5.2%). The low fiber content (aNDF) of the interseeded forages (23.4-44.2%) should not affect rumen function as cattle will have a fiber supply from the cornstalks (73.5%). Except for crimson clover (77.7%), all treatments had high digestibilities (90.7%) that will increase the nutrient supply to beef cattle grazing cornstalks (57.7%). Costs of the interseeded forages varied widely because of differences in seeding rates, seed cost, DMY, and CP content. Annual ryegrass and the brassica mix had the lowest costs ($0.17 and $0.15 kg-1 of utilizable DM and $0.88 and $0.64 kg-1 of utilizable CP, respectively), with values similar to or lower than those for good quality alfalfa hay with a current market price of $154 t-1. Interseeding cool-season forages can increase the quality and quantity of biomass offered to beef cattle grazing cornstalks during the fall while reducing supplementation costs for producers.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Villalobos, L.A., and J.E. Brummer. 2015. Forage brassicas stockpiled for fall grazing: Yield and nutritive value. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Mgt. doi: 10.2134/cftm2015.0165.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Wang, L., Y. Qian, J.E. Brummer, J. Zheng, S. Wilhelm, and W.J. Parton. 2015. Simulated biomass, environmental impacts and best management practices for long-term switchgrass systems in a semi-arid region. Biomass and Bioenergy 75:254-266.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Villalobos, L., and J.E. Brummer. 2015. Interseeding cool-season forages into corn to increase yield and quality of residue grazed in the fall. In: Proceedings, Western Section Amer. Soc. Ani. Sci. 66:268-271.
    • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Brummer, J.E., L.P. Jones, P.E. Cabot, C.H. Pearson, and A.F. Berrada. 2015. Agronomic responses of grass and alfalfa hayfields to no and partial season irrigation as part of a potential Colorado Western Slope water bank. Abstr. Session 85, AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference, Denver, CO.
    • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Shewmaker, G.E., M. Bohle, S. Fransen, J.E. Brummer, and D. Hannaway. 2015. Forage and pasture educational program for professionals in the Northwest. Abstr. #94242, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Jones, Lyndsay P. 2015. Agronomic responses of grass and alfalfa hayfields to no and partial season irrigation as part of a western slope water bank. M.S. Thesis, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Villalobos, Luis A. 2015. Annual cool-season forage systems for fall grazing by cattle. Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.

    Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

    Target Audience: Target audiences reached during this reporting period include Extension Forage Specialists, County Extension Agents, Natural Resources Conservation Service field personnel, seed industry representatives, Water Bank Group representatives, and farmers/ranchers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management) and graduate courses (AGRI 632 - Managing Sustainable Ecosystems and AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management, both in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management Program) at Colorado State University. The presentation entitled Keys to Successful Establishment of Perennial Forages, which was developed using results from this project, was presentedat the Maximizing Irrigated Pasture Productivity Workshop held in May 2014. This workshop provided training for approximately 24 individuals from Extension and NRCS as well as privatre landowners. This presentation will also be given at the next Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop which will be held in Logan, Utah in 2015. This workshopis designed as an advanced class in pasture management to train Extension, NRCS, agricultural consultants, and others. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? For the project highlighted above,one presentation that covered progress and results to date was given at the Colorado Water Institute annual board meeting. A total of 9 other presentations on various forage topics associated with this project were given at workshops and conferences in 2014. A total of 425 individuals attended those activities representing Extension, NRCS field personnel, agricultural consultants, seed industry representatives, and farmers and ranchers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Athird year of data will be gathered on the project highlighted above to determine residul effects of the fallowing and partial season irrigation treatments on forage yield and quality. Efforts will be concentrated on the grass fallowed sites since data from 2014 indicated that they had not fully recovered in one year from the stress of no irrigation in 2013. Three years of data will besummarized on the project that is looking at the feasibility of using brassicas and other cover crops to extend the grazing season into the fall/early winter as a means of reducing imput costs in beef cattle operations.

    What was accomplished under these goals? During the 2014 growing season,a second year of data was collected on theresearch study reported on in 2013to assess the agronomic feasibility of partial and full season fallowing of hayfields as part of a Western-Slope Waterbank. The objective of thisstudyis to provide enough information for local hay producers to confirm if this approach is worth pursuing. More specifically, this project is intended to determine the impacts to forage yield, quality, and associated recovery period for fallowed and partially fallowed hayfields on the Western Slope of Colorado. The experiment includes side-by-side fallowing treatments of three alfalfa hayfields andsix grass hayfields located on the Western Slope of Colorado. Treatments on the alfalfa sites include fully irrigated (control), stop irrigating after the first cutting, and stop irrigating after the second cutting. The grass sites include a fully irrigated treatment and a full season fallow, or non-irrigated treatment. Test sites are spread throughout the Western Slope including the Yampa River basin, theGunnison River basin, the Upper and Lower Colorado River basins, and the San Juan/Dolores River basin. Grass sites are located at the Carpenter Ranch near Hayden, CO, the Fetcher Ranch near Steamboat Lake, CO, the Trampe Ranch near Gunnison, CO,the Blue Valley Ranch near Kremmling, CO, the Peterson Ranch near Gunnison, CO, and the Western Rivers Conservancy near Cimarron, CO. Alfalfa sites include the Kehmeier Farm near Eckert, CO, the Western CO Research Center near Fruita, CO, and the Southwestern CO Research Center near Yellow Jacket, CO. Measurements and data collected will determine impacts to forage yield and quality (crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and NDF digestibility), changes in species composition in grass hayfields, changes in plant density in alfalfa hayfields, and changes in soil nutrients at all sites. Evapotranspiration (ET) rates, precipitation, and temperature data were collected throughout the growing seasonand willbe usedto helpexplain trends inoverall results. Species composition data, plant density data, and soil analyses weretaken at the beginning ofthe growing season. Forage samples for both yield and qualitywere taken prior to each hayharvest. Yield reductions at the season-long fallowed grass sites (4 sites) ranged from 24% to 70% in 2013. In 2014, two additional grass sites were fallowed with yield reductions of 81% to 93% compared to the fully irrigated control. The sites fallowed in 2013 were returned to full irrigation in 2014. Yields at these sites were still 39% to 54% below those of thefully irrigated pairedplots after one year of recovery. Data was taken at the Peterson Ranch site in 2012 during the drought and again in 2014. Following 2 years of full irrigation, yields at this site were similar between the fallowed (drought affected) and fully irrigated plots indicating full recovery. Yield reductions at the alfalfa sites for the treatment where irrigation was stopped afterthe secondcutting ranged from 0% to 54% in 2013 and 4% to 39% in 2014. For the treatment where irrigation was stopped afterthe firstcutting, yield reductionsranged from 42% to 71% in 2013 and 55% to 82% in 2014. The complete fallow treatment, only implemented at the Yellow Jacket site in 2013, showed a 77% yield reduction. Alfalfa appears to be very conducive to partial season irrigation which provides an opportunity for hay producers to reduce consumptive water use while still maintaining partial yields in a given year and stands over time.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Clark, Lindsay V., Joe E. Brummer, Katarzyna Glowacka, Megan C. Hall, Kweon Heo, Junhua Peng, Toshihiko Yamada, Ji Hye Yoo, Chang Yeon Yu, Hua Zhao, Stephen P. Long and Erik J. Sacks. 2014. A footprint of past climate change on the diversity and population structure of Miscanthus sinensis. Ann. Bot. 114:97-107.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Pearson, C.H., J.E. Brummer, A. Beahm, and N.C. Hansen. 2014. Kura Clover Living Mulch Cropping System in Furrow-Irrigated Corn in the Intermountain West. Agron. J. 106:1324-1328.
    • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Clark, Lindsay V., Joe E. Brummer, Katarzyna Glowacka, Megan C. Hall, Kweon Heo, Junhua Peng, Toshihiko Yamada, Ji Hye Yoo, Chang Yeon Yu, Hua Zhao, Stephen P. Long and Erik J. Sacks. 2014. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Miscanthus sinensis. Abstract #W090, International Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXII, San Diego, CA.
    • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Jones, Lyndsay, Joe Brummer, Calvin Pearson, and Abdel Berrada. 2013. Agronomic responses to partial and full season fallowing of alfalfa and grass hayfields. Colorado State University, Western Colorado Research Center Phytoworks Newsletter, Winter 2013, 2 pp.

    Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13

    Target Audience: Target audiences reached during this reporting period include Extension Forage Specialists, County Extension Agents, Natural Resources Conservation Service field personnel,seed industry representatives, Water Bank Group representatives, and farmers/ranchers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management) and graduate courses (AGRI 632 - Managing Sustainable Ecosystems and AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management, both in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management Program) at Colorado State University. The presentation entitled Keys to Successful Establishment of Perennial Forages, which was developed last year using results from this project, was presented again at the next Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop which was held in Fort Collins, Colorado in August. This workshop was designed as an advanced class in pasture management to train Extension, NRCS, agricultural consultants, and others. A total of 30 people from these various groups attended the workshop in Fort Collins. Two more workshops are planned for next year. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? For the project highlighted above, 3 presentationsthat coveredprogress and results to date were given to the following groups: Colorado Water Institute, Colorado Water Conservation Board, and the Water Bank Working Group. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? A second year of data will be gathered on the project highlighted above to determine residul effects of the fallowing and partial season irrigation treatments on forage yield and quality. A third year of data will be collected on the project reported on in 2012 that is looking at the feasibility of using brassicas and other cover crops to extend the grazing season into the fall/early winter as a means of reducing imput costs in beef cattle operations.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective #2: Agronomic Responses to Partial and Full Season Fallowing of Alfalfa and Grass Hayfields Personnel involved: Lyndsay Jones (MS graduate student), Joe Brummer (Associate Professor/Extension Forage Specialist), Calvin Pearson (Professor/Research Agronomist located at the Western Colorado Research Center-Fruita), and Abdel Berrada (Research Scientist/Manager located at the Southwestern Colorado Research Center-Yellow Jacket). The Colorado River is managed under several acts and federal laws dating back to The Colorado River Compact of 1922. Over the years, numerous acts, agreements, and treaties have altered the way the river is managed. The act of 1922 separated the seven states involved into the upper basin and lower basin. Each basin is allowed 7.5 million-acre feet (MAF) of the river’s annual flow. In 1944, a treaty stated that Mexico was also entitled to receive 1.5 MAF. Colorado legally utilizes just over 50% of the 7.5 MAF allocated to the upper basin. The western slope of Colorado alone, accounts for close to 1.3 MAF of the rivers annual flow. Although insufficient amounts of water were not a critical factor in the past, in recent years, a combination of drought, increased development, and growing populations have increased pressure on river resources. Since the upper basin must legally send 7.5 MAF of water to the lower basin, water shortages are a growing concern. One possible approach to this issue that is gaining interest is a water-banking system where water would be taken out of agricultural production to free up water to meet compact obligations and/or be leased for other uses. Colorado State University is currently working on a research study meant to assess the agronomic feasibility of partial and full season fallowing of hayfields as part of a Western-Slope Waterbank. This study hopes to provide enough information for local hay producers to confirm if this approach is worth pursuing. More specifically, this project is intended to determine the impacts to forage yield, quality, and associated recovery period for fallowed and partially fallowed hayfields on the Western Slope. The experiment includes side-by-side fallowing treatments of three alfalfa hayfields and four grass hayfields located on the Western Slope. Treatments on the alfalfa sites include fully irrigated (control), stop irrigating after the first cutting, and stop irrigating after the second cutting. One alfalfa site also included a complete fallow (no irrigation) treatment. The grass sites include a fully irrigated treatment and a full season fallow, or non-irrigated treatment. Test sites are spread throughout the Western Slope including the Yampa River basin, the Upper Gunnison River basin, the Upper and Lower Colorado River basins, and the San Juan/Dolores River basin. Grass sites are located at the Carpenter Ranch near Hayden, CO, the Fetcher Ranch near Steamboat Lake, CO, the Trampe Ranch near Gunnison, CO, and the Blue Valley Ranch near Kremmling, CO. Alfalfa sites include the Kehmeier Farm near Eckert, CO, the Western CO Research Center near Fruita, CO, and the Southwestern CO Research Center near Yellow Jacket, CO. Measurements and data collected will determine impacts to forage yield and quality (crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and NDF digestibility), changes in species composition in grass hayfields, changes in plant density in alfalfa hayfields, and changes in soil nutrients at all sites. Evapotranspiration (ET) rates, precipitation, and temperature data will also be collected throughout the growing season to be used in evaluation of overall data. Species composition data, plant density data, and soil analyses are to be taken at the beginning of each growing season. Forage samples for both yield and quality are taken prior to each harvest. The first year’s data has been summarized to determine annual yield reductions and regrowth rates between the various treatment groups. Yield reductions at the season-long fallowed grass sites ranged from 24% to 70%. Potential crop ET for the season ranged from419 to650mm and precipitation ranged from 82 to 171 mm. Yield reductions at the alfalfa sites for the treatment where irrigation was stopped after the second irrigation ranged from 0% to 54%, while in the areas where irrigation was stopped after the first irrigation, reductions ranged from 42% to 71%. The complete fallow treatment, only implemented at the Yellow Jacket site, showed a 77% yield reduction. Potential crop ET at the alfalfa sitesranged from973to1057mm and precipitation ranged from 100 to 161 mm. In 2014, grass plots that were fallowed will be returned to normal irrigation while the alfalfa plots will receive the same partial irrigation treatments. Identical data will be collected and analyzed to determine the effects of the previous year’s treatments on the hay crops and soils. Effects to hay crop yields, quality, possible recovery period, increase in weeds, decrease in desirable forages or plant density, and changes in soil nutrients will all be analyzed to help determine if using water from hayfields for a water banking system has potential for hay producers on the Western Slope.


    • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: MacAdam, J., J. Brummer, A. Islam, and G. Shewmaker. 2013. The Benefits of Tannin-Containing Forages. Utah Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Bulletin AG/Forages/2013-03, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2012 Citation: Hurisso, T.T., J.G. Davis, J.E. Brummer, M.E. Stromberger, M.M. Mikha, and M.R. Booher. 2012. Short-term nitrogen mineralization during transition from conventional to organic management is unchanged by composted dairy manure addition in perennial forage systems. Org. Agr. 2:219-232.
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Hayward, Dana. 2013. A Cover Cropping System to Enhance Small Scale Production of Hops on the Colorado Front Range. Colorado State Univ., Western Center for Integrated Resource Management, M. Agr. Professional Paper,
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Stokes, Jaimi. 2013. Grazing Management Principles and Practices. Colorado State Univ., Western Center for Integrated Resource Management, M. Agr. Professional Paper,
    • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Rundell, Shelby. 2013. Recreational Effects on Livestock Production Systems: Management of Multiple Uses. Colorado State Univ., Western Center for Integrated Resource Management, M. Agr. Professional Paper,
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Clark, L.V., J.E. Brummer, M. Hall, S. Long, J. Peng, T. Yamada, J.H. Yoo, C.Y. Yu, H. Zhao, and E.J. Sacks. 2013. Genetic Structure of Miscanthus sinensis from Asia and the United States. Poster Abstract #P0013, International Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXI, San Diego, CA.

    Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

    OUTPUTS: Results from this project were presented at the WERA-1014 (Intensive Pasture Management for Sustainable Livestock Production in the Western US) annual meeting held in Twin Falls, Idaho. One poster presentation was given on legume interseeding at the 5th National Conference on Grazing Lands held in Orlando, Florida. The results from the legume interseeding trial were also written up and published in the proceedings for the above conference. Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management) and graduate courses (AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management) at Colorado State University. The 3-day grazing school which was developed in 2011 using some of the results from this project was again held in September for graduate students in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management and Beef Management Systems Programs. The students not only benefited from the results, but were also able to visit some of the actual research plots as part of the grazing school. A presentation was developed entitled Keys for Successful Establishment of Perennial Forages using some of the results from this project and given at the Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop held in Salmon, Idaho. This workshop is designed as an advanced class in pasture management to train Extension, NRCS, agricultural consultants, and others. At least 3 more workshops are planned with the next one to be held in Fort Collins, Colorado in August 2013. A webinar entitled Renovating and Reseeding Your Pastures was developed and presented in October with a target audience of small acreage landowners. Although targeted towards this group, the information is applicable to all landowners and land managers. It is archived and available for anyone to download and view. The final output for 2012 from this project is completion of the revision of the Forage Guide for Colorado which is in the process of publication. It should be available for distribution in early 2013. PARTICIPANTS: The grazing school that was held in September 2012 provided hands-on training to 16 master's level graduate students in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management and Beef Systems Management Programs at Colorado State University. The Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop that was held in Salmon, Idaho provided training for 28 individuals from: universities and extension (14), NRCS (12), and industry (2). The small acreage webinar that was presented in October had an initial audience of about 40 individuals. Others can and have viewed the archieved presentation online. A PhD level graduate student, Luis Villalobos from Costa Rica, was recruited to work on a project looking at alternative forages that can be used to extend the grazing season into the fall and winter. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    A study was initiated in 2012 to investigate the yield and quality potential of different brassica species grown under Colorado conditions. There is current interest in these species for use as both cover crops and alternative forages. Three varieties of turnip (Appin, Barkant, and Purple top), 3 varieties of rape (Bonar, Barnapoli, and Winfred), 1 kale (Kestrel), 1 radish (Groundhog), 1 rutabaga (Major Plus), and 1 hybrid (Pasja) were seeded in mid-July and mid-August for a total of 10 species and/or varieties of brassicas. Averaged across all entries, the mid-July planting yielded 6440 and 6650 kg/ha in mid-October and mid-November, respectively. The mid-August planting date was too late to obtain high yields, averaging only 1260 and 1870 kg/ha across all entries in mid-October and mid-November, respectively. A planting date around August 1 appears to be about optimum to obtain respectable yields in northern Colorado environments. Most entries continued to accumulate dry matter between the October and November sampling dates, although slowly. The growing conditions in the fall of 2012 were quite mild, so producers might not always be able to count on continued growth in the November time period. If one cannot plant until mid to late August, turnips are the best choice as they put on the most growth averaging 1950 and 2650 kg/ha at the October and November sampling dates, respectively. Pasja hybrid brassica would also be a good choice for late planting as it yielded 2670 kg/ha by mid-November. The rapes were the most productive, especially when planted early. When planted in mid-July, the rapes averaged 7790 and 8880 kg/ha by the October and November sampling dates, respectively. This was compared to the turnips which only yielded 6260 and 5820 kg/ha on the October and November sampling dates, respectively. Although the rapes are more productive compared to the turnips, they also put on stem growth which is more fibrous and not as palatable. The advantage of the more fibrous stem growth associated with the rapes is that they will stand up better under a snow load which makes them a good choice for later fall grazing in areas that typically receive snow. On the other hand, the turnips were starting to lose dry matter by the November sampling date which limits their use to earlier in the fall before cold temperatures and snow sets in. Kale was not as productive as some of the other brassicas due to its longer growth period requirement to reach maturity. The rutabaga and radish performed well when planted early but not late. Neither one was as productive as the turnips and rapes. Other than the kale, all entries yielded well when planted in mid-July or mid-August and would be potential choices for cover crops to extend the grazing season into the fall in northern Colorado.


    • Smith, M.L., Meiman, P.J., and Brummer, J.E. 2012. Characteristics of hummocked and non-hummocked Colorado riparian areas and wetlands. Wetlands Ecol. Manage. 20:409-418.
    • Sacks, E.J., Brummer, J.E., Clark, L., Hall, M., Long, S., Peng, J., Yamada, T., Yoo, J.H., Yu, C.Y., and Zhao, H. 2012. Quantifying phenotypic and genetic diversity of Miscanthus sinensis as a resource for knowledge-based improvement of M. xgiganteus (M. sinensis x M. sacchariflorus), pp. 184-185. USDA-NIFA and DOE-BER Project Director Meeting, Jan. 13, 2012, San Diego, CA.
    • Schroeder, J.D., Meiman, P.J., Brummer, J.E., and Vaad, J. 2012. Abundance relationships between Geyer's larkspur and other coexisting plant species. Abstr. 0225, Soc. Range Manage. 65th Annu. Meeting, Spokane, WA.
    • Brummer, J.E., Shewmaker, G.E., and Engel, C.L. 2012. Challenges and benefits of interseeding legumes into grass dominated stands. In: Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Grazing Lands, December 9-12, 2012, Orlando, FL.
    • Jahn, C.E., Turner, M.F., Sauer, S., Brummer, J.E., McMaster, G., Buchleiter, G., and Johnson, J. 2012. Biomass yield, bioenergy characteristics, and cell-wall composition of dryland sweet pearl millet grown at multiple locations in Colorado. Abstr. 187-6, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
    • Meiman, P.J., Davis, N.R., Brummer, J.E., and Ippolito, J.A. 2012. Riparian shrub metal concentrations and growth in amended fluvial mine tailings. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 223:1815-1828.

    Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

    OUTPUTS: Results from this project were presented at the WERA-1014 (Intensive Pasture Management for Sustainable Livestock Production in the Western US) annual meeting held in Pasco, Washington. One poster presentation was given at the Institute for Livestock and the Environment annual stakeholder meeting. One master's thesis was also completed during the year. Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management) graduate courses (AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management) at Colorado State University. A 3-day grazing school was developed using some of the results from this project and held in September of 2011 for graduate students in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management and Beef Management Systems Programs. The students not only benefited from the results, but were also able to visit some of the actual research plots as part of the grazing school. Results from the legume interseeding trial detailed in the outcomes section were presented at the Western Alfalfa and Forage Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada which had an attendance of about 700. The results were also written up in a proceedings paper for the conference. The most influential output for 2011 was the completion of the second edition of the Intermountain Grass and Legume Production Manual. This was a cooperative effort among numerous authors. Numerous hard copies have been distributed to producers, Extension agents, NRCS field personnel, and agriculture consultants within Colorado as well as several western states. PARTICIPANTS: The interseeding study was a collaborative project among myself and Glenn Shewmaker, Extension Forage Specialist from the University of Idaho, and Chanda Engel, Extension Livestock and Forage Specialist from Oregon State University. We worked together on a Western SARE Producer/Professional grant to fund this project. The grazing school that was developed and held in September 2011 provided hands-on training to 21 master's level graduate students in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management and Beef Systems Management Programs at Colorado State University. Numerous individuals from Extension, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Colorado State University collaborated to revise the Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manual which was published in June 2011. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    One of the objectives of this project was to investigate methods of interseeding grasses and legumes into existing stands of perennial forages. Interseeding legumes into grass-dominated stands can benefit pasture and hay producers by increasing the yield and quality of forage they produce and reducing their need for inputs of nitrogen fertilizer. The challenge is to get the legumes established given the competition from existing vegetation. A cooperative study was initiated in 2010 that involved sites and personal from Colorado, Idaho, and Oregon. Five legume species (alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, red clover, white clover, and sainfoin) were interseeded into existing grass pastures and hayfields that were suppressed either with glyphosate herbicide, close mowing to simulate early spring grazing, or direct seeded (control). This study confirmed that suppressing the grasses with glyphosate prior to seeding results in the most consistent legume establishment. Close mowing to simulate heavy grazing generally did not result in improved establishment. Of the 5 legumes evaluated, alfalfa established the best in the glyphosate treatment in Colorado, increasing yield by over a ton per acre. In Idaho, establishment was more variable with red clover establishing well regardless of suppression treatment. No legumes established at the Oregon site due to heavy rodent activity. This study highlighted the importance of suppressing the existing grasses and choosing a vigorous legume species for interseeding to reduce the risk of seeding failure. The ultimate goal of this study is to produce a fact sheet on interseeding legumes into grass dominated fields that is applicable throughout the western United States.


    • Barnes, M.K., Brummer, J.E., Santana, L.J., Scott, J.M., and Volt, M.W. 2011. Clover seeding for sage-grouse habitat and forage production on mountain meadows. Abstr. 423, Soc. Range Manage. 64th Annu. Meeting, Billings, MT.
    • Beahm, A.T., Brummer, J.E., Pearson, C.H., and Hansen, N.C. 2011. Living mulches for irrigated corn and soybeans in the semi-arid West. In: Abstr. Book, Institute for Livestock and the Environment 4th Ann. Stakeholder Summit, Nov. 17, 2011, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Brummer, J.E., Cooley, A.W., Murray, J., and Volt, M. 2011. Establishment and renovation of pastures, hayfields, and mountain meadows, p. 15- 27. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Brummer, J.E., Davis, J.G., and Booher, M.R. 2011. Fertilizing cool season grasses and grass/legume mixtures. Colo. State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet No. 0.522, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Brummer, J.E., Shewmaker, G., and Engel, C. 2011. Challenges and benefits of interseeding legumes into grass dominated stands, p. 72-78. In: Proceedings, 2011 Western Alfalfa & Forage Conference, Las Vegas, NV, December 11-13, 2011, Univ. Calif. Cooperative Extension, Davis, CA.
    • Juday, D.G., Brummer, J.E., and Smith, D.H. 2011. Use of alternative temperature expressions with Blaney-Criddle. J. Irr. Drain. Manage. 137:573- 584.
    • LeValley, R.B., Brummer, J.E., and Page, E. 2011. Weed management in grass pastures and hayfields, p. 39-54. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Murray, J., Cooley, A.W., and Brummer, J.E. 2011. Plant species selection: Irrigated pasture/mountain meadows, p. 3-13. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Pearson, C.H., Brummer, J.E., and Hammon, B. 2011. Organic production of alfalfa and grass, p. 177- 184. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Pearson, C.H., Brummer, J.E., Hammon, B., and Franklin, M.L. (eds). 2011. Intermountain grass and legume forage production manual, 2nd ed. Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech. Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 194 p.
    • Hurisso, T.T., Davis, J.G., Brummer, J.E., Stromberger, M.E., Stonaker, F.H., Kondratieff, B.C., Booher, M.R., and Goldhamer, D.A. 2011. Earthworm abundance and species composition in organic forage production systems of northern Colorado receiving different soil amendments. Appl. Soil Ecol. 48:219-226.
    • Brummer, J.E., Volt, M., and Cooley, A.W. 2011. Irrigated hay production, p. 81-85. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Cooley, A.W. and Brummer, J.E. 2011. Fertility management: Irrigated pasture/mountain meadows, p. 55-61. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Cooley, A.W. and Brummer, J.E. 2011. Introduction: Irrigated pasture/mountain meadows, p. 1-2. In: C.H. Pearson, J.E. Brummer, B. Hammon, and M.L. Franklin (eds), Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manaul (2nd ed), Colo. Agri. Exp. Stat. Tech Bull. TB11-02, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.

    Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

    OUTPUTS: Results from the warm-season annual study reported on this year, as well as other studies, were presented at the WERA-1014 (Intensive Pasture Management for Sustainable Livestock Production in the Western US) annual meeting held in Butte, Montana. In conjunction with the abstracts listed in the publication section, several poster presentations were given on various aspects of the overall study at the American Society of Agronomy annual meeting and the Institute for Livestock and the Environment annual stakeholder meeting. Two master's theses were also completed during the year. We anticipate completion of a PhD dissertation in the spring of 2011 which should yield several journal manuscripts dealing with impacts of organic pasture management on various soil properties. Results from all forage studies were incorporated into both undergraduate (SOCR 320 - Forage and Pasture Management) graduate courses (AGRI 635 - Integrated Forage Management in the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management) at Colorado State University. Probably the most influential presentation of results occurred at the USDA National Organic Program - Access to Pasture Training which was held in Denver, CO on April 7, 2010. There were a number of organic dairy producers in attendance at that meeting to learn about the final revised rule on organic pasture management and how to implement management changes on their operations to meet the new requirements of the rule. Results from the organic pasture part of this overall study were incorporated into a general discussion of proper management of irrigated pastures at that meeting. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

    The objective of the project being reported on this year was to determine productivity and quality of various warm-season annual forages. The different entries (foxtail millet, pearl millet, Japanese millet, sudangrass, sorghum-sudangrass, forage sorghum, and hybrid forage sorghum) were planted in early July which was late enough that they could have either been left standing in the field and used as stockpiled forage, harvested for hay, or windrowed and grazed in the field. Oats were included as a cool-season annual forage for comparison to the various warm-seasons. Only 40 lbs of nitrogen per acre was applied to avoid any potential for nitrate accumulation by the plants. The plots were furrow irrigated and harvested in late September. Across all species, yield averaged 4460 lbs/ac. The 3 millet species fell in the middle with an average yield of 4320 lbs/ac. Piper sudangrass was the highest yielding entry at 5620 lbs/ac while Canex hybrid forage sorghum yielded the least at 3760 lbs/ac. Buffalo Honey II sorghum-sudangrass and Canex BMR forage sorghum yielded 4030 and 4540 lbs/ac, respectively. For being planted during the hottest part of the summer, the oats had a very respective yield at 4810 lbs/ac. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content of the different forages varied by 6.4 percentage points with an overall average of 64.3%. Elite II hybrid pearl and Golden German foxtail millet had the lowest average NDF content at 61.5% while Piper sudangrass and Buffalo Honey II sorghum-sudangrass had the highest at 67%. The same general trends among entries were evident for acid detergent fiber (ADF) with sudangrass having the highest (39.2%) and foxtail and pearl millet having the lowest (32.8%) concentrations. The overall average ADF content was 36%. For oats, the NDF content fell in the middle with an average of 64.2% while the ADF content was on the high end (39.3%), averaging about what sudangrass did. Crude protein content of the different entries has not yet been determined. When planting a warm-season annual grass for forage, most producers choose either forage sorghum or one of the sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. Based on results from this study, they were not the highest yielding entries. Straight sudangrass was the highest yielding and several of the millet species produced equally well as the forage sorghums or hybrids. Although not typically considered for planting during mid-summer, oats was the second highest producing species evaluated. The drawback to sudangrass was that it had the highest neutral and acid detergent fiber contents which would reduce digestibility and intake.


    • Hurisso, T.T., Davis, J.G., Brummer, J.E., and Booher, M.R. 2010. Determining nitrogen mineralization from composted manure and impact on irrigated perennial grass mixes. Abstr. 177-5, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
    • Hurisso, T.T., Davis, J.G., Brummer, J.E., Booher, M.R., Stromberger, M.E., and Mikha, M.M. 2010. Estimating composted dairy manure nitrogen mineralization for irrigated organic perennial pasture production. In: Abstr. Book, Institute for Livestock and the Environment 3rd Ann. Stakeholder Summit, Dec. 3, 2010, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Lindenmayer, R.B., Hansen, N.C., and Brummer, J.E. 2011. Deficit irrigation of alfalfa for water-savings in the Great Plains and Inter-Mountain West: A review and analysis of the literature. Agron. J. 103:45-50.
    • Pearson, C.H., and Brummer, J.E. 2009. Evaluation of teff as an alternative forage crop for western Colorado 2008, p. 17-20. In: R. Godin and H. Larsen (eds.), Western Colorado Research Center 2008 Annual Report, Colo. Agri. Exp. Sta. Tech. Rep. TR09-12, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Pearson, C.H., Brummer, J.E., and Beahm, A.T. 2010. Co-establishment of legumes and corn in a living mulch cropping system under furrow irrigation, p. 10-19. In: R. Zimmerman (ed.), Western Colorado Research Center 2009 Annual Report, Colo. Agri. Exp. Sta. Tech. Rep. TR10-07, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Widiastuti, D.P. 2010. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools under perennial forage. M.S. Thesis, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Beahm, A.T., Brummer, J.E., Pearson, C.H., and Hansen, N.C. 2010. Living mulches for irrigated corn and soybeans in the semi-arid West. Abstr. 122-3, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
    • Booher, M.R. 2010. Grass and grass-legume mixes for irrigated pasture using organic production methods. M.S. Thesis, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO.
    • Gillette, K., Brummer, J.E., and Hansen, N.C. 2010. Utilization of C3 grasses for a dual forage and biomass production system with limited irrigation. Abstr. 56-2, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Long Beach, CA.

    Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

    OUTPUTS: The information generated from this study will be valuable to producers throughout the western US that are contemplating sale of their irrigation water to municipalities. Basically, we are looking at alternatives to past transfers which have resulted in the buy and dry scenario. There appears to be a real effort by the municipalities to keep agriculture viable while still obtaining the water they need for their customers. This is happening in eastern Colorado where we have a research and demonstration site near Iliff looking at various alternatives including forages and limited irrigation crops like corn, wheat, and soybeans. Every year, we host a field tour that is attended by municipalities, producers, and other stakeholders. Preliminary results from the cool-season grass evaluation were presented in 2009 to about 40 participants. A presentation of results was also given at the annual WERA 1014/Pacific Northwest Forage Workers Conference in late September. Besides the annual tour, results will be presented at several workshops that are planned in 2010. PARTICIPANTS: Bruce Bosley, Area Cropping Systems Extension Agent for Logan and Morgan Counties, and Mike Stephens, Project Manager, were instrumental in managing the plots and helping to collect data. Bruce has also used some of the data for various workshop presentations. Graduate students in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences that assisted with data collection include Matt Booher, Andy Beahm, and Katrina Gillette. Katrina is using part of the data on biomass for biofuel for her master's thesis project. The main outreach activity so far has been the annual field tour in which 35 to 40 people typcially attend representing municipalities, producers, and extension agents. TARGET AUDIENCES: The main target audience is agricultural producers that have or are comtemplating transferring some or all of their water rights to municipalities. Various municipalities that are negotiating for water rights are also interested in the results from this study and would be another major target audience. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

    Agricultural producers in the western US are under pressure to transfer their water rights to municipal uses. In an effort to obtain water while keeping agriculture economically viable, some municipalities are allowing producers to retain a portion of their water. The question then becomes how to most efficiently use this smaller amount of water to raise crops. In 2008, we established a study to evaluate 15 cool-season grasses for both forage and biomass for biofuel under 3 irrigation regimes (full season, spring only, and spring/fall with summer dormancy). Forages are ideal candidates for limited or deficit irrigation because at least some harvestable forage or biomass can be obtained with limited water (i.e. yield is directly related to amount of water applied). The first harvest for forage was taken on June 1 and the second for biomass on June 21, 2009. All but tall wheatgrass was in full bloom (maximum biomass) by the second harvest date. Averaged over all species, yield increased from 4100 kg/ha at the first harvest to 6370 kg/ha at the second harvest. The top 4 yielding species at the first harvest were crested, pubescent, and intermediate wheatgrass, and an experimental smooth brome with yields of 4940, 4720, 4660, and 4550 kg/ha, respectively. At the second harvest, tall wheatgrass was the top yielding species at 7890 kg/ha followed by pubescent, intermediate, and crested wheatgrass with yields of 7850, 7660, 7450 kg/ha, respectively. Russian wildrye was one of the lowest yielding species at both harvests (2730 and 4850 kg/ha at harvest 1 and 2, respectively). Surprisingly, tall fescue which tends to be one of the higher yielding cool-season grasses ranked near the bottom at both harvest dates. We evaluated 2 varieties and both did poorly with Fawn averaging 3100 and 4530 kg/ha at harvest 1 and 2, respectively. Yield of MaxQ tall fescue improved between the first and second harvests averaging 3160 and 5730 kg/ha, respectively, but still did not exhibit the potential that is typically associated with this species. Forage quality is currently being run on all samples and yield data from the late season harvest in October is being analyzed. The effects of the irrigation treatments will be seen in following years in terms of not only yield, but stand longevity.


    • Hou G.H., Cosenza, J., Brummer, J.E., and Qian, Y.L. 2009. Growing switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) as an energy crop in Colorado. Abstr. 164-16, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Pittsburg, PA.
    • Widiastuti, D.P., Davis, J.G., Mikha, M.M., Booher, M.R., and Brummer, J.E. 2009. Soil carbon fractionation under perennial forage. Abstr. 228-20, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Pittsburg, PA.
    • Barnes, M.K., Brummer, J.E., Santana, L.J., Scott, J.M., and Volt, M.W. 2009. Clover seeding for sage-grouse habitat and forage production on mountain meadows. In: Proc. 4th National Conf. on Grazing Lands, December 13-16, 2009, Sparks, Nev. 6 p.
    • Booher, M.R., Brummer, J.E., Davis, J.G., and Meiman, P.J.. 2009. Grass and grass/legume mixes for irrigated pasture using organic production methods. Abstr. 157-5, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annu. Meeting, Pittsburg, PA.
    • Booher, M.R., Hurisso, T.T., Widiastuti, D.P., Brummer, J.E., and Davis, J.G. 2009. Yield, forage quality, and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in grass and grass/legume mixes for irrigated pasture using organic production methods. In: Abstr. Book, Institute for Livestock and the Environment 2nd Ann. Stakeholder Summit, Nov. 19, 2009, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Brummer, J. 2009. Effect of rain on hay quality. CSU Livestock Links Newsletter published by the Institute for Livestock and the Environment for the Colorado Livestock Association, August 12, 2009.
    • Brummer, J.E. 2009. Does it pay to fertilize grass hayfields with nitrogen, p. 11-13. In: Proc. 2009 Idaho Alfalfa and Forage Conf., February 3-4, 2009, Burley, Ida. Available online at: 09.pdf
    • Brummer, J.E. 2009. Interseeding of pastures and hayfields, p. 17-26. In: Proc. 2009 Idaho Alfalfa and Forage Conf., February 3-4, 2009, Burley, Ida. Available online at:
    • Brummer, J.E. and Davis, J.G. 2009. Fertilizing mountain meadows. Colorado State Univ. Ext. Fact Sheet No. 0.535. Fort Collins, Colo.
    • Goldhamer, D.A., Stonaker, F.H., Brummer, J.E., Mikha, M.M., Booher, M.R., and Davis, J.G. 2009. Organic annual forages grown in rotation with winter vegetables. In: Abstr. Book, Institute for Livestock and the Environment 2nd Ann. Stakeholder Summit, Nov. 19, 2009, Fort Collins, CO.
    • Goldhamer, D.A., Stonaker, F.H., Brummer, J.E., Mikha, M.M., Booher, M.R., and Davis, J.G. 2009. The effect of annual forages in rotation with winter vegetables on soil quality. International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics, Colorado Springs, CO.
    • Goldhamer, D.A., Stonaker, F.H., Brummer, J.E., Mikha, M.M., Booher, M.R., and Davis, J.G. 2009. The effect of annual forages in rotation with winter vegetables on soil quality. Western Society of Soil Science Ann. Meeting, Fort Collins, CO.

    Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

    OUTPUTS: Weed control during the establishment year is a major production challenge for alfalfa producers and this problem may be exacerbated by pre-plant application of livestock manure as a fertilizer source. The use of transgenic glyphosate tolerant alfalfa provides a new herbicide option for weed control, but information is needed about alfalfa yield and quality from glyphosate tolerant compared to non-transgenic alfalfa types. This study was conducted to compare alfalfa yield, quality, and weed characteristics during the establishment year for a glyphosate tolerant and a non-transgenic alfalfa type with and without pre-plant manure application. The comparisons were made among a control treatment with no manure applied, a medium rate, and a high rate of pre-plant manure in combination with a glyphosate tolerant and non-transgenic alfalfa on low and high weed pressure sites near Fort Collins, CO. Glyphosate tolerant alfalfa yielded 8% more total biomass, a 25% greater amount of pure alfalfa, and 81% less broadleaf weeds than did non-transgenic alfalfa in the first harvest. Glyphosate tolerant alfalfa was higher in crude protein in the first cutting, but the observed differences did not result in higher relative feed value. For the second harvest, glyphosate tolerant alfalfa had a 22% greater total biomass yield, 24% more pure alfalfa, and 88% less broadleaf weeds when compared to the non-transgenic alfalfa. Overall, establishment year yields were 13% greater for the glyphosate tolerant alfalfa type. Pre-plant manure applications did not affect establishment year biomass, weed characteristics, or forage quality components. Thus, the overall results show glyphosate tolerant alfalfa had increased weed control and pure alfalfa yield that led to an advantage in total yield during the establishment year. PARTICIPANTS: Brian Larson was the graduate research assistant on this project. The alfalfa project detailed in this report was a collaborative effort among 3 departments: Soil and Crop Sciences, Animal Science, and Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management. The scientists involved included Neil Hansen, Shawn Archibeque, Terry Engle, and Phil Westra. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience is producers that grow high quality alfalfa hay that is used primarily by the dairy industry. Other alfalfa producers could also benefit from this technology but may not be able to justify the additional expense associated with the technology fee. Results from this project may be of liitle use to anyone unless the current injunction against the sale and planting of glyphosate tolerant alfalfa is lifted in the near future. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

    This study was initiated just before the injunction against planting glyphosate tolerant alfalfa went into effect in 2007. Assuming that the potential environmental impacts from planting glyphosate tolerant alfalfa can be addressed and it comes back on the market in a few years, then results from this study will have implications for alfalfa producers at that time. Results indicate that total alfalfa yield can be increased in the establishment year by planting glyphosate tolerant alfalfa and the hay produced will have fewer weeds in the composition. Although the relative feed value was not increased, the hay produced using the glyphosate system would still be more attractive to dairies because it contained fewer weeds. Some weeds can be toxic to animals or cause flavors in the milk. Both of these factors have potential economic consequences for dairies which makes them reluctant to purchase weedy alfalfa hay. Producers of dairy quality alfalfa appear to be the ones that can benefit the most by growing glyphosate tolerant alfalfa, given that it comes back on the market in the near future.


    • Bokan, S. and Brummer, J. 2008. Native versus introduced species for grass pastures. Boulder County Small Acreage Management Newsletter, pg. 2-4. %202008.pdf.
    • Brummer, J.E. 2008. Does it pay to fertilize grass hayfields with nitrogen From the Ground Up Agronomy News 27(2):12-14.
    • Brummer, J.E. 2008. Does it pay to fertilize grass hayfields with nitrogen Progressive Hay Grower 9(4):23-25.

    Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

    Living mulches are perennial plants used as cover crops in the production of annual cash crops. Potential benefits of living mulches include decreased soil erosion, weed and insect suppression, improved soil structure and nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and nitrogen fixation when using legumes. Kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum) is a perennial, rhizomatous legume that has been used successfully in the upper Midwest as a living mulch in no-till crop production systems. The objective of this project was to demonstrate the benefits of using a kura clover living mulch system for no-till crop production under furrow-irrigated conditions in Colorado. A preliminary study conducted in 2006 found significant reductions of 85% or more in the concentration of sediment in irrigation tailwater from living mulch compared to conventionally-tilled plots. Results also indicated that minimum tillage in addition to herbicides may be necessary to reduce competition from the clover. In 2007, corn was grown under furrow irrigation using living mulch and conventional practices at Fruita, Colorado. All plots were sprayed with a broadcast application of glyphosate and dicamba in April to provide early season suppression of the clover. Corn was seeded into the kura clover living mulch following application of 3 suppression treatments: no-till plus band spray with pre-plant herbicide in 25 cm bands, strip-till in 25 cm bands, or no-till (no additional suppression at time of seeding). In addition, each suppression treatment was replicated 3 times within each block and received either 0, 84, or 168 kg/ha of nitrogen in an effort to determine the contribution of nitrogen from the clover. The highest corn yield was 11.7 Mg/ha in the strip-tilled treatment that received 168 kg N/ha. This was in comparison to 9.4 and 10.9 Mg/ha in the conventional-tillage treatments that received 168 and 336 kg N/ha, respectively. There appears to be a positive relationship of growing corn in a living mulch that has been strip tilled. Reduced competition from the clover by strip tilling, preparation of a seedbed, addition of nitrogen from atmospheric fixation by the clover, and release of that nitrogen at a slow rate over the season as it mineralizes are the most likely benefits of this treatment. Following corn harvest in November, yields of both the kura clover and corn stover were determined. The clover needs to be suppressed early in the season so that it does not compete too strongly with the corn. Once the corn canopy closes, the clover is adequately shaded and remains suppressed until the corn starts to mature and dry down later in the season. At that point, light reaches the ground once again and the clover begins to grow into the fall since it is a cool-season plant. Once the corn is harvested, the clover/corn stover mix can be grazed by livestock with the clover providing a high quality protein source. Clover yield was quite variable but averaged 866 kg/ha across treatments. The yield of corn stover averaged almost 5.6 Mg/ha across treatments. Longer-term impacts to variables such as soil structure and carbon sequestration will be determined at the conclusion of this project.

    Results to date illustrate several environmental and economic benefits associated with integrating perennial living mulches into annual cropping systems. Sediment load reductions of over 85% in tailwater from furrow-irrigated fields point to less soil erosion which should translate to improved water quality for downstream users. Producers should also experience more efficient use of applied nutrients since fewer will be carried off the end of the field with the sediment. This has both environmental and economic benefits. Maintaining or increasing yields comparable to conventional practices while using fewer inputs of inorganic fertilizers, especially nitrogen, also has both environmental and economic benefits. Corn yields were actually higher in the living mulch plots that were strip-tilled and received 168 kg/ha of nitrogen compared to conventionally grown corn that received 336 kg/ha of nitrogen. Assuming a current price for nitrogen of $1.10/kg, a producer could potentially save up to $185/ha and have the same or higher corn yields. Looking at it another way, corn yield averaged 2.26 Mg/ha higher in the living mulch plots that were strip tilled compared to those in which corn was grown conventionally when both were fertilized with 168 kg/ha of nitrogen. At a current price of $165/Mg, this equates to additional gross income of about $373/ha. A final economic benefit would come from the additional high quality forage that could be utilized by on-farm livestock or leased for grazing at a premium. In many areas, corn stalks are leased for cattle grazing in the fall. The corn stover is a good energy source but is often low in protein which must then be supplemented in order to maintain animal condition and gain. Assuming the need to supplement 0.9 kg/day of crude protein using soybean meal at $0.75/kg of protein, a livestock producer could save up to $0.67/day by utilizing the clover as the protein source. This value could easily be taken into account when negotiating lease prices for grazing of corn stover. Two groups toured the living mulch plots at Fruita, Colorado during the summer of 2007 with approximately 55 total people in attendance. Additional field tours and workshop presentations are planned for next year in order to expose producers and others to the potential environmental and economic benefits of using living mulch cropping systems.


    • Brummer, J.E. 2007. Forage yields of 29 alfalfa varieties at the Agricultural Research, Development and Education Center, Fort Collins, Colorado, in 2007. Colorado State Univ. Crop Variety Testing website:

    Progress 01/01/06 to 12/31/06

    The fringed sage control project being conducted in the South Park area of Colorado was continued in 2006. The objective of this study was to evaluate various methods of reducing the density of fringed sage followed by reseeding at 3 different times with either a native or introduced grass mix. The study was conducted at 2 sites within the Park: the 63 Ranch and Ranch of the Rockies (ROR). Initial results from 2005 were based on density counts of fringed sage and indicated that Cimarron Xtra and 2,4-D alone worked well at the 63 Ranch while Tordon and 2,4-D alone were the treatments of choice at the ROR. Additional data was collected in 2006 which altered these initial conclusions. Fringed sage biomass averaged 1735 and 895 kg/ha in the untreated control plots at the 63 Ranch and ROR, respectively. Although 2,4-D appeared to reduce density of fringed sage in 2005, a number of plants had recovered sufficiently by the 2006 growing season to the point where biomass was reduced by only 45% at both sites. This compares to biomass reductions of 93, 99, and 92% for Cimarron, Curtail, and Tordon, respectively, at the 63 Ranch. Tillage was no better than 2,4-D at the 63 Ranch site with only a 45% reduction in fringed sage biomass. The disturbance and lack of competition created by the tillage treatment allowed fringed sage to quickly reestablish from the seedbank. Control was not as good at the ROR with reductions in fringed sage biomass of 70, 73, and 81% for Cimarron, Curtail, and Tordon, respectively. Grass biomass averaged 392 and 246 kg/ha in the controls at the 63 Ranch and ROR, respectively. Except for the tillage treatment at the 63 Ranch, grass biomass responded positively in all treatments. At the 63 Ranch, grass biomass averaged 1235 and 1472 kg/ha for Cimarron and Curtail, respectively, but only 734 kg/ha for Tordon. Baltic rush (included in grass category) was present at the 63 Ranch and Tordon appeared to have detrimental effects on this plant which accounted for most of the reduced grass response in this treatment. At the ROR, grass response was highest for Tordon with an average of 1082 kg/ha. Grass response for 2,4-D, Cimarron, and Curtail averaged 594, 820, and 742 kg/ha, respectively, at this site. Cover values mimicked those for biomass. Seeding success was evaluated by ranking each plot from 0 (no seeded plants) to 5 (all drill rows well defined by seeded plants). Establishment was generally minimal at the 63 Ranch, regardless of seed mix or time of seeding. The best establishment at this site was in the tillage treatment (2.4) due to reduced competition and seeding into a prepared seedbed. Establishment was better in both summer plantings (average of 1.4) compared to the fall (1.0) with the native seed mix doing slightly better (1.6) compared to the introduced mix (1.3) at this site. At the ROR, establishment was also generally low with rankings of 1.9, 1.7, 1.5, and 1.2 for Tordon, Curtail, Cimarron, and 2,4-D, respectively. The fall and summer 2006 plantings ranked less than 1.0 for both native and introduced seed mixes while the summer 2005 planting ranked at 3.7 and 2.9 for the introduced and native mixes, respectively.

    Fringed sage can be effectively controlled with several herbicides (Cimarron Xtra, Curtail, and Tordon) thereby allowing established grasses to increase productivity. Although Curtail performed well, it was higher priced at $35.63/acre compared to $17.11 and $19.98/acre for Tordon and Cimarron, respectively. Seeding success is often minimal in high-elevation, harsh environments such as the South Park area of Colorado. Mid-summer plantings appear to be the best approach for improving establishment of seeded grasses in areas that typically receive monsoonal (July and August) precipitation. Performance of the introduced grass mix was not consistently better than the native mix. Although native grasses are slower to establish, they may be the better choice for long-term productivity. There are thousands of acres in the South Park area alone that could benefit from control of fringed sage including over 40,000 acres that have experienced increases in sage due to the sale of irrigation water.


    • Putnam, D., Ottman, M., Griggs, T., Drake, D., McWilliams, D., Brummer, J., and Riggs, W. 2006. Emerging issues with forages in the Southwest, p. 9-20. In: Proc. 2006 Western Alfalfa and Forage Conference, December 11-13, 2006, Reno, Nev. Univ. Calif. Coop. Ext., Agron. Res. and Ext. Center, Plant Sci. Dept., Univ. Calif., Davis.

    Progress 01/01/05 to 12/31/05

    The South Park area of Colorado is characterized as a high, cold desert. The harsh growing conditions associated with this environment coupled with drought, historic overgrazing, and the transfer/removal of irrigation water have led to many degraded range sites in the Park. Fringed sage is a native plant that has come to dominate many sites throughout the Park. It is particularly troublesome because it is low producing, is unpalatable to livestock, and is very competitive and persistent once established. The objective of this study was to evaluate various methods of controlling or reducing the density of fringed sage followed by reseeding at 3 different times with either a native or introduced grass mix. Two sites were chosen for study. The 63 Ranch was a low lying site that was formerly irrigated while the Ranch of the Rockies was a dry, upland site that was suffering the effects of drought and historic overgrazing. Treatments at the 63 Ranch site consisted of 2,4-D, Tordon plus 2,4-D, Cimarron Xtra plus 2,4-D, Curtail, and rototilling. Only the 4 herbicide treatments were applied at the Ranch of the Rockies site. Treatments were applied at both sites in early June of 2005. The first seeding was in early July with a dormant seeding applied in early November of 2005. Another summer seeding will be established in 2006. Density of fringed sage was measured in mid August of 2005. At the 63 Ranch site, Cimarron Xtra and 2,4-D alone reduced the density of fringed sage to 2.6 and 5.2 plants per square meter, respectively, compared to the control which had 23.9 plants per square meter. The tillage treatment was not included in the analysis since it effectively reduced the density of fringed sage to zero. At the Ranch of the Rockies site, Tordon and 2,4-D alone were most effective, reducing the density of fringed sage to 5.4 and 8.5 plants per square meter, respectively, compared to the control which had 25.5 plants per square meter. Based on this preliminary evaluation, it appears that 2,4-D alone would be the most cost effective method of reducing the density of fringed sage. At the rates used, 2,4-D alone was $8.98 per acre compared to Tordon at $17.11, Cimarron Xtra at $19.98, and Curtail at $35.63 per acre. Grasses in both the native and introduced seed mixes appeared to be well established by November as evidenced by the degree of tillering. Numerous small rains in August and September were the key to successful germination and establishment of the grasses from the summer seeding at both sites. As would be expected, the introduced grasses were more vigorous than the native. Although it appeared that most of the grasses were well established, they still must survive the harsh winter conditions of South Park. Data will be taken in the spring of 2006 to determine the density of seeded grasses. The final results of both the control and seeding treatments will not be known for several years.

    The density of fringed sage was reduced by spraying with various herbicides. The herbicide of choice is 2,4-D based on effectiveness and least cost. Preliminary results indicate that reducing the density of fringed sage and seeding in mid summer allows the establishment of both native and introduced grasses.


    • No publications reported this period

    Progress 01/01/04 to 12/31/04

    The quantity and quality of forage produced from grass dominated mountain meadows can be improved by interseeding legumes. However, the success of this practice is often limited by the strong competitive effects exerted by the existing vegetation. Suppression of the existing vegetation prior to seeding generally results in significant improvement in seedling establishment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the establishment success of birdsfoot trefoil that was interseeded into a mountain meadow in which the existing vegetation was suppressed by Roundup herbicide using different application methods. Three methods were tested: broadcast spray, band spray, and band wipe, each at 2 application rates. Broadcast and band spray application rates were 1.75 and 3.5 liters per hectare. A 33% mix of Roundup to water was used for the band wipe treatment. Different amounts of total herbicide were applied by running the pump that supplied the pads either on a continuous or intermittent basis. The band applications were applied in 10-cm wide strips centered over the seed row in an effort to suppress half the existing vegetation. Hay yield was taken on July 15 to determine effects of the herbicide on production, and seedling counts were taken on August 29. All 6 method/rate combinations of applying Roundup herbicide improved birdsfoot trefoil establishment compared to the unsprayed control which averaged only 4 plants per square meter. The best establishment, 43 plants per square meter, occurred when all vegetation was suppressed using a broadcast application of herbicide. This was predictable since competition was reduced to its lowest level using this method. There was no significant difference between the 2 application rates. Band application of Roundup resulted in about half (22 plants per square meter) the seedling density compared to broadcast applications. Both band application methods, regardless of rate, resulted in the same seedling density. The effect of the herbicide treatments on hay yield was also measured. This was a highly productive meadow that produced 7170 kg/ha of forage in the untreated control plots. Theoretically, the band application treatments should have reduced hay yields by about half (i.e. herbicide applied to half the area). However, yields were reduced by 67% to only 2240 kg/ha. The reason for this was leaf overhang. Although a plant may not have been rooted in the 10-cm treated strip, it had leaves that lapped over into the zone where herbicide was sprayed or wiped. This effectively suppressed a strip larger than 10 cm, which accounts for the one-third yield decrease. If the goal is to suppress a 10-cm wide strip, then the spray or band width will have to be narrowed accordingly. In summary, we determined that birdsfoot trefoil can be interseeded into a highly productive mountain meadow by first suppressing the existing vegetation. Applying Roundup in bands resulted in half the seedling density compared to broadcast spraying, but the input of herbicide was reduced by half while maintaining about a third of the normal hay crop.

    Birdsfoot trefoil can be successfully interseeded into mountain meadows by first suppressing the existing vegetation with Roundup herbicide. Applying the herbicide in bands compared to broadcast spraying led to half the number of plants becoming established. However, applying Roundup in bands reduced the amount of herbicide used by half, which has both economic and environmental benefits while achieving acceptable plant establishment and maintaining a partial hay crop.


    • Berrada, A. and Brummer, J.E. 2004. Evaluation of spring cereals for dual use, p. 101-106. In: J.E. Brummer and C.H. Pearson (eds.), Colorado Forage Research 2003: Alfalfa, Irrigated Pastures, and Mountain Meadows. Colo. Agri. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. TB04-01. Fort Collins, Colo.
    • Brummer, J.E. 2004. Mountain meadow management: Potential impacts to surface water quality. Colorado Water 21(3):9-10.
    • Brummer, J.E. and Pearson, C.H. 2004. Colorado forage research 2003: Alfalfa, irrigated pastures, and mountain meadows. Colo. Agri. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. TB04-01. Fort Collins, Colo. 113 p.
    • LaShell, B., Zalesky, D., Selzer D., and Brummer, J.E. 2004. Quality comparison of windrow grazing versus traditional haying methods in mountain meadows, p. 111-113. In: J.E. Brummer and C.H. Pearson (eds.), Colorado Forage Research 2003: Alfalfa, Irrigated Pastures, and Mountain Meadows. Colo. Agri. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. TB04-01. Fort Collins, Colo.
    • Pearson, C.H. and Brummer, J.E. 2004. Potential for selecting alfalfa varieties based on forage quality, p. 41-61. In: J.E. Brummer and C.H. Pearson (eds.), Colorado Forage Research 2003: Alfalfa, Irrigated Pastures, and Mountain Meadows. Colo. Agri. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. TB04-01. Fort Collins, Colo.

    Progress 01/01/03 to 12/31/03

    Best management practices (BMPs) allow agricultural producers to balance economic and environmental needs in their operations. Using appropriate BMPs can lessen the cumulative effects of agricultural nonpoint source pollution on adjacent water systems. Previously developed for many agricultural crops, fertilizer application BMPs need to be developed for mountain meadows. Fertilizer is typically applied to these meadows in April as producers prepare fields for the irrigation season that runs from early May to late July, but other options need to be investigated. The objective of this study was to determine how application timing of monoammonium phosphate (MAP, 11-52-0) fertilizer affected irrigation overland flow water quality. Application of 40 kg phosphorus (P) and 19 kg nitrogen (N) per hectare using MAP in the fall significantly reduced concentrations of reactive P and ammonium N in irrigation overland flow compared with early or late spring fertilization. Reactive P loading was 9 to almost 16 times greater when fertilizer was applied in the early or late spring, respectively, compared with in the fall. Ammonium N followed a similar trend with early spring loading more than 18 times greater and late spring loading more than 34 times greater than loads from fall fertilized plots. Losses of 45% of the applied P and more than 17% of the N were measured in runoff when fertilizer was applied in the late spring. These results, coupled with those from previous studies, suggest that mountain meadow hay producers should apply fertilizer in the fall, especially P-based fertilizers, to improve hay yields, avoid economic losses from loss of applied fertilizers, and reduce the potential for impacts to water quality.

    Fertilization of mountain meadows with phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers is a common practice to improve hay yields. Applying fertilizer in the late spring just prior to flood irrigation resulted in losses of 45% of the applied phosphorus and more than 17% of the nitrogen. Mountain meadow hay producers should consider applying fertilizer in the fall, especially phosphorus based fertilizers, to minimize losses of applied fertilizer thereby avoiding economic losses and reducing potential impacts to water quality.


    • Brummer, J.E. 2003. Hay outlook. In: Weathering Tough Times Together, Colorado Agri. Outlook Forum. February 20, 2003. Denver, Colo.
    • Brummer, J.E. and Rill, N.D. 2003. Management of mountain meadows to increase fall regrowth for grazing. Abstr. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 95th Annu. Meeting, Denver, Colo.
    • White, S.K., Brummer, J.E., Leininger, W.C., Frasier, G.W., Waskom, R.M., and Bauder, T.A. 2003. Irrigated mountain meadow fertilizer application timing effects on overland flow water quality. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1802-1808.

    Progress 01/01/02 to 12/31/02

    The concept of windrow grazing has gained popularity with some livestock producers in recent years as a means of reducing winter feeding costs. Basically, this method involves only swathing and raking of hay into larger windrows. The baling, hauling, stacking, and feeding of hay that is typical of most operations is eliminated, thus reducing haying costs by up to 75%. Cows are turned into a field of windrowed hay and allowed to graze with access to the feed controlled by a moveable electric fence. Although the economics of windrow grazing are very favorable, ranchers have been slow to adopt this practice. One reason for their reluctance to use windrow grazing is concern over potential declines in forage quality as a result of the windrows being exposed to the elements, often for several months before cows are allowed in to graze. To address this concern, several studies were done to look at forage quality changes of windrowed hay over time. Hay was swathed and raked into windrows in late September at 2 sites north of Gunnison, Colorado. Crude protein content of the hay from one site did not change (8.9%) between early October and mid December when the cows were turned in to graze. At the second site, crude protein content of the hay declined 1.6 percentage points from 11.3 to 9.7% over the same time period. The second site contained a higher proportion of clover compared to the first site which was primarily grass. Because of basic physiological differences in plant structure, clovers are more susceptible to decomposition compared to grasses which would account for the loss in crude protein at the second site. This result has also been observed when alfalfa was present in the hay composition. In a third study, changes in both crude protein content and digestibility of the windrowed hay were compared between late October and late December. Crude protein content of the hay in that study actually increased by 1.5 percentage points from 7.2 to 8.7% while digestibility decreased 3 percentage points from 52 to 49%. The increase in crude protein is not unusual and is the result of some of the soluable carbohydrates being leached out of the hay as evidenced by the decrease in digestibility. Basically, the protein has been concentrated as a result of the loss in carbohydrates. This can be a positive or negative outcome depending on whether protein or energy is more limiting in the animals diet. Concentration of the protein in the hay is generally a positive outcome since protein is more often limiting than energy. In conclusion, results from these studies indicate that ranchers should not be concerned about declines in forage quality associated with windrowing of hay. The positive economic benefits of windrow grazing far outweigh any small changes in forage quality and should not deter any livestock producer from trying this practice.

    Grazing of windrowed forages in the field can significantly reduce winter feeding costs by eliminating the baling, hauling, stacking, and feeding of hay that is typical of most livestock operations. Changes in forage quality of windrowed forages are small compared to the potential economic benefits. Ranchers should seriously consider adopting this management practice as a means of lowering their input costs and improving their bottom line.


    • Brummer, J.E. 2002. Haying alternatives - What are your options?, p. 123-136. In: J.E. Brummer and C.H. Pearson (eds.), Proc. Intermountain Forage Symp. Colo. State Univ. Tech. Bull. LTB 02-1.
    • Brummer, J.E. 2002. Hay outlook. In: Colorado-Mexico Connection Agricultural Trade, Labor and More, Colorado Agri. Outlook Forum. February 19, 2002. Denver, Colo.
    • Brummer, J.E. and C.H. Pearson (Compiled and Edited). 2002. Proceedings of the Intermountain Forage Symposium. Colo. State Univ. Tech. Bull. LTB 02-1.
    • White, S.K. 2002. Mountain meadow management and surface water quality. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins.
    • White, S.K., J.E. Brummer, W.C. Leininger, G.W. Frasier, R.M. Waskom, and T.A. Bauder. 2002. Mountain meadow fertilizer application timing as it affects overland flow water quality. Pp. 61-66. In: Proc. AWRA 2002 Summer Specialty Conference: Ground Water/Surface Water Interactions, July 1-3, 2002. Keystone, CO.

    Progress 01/01/01 to 12/31/01

    Hay production for the long winter feeding period is a major cost for high elevation livestock producers and a logical area in which to cut costs. One problem faced by producers during the haying season is the difficulty in putting up high quality hay due to frequent afternoon thundershowers. Not only does forage quality decline under these conditions, but some ranchers are faced with paying large haying crews without the benefit of actually putting up any hay for extended periods. One potential solution to this problem is to put hay up as big round bale silage or baleage. Essentially, putting up hay as baleage takes weather out of the equation because baling can take place at moisture levels up to 70%. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of steers that were fed either baleage only, dry hay only, or a combination of baleage in the morning and dry hay at night. At the time of feeding, baleage bales weighed an average of 580 kg and averaged 34% moisture. The dry bales weighed an average of 498 kg and contained only 8% moisture. Crude protein content of the baleage averaged 9.14% at the time of feeding while the dry hay averaged 8.76%. Dry matter digestibility of the baleage was 66.84% which was 1.28 percentage points lower than the dry hay. The response in crude protein and digestibility between the baleage and dry hay was typical. During the fermentation of baleage, some of the carbohydrates are used up which lowers forage digestibility, but in turn concentrates the protein. Based on this fact, feeding a combination of baleage and dry hay should provide for a more balanced diet and greater weight gains. During this study, steers were fed for 114 days from early December to late March. They were fed free choice hay with no other supplements. Gains over the entire feeding period averaged 0.48, 0.41, and 0.39 kg/head/day for the steers fed a combination of hay, baleage only, and dry hay only, respectively. The real advantage of feeding the combination of baleage and dry hay came during the last period in March when the steers fed the combination of hays gained 0.79 kg/head/day compared to 0.64 and 0.49 kg/head/day for the baleage and dry hay only groups, respectively. The longer, warmer days in March allowed the steers to take advantage of the higher nutrition from the combination of feeds. Crude protein intake over the entire feeding period (12 steers per treatment) was 54 kg higher for the steers fed a combination of feeds compared to those fed only dry hay. The intake of digestible nutrients was even more pronounced with the steers receiving the combination of feeds consuming 250 kg more than the steers fed dry hay only. Based on results to date, it appears that preserving and feeding mountain meadow hay as baleage offers a viable alternative to normal dry hay. There are economic advantages associated with capturing forage quality during the monsoonal rainy period. Even though there is a cost associated with preserving hay as baleage (plastic wrap and additional equipment), part of that cost can be offset by the improved weight gains on calves that are possible from feeding a combination of baleage and dry hay.

    Forage quality of mountain meadow hay can be captured by preserving it as big round bale silage or baleage. This is especially beneficial during the monsoonal rainy period which is typical of many mountain meadow hay producing areas. Feeding a combination of baleage and dry hay provides for a more balanced diet and improved performance of livestock which helps to offset the additional costs associated with making baleage.


    • No publications reported this period

    Progress 01/01/00 to 12/31/00

    The benefits of early weaning and subsequent grazing of calves on meadow regrowth have been demonstrated in other environments. Results from Nebraska indicate that calves weaned early onto meadow regrowth were equal in weight to calves that continued to nurse for 2 more months. The real advantage was that the cows from the early weaning group gained weight and body condition compared to the cows that were still lactating. This benefit should be even greater at higher elevations because the environmental conditions are harsher. The problem with this approach at high elevations compared to the Nebraska example is that the growing season is much shorter which limits the potential for regrowth. The objective of this study was to investigate methods of obtaining adequate regrowth for fall grazing by manipulating initial harvest date and adding small amounts of nitrogen fertilizer following the initial harvest. Initial harvests were taken on June 1, 15, and 29; July 13 and 27; and August 10 in 1999 and 2000. Following the initial hay harvest, either 0, 34, or 68 kg/ha of nitrogen was applied. Fall harvests were taken on October 1 and 15 and November 1 and 15. Yields from the initial hay harvest increased through the season to a maximum of 4200 and 3200 kg/ha in 1999 and 2000, respectively. However, rate of growth had slowed considerably by late July with no measurable difference in yield detected between the July 27 and August 10 harvest dates in either year. There were no differences in fall yields between the uncut control and June 1 harvest dates in either year with an average of 3735 and 2520 kg/ha in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Regrowth decreased steadily from the initial harvest date of June 1 through the rest of the season and was practically non-existent relative to the August 10 harvest date (150 kg/ha in both years). Obtaining enough regrowth for fall grazing depended on the type of year (wet vs. dry) and whether or not nitrogen was added following the initial harvest. Precipitation was above normal during the growing season of 1999 which led to more regrowth being produced. An average of 730 kg/ha was available for fall grazing without additional nitrogen in 1999 when the initial harvest date was July 13. This compared to only 160 kg/ha being available on the same date in 2000 when precipitation was below average. In 1999, enough regrowth for grazing would have been produced with a delay in initial harvest as late as July 27, but additional nitrogen would have been required. Conversely, only 380 kg/ha of total regrowth was produced with the addition of 68 kg/ha of nitrogen when the initial harvest date was delayed until July 27 in 2000. The initial hay harvest would have had to occur by late June or early July in the dry year to avoid using additional nitrogen to obtain adequate regrowth. The conclusion for producers is that they must generally take the initial harvest at least 2 weeks earlier than normal to avoid inputs of nitrogen. However, the ability to apply additional nitrogen adds management flexibility during dry years and when the initial harvest cannot be taken in a timely manner.

    Initial harvest date and nitrogen fertilization can be used as management tools to manipulate the amount and quality of meadow regrowth available for fall grazing. Producers can utilize this regrowth to add flexibility to their cow/calf enterprises by taking advantage of the benefits associated with earlier weaning of calves. An economic database of information will be generated based on the results from this study following one more year of data collection.


    • Temple, D.G., Smith, D.H., Brummer, J.E., and Cardon, G.E. 2000. Consumptive water use in mountain meadows, upper Gunnison River Basin, CO. In: Brummer, J.E., Pearson, C.H., and Johnson, J.J. (eds.) Colorado Forage Research 1999: Alfalfa, Irrigated Pasture, and Mountain Meadows. Colo. State Univ. Tech. Rep. TR00-6, pp. 127-135.
    • Temple, D.G., Smith, D.H., Brummer, J.E., and Rill, N.D. 2000. Consumptive water use in high-altitude mountain meadows. Agronomy Abstr. A03-080, ASA-CSSA-SSSA 92nd Annu. Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

    Progress 01/01/99 to 12/31/99

    Agriculture has traditionally been the largest water user in the West, but demands for this scarce resource are intensifying. Such issues as the increasing urban population and the need for minimum in-stream flows to protect endangered fish species point to the need to more accurately document water used for agricultural production. In relationship to these and other factors, water managers in the upper Gunnison River Basin are in need of accurate estimates of consumptive water use by high-elevation meadow plants grown for forage production. The Blaney-Criddle method is most commonly used to estimate consumptive water use because it is based on easily obtainable average temperature data. The method also uses a daylength function and a crop growth stage coefficient which describes changes in water use as plants mature. However, using published crop coefficients often leads to underestimates of consumptive water use in semi-arid, high-elevation environments. Accurate estimates can only be obtained by using locally calibrated coefficients. To measure consumptive water use, compensating lysimeters were installed during the spring of 1999 in eight environmentally and hydrologically diverse sites within the Gunnison Basin. Irrigation requirement and rainfall were measured from June through September 1999. The data were used to derive monthly and seasonal Blaney-Criddle crop coefficients specific to each site. Crop coefficients varied both among sites and across months. The range of variation among sites for June, July, August, and September was 1.68-2.55, 0.87-1.46, 0.54-1.40, and 0.52-2.11, respectively. Crop coefficients averaged 2.14, 1.20, 0.86, and 1.24 across sites for the same months, respectively. The published coefficients for pasture grasses in June, July, August, and September are 0.92, 0.92, 0.91, and 0.87, respectively. Use of the published coefficients would have consistently underestimated total consumptive use from 30 to 130% in June, July, and September in the Gunnison Basin. Although additional years of data are needed to take environmental variation into account, these preliminary data indicate that published crop coefficients should be replaced by locally calibrated coefficients to ensure more accurate prediction of consumptive irrigation water use. The locally calibrated crop coefficients will allow water managers to more accurately estimate consumptive water use and, therefore, irrigation depletions in the upper Gunnison Basin. This information is critical for designing augmentation plans for junior water right holders in the Basin, for developing a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation for 40,000 acre-feet of irrigation water that is subordinate to the Aspinall storage unit, and for defending irrigation water right disputes in court. At the state level, Colorado is currently developing a State Consumptive Use Model which, at present, uses published table values for crop coefficients. By replacing the table values with locally calibrated coefficients, the state will be able to more accurately estimate crop water use on a statewide basis.

    Locally calibrated crop coefficients will allow water managers to more accurately estimate consumptive water use and, therefore, irrigation depletions in the upper Gunnison Basin. This information is critical for designing augmentation plans for junior water right holders in the Basin, for developing a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation for irrigation water that is subordinate to the Aspinall unit, and for defending irrigation water right disputes in court.


    • Brummer, J.E., and Rill, N.D. 1999. Evaluation of varieties and methods of interseeding birdsfoot trefoil into mountain meadows. Abstr. Soc. Range Manage. 52nd Annu. Meeting, Omaha, Neb., p. 9.
    • Fisher, K.T. 1999. Revegetation of fluvial tailing deposits on the Arkansas River near Leadville, Colorado. M.S. Thesis, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colo.
    • Brummer, J.E. 1999. Fertility management of mountain meadows. In: Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manual, A.W. Cooley, C.H. Pearson, and J.E. Brummer (eds.), Colorado State Univ. Coop. Ext., Ft. Collins, Colo., pp. 40-45.
    • Brummer, J.E. 1999. Introduction to mountain meadows. In: Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manual, A.W. Cooley, C.H. Pearson, and J.E. Brummer (eds.), Colorado State Univ. Coop. Ext., Ft. Collins, Colo., pp. 1-2.
    • Brummer, J.E. 1999. Where does birdsfoot trefoil fit in Colorado? Agronomy News From the Ground Up 19(4):1-4.
    • Rill, N.D., Brummer, J.E., and Westfall, D.G. 1999. Effects of minimum tillage and nitrogen fertilization on basal cover and species composition of mountain meadow vegetation. Abstr. Soc. Range Manage. 52nd Annu. Meeting, Omaha, Neb., p. 67.
    • Temple, D.G., Smith, D.H., and Brummer, J.E. 1999. Consumptive water use in mountain meadows, upper Gunnison River Basin, CO. Student Water Symp. '99, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colo.

    Progress 01/01/98 to 12/31/98

    Flood irrigated mountain meadows typically develop a dense layer of organic matter (OM) that contains large reserves of nutrients, particularly nitrogen (N). Over 6000 kg of total N/ha has been measured in the top 10 cm of soil. However, this N is unavailable for plant uptake since it is in a fixed organic form and producers must apply commercial fertilizer to obtain acceptable hay yields. Some producers also use aeration as a means of renovating meadows. The objective of this study was to evaluate methods of minimum tillage in conjunction with N fertilization as a means of promoting OM decomposition and N mineralization. Four tillage [control, Aerway aerator (AW), and ripped on 15 (R15) or 30 (R30) cm centers] and 3 N (0, 112, 224 kg/ha) treatments were applied at 2 locations for 1, 2, or 3 consecutive years from 1995 to 1997. After 3 years, tillage disturbances in meadows with soils high in OM did not increase forage yields. Such disturbances actually decreased yields by as much as 38%. The severity of the decrease was directly related to the degree of soil disturbance. Yields from plots that received the AW, R30, and R15 treatments for 3 consecutive years averaged 21, 27, and 32% below the control, respectively. Adding N tended to partially offset the negative effects of the tillage treatments. However, within a N rate, yields were depressed from 2 to 24% compared to the untilled control with the greatest decrease caused by the most severe tillage treatment (R15). Tillage disturbances did not affect crude protein content or digestibility of the hay. However, additional N did cause digestibility of the hay to decrease from 4 to 24% depending on site, year, and rate. The largest decrease occurred with a 224 kg/ha application of N in 1997 at the site dominated by common meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis). Basically, 3 consecutive years of N application eliminated clovers from the composition and stimulated production of the more fibrous grass component. The effect of N application on crude protein content of the forage was variable depending on year, site, and rate. The general trend was for no change compared to the control or a decrease that ranged from 5 to 23%. Based on findings from this study, producers should not aerate or rip meadow soils high in OM because of potential yield losses. Fertilizing with N in conjunction with tillage did not provide any practical additive benefits to yield and had a general negative effect on forage quality. By not aerating or ripping high OM meadow soils, producers stand to gain substantial economic savings. The value of the lost hay based on 3 year averages of yield declines for tillage alone equates to $105, $136, and $164/ha for the AW, R30, and R15 treatments, respectively, assuming a value of $88/metric ton for the hay. The cost of applying the tillage practices averages about $25/ha for a combined savings of $130, $161, and $189/ha for the 3 practices, respectively. Assuming that 5% of the 170,000 irrigated hay hectares in western Colorado have high OM soils and are aerated or ripped, the potential savings to the state's producers would range from $1.1 to $1.6 million per year.



    • BRUMMER, J.E. 1998. Renovating forage stands: Tips for interseeding. Agronomy News From the Ground Up 18(4):1-3.
    • BRUMMER, J.E., and RILL, N.D. 1998. Evaluation of varieties and methods of establishing birdsfoot trefoil into mountain meadows. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 6p
    • BRUMMER, J.E., CULLAN, A.P., and RILL, N.D. 1998. Effect of drill type on interseeding success of legumes. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 2p
    • BRUMMER, J.E., CULLAN, A.P., RILL, N.D., and COOLEY, A.W. 1998. Establishment of birdsfoot trefoil using Roundup herbicide. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 3p
    • BRUMMER, J.E., RILL, N.D., and COOLEY, A.W. 1998. Effects of different birdsfoot trefoil varieties on yield and quality of mountain meadow hay following interseeding. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 3p
    • BRUMMER,, J.E., SMITH, D.H., CULLAN, A.P., RILL, N.D., and MUCKLOW, C.J. 1998. Effect of overstory removal date on interseeded legume establishment. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 5p
    • BRUMMER, J.E., SMITH, D.H., CULLAN, A.P., RILL, N.D., and MUCKLOW, C.J. 1998. Evaluation of legume establishment following early haying. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 2p
    • PARKER, K.S., BRUMMER, J.E., LEININGER, W.C., and SMITH, D.H. 1997. Responses of three important riparian species to four water table depths, pp. 42-57. In: Managing Colorado Watersheds for Riparian and Wetland Values, Proc. Colorado Riparian Assoc. 9th Annual Conf., Oct. 14-16, 1997, Montrose, CO.
    • RILL, N.D., BRUMMER, J.E., and WESTFALL, D.G. 1998. Effects of minimum tillage and nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of mountain meadow hay. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 22, 1998, Gunnison, CO. 5p
    • RILL, N.D., BRUMMER, J.E., and WESTFALL, D.G. 1998. Effects of tillage and nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of mountain meadow hay. Agronomy Abstracts, ASA-CSSA-SSSA 90th Annual Meeting, October 18-22, 1998, Baltimore, MD.

    Progress 01/01/97 to 12/31/97

    Lack of adequate fertility, particularly nitrogen, is one of the major factors limiting forage production from mountain meadows. However, many producers are reluctant to apply commercial fertilizers because of cost, need for yearly application, lack of accessible suppliers, and environmental concerns. An alternative that can increase forage production as well as quality is the introduction of legumes into grass dominated meadows. Objectives of this study were to evaluate establishment success of 5 varieties of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) seeded into 3 different seedbeds in a mountain meadow and to determine subsequent contribution of trefoil to total forage yield and quality. `Carroll', `Empire', `Leo', `Norcen', and `Tretana' varieties of birdsfoot trefoil were interseeded into undisturbed, lightly rototilled, or Roundup sprayed plots in May 1994. Yield, quality, and composition data were taken from 1995 to 1997. All 5 varieties successfully established in the 3 seedbeds and have persisted over 4 growing seasons. Averaged across seedbeds and varieties, birdsfoot trefoil increased total hay yield by 20, 37, and 48% in 1995, 1996, and 1997, respectively. Of the varieties tested, `Leo' and `Norcen' appear best adapted for use in mountain meadows. Interseeded birdsfoot trefoil increased crude protein content of hay from 7.8 to 9.9%, but decreased digestibility from 68.2 to 64.2% when averaged over seedbeds, varieties, and years. Suppression of existing vegetation by rototilling or spraying improved establishment of all varieties with an average (over years and varieties) contribution to total yield of 22 and 29%, respectively, compared to only 14% where vegetation was not suppressed. Total yield averaged over years and varieties was not different between rototilled and sprayed treatments, but was 21% higher compared to seeded plots without any suppression. Averaged across rototilled and sprayed seedbed treatments, plots seeded with `Norcen' and `Leo' yielded 66 and 68% more hay, respectively, than the unseeded control in 1997. Findings from this study indicate that birdsfoot trefoil can be successfully interseeded into mountain meadows. Chances for successful establishment increase substantially by first suppressing the existing vegetation followed by seeding a vigorous variety such as `Norcen' or `Leo'. Both yield and quality of hay can be increased without environmental risks associated with nitrogen fertilization. The yield increase associated with interseeding `Norcen' birdsfoot trefoil was 1540 kilograms per hectare when averaged over seedbeds and years. If this practice was implemented on 20% of the 170,000 irrigated hay hectares in western Colorado, the value of the increased yield would be over $4.6 million per year given a hay price of $88 per metric ton. The increase in crude protein content of the same hay was equal to 240 kilograms per hectare for a value of over $6.5 million per year given a cost of $.80 per kilogram of protein. The actual value of this practice is far greater than the total of $11 million per year given that birdsfoot trefoil is a long-lived perennial plant.



    • REECE, P.E., NICHOLS, J. T., BRUMMER, J. E., AND ENGEL, R.K. 1997. Field measurement of etiolated growth of rhizomatous grasses. J. Range Manage. 50:175-177.
    • BRUMMER, J.E. 1997. Creeping foxtail. Proceedings of the Southern Rocky Mountain Forage andLivestock Conference, November 19-21, 1997, Monte Vista, CO. 2p.
    • BRUMMER, J.E., AND HAUGEN, M. 1997. Windrow grazing at high elevations. Proceedings of the Southern Rocky Mountain Forage and Livestock Conference, November 19-21, 1997, Monte Vista, CO. 4p.
    • ENGEL, R.K., NICHOLS, J. T., DODD, J. L., AND BRUMMER, J. E. 1998. Root and shoot responses of sand bluestem to defoliation. J. Range Manage. 51:42-46.
    • PARKER, K.S., LENININGER, W. C., BRUMMER, J. E., AND SMITH, D. H. 1997. Responses of Carex rostrata, Juncus balticus, and Deschampsia cespitosa to four water table depths. Abstracts 50th Annual Soc. for Range Manage. Meeting, Rapid City, SD. p.58.

    Progress 01/01/96 to 12/30/96

    Five varieties of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) were successfully interseeded into an irrigated mountain meadow. The introduction of birdsfoot trefoil increased total hay yield by 24 and 31% in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Crude protein content of the hay was increased 2.5 percentage points in 1995. Suppression of the existing vegetation prior to interseeding by rototilling or spraying with Roundup improved establishment success of birdsfoot trefoil by 2 and 3 fold, respectively, compared to no suppression. Aeration of two heavy organic soils resulted in yield reductions of up to 23%. Yield reductions were strongly correlated to degree of soil disturbance with proportional decreases occurring with the addition of 112 and 224 kg/ha of nitrogen. Producers with heavy organic soils are being discouraged from using aeration as a management tool because of economic and production losses. Wild caraway (Carum carvi) accounted for 17% of total hay yield. Removal of caraway caused a 26% decrease in total yield, the majority of the reduction being caused by a 23% decrease in grass production. Grass yield was affected because removal of caraway plants reduced shading which led to shorter statured grass plants. Caraway yield doubled with the removal of all associated vegetation. Preliminary results from these studies have been presented at field days and seminars in Colorado and Wyoming over the past 2 years to audiences totaling about 450.



    • BRUMMER, J. E. 1996. Effect of Wild Caraway on Production of Associated Meadow Species: A Preliminary Evaluation. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 27, 1996, Gunnison, CO. 3p.
    • BRUMMER, J. E., and RILL, N.D. 1996. Evaluation of Varieties and Methods of Establishing Birdsfoot Trefoil into Irrigated Mountain Meadows. Lotus Newsletter, Vol. 27 at
    • BRUMMER, J. E., AND RILL, N. D. 1996. Effects of Aeration and Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Mountain Meadow Hay. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 27, 1996, Gunnison, CO. 9p.
    • BRUMMER, J. E. 1996. Evaluation of Varieties and Methods of Establishing Birdsfoot Trefoil into Mountain Meadows. Mountain Meadow Research Center Field Day Report, June 27, 1996, Gunnison, CO. 5p.