Source: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jan 1, 2007
Project End Date
Dec 31, 2011
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Plant, Soil and Microbial Science
Non Technical Summary
Application of inorganic and organic residuals to crop land as a source of nutrients, aglime substitutes, beneficial soil amendments, or organic matter provides one of the best alternatives for waste management available to our society and can be accomplished in an environmentally safe manner. The MAES project is expected to contribute to a better understanding for agricultural producers and the general public of how various types of residuals can be safely recycled to land. Completion of several field research projects will provide useful information on the application of water treatment residuals and biosolids to agricultural soils. Beneficial use of these waste residuals will be determined to ensure their safe use on crop land. Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1) Determine the resource value of various organic and inorganic waste residuals as beneficial amendments to cropland. 2) Investigate changes in the chemical and physical properties of soils receiving a one-time or continued applications of a waste residual and evaluate potential negative impacts of waste constituents on the soil-plant system and/or water resources. 3) Update/revise several and develop some new Extension bulletins on utilization of animal manure and other organic residuals on agricultural soils and on plant nutrient management/soil fertility.
Project Methods
Waste residuals will be chemically analyzed by recommended analytical procedures to determine concentrations of major plant nutrients and any toxic chemicals that are suspected of being present. For assessing impacts on crop growth, yield measurements, general appearance of plants during the growing season, and analysis of plant tissue samples collected for elemental composition will be used. Effects on soil properties will involve a variety of chemical and/or physical tests.

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: A three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil (SNS) when land-applied. Some yield decrease for soybeans (Glycine max L.) was observed with the medium and high rates of ELNVS due to high B loadings from these treatments. For the low ELNVS and all three SNS treatments, yields of soybeans were not significantly different than on control soils, and no yield differences were found for corn (Zea mays L.) for any treatment compared to control soils. In 2007 and 2008, all analyses of soil and plant tissue samples were completed. The SNS was shown to increase Bray P1 test levels while the ELNVS reduced Bray P1 test levels at the highest application rate. Neither the ELNVS nor the SNS treatments showed any negative impact on the phytoavailability of soil micronutrients studied (except for B as noted), and these amendments had minimal impact on trace and heavy metal accumulation in these two crops. Two soil amendments (alkaline FGD ash and FeCl3-treated biosolids) were applied to a long-term field research plots treated with metal-contaminated sewage sludges during 1977-1986 to remediate Zn phytotoxicity. Initial objectives of these long-term sludge treatments was to determine quantities of sludge Zn needed to create Zn phytotoxicity in a coarse-textured soil and assess any potential downward movement of high Zn loadings to surface soils. New objective is to assess alkaline and Fe-containing amendments in remediating the Zn phytotoxicity by reducing bioavailable Zn levels. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of using these N-Viro products on MI soils. If approved for use in MI by the MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal. Results of soil amendments in reducing bioavailability of Zn in Zn-contaminated soils to reduce Zn phytotoxicity could be used to help remediate Zn-polluted soils.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: A three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil (SNS) when land-applied. Some yield decrease for soybeans (Glycine max L.) was observed with the medium and high rates of ELNVS due to high B loadings from these treatments. For the low ELNVS and all three SNS treatments, yields of soybeans were not significantly different than on control soils, and no yield differences were found for corn (Zea mays L.) for any treatment compared to control soils. In 2007 and 2008, all analyses of soil and plant tissue samples were completed. The SNS was shown to increase Bray P1 test levels while the ELNVS reduced Bray P1 test levels at the highest application rate. Neither the ELNVS nor the SNS treatments showed any negative impact on the phytoavailability of soil micronutrients studied (except for B as noted), and these amendments had minimal impact on trace and heavy metal accumulation in these two crops. Two soil amendments (alkaline FGD ash and FeCl3-treated biosolids) were applied to a long-term field research plots treated with metal-contaminated sewage sludges during 1977-1986 to remediate Zn phytotoxicity. Initial objectives of these long-term sludge treatments was to determine quantities of sludge Zn needed to create Zn phytotoxicity in a coarse-textured soil and assess any potential downward movement of high Zn loadings to surface soils. New objective is to assess alkaline and Fe-containing amendments in remediating the Zn phytotoxicity by reducing bioavailable Zn levels. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Lee W. Jacobs (Professor, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences) - principal investigator/project director Dr. Olawale O. Oladeji (Research Associate, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences) - directed efforts to complete analyses of soil and plant tissue samples, doing statistical analyses of data, and drafting of manuscripts TARGET AUDIENCES: All agricultural producers, environmental regulators, individual citizens. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of using these N-Viro products on MI soils. If approved for use in MI by the MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal. Results of soil amendments in reducing bioavailability of Zn in Zn-contaminated soils to reduce Zn phytotoxicity could be used to help remediate Zn-polluted soils.


  • Oladeji, O.O., and L.W. Jacobs. 2008. Influence of flue gas desulphurization ash on phytotoxicity and bioavailability of zinc in Zn-contaminated soils. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

OUTPUTS: A three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil (SNS) when land-applied. Due to the high alkaline residuals in these products and high application rates, we will also evaluate the effect of these alkaline residuals on the phytoavailability of P in soils which already tested high in Bray P1 extractable P. Some yield decrease for soybeans (Glycine max L.) was observed with the medium and high rates of ELNVS due to high B loadings from these treatments. For the low ELNVS and all three SNS treatments, yields of soybeans were not significantly different than on control soils, and no yield differences were found for corn (Zea mays L.) for any treatment compared to control soils. In 2007, we completed most analyses of soil and plant tissue samples, except for As, Se and Hg analyses. The SNS was shown to increase Bray P1 test levels while the ELNVS reduced Bray P1 test levels at the highest application rate. Neither the ELNVS nor the SNS treatments showed any negative impact on the phytoavailability of soil micronutrients studied (except for B as noted), and these amendments had minimal impact on trace and heavy metal accumulation in these two crops. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Olawale O. Oladeji (Research Associate, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences) -- directed efforts to complete analyses of soil and plant tissue samples, doing statistical analyses of data, and drafting of manuscripts TARGET AUDIENCES: Wastewater treatment plants in MI who may elect to treat municipal biosolids using the N-Viro process to produce Class A biosolids products for application to land in MI

Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of using these N-Viro products on MI soils. If approved for use in MI by the MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal.


  • Oladeji, O.O., and Jacobs, L.W. 2007. Phosphorus phytoavailability as affected by application of N-Viro soil and NureSoil products to cropland. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.

Progress 01/01/06 to 12/31/06

A three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil (SNS) when land-applied. Due to the high alkaline residuals in these products, we will also evaluate the effect of these alkaline residuals on the phytoavailability of P in soils which tested high in Bray P1 extractable P. Some yield decrease for soybeans (Glycine max L.) was observed with the medium and high rates of ELNVS due to high B loadings from these treatments. For the low ELNVS and all three SNS treatments, yields of soybeans were not significantly different than on control soils, and no yield differences were found for corn (Zea mays L.) for any treatment compared to control soils. In 2006, we worked on completing analyses of soil and plant tiddure samples. Final analyses of all samples is anticipated in 2007. We completed our development of version 2.0 of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) Windows 98/2000/NT/XP computer program and released it in November, 2006. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping and assisting with development of nutrient management plans.

Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of this practice. If approved for use in MI by the MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal. Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable. MSUNM can also accomplish recordkeeping and documentation of recommended management practices for crop and livestock producers.


  • Jacobs, L.W. 2006. Evaluation of N-Viro soil and NureSoil products for environmental impact and phosphorus phytoavailability. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.

Progress 01/01/05 to 12/31/05

A three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil (SNS) when land-applied. Due to the high alkaline residuals in these products, we will also evaluate the effect of these alkaline residuals on the phytoavailability of P in soils which tested high in Bray P1 extractable P. Some yield decrease for soybeans (Glycine max L.) was observed with the medium and high rates of ELNVS due to high B loadings from these treatments. For the low ELNVS and all three SNS treatments, yields of soybeans were not significantly different than on control soils, and no yield differences were found for corn (Zea mays L.) for any treatment compared to control soils. In 2005, we completed our final soil depth sampling for all treatments. Final analyses of all samples is anticipated in 2006. We continued our development of version 2.0 of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) Windows 98/2000/NT/XP computer program. We plan to release ver. 2.0 in February, 2006. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping and assisting with development of nutrient management plans.

Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of this practice. If approved for use in MI by the MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal. Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable.


  • Fortuna, A., P.E. Rieke, L.W. Jacobs, B. Leinauer, and D.E. Karcher. 2005. Kentucky bluegrass response to use of aquatic plants as a soil amendment. HortScience 40(1):237-241.

Progress 01/01/04 to 12/31/04

A new three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil (SNS) when land-applied. Due to the high alkaline residuals in these products, we will also evaluate the effect of these alkaline residuals on the phytoavailability of P in soils which tested high in Bray P1 extractable P. During the third and final growing season in 2004, some yield decrease was again experienced with the medium and high rates of ELNVS due to high B loadings from these treatments. For the low ELNVS and all three SNS treatments, yields of soybeans (Glycine max L.) were not significantly different than on control soils, and no yield differences were found for corn (Zea mays L.) for any treatment compared to control soils. We continued our development of version 2.0 of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) Windows 98/2000/NT/XP computer program and were able to distribute a beta copy to testers for their evaluation and review comments. We plan to release ver. 2.0 in February, 2005. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping and assisting with development of nutrient management plans.

Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable. Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of this practice. If approved for use in MI by the MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal.


  • Jacobs, L.W. 2004. Evaluation of N-Viro Soil and NureSoil products for environmental impact and phosphorus phytoavailability. p.104. Proc. Sustainable Land Application Conference, Jan. 4-8, 2004, Lake Buena Vista, FL.

Progress 01/01/03 to 12/31/03

A new three-year field research project was established in fall 2001 to determine the environmental impact of trace substances in East Lansing N-Viro Soil (ELNVS) and swine NureSoil when land-applied. Due to the high alkaline residuals in these products, we will also evaluate the effect of these alkaline residuals on the phytoavailability of P in soils which tested high in Bray P1 extractable P. During the second growing season in 2003, some B toxicity was still experienced with the high rate of ELNVS, and yields of corn (Zea mays L.) and soybeans (Glycine max L.) were more variable among reps, due to periods of no precipitation. We continued our development of version 2.0 of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) Windows 98/2000/NT/XP computer program which we hope to release during 2004. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping and assisting with development of nutrient management plans. Results of field and laboratory studies conducted in 1998 and 1999 in a cooperative study with Arkansas, Washington, and Virginia to evaluate the decomposition rates and net mineralization of organic N in biosolids to release plant-available N (PAN) were published.

Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable. Results from the biosolids N project will allow appliers of biosolids to better predict how much PAN will be released from these organic residuals during the year of application. Environmental fate data for the alkaline-stabilized products will be used to determine the safety of this practice. If approved for use in MI by the Hazardous Waste Management Division of MDEQ, it would provide another acceptable Class A process for biosolids, as well as a beneficial use option for FGD ash generated by power plants burning coal.


  • Jacobs, L.W. 2003. WinMSUNM: A computer program to help producers manage nutrients and keep pesticide application records. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
  • Rodriquez-Minguela, C.M., J.M. Tiedje, and L.W. Jacobs. 2003. Detection of novel tetracycline resistance gene sequences in soil treated with swine manure. Am. Soc. Microbiology 103rd General Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Fortuna, A., P.E. Rieke, and L.W. Jacobs. 2003. Turfgrass sod response to amendment with aquatic plants. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
  • Jacobs, L.W. 2003. Effect of alum WTR amendments to phosphorus-enriched soils on soil test phosphorus levels in a field experiment. 26 p. In Proc. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Feb. 19-22, 2003, Baltimore, MD. CD-ROM, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA.

Progress 01/01/02 to 12/31/02

We completed our conversion of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) computer program from its DOS, menu-driven structure to a Windows 95/98/2000/NT program in February,2001 and the last version of 1.0 (ver. 1.1a) will be released on February3, 2003. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping and assisting with development of nutrient management plans. Field studies were conducted in 1998 and 1999 in a cooperative study with Arkansas, Washington, and Virginia to evaluate the decomposition rates and net mineralization of organic N in biosolids to release plant-available N (PAN) during the year of application. Three biosolids were applied in 1998 and six in 1999 at rates to provide 100 lb PAN/acre and compared to varying inorganic N fertilizer rates of 50, 100, 150 and 200 lb N/acre. Field corn has been planted and plant tissue sampled each year for N analyses to determine the amount of residual organic N mineralized during three subsequent years. Biosolids N additions and N uptake data from the field were used in the DECOMPOSITION computer model to help predict first-year release of PAN for different biosolids and different climatic conditions by Arkansas. The DECOMPOSITION model will be used to evaluate and help predict the amount of residual N released from these plots for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years following a biosolids application. Two new Extension bulletins on manure management were completed during 2002.

Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable. Results from the biosolids N project will allow appliers of biosolids to better predict how much PAN will be released from these organic residuals during the year of application and three subsequent years of residual biosolids organic N carry-over. Better estimates of biosolids PAN will provide adequate agronomic amounts of N to be applied for the crop while at the same time minimizing excess additions of N that could potentially leach nitrate-N to groundwater. Two new Extension bulletins will contribute to educating livestock producers about managing animal manure in an environmentally-safe manner.


  • Ess, D., S. Hawkins, C. Gould, L.W. Jacobs. 2002. Manure applicator calibration. Purdue U./MI State U. publication series on "Best Environmental Management Practices. Exten. Bull. E-2825, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 8 p.
  • Frankenberger, J.R., D.D. Jones, C. Gould, L.W. Jacobs. 2002. Land applicaion of manure and environmentally sensitive field characteristics. Purdue U./MI State U. publication series on "Best Environmental Management Practices. Exten. Bull. E-2821, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 8 p.

Progress 01/01/01 to 12/31/01

We completed our conversion of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) computer program from its DOS, menu-driven structure to a Windows 95/98/2000/NT program in February and provided five upgrades to correct "bugs" found and to add enhancements during 2001. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping and assisting with development of nutrient management plans. We continued field experiments to evaluate the use of alum water treatment residuals (WTR) for amending P-enriched soils that test high in plant-available P, i.e., Bray-Kurtz P1 soil fertility tests. Six sites were established (two each year in the springs of 1998, 1999 and 2000) by application of WTR with rates up to 99 dry ton/acre. Crop yields, population stands, plant nutrient compositions, and Bray-Kurtz P1 soil test levels are being monitored at each site. Yields of corn or soybean grain were not significantly different for crops grown on WTR-treated soils than for those grown on control soils. Soil test P levels have continued to decrease with time at all sites, but alum WTR are not always responsible for these decreases. Leaching of soluble P to subsoils is suspected to have contributed to the decreased P levels. Two new Extension bulletins on applying biosolids to cropland were completed during 2001.

Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on cropland and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable. If alum WTR are shown to be effective in reducing excessively-high soil P test levels, this amendment could be used to reduce the potential of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution losses of P from agricultural land, especially in targeted watersheds with NPS pollution problems. Two new Extension bulletins will contribute to educating generators and users about the environmentally-safe application of biosolids to agricultural land in Michigan, as well as educate the general public about this waste management option.


  • Jacobs, L.W., A.S. Go. 2001. Michigan State University Nutrient Management (MSUNM) microcomputer program, Windows version. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and Department of Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
  • Jacobs, L.W., D.S. McCreary. 2001. Utilizing biosolids on agricultural land. Exten. Bull. E-2781, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 32 p.
  • Jacobs, L.W., D.S. McCreary. 2001. Applying biosolids to land in Michigan. Exten. Bull. E-2780, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 8 p.
  • Jacobs, L.W. B.J. Teppen. 2001a. Alum WTR as an amendment for phosphorus-enriched soils. In Proc. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Feb. 21-24, 2001, San Diego, CA. CD-ROM, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA. 15 p.
  • Jacobs, L.W., B.J. Teppen. 2001b. Phosphorus availability in P-enriched soils amended with alum WTR. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
  • Jacobs, L.W., D.D. Warncke, B.D. Knezek. 2001. Nutrient management plan: Michigan. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.

Progress 01/01/00 to 12/31/00

We continued our conversion of the MSU Nutrient Management (MSUNM) computer program from its DOS, menu-driven structure to a Windows 95/98/2000/NT program and completed a "beta" version for testing during 2000. We expect to complete the first Windows version of MSUNM by February, 2001 for availability to MI producers for the 2001 growing season and then continue with additional enhancements during 2001. This program can assist crop and livestock producers to accomplish fertilizer and manure nutrient management, as well as pesticide application recordkeeping. We continued field experiments to evaluate the use of alum water treatment residuals (WTR) for amending P-enriched soils that test high in plant-available P, i.e., Bray-Kurtz P1 soil fertility tests. Previous laboratory and greenhouse studies have demonstrated that alum WTR can be effective in reducing soil P test levels, but little research has been done in field experiments. Six sites (two established each year since spring, 1998) have been treated with WTR. Crop yields, population stands, plant nutrient compositions, and Bray-Kurtz P1 soil test levels are being monitored at each site. Yields of corn or soybean grain were not significantly different for crops grown on WTR-treated soils than for those grown on control soils. Bray P1 soil test levels for WTR-treated and untreated soils decreased significantly at the two sites established in 1998 within 18 months after WTR applications. At the present time, these decreases appear to be due to stopping additional manure applications rather than from WTR treatments. However, Bray P1 soil test levels were decreased by alum WTR at the two sites established in 1999 within 18 months after WTR were applied.

Providing a user-friendly, computer program as a nutrient management tool for MI crop and livestock producers will improve the management of fertilizer and manure nutrients on crop land and protect water resources, while helping the producer to make his crop and/or livestock operation sustainable. If alum WTR are shown to be effective in reducing excessively-high soil P test levels, this amendment could be used to reduce the potential of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution losses of P from agricultural land, especially in targeted watersheds with NPS pollution problems.


  • Jacobs, L.W. 2000. Michigan workshop on utilizing municipal biosolids on agricultural land. In J.P. Blake and B.L. Kintzer. (ed). Proc. Alliance for Environmen tal Stewardship: A Comprehensive Approach. Pub. by Western Coordinating Committee-059 (WCC-059), Auburn University Printing Service, Auburn University, AL. p. 94.
  • Jacobs, L.W. 2000. Using the MSU Nutrient Management computer program to assist producers in managing manure and fertilizer nutrients. In Proc. Food Animal Production Systems, Issues and Challenges. MWPS-TRI 1, MidWest Plan Service, Ames, IA. p. 77-82.
  • Jacobs, L.W. 2000. Water treatment residuals. In J.P. Blake and B.L. Kintzer. (ed). Proc. Alliance for Environmental Stewardship: A Comprehensive Approach. Pub. by Western Coordinating Committee-059 (WCC-059), Auburn University Printing Service, Auburn University, AL. p. 73-79.
  • Jacobs, L.W., Teppen, B.J. 2000. Effect of alum water treatment residuals on soils with very high Bray P1 soil test levels. In Proc. 13th North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD. Vol. 16, 151-162pp.
  • Jacobs, L.W., Teppen, B.J. 2000. WTR as a soil amendment to reduce nonpoint source pollution from phosphorus-enriched soils. In Proc. 14th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. CD-ROM, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA. 9 p.
  • Jacobs, L.W. 2000. Nitrogen management protocols for beneficially using biosolids on crop land. In Beneficial Use of By-Products: Regional Issues Conf. Abstr. Booklet. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. p. 7-8
  • Jacobs, L.W. 2000. Recommended or required practices used in Michigan for managing nutrients from residuals applications. In Beneficial Use of By-Products: Regional Issues Conf. Abstr. Booklet. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. p. 6.

Progress 01/01/99 to 12/31/99

Four field sites located on the west side of Michigan were selected for field evaluation of utilizing water treatment residuals (WTR) to reduce very high soil P test levels. All fields had received high rates of poultry litter for many years. The first site (WTR1) had a Granby fine sandy loam soil with Bray P1 test levels of about 500 lb P/acre (250 mg P/kg soil) and the second site (WTR2) had a Granby loamy sand soil with Bray P1 test levels of about 1,200 lb P/acre (600 mg P/kg soil). These two sites were established in 1998, and two additional sites were established in 1999. The third site (WTR3) had a Granby loamy sand soil with Bray P1 test of about 1,200 lb P/acre (600 mg P/kg soil) and the fourth site (WTR4) had a Croswell sand with Bray P1 test of about 1,100 lb P/acre (550 mg P/kg soil). At the WTR1 site, treatments were 0, 17 and 51 dry ton WTR/acre for a total of 12 plots. At the WTR2 site, four treatments (i.e., 16 plots) were used -- 0, 17 and 51 dry ton WTR/acre plus liquid alum applied at 12.8 wet ton/acre, or 6.4 dry ton/acre of alum solids. At the WTR3 and WTR4 sites, treatments were 0, 20 and 60 dry ton WTR/acre (12 plots/site). Crop yields, plant populations and compositions, and Bray-Kurtz P1 soil test levels are being monitored at each site. Yields of corn grain were not significantly different for corn grown on WTR-treated versus control soils. Bray P1 soil test levels have not decreased significantly at the two sites established in 1998, one year after alum WTR were applied. These four sites will be monitored in the 2000 growing season, and more intensive tillage will be used in the spring, 2000 prior to planting to determine if more thorough mixing will enhance a decrease in soil P test levels with time.

If alum WTR are shown to be effective in reducing excessively-high soil P test levels, this amendment could be used to reduce the potential of nonpoint source pollution losses of P from agricultural land.


  • Jacobs, L.W. 1999. Utilizing WTR as a soil amendment to reduce nonpoint source pollution from phosphorus-enriched soils. In Proc. WEF/AWWA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference: Strategic Networking for the 21st Century, Jan. 27-30, 1999, Charlotte, NC. CD- ROM, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA. 7 p.
  • Jacobs, L.W., and B.J. Teppen. 1999. Utilizing water treatment residuals to amend P-enriched soils. Agronomy Abstracts, p.350.

Progress 01/01/98 to 12/31/98

Continued inputs of fertilizer and manure P in excess of crop requirements have led to a build-up of soil P levels which are of environmental, rather than agronomic concern, particularly in areas of intensive crop and livestock production. Two sites with soils having very high soil P test levels were selected for field evaluation of utilizing water treatment residuals (WTR) to reduce these high levels. The first site had a Granby fine sandy loam soil with Bray P1 test levels of about 500 lb P/acre (250 ppm P) and the second site had a Granby loamy sand soil with about 1,000 lb P/acre (500 ppm P) test level. Alum WTR were applied to each site at rates of 17 and 51 dry ton/acre and liquid alum was applied to the loamy sand site at 6.4 dry ton/acre. Treated soils were disked twice following WTR application to mix the WTR with each soil. Field corn (Zea mays L.) was planted one week later after chisel plowing at one site and moldboard plowing at the other site. Population stand counts, diagnostic leaf tissue samples, and yield measurements of corn were taken during the 1998 growing season. Soil samples were taken prior to WTR applications and following corn grain harvest. Plant population counts in late May and early July did not show any significant differences between treatment, but corn grain yields were significantly increased by all treatments. Ear leaf tissue and fall soil sample analyses are in progress. Yield increases due to WTR amendments cannot be explained at the present time.



  • Jacobs, L.W. 1998. MSUNM Computer Program: Assisting MI producers with the management of manure and fertilizer nutrients. p. 187-192. In Proc. Animal Production Systems and the Environment. July 19-22, 1998, Des Moines, IA. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Progress 01/01/97 to 12/31/97

A field study was initiated in August, 1995 to evaluate the application of lake weeds (from Lake St. Clair on the east side of MI) and finished yard waste compost as soil amendments to areas of coarse-textured soils on a sod production farm. Focus is on the ability of these amendments to increase water-holding capacity in the amended soils and improve turf quality, but mineralization of organic N and availability of N for turfgrass is also being evaluated. Treatments included: control; 43, 72 and 90 dry tons/acre (200, 330, and 440 wet tons/acre) lake weeds; and 180 and 380 dry tons/acre (250 and 540 wet tons/acre) yard waste compost. Soil physical measurements in 1997 showed significantly lower bulk density, increased capillary porosity, and increased volumetric soil moisture content for only the compost treatments compared to the control. Soil fertility tests showed significantly increased soil pH and Ca levels for all treatments, increased soil P, Mn and Zn levels for all treatments except the lowest lake weed rate, and increased K, Mg and organic matter levels for only the compost treatments compared to the control.



  • Rieke, P.E., L.W. Jacobs, A.M. Ezanno, B. Leach and M. Debuck. 1997. Utilizing lake weeds as a soil amendment in sod production. p. 106-109. In Proc. 67th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference, Vol. 26, Jan. 20-24, 1997 Lansing, MI.

Progress 01/01/96 to 12/30/96

A field study was initiated in August, 1995 to evaluate the application of lake weeds (from Lake St. Clair on the east side of MI) and finished yard waste compost as soil amendments to areas of coarse-textured soils on a sod production farm. Focus is on the ability of these amendments to increase water-holding capacity in the amended soils and improve turf quality, but mineralization of organic N and availability of N for turfgrass is also being evaluated. Treatments included: control; 43, 72 and 90 dry tons/acre (200, 330, and 440 wet tons/acre) lake weeds; and 180 and 380 dry tons/acre (250 and 540 wet tons/acre) yard waste compost. Turfgrass clippings were harvested on several dates in 1996 and all treatments showed greater growth than on control plots. Nitrogen analyses of turgrass clippings showed that lake weed amendments provided available N for growth, and adequate N was mineralized at the two higher rates to satisfy the N needs for sod throughout the growing season. While composted yard waste treatments did not significantly increase N availability, growth was probably enhanced by increasing water availability compared to the untreated control.



  • Jacobs, L.W. 1996. MSUNM computer program: Assisting MI producers with the management of manure and fertilizer nutrients. P. 103-109. Proc. 26th Nat. Alfalfa Symp., East Lansing, MI. Certified Alfalfa Seed Council, Davis, CA.
  • Jacobs, L.W. 1996. Utilization of nutrients from animal manure. p. 28-37. Proc. 63rd Winter Conf. & Trade Show, Lansing, MI. MI Agri-business Assoc. and MI. State Univ. Extension.
  • Sutton, A.L., Jones, D.D., Collins, E.R., Jacobs, L.W., Melvin, S.W. 1996. Swine manure a plant nutrient resource. Pork Industry Handbook, PIH-25, Purdue Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv., West Lafayette, IN.
  • Vitosh, M.L., Jacobs, L.W. 1996. Nutrient management to protect water quality. Exten. Bull. WQ-25, MI. State Univ. Extension, East Lansing, MI.