Source: UNIV OF MINNESOTA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2002
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2007
Grant Year
Project Director
Ruan, R.
Recipient Organization
ST PAUL,MN 55108
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
NMR and MRI research has enhanced process and product design and control. NTP technologies have improved odor and flue gases control. The ozone technologies have the potential to replace chlorine sanitation methods, and to become a major non-thermal pasteurization process. The technology for making highly refined cellulose from agricultural byproducts is a value-added process, and can reduce undesirable environmental impact.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
1. To advance development of sensing technology in identifying and quantifying important physical and chemical properties and structure-function relationships of biological, agricultural, and food materials and factors afecting these properties and relationships. To better understand and model these properties and relationships, advanced analysis techniques will be developed. 2. To develop novel technologies for non-thermal pasteurization and sterilization of foods and biological fluids. The new technologies will enhance the safety of food products. 3. To devleop novel ways of untilizing agricultural and food byproducts. 4. To develop new technologies for efective treatment of liquid and gaseous wastes.
Project Methods
Fast and quanititative imaging and spectroscopic data acquisition techniques will be developed or improved to obtain physical and chemical properties and to determine the influence of ingredients and processing on product characteristics. Artificial intelligence systems will be developed using the acquired data and other information to analyze and model the biological systems. With known physical and chemical properties, structure-function relationships, and process models developed, protocols will be developed in cooperation with industries to control the process, and assure and improve the product quality. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) methods will be developed for non-thermal pasteurization and sterilization of foods and biological materials. NTP pasteurization and sterilization technologies are particularly suitable for processing of heat-sensitive liquid foods such as fruit juice and biological fluids such as blood. A total liquefaction process will be used to convert biomasses to biopolyols that can be further processed to various polymers. This liquefaction process can be conducted at atmosphere pressure. NTP based technologies will also be developed for cost-effective control of odorous and hazardous gases, and solid and liquid wastes. NTP based technologies will be more efficient and clean than conventional ones.

Progress 10/01/02 to 09/30/07

The goal of this project was to develop advanced instrumental techniques for sensing physical, chemical and biological properties of food and biological systems. Our special interest was in nondestructive and noninvasive analytical techniques. Over the years, we have developed many new techniques enabling us to analyze the physical and chemical properties of foods and biological materials and monitor and study many engineering processes. Some new concepts and theories were also developed during our research. The shelf stability and sensory quality of food products are closely related to their physiochemical properties. The glass transition concept borrowed from polymer science has been applied to the study of physiochemical properties of food materials and products. Water is seen as a plasticizer of solids, and therefore plays a key role in the characteristics of food materials. A state diagram based on the glass transition concept usually describes the relationship between water content (or solid content) and temperature-dependence of physiochemical properties (e.g., phases). State diagrams are useful in characterizing material behavior at various temperatures and water contents. We have developed a new concept called NMR State Diagram, which is based on the relationships between NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) relaxation and temperature dependence of physiochemical properties. We found that several parameters derived from the state diagrams are excellent indicators of physiochemical reactions and changes in relatively dry foods and ingredients. The state or mobility of water in foods and biological materials is very important to the physical properties of the food and biological materials as well as the chemical and biological activities that may occur within the materials. We developed the NMR relaxometry technique to characterize the state of water molecules in foods and biological materials and study the relationships between the state of water and properties and chemical and biological changes of the materials during food processing and storage. We also developed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for temperature, water and mobility mapping of food products. Accurate determination of sterility rendered by heating on foods is critical to shelf-stability and sensory quality assurance, and obtaining FDA's approval of the processes. Mapping temperature profile of a food system is a major task related to the calculation of sterility, especially with ohmic heating process which involves rapid temperature changes. We used improved MRI temperature mapping techniques to monitor temperature distribution in model food systems undergoing heating. The water content and mobility mapping techniques allow us to monitor cooling, drying, soaking and storage of food and biological systems nondestructively.

The techniques developed in the project will enhance our understanding of fundamentals essential to the stability and quality of food and biological systems, and provide information necessary for related industry to develop new processes and products.


  • All has been submitted earlier. 1994-2007.

Progress 01/01/06 to 12/31/06

The goal of this project is to develop advanced instrumental techniques for sensing physical, chemical, and biological, and functional properties of food and biological systems. Our special interest lies in nondestructive and noninvasive analytical techniques. The shelf stability and sensory quality of food products are closely related to their physiochemical properties. The glass transition concept borrowed from polymer science has been applied to the study of physiochemical properties of food materials and products. Water is seen as a plasticizer of solids, and therefore plays a key role in the characteristics of food materials. A state diagram based on the glass transition concept usually describes the relationship between water content (or solid content) and temperature-dependence of physiochemical properties (e.g., phases). State diagrams are useful in characterizing material behavior at various temperatures and water contents. We have developed a new concept called NMR State Diagram, which is based on the relationships between NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) relaxation and temperature dependence of physiochemical properties. We found that several parameters derived from the state diagrams are excellent indicators of physiochemical reactions and changes in relatively dry foods and ingredients. The state or mobility of water in foods and biological materials is very important to the physical properties of the food and biological materials as well as the chemical and biological activities that may occur within the materials. We developed the NMR relaxometry technique to characterize the state of water molecules in foods and biological materials and study the relationships between the state of water and properties and chemical and biological changes of the materials during food processing and storage. We also developed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for temperature, water and mobility mapping of food products. Accurate determination of sterility rendered by heating of foods is critical to shelf-stability and sensory quality assurance, and obtaining FDA's approval of the processes. Mapping temperature profile of a food system is a major task related to the calculation of sterility, especially with the ohmic heating process which involves rapid temperature changes. We used improved MRI temperature mapping techniques to monitor temperature distribution in model food systems undergoing heating. The water content and mobility mapping techniques allow us to monitor cooling, drying, soaking and storage of food and biological systems nondestructively.

The techniques developed in the project will enhance our understanding of fundamentals essential to the stability and quality of food and biological systems, and provide information necessary for related industry to develop new processes and products.


  • Ye, X., Wang, S., Ruan, R., Qi, J., and Doona. C. 2006. Water mobility and mold susceptibility engineered wood products. Transactions of ASABE 49(4):1159-1165.
  • Wang, N., Chen, W., Lin, X., He, C., Ruan, R., and Zhang, J. 2006. Applications of basic NMR/MRI pulse sequences in food research. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 67:11-14, 22.
  • Chen, W., Lin, X., Ruan, R., He, X., Zhu, R., and Liu, Y. 2006. Nondestructive evaluation of water in foods using NMR techniques. Food Research and Development 27(4):125-127.
  • Chen, C., Zhang, J., Ruan, R., He, C., and Lin, X. 2006. Application of MRI in pork quality evaluation. Meat Industry 297:11-14.

Progress 01/01/05 to 12/31/05

The shelf stability and sensory quality of food products are closely related to their physiochemical properties. The glass transition concept borrowed from polymer science has been applied to the study of physiochemical properties of food materials and products. Water is seen as a plasticizer of solids, and therefore plays a key role in the characteristics of food materials. A state diagram based on the glass transition concept usually describes the relationship between water content (or solid content) and temperature-dependence of physiochemical properties (e.g., phases). State diagrams are useful in characterizing material behavior at various temperatures and water contents. We have developed a new concept called NMR State Diagram, which is based on the relationships between NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) relaxation and temperature dependence of physiochemical properties. We found that several parameters derived from the state diagrams are excellent indicators of physiochemical reactions and changes in relatively dry foods and ingredients. We extended the application of our NMR technique to food fermentation. The NMR relaxometry was used to follow the spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation characteristics of yogurt during fermentation at 37 degree C. Changes in pH and lactic acid bacteria counts were also monitored. The spin-lattice relaxation time constant T1 increased over the monitored fermentation period. The spin-spin relaxation was analyzed using a two-fraction model, resulting in two spin-spin relaxation time constants T21 and T22 and the corresponding amplitudes A1 and A2. T21 and T22 exhibited a rapid change between hour 2 and hour 4, coinciding with a rapid drop in pH and rise in bacteria count. Both spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation time constants point to an increase in mobility of the samples, which contradicts the conventional wisdom of structural strengthening when yogurt is set. We also developed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for temperature, water and mobility mapping of food products. Accurate determination of sterility rendered by heating on foods is critical to shelf-stability and sensory quality assurance, and obtaining FDA's approval of the processes. Mapping temperature profile of a food system is a major task related to the calculation of sterility, especially with an ohmic heating process which involves rapid temperature changes. We used improved MRI temperature mapping techniques to monitor temperature distribution in model food systems undergoing ohmic heating and to understand the heating patterns as affected by the arrangement of liquid and solid phases within the systems. It was found that the heating patterns were influenced by the arrangement of the two phases, and the ratio of the salt concentration between the two phases. Difference in temperature between the two phases could be as high as 40 oC after 10 minutes of the heating process using the sample of whey gel with 1.5% salt and solution with 0.01% salt. Heating rate generally increased with increasing salt concentration, applied voltage and temperature.

The research will enhance our ability to monitor food processes and products for the purpose of safety and quality assurance.


  • Zhang, J. Lin, X., Ruan, R., He, X., Chen, W. and Nie, J. 2005. MRI application in food quality evaluations. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(5):11-13.
  • He, C., Lin, X., Ruan, R., Zheng, D. and Zhang, J. 2005. Application of low field pulse magnetic resonance imaging technology in foods. Food Research and Development 26(4):89-92.
  • Bai, S., Lin, X.,Ruan, R., Zheng, D., Liu, Y. and He, C. 2005. A new process for Garma-ABA production. Modern Food Science and Technology 21(2):202-205.
  • Lin, X., Ruan, R., He, C., Zhang, J. Zhu, R. and Liu, Y. 2005. Application of NMR and MRI techniques in the study of food polymer glass transition process. Food Science 26(3):269-271.
  • Liu, C., Fu, G., Tu, Z., You, H., Chen, P. and Ruan, R. 2005. Functional polysaccharides from lilies. Transactions of ASAE 48(1):257-261.
  • Li, Y., Ruan, R., Li, J., Yu, Q, Lin, X., Chen, P L., Deng, S. and Grounli, B. 2005. Development of an automatic milk standards packaging system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(2):253-257.
  • Zhang, J., Lin, X., Ruan, R., He, X., Li, M. and Wei, L. 2005. MRI application in pork quality evaluations. Food Science 26(9):36-38.
  • He, C., Lin, X., Zhen, D., Ruan, R.,Liu, Y. and Bai, S. 2005. Effect of starch and gluten on dough rheologic properties. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(4):21-23.
  • Wang, J., Liu, C. and Ruan, R. 2005. Optimization of wheat bran dietary fiber extraction process conditions. Jiangxi Food Industry 2005(3):36-37.
  • Lin, X., He, C., Gao, Y., Liu, Y. and Ruan, R. 2005. Meat nutrition and human health. Meat Industry 285(1):42-45.

Progress 01/01/04 to 12/31/04

Our research during the year of 2004 was focused on two areas: (1) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, (2) research and development of non-thermal plasma technologies for pasteurization/ sterilization of liquid and solid foods and biological fluids. We have also continued on the high pressure homogenization and other food process and product research and development. In the NMR/MRI area, we have developed and applied a number of new NMR/MRI techniques including the NMR State Diagram concept to the study of food ingredients and food products. This new concept provides reliable approach to assessment of food stability. We continue to develop and use MRI techniques to study heat and mass transfer in foods and materials undergoing processing, such as ohmic heating, soaking, and during storage. This year we have also obtained and set up the new low field NMR/MRI system in our lab. This system allows NMR/MRI tests of samples up to 20 cm in size. This newly acquired MRI facility has significantly enhanced our research capability. In the non-thermal pasteurization area, we have developed new non-thermal plasma (NTP) reactors for pasteurization of dry foods such as almonds. We achieved five-log reduction of E. coli and salmonella with little damage to almond quality.

Our efforts in NMR/MRI studies and non-thermal plasma and other process and product process Research and development shall have profound impact on food and biological safety, and food processing efficiency and product quality.


  • Ruan, R., Ye, X., Chen, P.,Doona, C. and Yang, T. 2004. Developments in Ohmic heating. In Improving Thermal Processing of Foods. Philip Richardson (Ed). Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
  • Li, Y., Ruan, R., Li, J., Yu, Q., Lin, X., Chen, P. L., Deng, S., Grounli, B. 2004. Development of an automatic milk standards packaging system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Accepted.
  • Lin, X., Ruan, R., Zhang, J., Liu, C., Gao, Y. and Liu, Y. 2004. The study of caking phenomenon of food powders by NMR system. Food Science 25(11):106-108.
  • Liu, C., Fu, G., Tu, Z., You, H.,Chen, P., Ruan, R. 2004. Functional polysaccharides from lilies. Transactions of ASAE Accepted.
  • Gao, Y., He, X., Liu, M., Chen, Q., Wei, Q., Chen, C. and Ruan, R. 2004. Studies on the relations between phase transition and can-breaking of CTCBE. Food Science 25(11):84-88.
  • Lin, X., Ruan, R., Chen, P., Zhu, R., Chung, M., and Liu, C. 2004. NMR state diagram concept for food products. Food Science 25(10):91-94.
  • Gao, Y., Xiong, C., He, X.,Wei, Q., Chen, C., and Ruan, R. 2004. The effects of Lecithin in the tempering of CTCBE. Food Science 25(10):195-199.
  • Gao, Y., He, X., Xiong, C., Liu, M., Chen, Q., Chen, C., Lin, X. and Ruan, R. 2004. Studies on the crystallization behavior of CTCBE and its chocolate products (II). Food Science 25(9):39-43.
  • He, X., Gao, Y., Liu, M., Chen, Q., Chen, C., Lin, X. and Ruan, R. 2004. Studies on the crystallization behavior of CTCBE and its chocolate products (I). Food Science 25(8):83-87.
  • Ruan, R., Lei, H., Chen, P., Deng, S., Lin, X., Li, Y.H., Wilcke, W., Fulcher, G. 2004. Ozone-Aided Corn Steeping Process. Cereal Chemistry 81(2):182-187.
  • Liu, C., Liu, W., Gao, Y., Ruan, R., Lin, X. and Chen, G. 2004. Analysis of fluid dynamic behavior in high velocity jet homogenizer. Food Science. 25(4):58-62.
  • Liu, C., Liu, W., Lin, X., Ruan, R. 2004. Effect of microfluidizer treatment on physical properties of dietary fiber solution. Food Science. 25(2):72-75.
  • Ye, X., Ruan, R., Chen, P. and Doona, C. 2004. Simulation and verification of ohmic heating in static heater using MRI temperature mapping. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 37(1):49-58.
  • Liu, C., Liu, W., Lin, X., Ruan, R. 2004. Particle size distribution analysis of microfluidizer treated dietary fiber. Food Science. 25(1):52-55.

Progress 01/01/03 to 12/31/03

Our research during the year of 2003 was focused on the following areas: (1) biorefinery, (2) research and development of non-thermal plasma and ozone technologies for pasteurization/sterilization of foods and biological fluids, (3) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. One of our major achievements in biorefinery area is the founding of Center for Biorefining located in the BAE Dept. We also actively participated in forming of Universitys Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment (IREE). Our biomass research has included a wider range of renewable raw materials, and expanded from biomaterials to biofuels such as biodiesel. Our biomass research has generated new processes and products, putting us in a leading position in true biorefinery field. In the non-thermal pasteurization area, we have developed new non-thermal plasma (NTP) reactors for pasteurization of food and biological fluids. At least five logs reduction of bacteria in water and juice have been achieved with this technology. We investigated the feasibility of using NTP technology to disinfect human blood products, and found that NTP treatment is capable of inactivating virus with minimal impact on the properties of the blood samples. We are also investigating an ozone-based method for reducing pesticide residues on produce. Our preliminary data showed that ozonated water wash could effectively decompose pesticides in water and on fruit surfaces. We continue to develop and use MRI techniques to study heat and mass transfer in foods and materials undergoing processing, such as ohmic heating, soaking, and during storage. We also acquired a new MRI facility which greatly enhances our capability, and provides unlimited access to the state of the arts equipment, allowing us to conduct more rigorous research in this area.

Our biorefinery research reflects the national interest in reducing our dependence on foreign oil, preserving our environment, and improving rural economy. Our efforts in non-thermal plasma and MRI studies shall have profound impact on food and biological safety, and food processing efficiency and product quality.


  • Li, Y.P., Gao, Y.,Xiong, C., and Ruan, R. 2003. Relationship of structure characteristics and stability of tallow cocoa butter. Transactions of China Grain and Oils. 2003(5):. Accepted.
  • Ye, X., Ruan, R., Chen, P., Doona, C. and Taub, I. 2003. Determination of the liquid-particulate heat transfer coefficient in an ohmically-heated food system using MRI temperature mapping. J. Food Science 68(4):1341-1346.
  • Gao, Y., Lin, X., Liu, Y., Chen, Q. and Ruan, R. 2003. Meat comsumption and human health. Food Science nad Technology 2003(7):14-17.
  • Gao, Y., Liu, Y., Lin, X., Chen, Q. and Ruan, R. 2003. Modernization of animal husbandy and meat processing. Food Science nad Technology 2003(7):21-23.
  • Chung, M., Ruan, R., Chen, P., Kim, J., Ahn, T. and Baik, C. 2003. Predicting caking behaviors in powdered foods using a low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 36(8):751-761.
  • Liu, W., Liu, C., Lin, X. and Ruan, R. 2003. Study of pressure and energy in high pressure homogenization processing. Food Science. 2003(7):162-164.
  • Li, Y.P., Gao, Y., Ruan, R. 2003. Methods of using of tallow cocoa butter as antioxydent. China Oils and Fats. 28(10):31-34.
  • Ruan, R., Lei, H., Chen, P., Deng, S., Lin, X., Li, Y.H., Wilcke, W., Fulcher, G. 2003. Ozone-Aided Corn Steeping Process. Cereal Chemistry Accepted.
  • Liu, C., Liu, W., Lin, X., Ruan, R. 2003. Analysis of high pressure homogenizer fluid flow dynamics. Food Science. 2003(12):. Accepted.
  • Chen, W., Gao., Y., Liu, Y., Lin, X. and Ruan, R. 2003. Biomass conversion and utilization. J. of Renewable Energy. 2003(12):. Accepted.
  • Ye, X., Ruan, R., Chen, P. and Doona, C. 2003. Simulation and verification of ohmic heating in static heater using MRI temperature mapping. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) Accepted.

Progress 01/01/02 to 12/31/02

During the year of 2002 our research has been focused on the following areas: (1) research and development of non-thermal plasma and ozone technologies for pasteurization/sterilization of foods and biological fluids, (2) research and development of technology for agricultural byproduct utilization, (4) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. We are developing new non-thermal plasma (NTP) technology for pasteurization of food and biological fluids. At least five logs reduction of bacteria in water and juice have been achieved with this technology. We are also investigating the feasibility of using NTP technology to disinfect human blood products. We are currently examining the virus inactivation effect and the impact of the treatment on the properties of the blood samples. We continue to develop new ozonated water production system and processes for sanitation of food processing facilities and packaging, disinfection of food products, bleaching of grains, controlled microbial growth during corn steeping and milling, waste water treatment, etc. We have also developed a new process using ozone in place of SO2 in corn steeping during the corn wet milling process. We continue to provide technical support for the development and improvement of NTP reactors for odor and flue gases control. In a different area, we are also developing processes to convert fibrous byproducts to bio-polymers. We successfully made bio-polyols through liquefaction of lignocellulosic materials and starch, and made bio-polyurethane and bio-polyesters from these bio-polyols. We continue to develop and use MRI techniques to study heat and mass transfer in foods undergoing processing, such as ohmic heating. Patents issued and filed: U.S. Patent application No: 09/850,284 approved. U.S. Patent application No: 09/690,688 approved. U.S. Patent application No: 09/432,945 approved. U.S. Patent No.: 6,451,252. Issue date: September 17, 2002. U.S. Patent No.: 6,146,599. Issue date: November 14, 2000. U.S. Patent No.: 6,083,582. Issue date: July 4, 2000. U.S. Patent No.: 5,817,381. Issue date: October 6, 1998. International patent pending. Application No. PCT/US98/15396.

The NTP technologies we are developing could potentially bring golden opportunities to food and biological industries for high quality new product and nonthermal pasteurization process development. The ozone technologies will have the potential to replace chlorine sanitation methods, and to become another major non-thermal pasteurization process. The process for making bio-polymers from biomass is also revolutionary. The successful development of this process will greatly reduce our dependence on petroleum-based products and environmental pollution, and at the same time make our agriculture production more competitive by adding values to the byproducts. The NMR and MRI research has enhanced our understanding of food processes, and provides information useful in product design and process control.


  • Li, Y., Li, J., Liu, Z., Ruan, R., Mao, Z. 2002. Vacuum coating of heat sensitive liquid ingredient into feed pellets. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Accepted.
  • Montenegro, J., Ruan, R., Ma, H., Chen, P. and Quass, D. 2002. Modeling the inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in apple juice using non-thermal plasma treatments. J. of Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. Accepted.
  • Ruan, R., Li, Y., Lin, X. and Chen, P. 2002. Non-destructive determine of deoxynivalenol (Don) levels using near-infrared spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 18(5):549-553..
  • Ruan, R., Ma, H., Lin, X., Deng, S., Ye, X., Liu, Y. and Chen, P. 2002. Non-thermal pasteurization of liquid foods using non-thermal plasma. Transactions of CSAE 18(5):
  • Montenegro, J., Ruan, R., Ma, H., and Chen, P. 2002. Inactivation of E. coli O157: H7 Using a Pulsed Non-thermal Plasma System. J. of Food Science 67(2):646-648.
  • Ma, H., Chen, P., Zhang, M., Lin, X., Ruan, R. 2002. Study of SO2 removal using non-thermal plasma induced by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 22(2):239-254.
  • Ruan, R., Ye, X., Chen, P.,Doona, C. and Yang, T. 2003. Developments in Ohmic heating. In Improving thermal processing. Philip Richardson (Ed). Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen,P. 2002. Highly refined cellulose - A versatile new material from agricultural fibrous byproducts. In Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology Part I Advances in Bio-Processing Engineering. Xiusheng Yang and Juming Tang (Eds). World Scientific Publishers Co, Singapore.
  • Ruan, R., Ye, X., Chen, P., Doona, C., and Taub, I. 2002. Ohmic heating. In The Nutrition Handbook for Food Processors. C. K. Henry, and C. Chapman (Eds). Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
  • Ye, X., Ruan, R., Chen, P., Chang, K., Ning, K., Taub, I., and Doona, C. 2002. Accurate and fast temperature mapping during ohmic heating using proton resonance frequency shift MRI thermometry. J. of Food Engineering. Accepted.

Progress 01/01/01 to 12/31/01

During the year of 2001 our research has been focused on following areas: (1) research and development of non-thermal plasma and ozone technologies for pasteurization/sterilization of foods and biological fluids, (2) research and development of non-thermal plasma (NTP) technologies for odor and flue gas management, (3) research and development of technology for agricultural byproduct utilization, (4) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. We are developing non-thermal plasma (NTP) technology for pasteurization of food and biological fluids. At least five logs reduction of bacteria in juice or milk has been achieved with this technology. A new project was started this year to investigate the feasibility of using NTP technology to disinfect human blood products. We are currently examining the impact of the treatment on the properties of the blood samples. We continue to develop new ozone generators and ozonated water production system suitable for commercial uses such as sanitation of food processing facilities and packaging, disinfection of food products, bleaching of grains, control of microbial growth during corn steeping and milling, waste water treatment, etc. We also investigated the possibility of using ozone in corn steeping during corn wet milling process, and found that ozone could replace sulfur dioxide that is traditionally used in corn steeping. We continue to develop/improve NTP reactors for odor and flue gases control. A few large NTP systems were built for pilot study. In a different area, we are also developing processes to convert fibrous byproducts to bio-polymers and ethanol fuel. We successfully made bio-polyurethane and bio-polyesters from lignocellulosic materials and starch. The process for ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials can effectively shorten saccharification and fermentation time. We continue to develop and use MRI techniques to study heat and mass transfer in foods undergoing processing. Patents issued and filed: Ruan, R., H. Ma, M. Zhang, P. Chen, D. Oyen. 2001. Method and apparatus for non-thermal pasteurization. U. S. Patent pending. WCK: U11.12-0144. P. Addis, R. Ruan, J. Keenan, J. Oins, and D. Geleva. 2001. Medical and nutritional applications of highly refined cellulose. Application number: 60/329,255.

We have made breakthroughs in developing NTP technologies for non-thermal pasteurization and sterilization of foods and biological fluids. These technologies could potentially bring golden opportunities to food and biological industries. Our research in NTP technologies for odor and flue gases control has put us in the leading position of the field. The ozone technologies will have the potential to replace chlorine sanitation methods, and to become a major non-thermal pasteurization process. The process for making bio-polymers from biomass is also revolutionary. The successful development of this process will greatly reduce our dependence on petroleum-based products and environmental pollution, and at the same time make our agriculture production more competitive by adding values to the byproducts. The NMR and MRI research has enhanced our understanding of food processes, and provide information useful in process and product design and control.


  • Ruan, R., Ning, S., Luo, L., Chen, X., Chen, P., Jones, R., Wilcke,W. and Morey,R.V. 2001. Estimation of weight percentage of scabby wheat kernels using an automatic machine vision and neural network based system. Transactions of ASAE 44(5): In Press.
  • Lin, G., Ruan,R., Chen, P., Wilcke, W. and Addis, P.2001. Structure-function relationships of highly refined cellulose. Transactions of ASAE 44(6):In Press.
  • Chung, M., Ruan, R., Chen, P., Lee, Y., Ahn, T. and Baik, C. 2001. Formulation of caking-resistant powdered soups based on NMR study. J. of Food Science. 66(8): 1147-1151.
  • Katsanidis, E., Meyer, D., Epley, R., Addis, E. and Ruan,R. 2001. Highly refined cellulose and dehydrated protato extract in crooked, low-fat, comminuted beef. J. of Food Science. 66(5): 758-761.
  • Ma, H., Chen, P., and Ruan, R.2001. H2S and NH3 removal by silent discharge plasma and ozone combo system. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 21(4):611-624.
  • Ruan, R., Ye, X., Chen, P.,Doona,C. and Taub, I. 2001. Ohmic heating. In The Nutrition Handbook for Food Processors. C. K. Henry, and C. Chapman (Eds). Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England. Invited chapter.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, P. 2001. Highly refined cellulose - A versatile new material from agricultural fibrous byproducts. In Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology Part I Advances in Bio-Processing Engineering. Xiusheng Yang and Juming Tang (Eds). World Scientific Publishers Co, Singapore. In Press.
  • Ruan, R., Ye, X., Chen, P., Doona, C. and Taub, I. 2001. Ohmic heating. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing. P. Richardson (Ed.). Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, P. 2001. Nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging. In Nondestructive Food Quality Evaluation, Sundaram Gunasekaran (Editor). Marcel Dekker, New York, USA.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, P. 2001. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of bread staling. In Bread Staling, P. Chinachoti and Y. Vodovotz (Eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
  • Ruan, R., Li, Y., Lin, X. and Chen, P. 2001. Non-destructive determine of deoxynivalenol (Don) levels using near-infrared spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Accepted.
  • Ma, H., Chen, P., Zhang, M., Lin, X., Ruan, R. 2001. Study of SO2 removal using non-thermal plasma induced by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 22(2): In Press.

Progress 01/01/00 to 12/31/00

During the year of 2000, our research has been focused on following areas: (1) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, (2) research and development of non-thermal plasma (NTP) technologies for odor and flue gas management, (3) research and development of non-thermal plasma and ozone technologies for food applications, and (4) research and development of technology for fibrous agricultural byproduct utilization. We continued to study the caking phenomenon in instant powdered soups and ingredients using NMR techniques. Relationships between caking and NMR relaxation characteristics have been established through this study. The results have enabled us to use the NMR techniques to characterize and predict the caking behaviors and potential of the instant powdered soups and ingredients, and to design formulas with predictable caking properties. In another project, NMR was used to evaluate the water absorption capability of dry beans. The study found that changes in some physiochemical states of dry beans during storage as measured by the NMR techniques were related to the change in water absorption capacity. Development of protocols for screening of dry bean water absorption characteristics using the NMR technique is under way. An MRI technique based on proton resonance frequency shift was developed for fast temperature mapping. This new MRI technique is believed to have excellent sensitivity, linearity, reversibility with temperature during heating and cooling, and the ease of measurement and interpretation. When used for mapping of temperature in an ohmically heated system, a spatial resolution of 0.94 mm and a temporal resolution of 0.64 sec were obtained. We continue to develop/improve non-thermal plasma (NTP) reactors for odor and flue gas control. Our work has resulted in one patent issued and one patent pending. Our technology has been licensed to a commercial manufacturer. In another study, we used non-thermal plasma for pasteurization of liquid foods. Five log reduction of bacteria has been achieved with this method. We are preparing to file a patent for this invention. In development of ozone technology, we have designed new ozone generators and an ozonated water production system suitable for commercial uses such as sanitation of food processing facilities and packaging, disinfection of food products, bleaching of grains, control microbial growth during corn steeping and milling, waste water treatment, etc. We continue to improve the processes for making highly refined cellulose from fibrous byproducts. Several patents have been issued or are pending for our inventions. We are also studying a process to convert fibrous byproducts to ethanol fuel. U.S. Patent No. 6,146,599, Issue date: Nov. 14, 2000. U.S. Patent No.: 6,083,582. Issue date: July 4, 2000. International patent pending. Application No. PCT/US98/15396. U.S. patent pending. WCK: U11.12-0131. U.S. Patent pending, SLWK #600.473US1.

The NMR and MRI research has enhanced our understanding of food processes, and provide information useful in process and product design and control. Our research in NTP technologies for odor and flue gases control has put us in the leading position of the field. The ozone technologies will have the potential to replace chlorine sanitation methods, and to become a major non-thermal pasteurization process. Some of the NTP and ozone technologies are being transferred to the commercial sector. The technology for making highly refined cellulose from agricultural byproducts is a value-added process, and can reduce undesirable environmental impact by the byproducts.


  • Ruan, R. and Chen, P. 2000. Highly refined cellulose - A versatile new material from agricultural fibrous byproducts. In Advanced Agricultural Engineering Part II Food and Agricultural Processing. Xiusheng Yang and Juming Tang (Eds). Scientific Press, New York, USA.
  • Ruan, R., Ye, X., Chen, P. and Taub, I. 2000. Ohmic Heating. In Thermal Processing of Foods. P. Richardson (Ed.). Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, P. 2000. Nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging. In Nondestructive Food Quality Evaluation, Sundaram Gunasekaran (Editor). Marcel Dekker, New York, USA.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, P. 2000. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of bread staling. In Bread Staling, P. Chinachoti and Y. Vodovotz (Eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
  • Chung, M., Ruan, R., Chen, P., Chung, S., Ahn, T. and Lee, K. 2000. Study of caking in powered foods using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. of Food Science 65(1):134-138.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, L. 2000. Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques in cereal chemistry research. Research Trends 2(1999):1-9.

Progress 01/01/99 to 12/31/99

During the year of 1999, our research has been focused on the following areas: (1) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, (2) research and development of non-thermal plasma (NTP) technologies for odor and flue gas management, (3) research and development of non-thermal plasma and ozone technologies for food applications, and (4) research and development of technology for fibrous agricultural byproduct utilization. We used the NMR technique to study the caking of instant soups and ingredients. The results indicate that the relationships between the nuclear relaxation and temperature allows the classification of the soup products and ingredients into four groups having different caking characteristics. This study also provides information useful in formulating caking resistant soup products. A new MRI technique was developed for fast and accurate mapping of T1 values in food systems. This technique can be used to map temperature and mobility distribution in foods undergoing thermal processes such as ohmic heating or cooling. New non-thermal plasma reactors have been developed for odor and flue gases control. These new reactors are cost-effective. Several patents are pending. We have made a great progress in development of ozone technologies for food applications, including sanitation of food processing facilities and packaging, disinfection of food products, bleaching of grains, etc. New ozone generator and water ozonation systems have been developed. An improved process for making highly refined cellulose has been developed. This improved process is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than the previous one.

The NMR and MRI research has enhanced our understanding of food processes. Our research in NTP technologies for odor and flu gases control has put us in the leading position of the field. The ozone technologies will have the potential to replace chlorine sanitation methods, and to become a major non-thermal pasteurization process. The technology for making highly refined cellulose from agricultural byproducts will have both the commercial and social significance.


  • Ruan, R., Han, W., Ning, A., Chen, P., Goodrich, P., and Zhang, R. 1999. Treatment of odorous and hazardous gases using non-thermal plasma. J. Advanced Oxidation Technologies. 4(3):328-332.
  • Ruan, R. and Chen, L. 1999. Measurement of state transition temperature using NMR and MRI. Leatherhead food RA (Research Association) Food Industry Journal 2(3):238-250.
  • Ruan, R., Long, Z., Chen, P., Huang, V., and Almaer, S. 1999. Pulse NMR study of glass transition in maltodextrins. J. of Food Science 64(1):6-9. Hypothesis Paper, feature article and high-lighted on the cover of the issue.
  • Chung, M., Ruan, R., Chen, P., and Wang, X. 1999. Physical and chemical properties of caramel systems. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 32(3):162-166.
  • Ruan, R., Chen, P., and Almaer, S. 1999. Non-destructive analysis of sweet corn maturity using NMR. HortScience 34(2):319-321.
  • Ruan, R., Wang, X., Chen, P., Fulcher, G.R., Pesheck, P., and Chakrabarti, S. 1999. Study of water in dough using NMR. Cereal Chemistry 76(2):231-235.
  • Ruan, R., Long, Z., Chang, K., Chen, P., and Taub, I. 1999. Glass transition temperature mapping using magnetic resonance imaging. Transactions of the ASAE 42(4):1055-1059.

Progress 01/01/98 to 12/31/98

We had three focuses of research during the year of 1998: (1) studies of water-solid interactions and heat and mass transfer in foods and biological materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, (2) research and development of technologies for odor and flue gas management, and (3) research and development of technology for byproduct utilization. A pulsed NMR technique was developed for analysis of state of water in foods and biological materials. Another NMR technique was developed for determination of glass transition temperature (Tg) in food materials and products. We have also developed an MRI technique for Tg mapping (spatial distribution of Tg values). The glass transition in foods is a very important topic in food science and technology in the recent years. NMR and MRI techniques were also used to study confectionery and dried powder systems, and to monitor heat and mass transfer in ohmic heating systems and grains. We have made progress in developing non-thermal plasma reactors for odor and flue gas treatment. Our research in this area has generated tremendous interests from the legislature and industry. Two patent applications are in progress. With respect to byproduct utilization, we are researching new processes for making high quality cellulosic materials from agricultural fibrous byproducts. Our research has resulted in a new patent issued by the US Patent and Trade Mark Office. The new processes under development are expected to be more cost effective and environmentally friendly than conventional processes.



  • Ruan, R. and Chen, L. 1998. Water in Foods and Biological Materials - A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Approach. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, and Basel, Switzerland. 307 pages. ISBN No. 1-56676-589-7.
  • Ruan, R., Long, Z., Song, A. and Chen, P. 1998. Determination of the glass transition temperature of food polymers using low field field NMR. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 31(6):516-521.
  • Jang, G.C. and Ruan, R. 1998. Determination of bulk density and internal structure of red ginseng using NMR. Journal of Ginseng Research 22(2):96-101.
  • McEntyre, E., Ruan, R., and Fulcher, R.G. 1998. A comparison of water absorption patterns in two barley cultivars using magnetic resonance imaging. Cereal Chemistry 75(6):792-795.
  • Perniel, M., Ruan, R., and Martinez, B. 1998. Nutrient removal from a stormwater detention pond using duckweed. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 14(6):611-617.
  • Ruan, R., Ning, S., Song, A., Ning, A., Jones, R., and Chen, P. 1998. Estimation of Fusarium scab in wheat using machine vision and a neural network. Cereal Chemistry 75(4):455-459.
  • Ruan, R., Chang, K., Chen, L., and Ning, A. 1998. Simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in cheddar cheese during cooling. Part I. MRI temperature mapping. Drying Technology 16(7):1447-1458.
  • Chang, K., Ruan, R., and Chen, L. 1998. Simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in cheddar cheese during cooling. Part II. Numerical simulation. Drying Technology 16(7):1459-1470.
  • Ruan, R., Chang, K., Chen, P., Fulcher, R., and Bastian, E. 1998. A magnetic resonance imaging technique for quantitative mapping of moisture and fat in a cheese block. Journal of Dairy Science 80:9-15.
  • Ruan, R., Xu, L., and Chen, P. 1998. Water vapor permeability and tensile strength of cellulose based composite edible films. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 14(4):411-413.
  • Ruan, R., Xu, L., Yi, L., Chen, L. Johnson, J., and Addis, P. 1998. Cellulose fiber compositions and film and the process for their manufacture. U.S. Patent No.:5,817,381. Issue date: October 6, 1998.

Progress 01/01/97 to 12/31/97

This report describes the major findings and accomplishments of my research activities during the year of 1997: 1) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Foods are subjected to cooling, heating, or steeping, the distribution of temperature and moisture in the foods change dramatically. The design and control of these processes require the knowledge of temperature and moisture distribution. The conventional methods do not offer reliable and real-time monitoring of temperature and moisture in foods undergoing processing or storage. The MRI techniques developed during the research allow nondestructive, fast and accurate real-time mapping of temperature, moisture, and fat in foods undergoing cooling, steeping and ohmic heating. Glass transition is an important phenomenon in food polymers. Many important chemical and physical changes occur around the glass transition temperature (Tg). Based on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approach, an MRI technique was also developed to produce maps (distribution) of Tg in foods. We have also used the data acquired from the MRI experiments to validate and improve mathematical models for the processes. 2) NMR study of water-solid interactions: Water-solid interactions are of great importance to the quality and stability of foods and many other products such as pharmaceuticals. We developed a method to present the nuclear relaxation times, or water mobilities, as a continuous spectrum. The continuous spectra of nuclear relaxation times provide more information of a particular food than the discrete results. 3) Automation of machine vision-neural network system for determination of visual scab kernels in wheat: In this period of research, we emphasized on developing an automatic process and improving the prediction accuracy. We have finished the process and hardware design. We are now constructing the hardware and writing the necessary interfacing software. 4) Non-thermal plasma reactors for odor reduction: In this period of study, we have developed a number of different plasma generators such as pulse corona reactor, silent discharge reactor, surface discharge reactor, and combined reactors. These new reactors are more efficient and suitable in reducing farm odor than the packed-bed system. These systems were tested with pure gases and odor samples collected from local hog farms. Analyses indicated that odorous gases could be completely decomposed and odors eliminated. The silent discharge reactor constructed in our lab was also installed in a local hog farm as part of field test. Result is very promising. 5) Making value-added products from fibrous byproducts: We have been developing a technology that utilizes fibrous byproducts to make value-added products for several years. The basic approach is to break down the insoluble fibers into solubilized cellulose fibers. An innovative ozone digestion process is being developing in our lab. The process could replace alkaline or acid digestion so that use of strong alkaline and acid can be reduced or eliminated. This will make the technology more environmentally friendly.



  • RUAN, R. and CHEN, L. 1997. Water in Foods and Biological Materials - A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Approach. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, and Basel, Switzerland. 300 pages. ISBN No. 1-56676-589-7. In Press.
  • RUAN, R., LITCHFIELD, J.B., and FULCHER, R.G. 1997. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology: Basic Principle and Applications in Grain and Grain Products. Invited Chapter in Volume XI of Advances in Cereal Science and Technology. Editors: R.G. Fulcher and J.M. Faubion. In Press.
  • FULCHER, R.G., S.S. MILLER, and R. RUAN. 1997. Quantitative microscopic approaches to carbohydrate characterization and distribution in cereal grains. Functionality of Food Phytochemicals, Recent Advances in Phytochemistry Vol. 31.
  • RUAN, Z. LONG, and P. CHEN. 1997. Determination of the glass transition temperature of food polymers using low field field NMR. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) Accepted.
  • RUAN, R., CHANG, K., CHEN, P. L., and NING, A. 1997. Simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in cheddar cheese during cooling. Part I. MRI temperature mapping. Drying Technology 16(7):. Accepted.
  • CHANG, K., RUAN, R., and CHEN, P. 1997. Simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in cheddar cheese during cooling. Part II. Numerical Simulation. Drying Technology 16(7):. Accepted.
  • RUAN, R., XU, J.Z., ZHANG, C., CHI, C.M., and HU, W.S. 1997. Classification of plant somatic embryos using neural network classifiers. Biotechnology Progress 13:741-746.
  • BARBOSA-CANOVAS, G., MITTAL, G., RUAN, R., ZHANG, H., and QUASS, D. 1997. Pulsed electric field processing in the food industry - A status report on PEF. EPRI Publication CR-109742.
  • RUAN, R., HAN, J., CHEN, L., and MARTINEZ, B. 1997. Study of temperature sensitive hydrogel using pulse NMR. Biotechnology Techniques 11(4):257-260.
  • RUAN, R., CHANG, K., CHEN, P., FULCHER, R., and BASTIAN, E. 1997. A magnetic resonance imaging technique for quantitative mapping of moisture and fat in a cheese block. Journal of Dairy Science. In Press.
  • RUAN, R., ALMAER, S., ZOU, C., and CHEN, P. 1997. Spectrum analysis of mixing power curves for neural network prediction of dough rheological properties. Transactions of the ASAE 40(3):677-681.
  • CHEN, L., LONG, Z., RUAN, R.and LABUZA, T. 1997. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Water Mobility in bread During Storage. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 30(2):178-183.
  • RUAN, R., ZOU, C., WADHAWAN, C., MARTINEZ, B., CHEN, P., and ADDIS, P. 1997. Studies of water mobility and shelf life quality of precooked wild rice using pulsed NMR. J. of Food Processing & Preservation 21(2):91-104.
  • LONG, L. 1997. Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Polymer Science Theory to the Study of Storage Stability in Ready-To-Eat Food Systems. M.S. Thesis. University of Minnesota.

Progress 01/01/96 to 12/30/96

A new technique based on pulsed NMR has been developed for determination of glass transition temperature (Tg) in food materials and products. An MRI based technique is being developed for Tg mapping - an innovative concept in this area. This technique offers the possibility of determining the Tg of non-uniform and multicomponent food systems. MRI temperature maps of cheese blocks undergoing cooling, and particulate foods undergoing ohmic heating were successfully obtained using a fast pulse sequence. High quality water-only and fat-only MR images of cheese blocks were also obtained by using the chemical shift selective (CHESS) suppression technique. A non-thermal plasma reactor was designed and constructed, and used for decomposition of odorous gases. A procedure has been developed to convert agricultural fibrous byproducts into highly refine cellulose (HRC), which can be made into different value-added products. High mechanical strength and low water permeability edible films have been produced from HRC. These research results have contributed to the basic understanding of food engineering, and provided new technology or facilitated development of new technology for food processing and agricultural industries.



  • RUAN, R, LITCHFIELD, J. B., and FULCHER, R. 1996. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology: Basic Principle and Applications in Grain and Grain Products. In Volume XI of Advances in Cereal Science and Technology. editors: Fulcher, R and Faubion RUAN, R, LUN, Y, ZHANG, J, ADDIS, P, and CHEN, P. 1996. Structure-Function Relationships of Highly Refined Cellulose Made from Agricultural Fibrous Residues. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 12(4):465-468.
  • HAN, J, MARTINEZ, B, and RUAN, R. 1996. Immobilization of Celeus blumei in temperature-sensitive hydrogel. Biotechnology Techniques 10(5):359-362.
  • RUAN, R., ALMAER, S., HUANG, V., PERKINS, P., CHEN, P., and FULCHER, R. 1996. gRelationship between firming and water mobility in starch-based food systems during storage. Cereal Chemistry 73(3):328-332.
  • RUAN, R., ZOU, C., WADHAWAN, C., MARTINEZ, B., CHEN, P., and ADDIS, P. 1996. Studies of water mobility and shelf life quality of precooked wild rice using pulsed NMR. J. of Food Processing and Preservation. Accepted.
  • PERNIEL, M., RUAN, R. and MARTINEZ, B. 1996. Nutrient removal from a stormwater detention pond using duckweed. Water Resources Bulletin. Accepted.
  • CHEN, P. L., LONG, Z., RUAN, R. and LABUZA, T. 1996. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Water Mobility in bread During Storage. lwt (J. of Food Science and Technology). In Press.

Progress 01/01/95 to 12/30/95

Several new magnetic resonance imaging pulse sequences have been developed or modified to obtain the structure, moisture, water mobility mappings of low moisture samples such as popcorn, and the temperature mapping of samples during processing such as cheese cooling. A computer program was adapted to simulate the cooling process of a cheese block and observe the heat and mass transfer process in different simulated cooling conditions. Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques have been developed to characterize the quality of cheese, pizza crust, cake, wild rice, etc. Water molecules in the samples were classified into different fractions with different T2s. The texture and shelf life quality of the samples was also assessed using sensory methods and a texture analyzer and correlated with the changes in NMR parameters. A multiple variable regression model was developed to describe the relationships between firming and NMR parameters in the wild rice samples, and a neural network model was proposed to predict the cheese quality (sensory attributes and liking scores, etc.) based on instrumental analytical data (MRI, NMR, textural, chemical, thermal history, etc.). Machine vision and neural network techniques were also developed to predict the deoxynivalenol (DON) levels of the scabby wheat samples (Robust).



  • RUAN, R., LUN, Y., ZHANG. J., ADDIS, P. AND CHEN, P. 1995. Structure-Function Relationships of Refinded Cellulose Made from Agricultural Fibrous Residues. TRANSACTIONS of ASAE. Accepted.
  • RUAN, R., ALMAER, S., HUANG, V., PERKINS, P., FULCHER, R. AND CHEN, P. 1995. A relationship between firming and water mobility during shelf life. Cereal Chemistry. in-press.
  • ZENG, X., RUAN, R., FULCHER, R., AND CHEN, P. 1995. Evaluation of soybean seedcoat cracking during drying. Part I. Using drying tests. Drying Technology, in-press.
  • ZENG, X., RUAN, R., FULCHER, R., AND CHEN, P. 1995. Evaluation of soybean seedcoat cracking during drying. Part II. Using MRI. Drying Technology. In Press.
  • RUAN, R., LITCHFIELD, J.B., AND FULCHER, R.G. 1995. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology: Basic Principle and Applications in Grain and Grain Products. Advances in Cereal Science and Technology. in-press.
  • HAN, J., RUAN, R., AND PARK, C.H. 1995. Prediction of hydrogel pore size by pulse NMR and neural networks. Biotechnology Techniques. 9(9):637-642.
  • RUAN, R., ALMAER, S. AND ZHANG, J. 1995. Preciction of dough rheological properties using neural networks. cereal Chemistry. 72(3):308:311.
  • HAN, J., PARK, C.H. AND RUAN, R. 1995. Concentrating alkaline serine protease s.

Progress 01/01/94 to 12/30/94

Magnetic resonance imaging pulse sequences have been developed or modified to obtain the structure, the water only and fat only images, and the diffusion and water mobility mappings in biological materials, such as cheese, soybean, and wild rice. Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques have been developed to characterize the pore size distribution in temperature sensitive hydrogel. The mechanism of soybean seedcoat cracking during drying and the relationship of seedcoat cracking and drying conditions, moisture, and soybean characteristics were studied. A process has been developed to make microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) from agricultural waste fibrous materials, such as corn cobs and husks, and soyhulls. The physical and chemical properties of the MFC, including surface structure, water holding capacity, etc. were studied. We are also exploring the application of MFC in foods as fat replacer, shelf life stabilizer, and filter aid, and more importantly in non-foods as an 100% nature biodegradable material. A machine vision and neural network prototype was developed to rapidly identify scabby wheat and predict its deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration. Image processing and pattern recognition techniques were developed to characterize the surface features, size, shape, and color of scabby wheat and normal wheat. A back propagation neural network system has been developed to accurately predict (>95%) the rheological properties of dough based on the work input, or mixer torque curve, recorded during.

