Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2009
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2014
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Project Director
Enns, R., MA.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Animal Science
Non Technical Summary
The information available to producers upon which to base selection and mating decisions is ever increasing. For instance, bull and semen sales catalogs often include pedigree information, individual animal performance data, ratios, up to fourteen different expected progeny differences (EPD), economic index values, and DNA-marker information often overwhelming the individual breeder?s decision making capabilities. Layering on another level of complexity is the time-horizon for economic benefits arising from the selection of different breeding animals. With the rapidly increasing amounts of information and resulting confusion, the challenge for beef cattle breeders is to compile this data into the information necessary to make sound economic selection and mating decisions and to simultaneously account for ever changing economic conditions. We expect the results of this project to yield a flexible, user-friendly decision support system that enables producers to make selection and mating decisions given their goals, performance, natural resource, and economic conditions specific to their individual marketing and production system. This tool will aid producers in compiling and emphasizing the appropriate information to enable breeders to make economically sound selection and mating decisions and ultimately to improve their profitability.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The primary goal of this project is to continue development and enhancement of a flexible, user-friendly decision support system that can be utilized by commercial and seedstock producers of beef cattle to improve profitability through improved selection of breeding animals and better design of mating systems. The use of this decision support system will provide producers with the ability to evaluate selection and mating alternatives to ultimately produce better performing offspring. Our specific objectives include: 1. Improvement of methods for integration of costs/incomes of production, genetic prediction technologies, and underlying biological systems (such as the interaction of nutrition, reproduction, selection and mating) into the tool. 2. Identification of producer-specific economic data critical to proper model parameterization and prediction of profitability differences. 3. Development of methodology to account for value of production and genetic improvement given the time-lag for realization of those improvements. 4. Improvement of underlying biological models including incorporation of heterotic effects and alternatives for marketing animals post-weaning 5. Validation/parameterization of deliverable products The output of this project will be an on-line decision support tool for the beef industry. The tool will allow the producer to evaluate the effect of selection and mating decisions on profitability of the enterprise. The system will also allow the producer to evaluate various marketing endpoints including weaning, post-weaning and harvest.
Project Methods
We will use a multi-pronged approach to performing the research associated with meeting the objectives of the project as these areas require expertise from various disciplines and industry groups. The team will rely on the expertise of the participating economist to identify weaknesses of the current tool and to develop methodologies for incorporating appropriate methodology to account for the time-value of profitability changes resulting from genetic improvement. This will be the primary focus to satisfy objectives 1, 2, and 3. As new external research is published describing the interactions of the system, such as genotype by environment interactions, these results will be evaluated for potential incorporation into the system and will be secondary to improving the economic component of the tool. To meet the needs of objective 4, the team will primarily rely on previously published research given that these effects and alternatives require substantial animal resources and historical performance information. The estimation of heterotic effects typically comes from designed crossbreeding studies; however, many of these studies have not reported the influence of heterosis on threshold traits such as heifer pregnancy and stayability. The statistical methodology to evaluate animal differences in performance of these threshold traits has only recently become computationally feasible. As such, determining the effects of heterosis on these traits will require additional research likely using field data from the cooperators of the CSU Center for Genetic Evaluation of Livestock. Given that the Red Angus Association of America has indicated interest in funding research using the tool to develop indexes for their constituency, their database is a likely candidate and includes information on over 2 million animals. Validation and parameterization is continually ongoing. The key to successful validation is compiling sufficient animal and economic performance data. The CSU Beef Improvement Center has been collecting such data since 1986 and will serve as the validation population for the cow/calf component of the model. This facility is especially appropriate for these validations in that it is operated as a self-funded entity with operations funded totally by ranch income. In recent years (since 2000) this facility has been retaining ownership on steers through the feedlot and will also serve to validate the post-weaning addition to the decision support tool.

Progress 07/01/09 to 06/30/14

Target Audience: The target audiences of this reporting period have been beef cattle seedstock and commercial breeders, both being involved through breed association interaction, industry publications, and industry producer meetings. Additionally, the audience includes the animal and range scientific communities through publications in industry and scientific journals, as well as participation in scientific conferences. Changes/Problems: We encountered two issues during the course of this project that influenced our ability to address all objectives at the level desired. The first was the passing of one of the project participants. The second was a change in funding related to our computer programming specialist. This did not preclude us from conducting the project but did slow our rate of progress. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? In the last year this project provided training opportunities for four Master's of Science graduate students. Additionally, data collected in the process of conducting this project was used in teaching activities impacting over 60 undergraduate students. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? These results have been communicate through industry and scientific presentations, proceedings, manuscripts, and industry presentations and technical reports. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Genetic improvement in the beef industry is driven by selection and mating decisions made by individual cattle breeders. Ultimately industry-wide improvement is driven by progress in the seedstock breeders that produce the genetics used by the commercial sector. Yet each commercial producer must make those selection and mating decisions in the context of their own specific production environment, marketing program, while simultaneously considering the end-user, the beef consumer. Difficulties associated with making decisions in this complex production scenario are further exacerbated with an overwhelming amount of information, including pedigree, performance, genetic and genomic information, upon which their choices are made. This project was designed to address those difficulties through investigation of the basic interactions of environment, genetics, and economics and the development of a decision support system for the beef cattle industry. In the course of this project we developed economic selection indexes that combine both genetic and economic information that represent the differences in operation profitability that would result from various selection decisions (e.g. choosing to use one bull over another in a breeding program). Additionally we investigated the role natural environment (e.g. arid southwest, eastern great plains) in identification of animals with the best genetics for longevity. Understanding the manner in which environment interacts with genetics is key to selecting animals with longer, more productive life-spans. Using the information resulting from these studies, producers gained knowledge in how better to consider both natural and marketing environment when they make selection decisions that drive genetic improvement. The following is a synopsis of each objective and the results of studies/efforts on those objectives: Objective 1: Improvement of methods for integration of costs/incomes of production, genetic prediction technologies and underlying biological systems (such as the interaction of nutrition, reproduction, selection and mating). During the course of this study we completed the development of six separate economic selection indexes accounting for the time-lag to realization of genetic improvement. This study utilized USDA economic information and information from the CSU Beef Improvement Center. Manuscripts presenting results from this study are under internal review before submission. Another key activity under this objective was a study addressing the effects of milk production level and environment on stayability and cow longevity. An industry data set was obtained from the Red Angus Association of America that contained breeder location and cow productivity data with an additional data set from the CSU Beef Improvement Center. In this study we showed that milk production levels significantly influence cow longevity as does environmental biome. However results showed that increasing levels had differential effect depending upon the environment those animals were producing in. Evaluating longevity from another perspective--the probability a cow remains productive through age three--we showed that as milk production level increases the odds of an animal being culled increases as well. This last perspective was initiated through producer comments that often the most difficult issue for a female is rebreeding while nursing her first calf. These results show that in any decision support tool for the beef industry, current genetic level of performance of a herd in concert with the location of that herd, must be included to produce appropriate prediction of outcomes. This is especially true given the diversity of environments in which beef production occurs. These results have been communicated to the scientific community through presentations and publications. Our next focus will be on presenting this to producers at various industry meetings. Objective 2: Identification of producer-specific economic data critical to proper model parameterization and prediction of profitability differences. In the process of developing the economic selection indexes for the CSU Beef Improvement Center selection program, we identified key areas where economic information was lacking in that program. Given the self-supporting nature of that operation, it is representative of industry production. One of the challenges we identified in that project was the ability to properly account for the various marketing programs for cull animals appropriately. These results have been presented to the scientific community in presentations and proceedings publications. Objective 3: Development of methodology to account for value of production and genetic improvement given the time-lag for realization of those improvements. The economic selection index study used a process known as "discounted gene flow" to adjust for the time lag to realization of genetic improvement. However computer simulation in conjunction with net present value adjustments offer another alternative for evaluating and adjusting for this time lag. This objective will require further investigation as the decision support project moves forward. Objective 4: Improvement of underlying biological models including incorporation of heterotic effects and alternative for marketing animals post-weaning. We obtained an industry historical database from the American Gelbvieh Association to address this issue. This data set was sought because it included animals that were produced through crossing of Angus animals with Gelbvieh animals via this associations' "Balancer" program. These data provided an opportunity to begin to evaluate the effect of heterosis on various measures of stayability. This knowledge is lacking in current genetic evaluation programs as the original crossbreeding studies did not use this approach to evaluating cow fertility. Yet, these parameters are critical to successful development of decision support systems that accurately reflect the application of various crossbreeding systems in the industry. Our results showed that a first cross animal has an 5.4%, 9.2% 10.9% and 12.2% greater chance of remaining in the herd until 3, 4, 5 and 6 years of age, respectively. These results have then been translated into the genetic evaluation for the American Gelbvieh Association and will serve as the basis from which to model heterotic effects on these measures of cow stayability. We have communicated these results to the membership of the American Gelbvieh Association and at scientific meetings with manuscripts in preparation. Objective 5: Validation/parameterization of deliverable products. This final objective encompasses application of the results from objectives 1 through 4. In this period primary focus was on those objectives. Future plans include integration of these results into our decision support models.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Diaz, I. D., D. H. Crews, Jr., and R. M. Enns. 2014. Cluster and meta-analyses of genetic parameters for feed intake traits in growing beef cattle. Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie 131: 217-226.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Peters, S. O. et al. 2014. Use of robust multivariate linear mixed models for estimation of genetic parameters for carcass traits in beef cattle. Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie 131: 504-512
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Cockrum, R.R., K.J. Austin, R.H. Stobart, N.K. Pickering, M.G. Thomas, J.C. McEwan, and K.M. Cammack. 2014. Genotypes within cellular growth and cell cycle processes associated with feed efficiency in sheep. Plant and Anim. Genome XXII. Abstract P151.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Welch, C. M., S. E. Speidel, D. H. Crews, J. K. Ahola, J. B. Hall, W. Price, and R. A. Hill. 2014. Relationships between maintenance energy EPD and performance measures of progeny from Red Angus sires divergent for maintenance energy EPD. J. Anim. Sci. 92: e-Suppl. 2 (Abstract): 68.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Berge, N. F., S. E. Speidel, X. Zeng, M. M. Culbertson, M. G. Thomas, and R. M. Enns. 2014. Genetic relationships between pulmonary arterial pressure and performance traits in Colorado State University Beef Improvement Center Angus herd. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Boldt, R. J., M. M. Culbertson, N. F. Berge, M. G. Thomas, T. Holt, S. E. Speidel, and R.M. Enns. 2014. Phenotypic analysis of pulmonary arterial pressure and feed intake data in cattle. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Cockrum, R. R., X. Zeng, N. F. Berge, J. M. Neary, F. B. Garry, T. Holt, H. D. Blackburn, S. Thomas, S. E. Speidel, D. J. Garrick, R. M. Enns, and M. G. Thomas. 2014. Angus cattle at high altitude: genetic relationships and initial genome wide association analyses of pulmonary arterial pressure. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Culbertson, M. M., S. E. Speidel, M. G. Thomas, L. Keenan, and R. M. Enns. 2014. Effect of genetics level of beef cow milk production on longevity in diverse environments. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Hernandez, A., P. Luna-Nevarez, G. Rincon, J. F. Medrano, R. M. Enns, and M. G. Thomas. 2014. Relationships of endocrine pathway SNP and molecular breeding value with milk production traits in heat stressed Holstein cows. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Speidel, S., R. R. Cockrum, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, M. G. Thomas, R. K. Peel, and R. M. Enns. 2014. Genetic analysis of receiving weight, ultrasound back fat, ultrasound rib eye area, ultrasound percent intramuscular fat, and bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Zeng, X., R. R. Cockrum, N. F. Berge, J. M. Neary, F. B. Garry, T. Holt, H. D. Blackburn, S. E. Speidel, D. J. Garrick, R. M. Enns, and M. G. Thomas. 2014. Genetic correlation and genome wide association study of pulmonary arterial pressure and post weaning growth traits in Angus heifers from a high altitude breeding program. In: Proc. 10th World Congr. Appl. Livestock Prod.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Culbertson, M. M. 2014. Effects of beef cow milk production levels on longevity and stayability. MS Thesis. Colorado State University

Progress 01/01/13 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: The target audiences during this period were seedstock and commercial beef cattle producers. Included in this group are relevant industry groups such as breed associations. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Four trainees bennefited from this program: Xi Zeng, M.S. student studying beef cattle quantitative genetics. B. A. Kessler. M.S. student studying value of pulmonary arterial pressure for bull selection to reduce high altitude disease. Scott Speidel, postdoc/research associate studying beef catle quantitative genetics Sean Thomas, M.S. student/research associate studying computational genetics. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? The animal-agriculture scientific community was informed via a presentation at the Western Section meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. Reference for this proceedings paper is: X. Zeng, S.E. Speidel, M.G. Thomas, and R.M. Enns. 2013. Estimating economic values of traits for maternal beef production system. Proc. West Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 64:165-168. Meeting with interested breed associations have involved presenting results of this data and faciltated discussion of potentials for delivery of the decision support system on a breed/organization wide basis. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Test the methodology developed by Zeng and co-workers 2013 in other populations of beef cattle. For example, are the indexes applicable on a breed-wide basis such as Red Angus Association of America. For the economic value associated with pulmonary arterial pressure, we anticipate collecting additional price data to support/refute the findings of the previous study. Addtionally, we intend to survey bull buyers to ascertain attitudes and value put on reducing incidence of high altitude disesae.

What was accomplished under these goals? For objectives 1, 2, and 3, a report titled: Case study involving a high altitude Angus breeding program: maternal and terminal economic selection indices was completed. In brief, selection index is an effective tool for multiple trait selection in beef cattle breeding. The objective of the study was to develop six economic selection indices for females and males in three different production systems: maternal, terminal with self-replacement females, and terminal without self-replacement females, using data of the Colorado State University Beef Improvement Center (CSU-BIC) and to determine the sensitivity of these values to changes marketing. The breeding objective was developed per cow per year. Production, market, and economic information were obtained from the CSU-BIC and USDA. Fourteen traits were included in the breeding objective profit equation, which was used with partial differentiation to estimate the economic value of each trait. Economic weights were calculated by adjusting estimated economic values with cumulative discounted gene expressions (CDGE). Genetic (co)variance matrices were constructed based on 10,007 individual records and 27,165 pedigree records from CSU-BIC. Sensitivity tests on indices were performed by changing values of economic scenario (+/-50%). Results suggested that varying economic variables had small effect on selection index of maternal system with correlations among objectives more than 0.80. However, it highly affected the selection index of the two terminal systems with low (0.05) or even negative (-0.82) correlation between one and another. The selection responses based on the six economic selection indices were $99.01, $193.22, $51.51, $91.32, $39.74 and $70.97 per generation for females and male in maternal, terminal with self-replacement heifer and terminal without self-replacement heifer systems, assuming that the selection intensity is one standard deviation. Under all scenarios, selection would lead to increasing profit.


  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Kessler, B. A., R. M. Enns, W. M. Frasier, D. L. Pendell. Hedonic analysis of yearling bull prices for a land grant university: Determining the value of a pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) score. M.S. Thesis.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: S.O. Peters, K. Kizilkaya, D.J. Garrick, R.L. Fernando, J.M. Reecy, R.L. Weaber, G.A. Silver, and M.G. Thomas. 2013. Heritability and Bayesian genome-wide association study of first service conception and pregnancy in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 91:605-612.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: M.G. Thomas. 2013. Sorting through the science, marketing, and realities of DNA tools for genetic prediction. Proc. Range Beef Cow Symp XXIII, December 3  5, 2013. Rapid City, South Dakota, p. 99- 102.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: X. Zeng, S.E. Speidel, M.G. Thomas, and R.M. Enns. 2013. Estimating economic values of traits for maternal beef production system. Proc. West Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 64:165-168.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: M.G. Thomas, G.R. Hagevoort, T.T. Ross, R.M. Enns, H. Van Campen, A.L. Van Eenennaam, H.L. Neibergs, C. Chase, and J.E. Womack. 2013. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in cattle, coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP): translation of research into teaching programs in 2013. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 2):421
  • Type: Other Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2013 Citation: N.F. Berge, M.G. Thomas, S.E. Speidel, B. LaShell, and R.M. Enns. 2013. Factors influencing selection for pulmonary arterial pressure in cattle at high elevations. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl 3):in press.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Nielsen, M. K., M. D. MacNeil, J. C. M. Dekkers, D. H. Crews Jr., T. A. Rathje, R. M. Enns, and R. L. Weaber. Life-cycle, total-industry genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle: Blueprint for the Beef Improvement Federation. Prof. An. Sci. 29: 559-565.

Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: The beef cattle selection decision support system is intended for use by beef cattle producers to integrate economic and production characteristics of their operation with the selection of breeding animals in an effort to improve profitability through genetic improvement. Based on feedback from cattle breeders using the system we have been adding new features to streamline its use. That effort continues with the reprogramming and migration of the system to a new platform for delivery. In the current year, besides the continuation of the system migration/reprogramming, we have compiled average performance information from an intermountain-region seedstock Angus herd. This performance information will serve as a validation dataset for the bio-economic simulation. We have developed prototype selection indexes using this data and compiled national average historical price and information (completed during the a previous year). In the current year, we will compare these traditionally derived selection indexes with outputs from the decision support system. Additionally we have begun to address objective 4 with research addressing heterosis effects on stayability of beef cows. A data set was identified that has yielded preliminary estimates of the direct and maternal heterotic effects on cow stayablity. These preliminary results from both research activities were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science in 2012. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

With appropriate application this system could improve overall profitability of beef production. For instance, bulls are typically used for 3 breeding seasons with an average of 25 offspring produced per season; each of these bulls would produce a total of 75 offspring. If the system yields only an average of $10 more profit per progeny produced and sold at weaning, this is $750 per bull put in service. Given that cow-calf producers would likely keep replacements from progeny produced, economic benefits would exceed those estimates. Additionally, such a system would help producers select replacements specifically for the production and economic circumstances on their operation, potentially yielding increased results on an individual rather than a breed-wide basis. Our initial estimates of heterosis for stayability are between 30 and 35% for maximum heterosis in a first cross. Given fertility continues to be shown as the primary genetic driver of profitability in the cow-calf sector, these estimates may result in selection decisions further improving profitability.


  • Bigler, B. J., J. T. French, J. K. Ahola, J. C. Whittier, W. M. Frasier, G. E. Seidel, R. M. Enns and R. K. Peel. 2012. Comparing the lifetime productivity of beef females initially conceiving to, or sired by, artificial insemination or natural service. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90. Suppl. 3. Pp. 154.
  • Brigham, B. W., C. M. McAllister, R. K. Peel, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, J. J. Wagner, and R. M. Enns. 2012. Genetic parameters associated with feedlot bovine respiratory disease complex morbidity and mortality. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90. Suppl. 3. Pp. 228.
  • Diaz, I. D. P. S., D. H. Crews Jr., and R. M. Enns. 2012. Cluster and meta-analyses of genetic parameters for feed intake traits in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90. Suppl. 3. Pp. 452.
  • Elzo, M.A., G.C. Lamb, D.D. Johnson, M.G. Thomas, I. Misztal, D.O. Rae, C.A. Martinez, J.G. Wasdin, and J.D. Driver. 2012. Genomic-polygenic evaluation of Angus-Brahman multibreed cattle for feed efficiency and postweaning growth using the Illumina3k chip. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2488-2497.
  • Neuhold, K. L., J. J. Wagner, S. L. Archibeque, T. E. Engle, and K. K. Kreikemeier. 2012. An evaluation of 10-G brand direct-fed microbial for yearling steers fed finishing diets containing wet distillers grains. Prof. Anim. Sci.28:319-324.
  • Huff, E. M., B. W. Brigham, S. Willmon, and R. M. Enns. 2012. Estimation of heterotic effects on stayability in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90. Suppl. 3. Pp. 452-453. Fortes, M.R.S., W.M. Snelling, A. Reverter, S. H. Nagaraji, S. A. Lehnert, R. J. Hawken, K. L. DeAtley, S. O. Peters, G. A. Silver, G. Rincon, J. F. Medrano, A. Isla-Trejo, M. G. Thomas. 2012. Gene network analyses of first service conception in Brangus heifers: use of genome and trait associations, hypothalamic-transcriptome information, and transcription factors. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2894-2906.
  • Luna-Nevarez, P., G. Rincon, J.F. Medrano, D.G. Riley, C.C. Chase, S.W. Coleman, K. L. DeAtley, A. Islas-Trejo, G.A. Silver, and M.G. Thomas. 2012. Identificacion de un polimorfismo del gen PAPP-A2 asociado a la fertilidad en vaquillas de la Raza Romosinuano criadas bajo un ambiente subtropical. Rev. Mex. Cienca Pecur. 3:185-200.
  • McAllister, C. M., S. E. Speidel, and R. M. Enns. 2012. Report to the Red Angus Association of America: Addition of Birth Weight to Mature Cow Maintenance Energy EPD and Accuracy. 11 pages. Unpub. McDaneld, T.G., L.A. Kuehn, M.G. Thomas, W.M. Snelling, T.S. Stonstegard, L.K. Matukumalli, T.P.L. Smith, E.J. Pollak, and J.W. Keele. 2012. Y are you not pregnant: identification of Y chromosome segments in female cattle with decreased reproductive efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2142-2151.
  • Peters, S. O., K. Kizilkaya, D.J. Garrick, R.L. Fernando, J.M. Reecy, R.L. Weaber, G.A. Silver, and M.G. Thomas. 2012. Heritability and Bayesian genome-wide association study of first service conception and pregnancy in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(doi:10.2527/jas.2012-5580).
  • Peters, S.O., K. Kizilkaya, D.J. Garrick, R.L. Fernando, J.M. Reecy, R.L. Weaber, G.A. Silver, and M.G. Thomas. 2012. Bayesian quantitative loci inference from whole genome analyses of growth and yearling ultrasound measures of carcass traits in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:3398-3409.
  • Russell, M.L., D. W. Bailey, M. G. Thomas, and B.K. Whitmore. 2012. Grazing distribution and diet quality of Angus, Brangus, and Brahman cows in the Chihuahuan Desert. Range Ecol. Mgt. 65:371-381. Saad, H. M., W. Shafer, and R. M. Enns. 2012. Genetic trends for growth-related traits and calving ease of Simmental beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90. Suppl. 3. Pp. 20.
  • Schutz, J. S., J. A. Carroll, L. C. Gasbarre, T. A. Shelton, S. T. Nordstrom, J. P. Hutcheson, H. Van Campen, and T. E. Engle. 2012. Effects of gastrointestinal parasites on parasite burden, rectal temperature, and antibody titer responses to vaccination and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus challenge. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 1948-1954.
  • Snelling, W. M., R.A. Cushman, J.W. Keele, C. Maltecca, M.G. Thomas, M.R.S. Fortes, and A. Reverter. 2012. Networks and pathways to guide genomic selection. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-2012-5784-R1):accepted 10/9/2012. Snelling, W.M., R.A. Cushman, M.R.S. Fortes, A. Reverter, G.L. Bennett, J.W. Keele, L.A. Kuehn, T.G. McDaneld, R.M. Thallman, and M.G. Thomas. 2012. How SNP chips will advance our knowledge of factors controlling puberty and aid in selecting replacement females. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1152-1165.
  • Speidel, S. E., R. M. Enns, and S. Willmon. 2012. Incorporation of external EBV into the American Gelbvieh carcass national cattle evaluation. J. Anim. Sci., 90: Suppl 3 (Abstract):451
  • Speidel, S. E., and R. M. Enns. 2012. Report to the American Gelbvieh Association: Incorporation of External Angus and Red Angus EPDs into the Gelbvieh Carcass Evaluation. 8 pages. Unpub.
  • Speidel, S. E., and R. M. Enns. 2012. Results of analysis for prototype heifer calving ease EBV. Report to Focus Genetics L/P. New Zealand. 5 pages. Unpub.
  • Thomas, M. G., G. R. Hgevoort, T. T. Ross, R. M. Enns, H. Van Campen, A. L. Van Eenennaam, H. L. Neibergs, C. Chase, S V. Dindot, N. D. Cohen, and J. E. Womack. 2012. Integrated program for reducing bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in beef and dairy cattle, coordinated agricultural project (CAP): overview of the teaching program. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90. Suppl. 3. Pp. 498.
  • Zeng, X., B. W. Brigham, S. E. Speidel, D. H. Crews and R. M. Enns. 2012. Cumulative discounted gene expression for economically relevant traits for terminal and maternal purpose in cattle production systems. J. Anim. Sci., 90: Suppl 3 (Abstract):452.

Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: The beef cattle decision support system is designed to improve profitability of beef production at the individual producer level. The model aims to incorporate producer-specific economic conditions with expected progeny differences (EPD) on potential breeding animals to select those whose progeny will be more profitable in that production scenario. Characterization of the producer specific economic conditions include accounting for animal-derived sources and amount of income, as well as the costs of producing those animals. In the past year, we have completed genetic-level validations to address objective 5. Initial attempts at validation included identifying producers from participating breed associations with sufficient historical information to enable a case-study approach. However, none of the large producers had sufficient historical performance data in the cow traits (particularly in the areas of heifer pregnancy, stayability and mature cow weight observations) to enable such a study. Alternatively, we chose to use the Red Angus Association of America database to characterize genetic levels of animals to evaluate economic outputs for a validation by inspection approach. Results of the validation showed that, under average economic circumstances as derived from Dhuvetter and Langemeier (2010), and the Livestock Marketing Information System reports for Torrington, Wyoming, the difference in profitability between high and low growth genetic merit (2 standard deviations above and below average) was over $250 per bull used in the mating program. This specific example only evaluated changes in genetic potential for growth. In a separate analysis, the value of cow longevity, expressed as stayability, was examined and in cow herds with low genetic merit for maternal characteristics the value of improving stayability was 4 times that of improving any other trait. And in herds with high stayability, that value remained 1.5 times the economic importance of any other trait in a cow/calf operation selling calves at weaning. This is system is being released to beef cattle producers through an online approach through a user-login web-based system. In addition to the online decision support, team members have developed strategies for livestock producers in drought scenarios. These results are being disseminated through extension bulletins. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Breed associations who have agreed to contribute genetic information on potential sires represent over 170,000 registrations per year. Assuming half of these registrations are male calves and half of those are sold as breeding animals, the system has the potential to have a large influence on profitability of beef production with 40,000 bulls being used in breeding programs. Even when considering only changes in growth genetics, at $250 net per bull (under average historical pricing systems) this would translate into over $10 million annually in improved profitability. Considering that reproductive traits impact cow/calf profitability at much greater levels, the overall value of adoption would be considerably larger. The current model only considers animal production and sale of excess offspring through weaning, but as later segments of the industry are included the overall effect to the industry is expect to further increase.


  • Crowley, J. J., R. D. Evans, N. Mc Hugh, D. A. Kenny, M. McGee, D. H. Crews, Jr., and D. P. Berry. 2011. Genetic relationships between feed efficiency in growing males and beef cow performance. J. Anim. Sci.. 89:3372-3381.
  • Crowley, J. J., R. D. Evans, N. Mc Hugh, T. Pabiou, D. A. Kenny, M. McGee, D. H. Crews, Jr., and D. P. Berry. 2011. Genetic associations between feed efficiency measured in a performance test station and performance of growing cattle in commercial beef herds. J. Anim. Sci. 89:3382-3393.
  • DeAtley, K. L., G. Rincon, C. R. Farber, J. F. Medrano, P. Luna-Nevarez, R. M. Enns, D. M. VanLeeuwen, G. A. Silver, and M. G. Thomas. 2011. Genetic analyses involving microsatellite ETH10 genotypes on bovine chromosome 5 and performance trait measures in Angus and Brahman-influenced cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2031-2041.
  • Engle, T. E. 2011. Copper and lipid metabolism in beef cattle: A Review. J. Anim. Sci. 889: 591-596.
  • Enns, R. M., B. W. Brigham, C. M. McAllister, and S. E. Speidel. 2011. Evidence of genetic variability in cattle health traits: Opportunities for improvement. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation's 43rd Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting. Pp. 22-26. Bozeman, MT.
  • Gruber, S. L., J. D. Tatum, T. E. Engle, P. L. Chapman, R. M. Enns, K. E. Belk, and G. C. Smith. 2011. Effects of genetic markers and implant strategy on longissimus and gluteus muscle tenderness of calf-fed steers and heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 89:1401-1411.
  • Huff, E. M., C. M. McAllister, D. H. Crews Jr., and R. M. Enns. 2011. Genetic parameters for ultrasound measurement in Brangus cattle. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science. 62:98-100.
  • Lawrence, P., D. A. Kenny, B. Earley, D. H. Crews, Jr., and M. McGee. 2011. Grass silage intake, rumen and blood variables, ultrasonic and body measurements, feeding behavior, and activity in pregnant beef heifers differing in phenotypic residual feed intake . J. Anim. Sci. 89:3248-3261.
  • McAllister, C. M., B. W. Brigham, S. E. Speidel, R. K. Peel, J. J. Wagner, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, R. L. Weaber, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, and R. M. Enns. 2011. Genetic associations between bovine respiratory disease and carcass traits in feedlot steers. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science. 62:89-92.
  • McAllister, C. M., S. E. Speidel, D. H. Crews, Jr., and R. M. Enns. 2011. Genetic parameters for intramuscular fat percentage, marbling score, scrotal circumference, and heifer pregnancy in Red Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2068-2072.
  • Ritten, John, Christopher Bastian, Marshall Frasier, Steve Paisley, and Mike Smith. 2011. Comparison of Alternative Cattle Management Strategies Under Long-Term Drought. Bulletin B-1219. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
  • Ritten, John, Christopher Bastian, and Marshall Frasier. 2011. Price or Weather-Which Signal Should Livestock Producers Follow Bulletin B-1221. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Wyoming, Laramie. July 2011.
  • Ritten, John, Christopher Bastian, and Marshall Frasier. 2011. "Considerations for Preparing a Drought Management Plan for Livestock Producers." Bulletin B-1220. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
  • Speidel, S. E., D. H. Crews, Jr., R. M. Enns. 2011. Random regression methodologies used for a days to weight genetic prediction in beef cattle. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science. 62:93-97.

Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OUTPUTS: The beef cattle selection decision support system is intended for use by beef cattle producers to simplify the selection and purchase of breeding animals by evaluating potential replacement animals on the expected profitability of their offspring. Selection on genetic potential for profit or loss, should increase profitability of beef production, a goal of the project. This effort was predicated on complaints by many breeders who felt overwhelmed by amount of information available on animals with which to make selection decisions. This information often included pedigree information, actual performance, and a multitude of expected progeny differences for many different traits. An online decision support system that can express the sum total of animals' genetic merit for multiple traits in a dollar value would make selection of animals for breeding easier. Over the past 2 years, a complete recoding of the decision support system has been underway and has been based on feedback from members of breed associations participating in the system. In the current year, the user-interface for the web-based decision support system has been migrated to a new server under a new operating system. Included in the new version is programming for secure user-accounts. The accounting system was included at the request of breeders who tired of re-entering ranch-specific information each time they used the system. This should increase breeder use of the system. The genetic and economic engine behind the interface is now being migrated to the new system using a non-proprietary coding system to reduce maintenance costs. In addition, a new interface for updating EPDs from participating breed associations has been developed and tested. Also in the current year, we have begun addressing objective 5 of the project. This objective addresses the validation and parameterization of deliverable products. We have received permission from several large individual seedstock breeders to use animal performance and genetic information to parameterize a base population of breeding animals from the Red Angus Association of America. That data was made accessible to the system through Colorado State University's Center for Genetic Evaluation of Livestock. In addition to this commercial level performance parameters have been gathered from the National Animal Health Monitoring System. Subsequent to the development of a base population, historical price and production data required for validation was gathered through the Livestock Marketing Information Center (, and the Kansas Farm Management Association. The combination of the two is necessary to begin validation of the economic output of the simulation system. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Both seedstock and commercial beef cattle producers are the target of this project. Additionally, students use this system in their beef production and breeding and genetics courses. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

While the final, upgraded system has not been released to the general public, improvements and additions to the decision support model are ongoing. We anticipate release of the system in spring 2011. The users of the system represent multiple breeds and their respective associations. Obtaining EPDs from these organizations is critical to the success and uptake of the methodology. Additionally these associations provide a mechanism for delivery of the technology to users through links on their websites. This system has the potential to have a large influence on profitability of beef production. If bulls are used for 3 breeding seasons with an average of 25 offspring produced per season, each of these bulls would produce a total of 75 offspring. If the system yields only an average of $10 more profit per progeny produced, the economic result for participating associations and breeders would be a substantial increase in profit. Given the current system is designed for use in the cow/calf sector with marketing of calves at weaning, the addition of the post-weaning phase nearing completion has the potential add even further value to the marketing of beef cattle in the U.S.


  • Austin, K. J., J. L. Seabrook, T. E. Engle, R. K. Peel, C. M. McAllister, B. W. Brigham, R. M. Enns, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, and C. C. L. Chase. 2010. The effect of morbidity on feedlot performance and carcass quality in feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88: 10, E-Suppl. 2. (abstr.)
  • Brigham, B. W., C. M. McAllister, R. K. Peel, H. Van Campen, R. L. Weaber, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L.Chase, E. J. Pollak, and R. M. Enns. 2010. The relationship of bovine respiratory disease and carcass ultrasound measures. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88: 41, E-Suppl. 2. (abstr.)
  • Enns, R.M. 2010. Selection Decisions: Tools for economic improvement beyond EPD. In: Beef Sire Selection Manual, 2nd Edition. National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium. Eds: M.K. Nielsen. Pp. 42-49. This is a revision of the chapter originally written for the 1st Edition in 2006.
  • Enns, R.M. 2010. The Role of economically relevant and indicator traits. In: Beef Sire Selection Manual, 2nd Edition. National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium. Eds: M.K. Nielsen, coordinator. pp. 17-20. This is a revision of the chapter originally written for the 1st Edition in 2006.
  • Enns, R. M., R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, and G. H. Loneragan. 2010. Factors influencing onset of disease and subsequent effects on feedlot performance. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88: 466, E-Suppl. 2. (abstr.)
  • Luna-Nevarez, P., D. W. Bailey, C. C. Bailey, D. M. VanLeeuwen, R. M. Enns, G. A. Silver, K. L. DeAtley and M. G. Thomas. 2010. Growth characteristics, reproductive performance, and evaluation of their associative relationships in Brangus cattle managed in a Chihuahuan Desert production system. J Anim Sci. 88:1891-1904.
  • Pendley, C. T., R. M. Enns, and D. H. Crews, Jr. 2010. Analysis of published genetic parameter estimates for feed utilization traits in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88: 184, E-Suppl. 2. (abstr.)
  • Speidel, S. E., C. M. McAllister, D. H. Crews, Jr., R. M. Enns. 2010. Techniques for sifting inconsistent data points from repeatedly weighted beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2. Page 39. (abstr.)
  • Marquez, G. C., S. E. Speidel, R. M. Enns and D. J. Garrick. 2010. Genetic diversity and population structure of American Red Angus cattle. J Anim Sci. 88:59-68.

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: We continue improvements to a web-based decision support system for the beef cattle industry. The system is designed to be used by producers to evaluate sire selection decisions based the entire suite of sire EPD and the resulting economic impact of those sires' progeny on the enterprise. In the end, the system compares profit or loss of alternative selection and mating choices. The system is designed to be operation-specific accounting for unique differences specific to each producer's operation including differences in animal performance, costs, and revenue. While having application to individual operations, the system also allows for the development of breed-wide selection indices. When combined with breed association input relative to association goals, this alternative allows for more generalized use by those less inclined to input operation information. We have begun migration of the current decision support system to a new server (and operating) system. During the recoding of the system, we are adding user accounts for storage of operation-specific information to increase use of the system and have begun plans for reprogramming of the bio-economic engine, to negate the need for proprietary support software in an effort to cheapen delivery costs. Currently the system supports only cow-calf producers who market calves at weaning. A prototype post-weaning model has been developed and results from the model have passed peer review. This addition will be added as new genetic evaluations for time-to-finish in the feedlot are released to the beef cattle breeding industry. The development of those new selection tools will allow breeders to select animals that reach their target harvest endpoint in fewer days than previously, thereby cutting costs of production and increasing profitability. As these new genetic evaluation measures become available the two models (cow-calf and feedlot production) will be combined to give users additional options of simulation outputs. Allowing comparisons between the economics of selling weaned calves versus finished cattle give users a complete tool to assist selection decisions. By using these tools in a decision support system such as this, the potential for unfavorable genetic change in other traits can be accounted for. The final goal of this project is appropriate validation/parameterization of the deliverable product. We have recently identified a field data set that contains the necessary information required for validation of the cow-calf producer specific model and have requested permission to use that historical database of performance information for completion of validation. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Beef cattle seedstock producers PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Improvements and additions to the decision support model are ongoing based on feedback and input from users of the system. These users represent multiple breed associations that contribute expected progeny differences of sires from their herd books to the database upon which the decision support system relies. Based on breed association records and assuming the number of bulls transferred represents the number of bulls sold by breeders, two of the participating associations transfer nearly 10,000 bulls in a single year. If bulls are used for 3 breeding seasons with an average of 25 offspring produced per season, each of these 10,000 bulls would produce 75 offspring. If all breeders adopted this technology it would therefore impact the performance of 750,000 commercial progeny from just these two breeds. If the system yields only an average of $!0 more profit per progeny produced, the economic result would be a $7 million increase in profit. Realizing that not all bulls sold are recorded as transferred within breed association records, the economic impact is likely greater than estimated. Given the current system is designed for use in the cow/calf sector with marketing of calves at weaning, the addition of the post-weaning phase has the potential add even further value to the marketing of beef cattle in the U.S.


  • Crews, D. H., Jr., G. E. Carstens, R. A. Hill, J. A. Basarab, and M. Nielsen. 2009. Individual feed intake and utilization measurement. In: Guidelines for Uniform Beef Improvement Programs, 9th Edition. Beef Improvement Federation (
  • Hyland, A., G. E. Seidel Jr., R. M. Enns, R. K. Peel, and J. C. Whittier. 2009. Intervals of five or seven days between controlled internal drug-release insertion, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and prostaglandin F2α injections: Effects on pregnancy rate and follicular size. Prof. An. Sci. 25: 150-154.
  • Lewis, R. M., B. B. Lockee, M. S. Ames, G. C. Marquez, R. M. Enns, J. M. Rumph, T. W. Wilkinson, and E. J. Pollak. 2009. Solving a dilemma in graduate education: Animal Breeding and Genetics Online. J. Anim. Sci. E-Suppl. 2, Vol 87: 531. (abstr.)
  • Lancaster, P. A., G. E. Carstens, D. H. Crews, Jr., T. H. Welsh, Jr., T. D. A. Forbes, D. W. Forrest, L. E. Tedeschi, R. D. Randel, and F. M. Roquette. 2009. Phenotypic and genetic relationships of residual feed intake with performance and ultrasound carcass traits in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci.. Vol 87:3887-3896.
  • Lancaster, P. A., G. E. Carstens, F. R. B. Ribeiro, L. O. Tedeschi, and D. H. Crews, Jr. 2009. Characterization of feed efficiency traits and relationships with feeding behavior and ultrasound carcass traits in growing bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1528-1539.
  • Weaber, R. L., and R. M. Enns. 2009. Managing genetic antagonisms between economically important beef production traits and marbling. J. Anim. Sci. E-Suppl. 2, Vol 87: 185. (abstr.)
  • Williams, J. L., D. J. Garrick, and S. E. Speidel. 2009. Reducing bias in maintenance energy expected progeny difference by accounting for selection on weaning and yearling weights. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1628-1637.
  • McAllister, C.M., S.E. Speidel, B.W. Brigham, D.H. Crews Jr., and R.M. Enns. 2009. Genetic parameters for percent intramuscular fat, marbling score, scrotal circumference, and heifer pregnancy in Red Angus cattle. Proc WSASAS. 60:152-155.
  • Mujibi, F. D. N. and D. H. Crews, Jr. 2009. Genetic parameters for calving ease, gestation length and birth weight in Charolais cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 87:2759-2766.
  • Pendley, C.T., C.M. McAllister, S.E. Speidel, D.H.Crews, Jr., J.D. Tatum and R.M. Enns. 2009. Relationships between sire calving ease EPD and progeny carcass performance. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. Vol. 60:31-33
  • Speidel, S. E. 2009. Genetic Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Proc. 41st Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium and Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA. Pp. 229-249.
  • Brigham, B. W., S. E. Speidel, D. J. Garrick, L. D. Keenen, and R. M. Enns. 2009. Aggregate Stayability - Using information from younger ages. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60:23-26. Cammack, K. M., M. G. Thomas, and R. M. Enns. 2009. Review: Reproductive traits and their heritabilities in beef cattle. Prof. An. Sci. 25: 517-528.

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: The decision support system we have developed for the cow/calf producer is designed to be used by producers to evaluate sire selection decisions based on the impact those sires' progeny might have on the profitability of the specific producers operation. The system is designed to be flexible and account for the peculiarities of each operation such that differences in animal performance, costs and incomes of production are included in determining the impact of each selection decision. Based on user input we have continued to update the decision support software. One of the additions developed and being tested is a user logon system. This was requested by users to improve the ease of use. Users found it cumbersome to re-enter operation-specific data each time they used the software. Additionally we have investigated development of a method to account for the flow of a sire's genes through a breeding herd over time. This is necessary to fully account for the impact of a selection decision on the long-term profitability of a breeding program. For instance, a sire's daughters may be retained in a cow/calf operation. Each of those daughters, having received 50 percent of their genes from their sire, will in turn pass on a sample of those genes from her sire to her progeny. Thus a sire selection decision has long term effects on the genetic composition of a herd. To appropriately account for these long-term influences, methodology to address this flow should be evaluated. We have developed a methodology for this but implementation would introduce the need for additional inputs from the producer. Those inputs may be beyond the knowledge of typical producers. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Denny Crews, a new faculty member at Colorado State University was added to the project. Dr. Dorian Garrick was dropped as he has left the university but we continue to cooperate with him in the development of this decision support system. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience is beef cattle breeders, both seedstock and commercial, throughout the United States. Evaluation of new traits for inclusion also address adaptability issues especially important in Colorado. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Currently, there are seven participating breed associations that have contributed expected progeny differences for use in the decision support system. Additionally, we are developing breed-wide selection indexes using this system for release to entire breeds and their customers. These will be simultaneously released with the expected progeny differences twice per year. Given that this single association transfers over 6500 bulls in a single year, assuming bulls are used for 3 breeding seasons, each of these animals could produce upwards of 75 progeny for a total of nearly 500,000 offspring. If use of this system results in the selection of bulls whose progeny are more profitable, the result would be a considerable improvement for the customers of this breed. Magnified over 6 additional breeds and the results become more important. Given the 700,000 plus cows in Colorado, an improvement of $10 per head would result in an improvement of 7 million dollars net revenue. Additionally we continue to disseminate information on beef production systems through the website and we perform background research into novel traits that could potentially be incorporated in the decision support system.


  • Crews, D. H., Jr., R. M. Enns, J. M. Rumph, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. Genetic evaluation of retail product percentage in Simmental cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 125:13-19.
  • Crews, D. H., Jr. and R. M. Enns. 2008. Genetic improvement of heifer pregnancy and performance in beef cattle. Proceedings, Robert E. Taylor Memorial Symposium (2008): Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Fort Collins, CO. pp 187-194.
  • Crews, D. H., Jr. 2008. Genetics of efficient feed utilization in cattle. Proceedings, 43rd Annual Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, Tacoma, WA. pp. 177-184.
  • Crews, D. H., Jr., S. S. Moore, and R. M. Enns. 2008. Optimizing traditional and marker assisted evaluation in beef cattle. Proceedings, 40th Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium and Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB. pp. 44-49.
  • Enns, R. M. and D. H. Crews, Jr. 2008. New trait development and economic relevance in national cattle evaluation. Proceedings, 40th Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium and Annual Meeting, Calgary, AB. pp. 40-43.
  • Enns, R. M. and G. B. Nicoll. 2008. Genetic change results from selection on an economic breeding objective in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 86:3348-3357.
  • Brigham, B. W., R. M. Enns, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, J. J. Wagner, C. M. McAllister, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. Effect of processing stress on feedlot cattle sickness. Journal of Animal Science. E-Supplement 2. Vol 86:593 (abstract).
  • Lewis, R. M., B. B. Lockee, M. S. Ames, R. M. Enns, J. M. Rumph, T. W. Wilkinson, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. Graduate education utilizing distance learning. Journal of Animal Science. E-supplement-1. 86:165 (abstract).
  • Marquez, G. C., R. M. Enns, M. D. Grosz, and M. D. MacNeil. 2008. QTL with dominance effect affecting residual feed intake on BTA6. Journal of Animal Science. E-Supplement 2. Vol 86:362 (abstract).
  • McAllister, C. M., B. W. Brigham, R. M. Enns, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, J. J. Wagner, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. Effect of receiving weight on predicted days to onset of respiratory disease in feedlot steers. Journal of Animal Science. E-Supplement 2. Vol 86:592 (abstract).
  • Pepper, A. R., R. M. Enns, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, J. J. Wagner, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. The effect of exit velocity at receiving and re-implant on average daily gain and weight at re-implant. Journal of Animal Science. E-Supplement 2. Vol 86:593 (abstract).
  • Speidel, S. E., R. M. Enns, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, J. J. Wagner, C. M. McAllister, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. Effect of daily ambient temperature and wind speed on sickness of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science. E-Supplement 2. Vol 86:593 (abstract).
  • Weaber, R. L., R. M. Enns, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. L. Salak-Johnson, C. C. L. Chase, J. J. Wagner, and E. J. Pollak. 2008. Correlations among measures of temperament, weight and gain of steers at placement and reimplant in a commercial feed yard. Journal of Animal Science. E-Supplement 2. Vol 86:592 (abstract).
  • Whittier, J.C., R.W. Ellis, D. Colburn, M. Fisher, M. Jarosz, S.P. Porter and the Western Beef Resource Committee. 2008. as a web resource for disseminating beef cattle educational information and for on-line access to the cattle producer's library Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. Vol. 59, 133-136.

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

OUTPUTS: The decision support system developed we have developed ( and discussed previously addresses all of the objectives of this project. The system is designed to determine the impact of using alternative sires on the economic and production characteristics of a cow-calf production system. Over the course of this year we have completed development of the next version of the decision support system for the cow-calf producer. Beta level testing has been completed by graduate students in our program and appropriate changes made to the release version. The goal of this revision was to 1. Make the system more accessible and usable for those with slower speed internet connections, and 2. Make the user interface more intuitive and to solve functionality problems in the first version. Additionally, programming has been completed to ease the importation of new expected progeny differences from participating breed associations as they become available-- typically new EPD (expected progeny differences) are calculated 2 times per year. Seven breed associations currently participate, making their EPD available for use in the decision support system by their constituency and their customers. We have performed training sessions for breeders, used this system as a teaching aid in the Integrated Resource Management program and in undergraduate teaching programs, and used popular press to get higher usage rates of the system. PARTICIPANTS: D. Garrick has moved to Iowa State University, however, we continue to work with him on the improvement of the simulation system.

The last year has been spent in the re-write and testing of the second version of the cow-calf decision support system. During the course of the year we discovered several database issues in the first version that compromised the ability of producers to look up a specific group of bulls based on their registration numbers. The issue occurred only in specific scenarios as was reported by breeders using the system. The resolution of this problem enables producers to look up only specific bulls of specific breed composition rather than calculate economic impacts on all bulls of that particular breed composition-making the system much easier to use. (The system is designed to work with EPDs that are comparable across all breeds also known as multi-breed EPDs). Subsequently we implemented testing of the second version to verify that this issue was addressed and if applicable, solved prior to release. Currently this system is available for use by members of 7 different breed associations for which there are over 190,000 registered animals per year. Assuming that the breeders will sell a conservative 50% of their registered bulls, and that these bulls will be bred to approximately 25 commercial cows, matings resulting from the use of this tool could impact over 1.2 million commercial progeny annually.


  • Beckman, D. W., R. M. Enns, S. E. Speidel, B. W. Brigham, and D. J. Garrick. 2007. Maternal effects on docility in Limousin cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 85:650-657.
  • Brigham, B. W., S. E. Speidel, R. M. Enns, and D. J. Garrick. 2007. Stayability to alternate ages. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:27-30.
  • Dorton, K. L., T. E. Engle, R. M. Enns, and J. J. Wagner. 2007. Effects of trace mineral supplementation, source, and growth implants on immune response of growing and finishing feedlot steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 23(1): 29-35.
  • Enns, R. M. 2007. The next generation of selection tools: Indexes and decision support. Brangus Journal, December Issue.
  • Enns, R. M. 2007. EPDs: Wading through the information. Brangus Journal, November Issue.
  • Enns, R. M. 2007. Cow costs: Evaluating cow feed requirements. Brangus Journal, October Issue.
  • Enns, R. M. 2007. Heifer pregnancy: The other component of female fertility. Brangus Journal, November Issue.
  • Enns, R. M. 2007. Total herd reporting expands potential to improve fertility. Brangus Journal, August Issue.
  • Enns, R. M. 2007. How will total herd reporting benefit genetic evaluation? Brangus Journal, July Issue.
  • McAllister, C. M., D. D. Kress, K. C. Davis, D. C. Anderson, R. M. Enns, D. L. Boss, and J. M. Rumph. 2007. Estimation of heterotic effects on heifer pregnancy in beef cattle. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:77-80.
  • Rumph, J. M., W. R. Shafer, D. H. Crews, Jr., R. M. Enns, R. J. Lipsey, R. L. Quaas, and E. J. Pollak. 2007. Genetic evaluation of beef carcass data using different endpoint adjustments. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1120-1125.
  • Marquez, G. C.. 2007. Using the Rate of Genetic Change and the Population Structure of Cattle to Better Target Genetic Progress. Pages 103-109 in Proc. of the Beef Improvement Federation's 39th Research Symposium and Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Marquez, G. C. and D. J. Garrick. 2007. Selection Intensities, Generation Intervals and Population Structure of Red Angus Cattle. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:55-58.
  • Rumph, J. M., D. D. Kress, K. C. Davis, D. C. Anderson, R. M. Enns, C. M. McAllister, and D. L. Boss. 2007. Genetic analysis of rebreeding to produce a calf at three years of age in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 85:191 (Suppl . 1).
  • Shafer, W. R., R. M. Bourdon, and R. M. Enns. 2007. Simulation of cow-calf production with and without realistic levels of variability. J. Anim. Sci. 85:332-340.
  • Speidel, S. E., R. M. Enns, and D. J. Garrick. 2007. Weaning weight inheritance in environments classified by maternal body weight change. J. Anim. Sci. 85:610-617.
  • Speidel, S. E., R. M. Enns, B. W. Brigham, and L. D. Keenan. 2007. Genetic parameter estimates for ultrasound indicators of carcass. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:39-42.
  • Whitman, K. J., T. E. Engle, P. D. Burns, K L. Dorton, J. K. Ahola, R. M. Enns, and T. L. Stanton. 2007. Effects of copper and zinc source on performance, carcass characteristics, and lipid metabolism in finishing steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 23(1): 36-41.

Progress 01/01/06 to 12/31/06

The database query and data entry components of the decision support system (DSS) accessible via the web ( have been significantly enhanced. The system quantifies the productive and economic implications of using various sires within the context of a cow-calf system. It is available for routine use by seedstock producers and commercial ranchers. Sire information from the Brangus, Limousin, Red Angus, Salers, Simmental, Shorthorn and South Devon breed associations have been used to populate the database. Although producers can readily identify the economically relevant traits (ERTs) that impact their production systems, real-life selection decisions involve choosing among candidates that may be above-average for some attributes and below-average for others. Superiority or inferiority of a particular trait in this context is measured by expected progeny differences (EPDs). Such EPDs cannot be observed and are predicted from statistical analysis of pedigree and performance records. The system uses these predictions to quantify likely phenotypic performance for a suite of economically relevant traits. These enable the likely income and expenditure to be determined and compared according to alternative choice of sire. A further model to predict post-weaning (ie feedlot) performance from relevant EPDs in terms of time to finish, feed to finish and value at finish has been designed, and is in prototype stage. It will in future be incorporated as a web-based tool along with the existing cow-calf production model.

Improved productivity by selection, such as a 1 lb increase in weaning wt per breeding cow is worth at least $20 million per year in perpetuity, given the national cow-herd of some 30 million cows. Such improvement does not imply an increase in industry output, as cow numbers may be reduced to allow rangeland resources to be redirected to other uses, such as enhancing wildlife value. The DSS will allow the value of annual genetic changes to be reliably quantified, to ensure that valuable selection opportunities are directed at improvement rather than simply change. The subtle distinction between improvement and change is important because selection for favorable attributes such as growth rate are associated with erosion of performance for other characteristics such as feed requirements or reproductive performance unless predicted performance in all the economically relevant attributes are simultaneously taken into account. Tools that can increase profitability in the cow-calf sector will produce downstream effects in feedlots, meat packing plants and ultimately at the consumer level. However, the nature and scope of such downstream changes are difficult to predict as these are influenced by the collective behavior of all the sectors of the supply chain. This decision support system opens up opportunities for the delivery of multi-breed genetic evaluations, allowing across-breed comparison of sires, accounting for the effects of breed differences and heterosis. Multi-breed evaluation is a major undertaking being developed in the context of a companion project.


  • Speidel S.E., R.M. Enns, D.J. Garrick. 2006. Potential re-ranking of sires for weaning weight in above- and below-average environments. Proceedings Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 57:82-85.
  • Beckman D.W., S.E. Speidel, B.W. Brigham, D.J. Garrick, and R.M. Enns. 2006. Genetic parameters for stayability and body condition score in beef females. Proceedings Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 57:93-95.
  • Lopez-Villalobos, N. and D.J. Garrick. 2006. Crossbreeding Systems for Dairy Production in New Zealand. Invited. Invited. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 32_1024-1774.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2006. Genetic improvement - assessing the ramifications of genetic change. Invited. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 3_466-1550.
  • Enns, R.M. 2006. Selection Decisions: Tools for economic improvement beyond EPD. In: Beef Sire Selection Manual. National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium. Eds: K. D. Bullock, coordinator. pp. 55-62.
  • Evans, R.D., M. Wallace, L. Shalloo, D.J. Garrick and P. Dillon. 2006. Financial implications of recent declines in reproduction and survival of Holstein-Friesian cows in spring-calving Irish dairy herds. Agricultural Systems 89:165-183.
  • Brigham B.W., S.E. Speidel, D.W. Beckman, D.J. Garrick, W. Vanderwert, S. Willmon, and R.M. Enns. 2006. Parameter estimates and breeding values for days to a constant fat endpoint. Proceedings Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 57:79-81.
  • Sherlock, R.G., P.R. Amer and D.J. Garrick. 2006. AnimalSim - simulating animal populations using quantitative and QTL information. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 27_957-1423.
  • Enns, R.M., D.J. Garrick and B.W. Brigham. 2006. Economic values of heifer pregnancy and stayability vary with average herd performance. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 31_927-2053.
  • Tseveenjav, B., D.J. Garrick and Y. Zagsduren. 2006. Simulation model for cashmere production system to improve fiber quality in Mongolia. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 5_162-361.
  • Bullock, K.D., D.R. Strohbehn, R.L. Weaber, E.J. Pollak, D.J. Garrick, J.K. Bertrand, D.W. Moser and J.M. Reecy. 2006. From research to application: a model for educating beef producers in animal breeding technologies. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 34_601-850
  • Garrick, D.J. 2006. Development of genetic evaluations and decision support to improve feed efficiency. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation's 38th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting. 38:32-40.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2006. The evaluation, interpretation and relevance of stayability in genetic improvement of beef cattle. Invited. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 84, Suppl.2, 87.
  • Brigham, B.W., S.E. Speidel, D.W. Beckman, D.J. Garrick, S. Willmon, W. Vanderwert and R.M. Enns. 2006. Parameter estimates and breeding values for days to finish to a constant endpoint. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 84, Suppl.2, 143.
  • Speidel, S.E., R.M. Enns and D.J. Garrick. 2006. Insignificant re-ranking of sires for weaning weight in above- and below-average environments. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 84, Suppl.2, 143.
  • Beckman, D.W., S.E. Speidel, B.W. Brigham, D.J. Garrick and R.M. Enns. 2006. Genetic parameters for stayability and body condition score in beef females. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 84, Suppl.2, 144.

Progress 01/01/05 to 12/31/05

A prototype decision support system (DSS) accessible via the web ( has been significantly enhanced. The system quantifies the productive and economic implications of using various sires within the context of a cow-calf system. It has been modified for routine use by seedstock producers and commercial ranchers. Sire information from the Brangus, Limousin, Red Angus, Salers, Simmental, Shorthorn and South Devon breed associations have been used to populate the database. Although producers can readily identify the economically relevant traits (ERTs) that impact their production systems, real-life selection decisions involve choosing among candidates that may be above-average for some attributes and below-average for others. Superiority or inferiority of a particular trait in this context is measured by expected progeny differences (EPDs). Such EPDs cannot be observed and are predicted from statistical analysis of pedigree and performance records. The resulting EPDs vary in their accuracy, reflecting the level of confidence that these values will not change when further information is collected. A method to account for possible change in EPDs has been developed using Monte-Carlo simulation procedures. The results will be used within the web system to quantify risk by generating the distribution of relative profit of alternative bulls. These distributions can be used to quantify the probability that one sire will be more profitable than another, and to report the associated increase (or decrease) in profitability. This allows users to discriminate, using their own attitude to risk, between sires that have identical EPDs but different levels of confidence associated with the EPDs. A further model to predict post-weaning (ie feedlot) performance from relevant EPDs in terms of time to finish, feed to finish and value at finish has been designed, and will in future be incorporated as a web-based tool along with the existing cow-calf production model.

Improved productivity by selection, equivalent to a 1 lb increase in weaning wt per breeding cow is worth at least $20 million per year in perpetuity, given the national cow-herd comprising some 30 million cows. Such improvement does not necessarily imply an increase in industry output, as the progress may allow rangeland resources to be redirected to other uses, such as enhancing wildlife values or conserving riparian zones. The DSS will allow the value of annual genetic changes to be reliably quantified, providing decision makers with the tool to ensure that valuable selection opportunities are directed at improvement rather than simply change. The subtle distinction between improvement and change is important because selection for favorable attributes such as growth rate are associated with erosion of performance for other characteristics such as feed requirements or reproductive performance unless predicted performance in all the economically relevant attributes are simultaneously taken into account. Tools that can increase profitability in the cow-calf sector will produce downstream effects in feedlots, meat packing plants and ultimately at the consumer level. However, the nature and scope of such downstream changes are difficult to predict as these are influenced by the collective behavior of all sectors of the supply chain. The impact of decision support developments also opens up opportunities for the delivery of multi-breed genetic evaluations, which would provide for across-breed comparison of sires, accounting for the effects of breed differences and heterosis.


  • Ahola, J.K., Baker, D.S., Burns, P.D., Whittier, J.C., and Engle, T.E. 2005. Effect of Copper, Zinc and Manganese Source on Mineral Status, Reproduction, and Calf Performance in Young Beef Females over a Two Year Period. The Professional Animal Scientist 21:297-304.
  • Shafer, W.R., R.M. Enns, B.B. Baker, L.W. VanTassell, B.L. Golden, W.M. Snelling, C.H. Mallinckrodt, K.J. Anderson, C.R. Comstock, J.S. Brinks, D.E.Johnson, J.D. Hanson, and R.M. Bourdon. 2005. Bio-economic simulation of beef cattle production: The Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model. 101 pages. AES Technical Bulletin TB05-02. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
  • Brigham, B.W., Enns, R.M., and Garrick, D.J. 2005. Using additional phenotypic information in data poor analyses. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. An. Sci. 56: 105-108.
  • Enns, R.M., Garrick, D.J., and Brigham, B.W. 2005. Variability in economic value is dependent upon herd average stayability. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. An. Sci. 56: 112-115.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2005. Trends and developments in genetic evaluation of beef cattle in the United States. Proceedings of the 9th World Angus Forum Technical Meeting, Angus in the Global Market, pp 24-31.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2005. Some tools to support genetic improvement. Proceedings of the University of Missouri in-service training for livestock and dairy specialists. CD-ROM.
  • Enns, R.M., Garrick, D.J., and Brigham, B.W. 2005. Variability in economic value is dependent upon herd average stayability. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science, 56:112-115.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2005. Making the web equal profit, surfing for genetics. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federations 37th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting held 6-9 July 2005 in Billings, Montana. 37:105-111.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2005. High Altitude disease, an example of genetic variation for adaptability. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federations 37th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting held 6-9 July 2005 in Billings, Montana. 37:122-123.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2005. Using appropriate genetic evaluations to make better selection decisions. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 83, Suppl. 1, 327.
  • Killinger, K.M., Calkins, C.R., Umberger, W.J., Feuz, D.M., and Eskridge, K.M. 2004. A comparison of consumer sensory acceptance and value of domestic beef steaks and steaks from a branded, Argentine beef program. Journal of Animal Science. 82:3302-3307.
  • Killinger, K.M., Calkins, C.R., Umberger, W.J., Feuz, D.M., and Eskridge, K.M. 2004. Consumer sensory acceptance and value for beef steaks of similar tenderness, but differing in marbling level. Journal of Animal Science. 82:3294-3301.
  • Killinger, K.M., Calkins, C.R., Umberger, W.J., Feuz, D.M., and Eskridge, K.M. 2004. Consumer visual preference and value for beef steaks differing in marbling level and color. Journal of Animal Science. 82:3288-3293.
  • Whittier, J. C., G. P. Lardy, and C. R. Johnson. 2005. Symposium Paper: Pre-Calving Nutrition and Management Programs for Two Year Old Beef Cows. The Professional Animal Scientist 21 (2005):145-150.
  • Mackay, W.S., Whittier, J.C., Field, T.G., Umberger, W.J., Teichert, R.B., and Feuz, D.M. 2004. Case Study: To Replace or Not to Replace: Determining Optimal Replacement Rates in Beef Cattle Operations. Professional Animal Scientist. 20(2004):87-93.
  • Walker, R. S., P. D. Burns, J. C. Whittier, G. E. Sides, and D. D. Zalesky. 2005. Evaluation of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone and Insemination Time Using the COSynch Protocol in Beef Cows. The Professional Animal Scientist 21:190-194.

Progress 01/01/04 to 12/31/04

A prototype web-based decision support system has been developed to quantify the productive and economic implications of using various sires within the context of a cow-calf system. (The web address is The background to the system is recognition that producers can readily identify the economically relevant traits (ERTs) that impact their production system but real-life selection decisions involve choosing among candidates that are favorable with respect to some attributes but typically have below average merit for at least one ERT trait. Determining the overall net merit of each individual with varying genetic merit across the portfolio of economically relevant traits is problematic. Clear evidence for the difficulty in valuing concurrent genetic change for all the traits influencing system performance is the lack of published information quoting the annual value of genetic change to the cow-calf component of the beef industry. Although it may be relatively straightforward to quantify the change in value of a calf as a result of selection, the impact of such change on cow-calf system profitability requires knowledge of changes in herd age structure, time preference and nutritional requirements of the breeding cows and their replacements. The decision support system is linked to a database of bull EPDs. The user can enter information relating to the whole herd performance of their current production system and then use simple database filters to select individual sires that might appeal to them. The downstream implications of using each of those sires, within the context of the users own production system, can then be quantified. In a maternal context it is assumed that the daughters of the bull in question are retained as replacements and flow through the various age groups of the foundation herd. The herd size can be rescaled to ensure that the annual feed consumed by the improved herd is identical to the annual requirements of the unimproved herd. Thus the animal numbers are scaled appropriately to account for the fact that most productive changes alter the nutritional requirements of the herd. The value of any change in income must also account for the change in scale in order to predict the whole system influence. The genetic evaluation of cattle in the US is likely to move to an across-breed system over the next few years. The resultant EPDs will therefore be comparable on a single base, facilitating the comparison of animals of different breeds or breed crosses. The performance of crossbred animals will be influenced by heterosis or hybrid vigor for all the ERTs. Subsequent versions of this decision support system will take advantage of across-breed EPDs and knowledge of heterosis while maintaining the same functionality, look and feel.

The national cow-calf herd includes over 30 million breeding cows. An improvement in productivity equivalent to 1 lb weaning wt per cow is worth at least twenty million dollars per year in perpetuity. Selection over recent decades has considerably changed the nature of the national beef herd, but the value of such change in terms of genetic improvement is unclear. Some of the trait changes have been favorable while others have been unfavorable. For example, while weaning weight has increased (a favorable change), there has also been change in mature cow size (unfavorably increasing nutritional requirements) decline in reproductive performance and reduction in longevity. Decision support tools such as that being prototyped in this project, offer the evaluation of concurrent changes in the context of whole system productivity and profitability. The potential impact of such a tool if adequately funded and communicated is therefore enormous. To date, the prototype tool has been demonstrated to all the major US beef breed associations and to many individual breeders and groups of breeders. In conjunction with the development of multi-breed evaluations, such a decision support system may become recognized as one of the major milestones in livestock improvement, along with performance recording, progeny testing, genetic evaluation and artificial insemination.


  • Tseveenjav, B., Garrick, D.J., Levalley, S., Kimberling, C., and Zagsduren, Y. 2004. Economic selection indexes to improve fiber production for cashmere goats in Mongolia. Abstract from Western Section of Animal Science. Journal of Animal Science 82:Suppl.2 pp 110.
  • Walker, R.S., Downing, E.R., Enns, R.M., and Zalesky, D.D. 2004. Improving fertility in beef heifers with GnRH at timed AI using a modified Co-Synch plus CIDR protocol. Departmental Research Report. Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University. ( inbeefheifers.pdf) 4 pp.
  • Walker, R.S., Enns, R.M., Geary, T.W., Wamsley, N.W., Downing, E.R., Mortimer, R.G., LaShell, B.A., and Zalesky, D.C. 2004. Fertility in beef heifers synchronized using a modified CO-Synch plus CIDR protocol with or without GnRH at time AI. Proceedings of the 2004 WSASAS. Vol 55. Pp 3-6.
  • Wamsley, N.E., Burns, P.D., Engle, T.E., and Enns, R.M. 2004. Fish Meal Supplementation alters Uterine Prostaglandin F2x Synthesis in Beef Heifers Having Low Luteal Phase Progesterone. 2004 Departmental Research Report. Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University. ( upplementation.pdf) 6 pp.
  • Sprinkle, J.E., Cuneo, S.P., Frederick, H.M., Enns, R.M., Schafer, D.W., Carstens, G.E., Slay, L.J., Daugherty, S.B., Noon, T.H., Rickert, B.M., and Reggiardo, C. 2004. Effects of a long acting trace mineral rumen bolus upon range cow and calf trace mineral profiles. WSASAS. Vol 55. Pp 357-361.
  • Brigham, B.W., Garrick, D.J., and Enns, R.M. 2004. Development of web-based cow-calf decision support software. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 82:Suppl.1 pp 391.
  • Cleveland, M.A. Enns, R.M., Garrick, D.J., and Blackburn, H.D. 2004. Examining the genetic diversity of Hereford cattle. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 82:Suppl.1 pp 451.
  • Evans, R.D. Dillon, P., Shalloo, L., Wallace, M., and Garrick, D.J. 2004. An economic comparison of dual-purpose and Holstein-Friesian cow breeds in a seasonal grass-based system under different milk production scenarios. Irish Journal of Agriocultural and Food Production Research 43:1-16.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2004. Developing a Breeding Program. Proceedings of the Fiber to fashion: fashioning our alpacas future Conference held at Reno Nevada. 4-8 February 2004, pp 36-41.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2004. Linebreeding & Crossbreeding. Proceedings of the Fiber to fashion: fashioning our alpacas future Conference held at Reno Nevada. 4-8 February 2004, pp 42-47.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2004. High-altitude disease - an example of genetic variation for adaptability. Proceedings of the NBCEC Adaptability Symposium held in Kansas City 29-30 October 2004.
  • Garrick, D.J. and Enns, R.M. 2004. Selecting for economically relevant traits. Proceedings of the Beef Seedstock Conference on Genetic Innovations for Breeding Programs held by the Iowa Beef Center in Ames Iowa, 2 December 2004.
  • Maiwashe, A. Garrick, D.J., and Enns, R.M. 2004. Weighting of information when predicting breeding values using the standard or marker-based inverse of the numerator relationship matrix. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 82:Suppl.1 pp 243.
  • Miller, K.E., Whittier, J.C., Peel, R.K., Enns, R.M., Bruemmer, J.E., and Umberger, W.J. 2004. Case Study: Comparison of breeding and marketing systems for Red Angus cattle using an integrated computer-based spreadsheet. The Professional Animal Scientist 20: 429-436.
  • Olson, K.M., Garrick, D.J., and Enns, R.M. 2004. Predicting breeding values for feed intake from individual or pen-fed data. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 82:Suppl.1 pp 452.
  • Speidel, S.E., Garrick, D.J., and Enns, R.M. 2004. Genetic prediction for estimating mature cow maintenance energy requirements. Abstract. Journal of Animal Science 82:Suppl.1 pp 450.
  • Burns, E.M., Enns, R.M., and Garrick, D.J. 2004. The status of equine genetic evaluation. Proceedings of the Western Section of Animal Science 55:82-86.
  • Sprinkle, J.E., Cuneo, S.P., Frederick, H.M., Enns, R.M., Schafer, D,W, Carstens,G.E., Slay, L.J., Daugherty, S.B., Noon, T.H., Rickert, B.M., and Reggiardo, C. 2004. Effects of a long acting trace mineral rumen bolus upon range cow productivity. WSASAS. Vol 55. Pp 362-366.
  • Ahola, J.K., Baker, D.S., Burns, P.D., Mortimer, R.G., Enns, R.M., Whittier, J.C.,. Geary, T.W., and Engle, T.E. 2004. Effect of copper, zinc, and manganese supplementation and source on reproduction, mineral status, and performance in grazing beef cattle over a two-year period. J. Anim Sci. 82: 2375-2383

Progress 01/01/03 to 12/31/03

The approach of traditional livestock research is to formulate a hypothesis that focuses on a single question and subsequently designs a study to answer that question. Traditional research may pose questions such as what is the effect of a particular implant on growth rate, what is the selection progress in calving ease given we select on birth weight, or what influence does a particular diet have on conception rate? Because of resource constraints little effort has focused on the effects of these management or genetic changes on the whole beef production system both in performance and economic terms. Yet, through the integration of four research/teaching facilities, we have implemented a beef production system that includes a seedstock supplier, a multiplier, a commercial herd, and a feedlot. Germplasm in the form of semen and live animals have been moved down the system just as they would in the U.S. beef industry from seedstock to multiplier to commercial producer to feedlot. We have adopted a standardized performance recording system and are developing methods for tracking economic performance of each facility and on the system as a whole. This production system will allow us to evaluate the effects of individual research projects and management changes on the entire production system and is, we believe, a first for a university beef research program. In addition, a simulation model was developed that examines the economic impact of artificial insemination versus natural service when genetic differences exist between potential sires available for both of those mating methods. The model accounting for marketing at different stages of production such as at weaning, and at slaughter on both a live and grid system was parameterized with data from the Red Angus Association of America, one of the clients of the CSU Center for Genetic Evaluation of Livestock.

The mating simulation model will allow producers to evaluate the economic impact of implementing synchronization and artificial insemination programs, given their individual marketing plans. While parameterized with Red Angus data, the simulation can be applied to any breed or composite. The integrated production system will allow evaluation of new animal identification systems that with the discovery of BSE will likely be developed and implemented in the industry as a means of animal traceback. Additionally we expect the results of this program to provide producers with decision tools that will improve their profitability.


  • Comstock, S. 2003. Heifer pregnancy genetic prediction and simulation modeling techniques. Ph.D. Dissertation. Colorado State University. Fort Collins.
  • Field, T. 2003. Tools for Making Genetic Change. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting. Beef Improvement Federation. pp 42-47.
  • Jubileu, J. 2003. The use of random regression models to predict days to finish in beef cattle. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State University. Fort Collins.
  • Shafer, W. 2003. The Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model: effects of simulation with realistic levels of variability and extreme within-herd diversity. Ph.D. Dissertation. Colorado State University. Fort Collins.
  • Enns, R.M, and Garrick, D.J. 2003. The economic benefits and potential when using current and future EPD Economically Relevant Traits. Proceedings, The Range Beef Cow Symposium XVIII. Scottsbluff. Pp. 46-53.
  • Garrick, D.J. 2003. Cross-breeding and composite breed formation. In: The Role of Composites in Livestock Production, Proceedings of the 2003 Animal Industries Workshop. ISBN 0-86476-155 pages 21-29.
  • Garrick, D.J. and R.M. Enns, R.M. 2003. How best to achieve genetic change? Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation 35th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting. Pp 48-50.
  • Lopez-Villalobos, N. and Garrick, D.J. 2003. Accounting for feed intake in dairy cattle evaluation. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding & Genetics 15th Conference, 15:318-321.
  • Speidel, S.E., Enns, R.M., Garrick, D.J., Welsh, C.S., and Golden, B.L. 2003. Current approaches to performing large scale beef cattle genetic evaluations, Proc. West Sect. Am. Soc. An. Sci. Vol. 54. 7 pages.
  • Cleveland, M.A., Enns, R.M., Umberger, W.J., and Golden, B.L. 2003. Simulation of net return using days to finish estimated breeding values in beef production. J. Anim. Sci. 81:89. Supplement 1.
  • Jubileu, J.S., Maiwashe, N., Cleveland, M., Tsevenjaav, B., Enns R.M., and Garrick, D.J. 2003. Estimates of genetic parameters of carcass traits in Limousin cattle. Abstract only, W96. Journal of Animal Science, 81:318, Suppl. 1.
  • Welsh, C.S., Golden, B.L., Enns, R.M., Garrick, D.J., and G.B. Nicoll, G.B. 2003. Influence of birth weight and birth rank on lamb survivability. J. Anim. Sci. 81:68. Supplement 1.

Progress 01/01/02 to 12/31/02

Development of a management systems approach to livestock production is critical as agricultural managers balance issues of profitability, sustainability, and environmental compatibility and the interactions of components of these issues. This project is designed to assist development of management information and tools that can be utilized by agricultural and resource managers. The primary efforts of the past year have been to: 1. Develop a computer simulation model that allows beef producers to make marketing decisions based on the expected progeny differences of sires for time to finish traits (i.e. time reach a target carcass weight, yield grade, or quality grade); 2. Complete the report examining the issues related to the intergenerational transfers of family farms; and 3. Publication of a rancher's guide to the Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. The last effort was a collaborative work (Animal Sciences and Range Ecosystem Science) based on the use of a university ranch as a case study and the development of a model designed to help ranchers evaluate their risk in terms of being subject to regulatory action.

Once validated, the simulation model will be released to breed associations and producers via the web allowing them to make marketing decisions and potentially increase profitability through value-based marketing of finished animals as opposed to marketing on an average, live basis. With the increase in value-based marketing programs in the beef industry, a tool such as this is a critical component of the management systems approach. The report on the intergenerational transfer of family farms will allow families to plan for, rather than react to, issues involved in those transfers of farms and ranches. Finally the last project provides producers with a tool to aid decision-making under a system with increasing societal scrutiny and governmental regulation.


  • Cleveland, M 2002. Sire Selection for optimum finish endpoints, M.S. thesis, Colorado State University, Fall 2002, 160 pages.
  • Grether, N. and Summer, M.A. 2002. Farm Futures: A report presenting issues relating to the intergenerational transfers of family farms. USDA:NCRS, 52 pages.
  • Grether, N. 2002. A Ranchers' Guide to the Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Summer 2002, 53 pages.

Progress 01/01/01 to 12/31/01

Development of a management systems approach to livestock production is an imperative as agricultural managers balance issues of profitability, sustainability, and environmental compatibility. This project is designed to assist development of management information and tools that can be utilized by agricultural and resource managers. The three primary efforts of the past year have been to 1) develop a series of case studies based on an in-depth analysis of three cow-calf ranches in the western plains and intermountain west of the United States. The production and geographic resources were evaluated, management practices were documented, and financial and biological performance indicators were determined. Based on this data, three extensive case studies were developed for use in undergraduate, graduate, and adult education programs. 2) An evaluation of cow-calf management practices was conducted in cooperation with USDA-APHIS:VS by comparing the NAHMS data with that collected from cow-calf producers in association with the National Market Cow and Bull Beef Audit and the National Fed Beef Audit. The results of these data provide educators, extension specialists, agency personnel, and agricultural industry participants significant information as to the gaps in actual industry management practices and the recommendations of Beef Quality Assurance Program initiatives and other GMPs as described by industry leaders. 3) A rancher's guide to the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act is in the final stages of preparation. As environmental regulations become more prevalent, livestock producers find themselves in a position of having to defend, evaluate, and modify traditional production practices. This collaborative work (Animal Sciences and Range Ecosystem Science) is based on a comprehensive literature review, the use of a university ranch as a case study, and the development of a model that helps ranchers evaluate their risk in terms of being subject to regulatory action.

Livestock producers serve a vital role in the delivery of high quality proteins to consumers in the United States and abroad. Furthermore, they have a critical role in the management of resources that promotes both profitability and the long-term viability of those resources. This project has utilized resources to evaluate production practices, to develop meaningful comparisons, and to build useful case studies that allow producers to make better decisions in the light of increasing societal and governmental scrutiny.


  • Berger, A. 2001. An evaluation of three ranches to create teaching case studies, M.S. Thesis, Spring, Colorado State University.
  • Foster, Holly. 2001. Evaluation of two modifications to estrous synchronization protocols using GnRH and PGF, M.S. Thesis, Spring, Colorado State University.
  • Behrends, L. 2001. An analysis of U.S. cow-calf management practices, M.Ag. Thesis, Fall, Colorado State University.
  • Behrends, L., Field, T.G., and Conway, K. 2001. The value of information as perceived by feedlot managers. Animal Sciences Research Report. Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.

Progress 01/01/00 to 12/31/00

Beef cattle producers make production decision based on subjective, often naive information. They need a system that will enable decision making based on objective information. This project involves development and application of a firm-level bioeconomic computer simulation model of beef cattle production. In 1998 plans were developed to validate components of the DECI model, a version of the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model, CBCPM using resources at the San Juan Basin Research Center in Hesperus, CO. Beginning in May 1999 and continuing into the 2000 breeding season the breeding program at Hesperus included matings that will help relate published EPDs to model inputs. Additional work in 2000 included beginning the redevelopment of the reproduction portion of the CBCPM and foundation work to address design issues in an object oriented next generation of CBCPM.

It is too early to assess the impact of ongoing work with DECI and CBCPM. A group of researchers from several universities have developed a proposal for a regional coordinating committee focused on model development.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/99 to 12/31/99

Problem - Beef cattle producers make production decisions based on subjective, often naive information. They need a system that will enable decision making based on objective information. Project Description - This project involves development and application of a firm-level bioeconomic computer simulation model of beef cattle production. Accomplishments - In 1999, approximately 100 multibreed females at the San Juan Basin Research Center in Hesperus, CO were bred to eight biologically diverse, Red Angus and Limousin sires. Data on the production environment and the performance of offspring from these matings will be used to validate the DECI model, a version of the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM), and relate published sire EPDs to model inputs. An initial redesign of DECI using principles of object-orientation has been completed. Once implemented, the design will make the model more understandable and modifiable in the future. Work continues using CBCPM to model the biological and economic effects of using sexed semen in commercial herds.

The Hesperus breeding project is a long-term study, and it is too early to assess its impact. A group of investigators doing DECI related work is now organized and pursuing coordinating committee status with CSREES.


  • Evans, J. L., Golden, B.L., Bourdon, R.M., and Long, K.L. 1999. Additive genetic relationships between heifer pregnancy and scrotal circumference in Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 77:2621.
  • Bourdon, R. M. 1999. Cattle breeding technologies in perspective. BEEF. vol. 35, no. 8A, p. 42.
  • Bourdon, R. M. and Golden. B.L. 1999. Beef cattle breeding in the new millenium. American Red Angus, vol. XXXV no. 2, p. 30.
  • Bourdon, R. M. 1999. Biotechnology and composite cattle breeding. Rev. Bras. Reprod. Anim,. vol. 23, no. 2, p. 118.
  • Bourdon R. M. 1999. Composites 101. Rev. Bras. Reprod. Anim,. vol. 23, no. 2, p. 122.
  • Golden, B. L. and Bourdon, R.M. 1999. The sire summary of the future. Rev. Bras. Reprod. Anim,. vol. 23, no. 2, p. 78.
  • Golden, B. L. and Bourdon, R.M. 1999. New EPDs: a rational vision for the future. Proc. 31st Annual Res. Symposium and Annual Mtg., June 6-8, Roanoke, VA, p.
  • R. L. Doherty, Field, T.G., Tatum, J.D., Belk, K.E., Scanga, J.A., and Smith, G.C. 1999. Developing benchmarks to familiarize cattle producers with the benefits and risks associated with grid pricing. Prof. Anim. Sci. 15:2.
  • R. D. Green, Niswender, G.D., Field, T.G., Whittier, J.C., Roath, L.R., Garry, F.L., Dalsted, N.L., and Hoag, D.L. 1999. The Western Center for Integrated Resource Management. Proc. WSASAS, vol. 50.
  • Bourdon, R. M. 1999. Understanding Animal Breeding, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. 538 pp.

Progress 01/01/98 to 12/31/98

Problem. Beef cattle producers make production decisions based on subjective, often naive information. They need a system that will enable decision making based on objective information. Project Description. This project involves development and application of a firm-level bioeconomic computer simulation model of beef cattle production. Accomplishments. In 1998, plans were developed to validate the DECI model, a version of the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM), at the San Juan Basin Research Center in Hesperus, CO. Beginning in May, 1999, the breeding program at the Hesperus station will include matings that will help relate published sire EPDs to model inputs. Work has begun on the redesign of DECI using principles of object-orientation so that the model will be easily understandable and modifiable in the future. CBCPM is currently being used to model the biological and economic effects of using sexed semen in commercial herds. Principles of multi-trait selection using simulation models were articulated at the 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production in Australia, in two presentations in Canada, and in a paper in the Journal of Animal Science. Impact. It is too early to assess the impact of ongoing work with DECI and CBCPM. The talks and paper are generating interest. A core of investigators have organized themselves loosely to coordinate and pursue funding for DECI related work.



  • Choy, Y.H., Brinks, J.S., and Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Effect of age on the genetic relationships between size and condition score in Angus cows. Colorado State Univ. Beef Program Rep. p. 67.
  • Choy, Y.H., Brinks, J.S., and Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Genetic evaluation of mature weight, hip height and body condition score in an Angus herd. Proc. Western Section, Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 49:61.
  • Hyde, L.R. and Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Simulated effects of sex control on a rotational-terminal crossbreeding system. Colorado State Univ. Beef Program Rep. p. 199.
  • Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Shortcomings of current genetic evaluation systems. J. Anim. Sci. 76:2308.
  • Choy, Y.H., Brinks, J.S., and Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Genetic evaluation of mature weight, hip height and body condition score in an Angus herd. J. Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Maintaining market share: a sensible priority? Cattle Guard. September issue.
  • Comstock, C.R. and Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Exploring the RAAA's pedigree. American Red Angus. February issue.
  • Comstock, C.R. and Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Further exploration of the RAA pedigree. American Red Angus. April issue.
  • Bourdon, R.M. and Enns, R.M. 1998. Physiological breeding values: rethinking the way we express genetic values for improving production systems. Proc. 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Jan. 11-16, Univ. of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia. Vol. 27, p. 227.
  • Bourdon, R.M. 1998. Determining selection objectives using the DECI model: a progress report. Proc. 30th Annual Mtg. Beef Improvement Federation, July 1-2, Calgary, AB.

Progress 01/01/97 to 12/31/97

Problem: Beef cattle producers make production decisions based on subjective, often naive information. They need a system that will enable decision making based on objective information. Project description: This project involves development and application of a firm-level bioeconomic computer simulation model of beef cattle production. Accomplishments: Accomplishments in 1997 involved communication of ideas rather than concrete model results. "Shortcomings of Current Genetic Evaluation Systems" will be published in the Journal of Animal Science in 1998. This 55-page essay identifies problems with current statistical approaches to genetic prediction and multiple-trait selection, then proposes mechanistic solutions - i.e., solutions involving bioeconomic computer simulation of beef cattle production. It is the most in-depth articulation of the need for bio-economic simulation in animal breeding to date. Impact: It is too early to asess the impact of this work. It will depend upon whether decision support systems using computer simulation are developed and used on a large scale. That, in turn, depends on financial support.



  • R.M. BOURDON. 1997. A matter of priority. Angus Journal, March issue.
  • BOURDON, R.M., B.L. GOLDEN, and B. KINGHORN. 1997. EPDs and beyond. Proc. Beef Improvement Federation Res. Symposium and Ann. Mtg., May 14-17, Dickinson, ND, Pp. 74-87.
  • BOURDON, R.M. and S. NEWMAN, Ed. 1997. Proceedings, BIF Systems Workshop II, Multiple-Trait Selection Technology for North American Beef Production, Nov. 14-16, Estes Park, CO.

Progress 01/01/96 to 12/30/96

Work with the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM) in 1995 resulted in two important new concepts in animal breeding. The first concept is that of physiological breeding value, a value describing an individual's breeding potential that is environment and population independent. The second concept is that of sire selection by simulation, a new technology for multiple-trait selection involving bio-economic simulation. Both concepts are important for integrating the fields of genetic prediction and production systems. Work is underway to combine the best beef cattle production models under the auspices of the Production Efficiency Task Force (PETF), a subcommitee of NCBA. CBCPM provides the framework for such a supermodel. Scientists of the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center and CSU are currently combining CBCPM with newer growth models, and developing user-friendly front end software. CBCPM was altered to allow for genetic trend in sires. The new version of the model was used in a joint research project with researchers at the University of Wyoming to test the economic benefit of artificial insemination (AI) in commercial beef herds. Preliminary results suggest that AI is not a profitable alternative. Analyses are nto complete, however.



  • BOURDON, R.M. 1996. Sire Selection by Simulation. Proceedings: BIF Systems Workshop II: Multiple-Trait Selection Technology for North American Beef Production, Estes Park, CO.
  • GOLDEN, B.L. and R.M. BOURDON. 1996. Across breed EPDs for Red Angus using additive genetic groups. Proceedings: BIF 28th Research Symposium and Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, p. 106.
  • CHOY, Y.H., J.S. BRINKS, and R.M. BOURDON. 1996. Genetic evaluation of mature weight, hip height, and body condition score in an Angus herd. J. Anim. Sci. 74(Suppl. 1):107. (Abstr.).
  • ENNS, R.M., et al. 1996a. Simulation of diverse biological types I: genetic parameters and relationshps between EPF and physiological breeding values. J. A.
  • Al-HUR, FAHAD S. 1996. Factors affecting immunoglobulin G concentration and total solids percentage in ewe colostrum. M.S. Thesis. Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins.
  • BOURDON, R.M. 1996. Understanding Animal Breeding. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • BOURDON, R.M. 1996. Physiological breedng values: An alternative way of presenting national cattle evaluation data. Proceedings: BIF Systems Workshop II: Multiple-Trait Selection Tech. for North American Beef Production, Estes Park, CO.

Progress 01/01/95 to 12/30/95

1994-95 was a sabbatical year for R.M. Bourdon. Research effort that would normally have been applied to Project COL00607 was diverted to writing a textbook. Work on the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM) was, therefore, limited. The one study completed in 1995 involved simulation of performance of biologically diverse pure breeds of cattle, estimation of genetic parameters within each breed, and prediction of breeding value and complementarity of crosses of the simulated breeds. Results indicated that differences in genetic parameters between breeds are explainable biologically, and often depend on level of performance. The study raises questions about the utility of currently used tables for comparing expected progeny differences across breeds. We are currently configuring CBCPM to examine the long-term economics of artificial insemination in commercial beef cattle. We are also involved in a National Cattlemen's Association initiative to create a beef cattle simulation model to be used as a decision aid by production specialists. The project, if funded, will involve researchers from several universities plus ARS personnel. R.M. Bourdon has been named team leader, and CBCPM is likely to play an important role in the project.



    Progress 01/01/94 to 12/30/94

    Work continues on the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM), a comprehensive, herd-wide, life cycle simulation program. Three theses involving extensive use of the model were completed in 1994, and another is in its final stages. The SPUR/CBCPM model was used to simulate Argentine beef production. A number of model refinements were needed to accommodate tame pastures and nitrogen fixing legumes. Both SPUR and CBCPM performed remarkably well, adding to our confidence in these models. Simulated interactions of environmental effects were similar to those reported in the literature -- again increasing our confidence in the ability of our mechanistic model to correctly mimic real interactions. A prototype was developed to output interface with SAS that will allow us to postprocess simulation results. We simulated grazing behavior of cows of different genotypes. This work indicated advantages for cattle with intermediate levels of milk and pointed out potential weaknesses in the intake portion of CBCPM. We will report on simulated tests of across-breed EPDs. This study is the most ambitious use of CBCPM to date and is the first to take full advantage of the model's deterministic/stochastic properties. This study documents some potential pitfalls in using current across-breed EPD tables for comparing sires from different breeds.



      Progress 01/01/93 to 12/30/93

      Work continues on the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM), a comprehensive, herd-wide, life cycle simulation program. In the last year we tested the interface between SPUR/CBCPM and FLIPSIM (an economic analysis model), removed a number of bugs, added additional output sections, and made a number of trial runs. We developed an long list of changes/enhancements that need to be made. We have made an extensive comparison of the energetics of CBCPM to NRC estimates. CBCPM is at this time rather optimistic in terms of animal performance. We have developed fairly sophisticated lag equations to simulated the effect of calf demand early in lactation on lactation-long milk production. We are continuing studies on terminal sire systems (Wade Shafer), accuracy of breeding value estimation (including postprocessing of model output, Echo Rantanen), and across-breed EPDs (Mark Enns). A dissertation involving the modeling of the effects of milk production in range cattle (Tim Steffens) nears completion, and a thesis on the simulated effects of cow maturing rate and milk production under Argentine conditions (Claudio Fioretti) has been defended and awaits the final draft. We have just initiated a study on the economics of artificial insemination in collaboration with Larry Van Tassel (U. of Wyo.) and his graduate student Angie McConnell. I (RMB) am now a member of WRCC-92 (Beef Cattle Energetics) which I hope will come up with a more mechanistic approach to energetics.



        Progress 01/01/92 to 12/30/92

        Work continues on the Colo. Beef Cattle Prod. Model (CBCPM), a comprehensive, herd-wide, life cycle simulation prog. In the last year we completed the interface between SPUR/CBCPM and FLIPSIM (an econ. analysis model). We can now evaluate simulated anim. perform. and management scenarios with a rather sophisticated econ. analysis. During the year we found and fixed a number of bugs, added new output sections,and developed a list of changes/enhancements that need to be made. We have changed some of the biology of the model. In particular, we have made fertility and milk prod. more responsive to body condition. We have also settled on a reasonable set of parameters for genetic and environ. input (co)variation for growth traits. For some applications of CBCPM in anim. breeding we have been concerned whether we should scale input (co)variances, i.e., put in larger (co)variances for higher prod. biological types and better environs. It appears that scaling inputs is not necessary. The model simulates scaling on its own. Nevil Speer has used SPUR/CBCPM to generate crossbred data sets similar to a set of datafrom Miles City. The simulated data were then used to testthe appropriateness of a stat. model. Both the simu. and stat. models performed well, producing very reasonable results. In the next year we hope to complete a proj. on terminal sire sys. and continue projs. on across-breed EPDs, repro. trait dev., milk prod. in range cattle, and effects of cow size and milk prod. under Argentine conds.



          Progress 01/01/91 to 12/30/91

          A number of changes were made in the Colorado Beef Cattle Simulation model (CBCPM) during 1991. For details, see the CRIS report for project 219 (CRIS #0137481). Work is underway to improve intake and lactation equations, and input and output files. We received validation data sets from Nebraska and South Dakota. R. Bourdon and M. Enns have initiated a project which will use the model to evaluate problems with across-breed EPDs. We have designed a course (AN 681) for spring semester 1992 to teach students how to use the model. The first real application of CBCPM was completed by Barry Baker with his dissertation work on the effects of global climate change on range forage production and cattle performance in the U.S. Barry's work with data from three general circulation models and SPUR/CBCPM indicates that doubled atmospheric CO2 will cause decreased range production and cattle performance in Texas and somewhat increased production and performance in the northern plains. Global warming may not be all bad. As part of his dissertation, Barry compared CBCPM results with data from Wyoming, Ontario, South Dakota, and Oregon for such traits as forage intake, weights and gains, body condition score, pregnancy %, and milk production. Agreement between simulated results and actual data was surprisingly good. G. Boyd and V. Healy completed and reported work on bull-to-female ratios with estrus synchronization. Their work indicated an optimal ratio of 1:25 and no economic advantage for synchronization.



            Progress 01/01/90 to 12/30/90

            An initial implementation of the Colorado Beef Cattle Production Model (CBCPM), a herd-wide, life-cycle computer simulation is currently running on several computers on and off campus. The model simulates individual animals using both deterministic equations and stochastically generated genetic and environmental variability. It works with ARS's Simulation of Production and Utilization of Rangelands (SPUR) model to realistically simulate the response of cattle to changes in forage quality and availability. A number of modifications, particularly in the areas of nutritional energetics and feed intake, have recently been made in CBCPM. Results from the model are currently being tested against field data. A sophisticated economic analysis package is now being adapted for use with CBCPM and is expected to be ready early in 1991. CBCPM/SPUR has been used this fall to estimate the effects of climate change on range beef production. Serving capacity tests on yearling bulls did not predict bull fertility. Selection criteria for replacement heifers were implemented in the Colorado heifer test. Cow condition scores were compared in different herds indicating a valid relationship between condition score and economic efficiency.



              Progress 01/01/89 to 12/30/89

              An initial implementation of the Colorado Beef Production Model (CBCPM) has beencompleted, debugged and verified, and is running efficiently on the Cyber 205 supercomputer. The model is a herd-wide, individual animal model with variable timesteps and stochastically generated genetic and environmental variability. CBCPM should be running in conjunction with the ARS's SPUR range model within the next month. We are currently searching for an appropriate economic analysis package. CBCPM is written in Vector FORTRAN. Conversion to standard FORTRAN 77 is underway and will be completed in the next two months. CBCPM should be wholly transportable at that time, though its performance on scalar machines remains to be seen. Four Ph.D. projects involving extensive use of CBCPM are planned, three of them already underway. K. Andersen will develop baseline runs and study optimum genotypes in one or two environments. W. Shafer will follow with simulation of mating systems. B. Baker has received a grant to use SPUR II and CBCPM to study the effects of global climatic change on range production. W. Snelling is hoping to use the model to examine strategies for drought management. Longer term, we plan to incorporate CBCPM into regional project NC-196, "Genetics of Body Composition in Beef Cattle.



                Progress 01/01/88 to 12/30/88

                The grazing interface submodel designed to link the Colorado Beef Production Model (CBPM) with the ARS' Simulation of Production and Utilization of Rangelands (SPUR) model was completed in 1988. Validation efforts indicate that the new submodel, when properly parameterized, successfully predicts diet selection and herbage intake of beer cattle on rangelands. The submodel is a major improvement over previous models, and provides a level of precision necessary if researchers are to have confidence in CBPM results. Work continues on the individual animal, stochastic version of CBPM. To date, 60 subroutines have been written involving over 500 variables. An extremely efficient multivariate normal random number generator has been designed and tested on the Cyber 205 supercomputer. The generator runs approximately 65 times as fast as the standard (IMSL) generator. Such speed is required to produce the millions of random numbers required by CBPM. Tasks that remain before CBPM can be tested are design of input files, delineation of common blocks and writing of the input subroutine. Initial runs of CBPM are expected in January, 1989.



                  Progress 01/01/87 to 12/30/87

                  A version of the Colorado Beef Production Model (CBPM) was successfully interfaced with the Agricultural Research Service's Simulation of Production and Utilization of Rangelands (SPUR) Model in 1987 (L. Bard Field, J.D. Hanson, R.M. Bourdon and R.E. Taylor). This effort was the first of its kind to link a comprehensive livestock model to a state-of-the-art forage driver. Model results confirmed the need for a more realistic plant-animal interface or grazing behavior model. Development, programming and initial validation of a grazing behavior model (B. Baker, R.M. Bourdon and J.D. Hanson) has been completed. Work us under way to link this new plant-animal interface with CBPM and SPUR. We are optimistic that the addition of the interface will significantly improve overall model performance. An individual animal, stochastic version of CBPM designed for the CYBER 205 supercomputer is nearing completion (R.M. Bourdon). The program is approximately 75% coded and partially debugged. When complete, the new model should be extremely flexible and capable of handling a wide variety of applications. W.C. Miller and W.M. Snelling are continuing work on ranch management resource models. These linear programming (LP) models are being successfully applied in cooperating IRM herds in Colorado. Dr. Miller is also developing a dynamic (differential equation) model of animal growth.



                    Progress 01/01/86 to 12/30/86

                    The project entitled "The role of grazed roughages in production of livestock atthe national level." (G.M. Ward, W.C. Miller and P. Ditberner) was completed in 1986. Results of the linear programming (LP) model developed in the study indicated that 10 - 15% more beef cows and their offspring could be supported by the public grazing lands available. Several LP models developed by W.C. Miller have either been completed or are nearing completion. Complete and operational are: a decision support model for the Colorado State University Beef Improvement Center; and a dairy cash flow model which determines optimal herd size for base asset and optimal months for 3x vs 2x milking. Nearing completion are a decision support model for the Eastern Colorado Research Center and an optimum cow/sire frame size model for beef cattle. Work continues on a packing house optimization model (D. Lisco). Current research activities for R. Bourdon include development of a comprehensive stochastic beef production model (programming in progress), merging of the beef production model with a range forage model (with L. Field), and development of a viable animal/forage interface (with B. Baker).



                      Progress 01/01/85 to 12/30/85

                      Several studies involving animal reproduction models were completed this year. A microcomputer version of the CSU Beef Cattle Production Model was developed by S. Allender. The model was used to examine effects of calving season, level of supplementation and weaning age on overall efficiency. March-May calving, late weaning and low supplement levels were favored. A model developed by G. Carstens examined effects of frame size, diet and seasonal prices on feedlot profitability. Month on feed was an important factor. Higher roughage diets were better suited to smaller framed cattle. B. Golden simulated the economics of calving, then finishing bred heifers. Profitability depended on method of measurement and tax treatment. D. Ewing developed a starch digestion model which quantified various aspects of digestion in steers. Ongoing studies include adaptation of a comprehensive ranch LP model (W. Miller) to a CSU research herd. Favored practices included meadow fertilization, grazing of cornstalks and retained ownership of calves. Work continues on a comprehensive beef production model (R. Bourdon). The current class model will be replaced by a stochastic individual animal model with varying genetic potentials and risk analysis capabilities. New studies include a model of heterosis in composite beef breeds (W. Asbury), an optimization model for packing houses (D. Lisco), an LP model for determining optimum sire and dam size (W. Miller), and a regional grazing model (G.



                        Progress 10/01/83 to 09/30/84

                        The principle investigation this past year has centered on the manner of implementation of rotational crossbreeding. Plans utilizing only one sire breed per year sacrificed a small amount of heterosis utilization (and thereby, profit). Their simplicity, however, provides strong argument for their use by small cow-calf operations. Another investigation has quantified the effect of continued conversion of Colorado grasslands to more intensive agriculture, on beef production in the state. If the socio-economic situation remains unchanged, so that conversion continues, the cow-calf industry in Colorado will decrease in size, while the feedlot industry will maintain its productivity through feeder cattle importation.

