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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Funding Mechanism Award Number Initial Award Fiscal Year Recipient Organization Project Start Date Project End Date Project Start Fiscal Year Project Status Cumulative Award Amount Recipient State
Enhancing Interagency Collaborations and Food System Resiliency (code A7201)1032689National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67012-428242024SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20262024ACTIVE$200,782.00NEW YORK
An In-Person Meeting of The Food Safety Extension Network: Supporting Consumer, Retail, and Home-based Businesses1032666National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-428112024NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY06/15/202406/14/20252024ACTIVE$50,000.00NORTH CAROLINA
Investigation of the regulation of biofilm formation by small RNAs CjNC110 and CjNC140 in Campylobacter jejuni1032655National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67012-428092024IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY08/01/202407/31/20262024ACTIVE$225,000.00IOWA
Development and Evaluation of Magnetic Liquids as an Emerging Foodborne Pathogen Concentration Tool1032405National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-424432024UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS06/01/202405/31/20272024ACTIVE$649,950.00MASSACHUSETTS
Toxic Metal Exposure In Cattle And Discovery Of Microbiome Functions That Mitigate Input Into The Food Chain1032346National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67018-424452024MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY06/01/202405/31/20272024ACTIVE$638,935.00MONTANA
Filter-assisted Screening Technology (FAST): Detection of low levels of pathogens without the need for an enrichment step1032279National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-424402024VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNIVERSITY08/01/202407/31/20262024ACTIVE$299,999.00VIRGINIA
PARTNERSHIP: A Comprehensive Approach to Mitigate Long-Standing Challenges in Public Health Risks of Human Enteric Viruses on Produce1032268National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-424412024EMORY UNIVERSITY07/15/202407/14/20272024ACTIVE$799,997.00GEORGIA
Development of a divalent vaccine targeting Campylobacter in poultry production1032213National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-424472024REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA09/15/202409/14/20272024ACTIVE$649,883.00MINNESOTA
NIFA Developing Pre- and Post-Harvest Methods to Detect and Reduce Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Edible Bivalves1032192National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67018-424482024UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE06/01/202405/31/20262024ACTIVE$300,000.00DELAWARE
Bioengineering Novel Bacteriophages to Target Salmonella in Poultry Production1032114National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-422722024UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM06/01/202405/31/20272024ACTIVE$648,244.00WISCONSIN
Integrated Research Solutions to Reduce Foodborne Salmonellosis Workshop1032058National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-435772024AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE08/01/202407/31/20252024ACTIVE$50,000.00COLORADO
Modernizing Home Food Preservation with New Techniques and Technologies Conference1031913National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-67017-420042024OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY03/15/202403/14/20252024ACTIVE$49,999.00OREGON