Performing Department
Analytical Chemistry
Non Technical Summary
In conjunction with the CT Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) and the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), the label accuracy and overall safety of commercial animal feed products will be determined. Results are reported to the regulatory agencies (CT DoAg, FDA), which insures protection of the consuming public from fradulent or dangerous animal feeds.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
This was one of the primary analyses of the CT Agricultural Experiment Station in 1875 and the program will continue on past January 2020 in a new project with the same goals and objectives. The primary goal of this project is to ensure the label guarantee accuracy of animal feed products sold to citizens of the state of CT. In summary, an average of 50-125 animal feed samples are to be analyzed each year. The animal feed products are collected by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture inspectors and then will be delivered to CAES Department of Analytical Chemistry for analysis. The animal foods submitted for analysis are evaluated for compliance with stated label parameters, such as the proximate protein, fat, fiber, and moisture values, as well as micronutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium and other requested elements, and also for aflatoxins. Data will be provided to the Connecticut Department of Agriculture and the US FDA for a regulatory response where appropriate.
Project Methods
Received samples would be extracted using appropriate methods and analyzed for the respective analytes.. Toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic are analyzed by inductively coupled plasma- mass spectroscopy. Mycotoxins are analyzed by liquid chromatography- mass spectroscopy, and nutrient contents are analyzed by ICP-OES, except for protein which is analyzed by a LECO Nitrogen Analyzer