Performing Department
Plant Pathology & Ecology
Non Technical Summary
Connecticut Seed Law specifies that agricultural and vegetable seeds sold in the state be tested on a yearly basis. This is a "truth-in-labeling" law requiring basic quality factors to be expressed to represent a level of quality to potential purchasers and consumers. The purpose of the law is to provide the consumer with adequate information, through fair and consistent labeling, to make an intelligent purchase of agricultural and vegetable seed products. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES), which is the official seed testing laboratory for the State of Connecticut, tests samples collected by Inspectors from the Bureau of Regulation and Inspection of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture. Seeds are brought to Station staff who analyze seed using germination and purity tests required for compliance with the Connecticut Seed Law Regulations and the Federal Seed Act. The CAES Seed Testing Lab is a member of the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). All protocols for purity and germination analyses follow guidelines designated by the AOSA, which are updated on a yearly basis. Seedlings are also examined to ensure that they appear "normal," (i.e., free from decay, have well-developed primary root systems, well-developed and intact hypocotyls and/or epicotyls, and healthy cotyledons). Samples are also examined for weed seeds and noxious-weed seeds, including "prohibited" and "restricted" noxious-weed seeds. Germination standards are set by the Federal Seed Act. The categories for label compliance are: 1) seeds meet label claims for germination and purity, and 2) seeds do not meet label claims for germination and purity, but within the allowable tolerance. Results will be communicated in a timely manner to the Seed Control Official of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture; compiled in a Station Technical Bulletin, which will be available in hard copy and as a PDF on the Experiment Station's website; and verbally disseminated to the public through presentations and tours of the Experiment Station. This project is a continuation of a long and ongoing program to test seeds sold in Connecticut.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
In order to comply with Connecticut Seed Law, inspectors from the Bureau of Regulation and Inspection of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture collect official samples of vegetable, crop, and lawn seeds every year. Seeds are brought to The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES), which is the official seed testing laboratory for the state. This project is a continuation of a long and ongoing program to test seeds sold in Connecticut. The goals of this project are to ensure "truth in labeling" for all seed sold in the state.Objectives:1. Conduct germination and purity analyses of all seed (e.g., vegetable, lawn, and crop seed) brought to CAES by inspectors from the Bureau of Regulation and Inspection of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.2. Communicate the results of seed testing to the Seed Control Official and the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture and to CT stakeholders.
Project Methods
CAES staff will analyze seed using germination and purity tests required for compliance with the Connecticut Seed Law Regulations and the Federal Seed Act. The CAES Seed Testing Lab is a member of the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA). The methods that will be used for sample preparation and analysis will be those approved by the AOSA, which are regularly reviewed and updated. Seedlings will also be examined to ensure that they appear "normal," (i.e., free from decay, have well-developed primary root systems and intact hypocotyls and/or epicotyls, and have healthy cotyledons). Samples will also be examined for weed seeds and noxious-weed seeds, including "prohibited" and "restricted" noxious-weed seeds. Germination standards are set by The Federal Seed Act. The categories for label compliance were: 1) seeds met label claims for germination and purity; 2) seeds did not meet label claims for germination and purity, but within allowable tolerance.