Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Antibiotic contaminantion in the environment is a complicated issue with broad reachign effects. Antibiotics are improtant tools in animal and human medicine, with increasing concern for antimicobial resistance thwarting the efficacy of these tools.This project fuses biophysical and social sciences to understand antibiotic transport through the environment and how stakholder perceptions may be influenced with new knowledge and data visualizations paired with biophsyical analysis of the systems these stakeholders come from.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
Broadly, the goals of this project are to understand transport of antibiotics through the landscape by studying 3 dairy opperations and understand how stakeholder perceptions change after engagement with educational material. The goals of this project are to complete publciation and analysis of data outlined in inial proposal. The reamining goals to complete include research goals andoutreach goals outlined below:1. Communicate results of the biophysical studies to scientists/researchers: biophysical data analysis is completed and all components will be submitted for peer review through 3 manuscripts.2. Communicate results of the biophysical studies to the public: after peer review, results of the biophysical studies will be shared through public facing avenues (local and online papers) and with the farming community (e.g. Hoards Dairman, extension blog posts).3. Survey local stakeholders to understand potential to change perceptions: we will survey stakeholdersin the watershed where data collection took place to evaluate current stattus of perceptions of antibiotics as contaminants and understand efficacy of using outreach materials in changing perceptions.4. Submit survey results for peer review5. Communicate results of survey with extension professionals: distribute articles through extension blogs to communicate these results with professionals most likely to initiate behavior change.
Project Methods
The methods that will be employed in the remaining objecte (survye of staholders) will be a social survey with quantitiative and qualitative responses. Quantitative answers will be evaluated statistically and qualtiative answers will be coded for themes. We will employ multiple methods of distributing the surveys to ensure a broad audience is reached.