Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:Small and very-small value-added food processors in the upper Midwest, with a focus on education and training for food processors in Kansas, Missouri, and North Central Region. Processors involved in direct-to-consumer sales (retail establishments) were the main focus of the work. Efforts: Extension educators and researchers at University of Missouri have provided Better Process Control School training to 22 registrants; safe canning training to 32 registrants; PCQI (human food) training to 41 registrants; Food Safety Microbiology training to 18 registrants; and HACCPtraining to 38 registrants. Additionally, the extension specialist at the University of Missouri issued 21 process authority letters to small, medium-scale and minority food processors engaged in manufacturing value added food products. Furthermore, the University of Missouri team also engaged in one-on-one interaction with farmers, provided nutritional facts labeling services, food-testing (pH, water activity, bacteria, molds etc.) services and process authority services. On an average, the process authority/ specialist interacts with 15-20 food processors each month. For the year 2024, the extension specialist and his team at Kansas State University haveprovided 101 process authority review letters to various small, medium-scale and marginal farmers engaging in manufacturing value added food products such as pickles, salsa, sauces, and fermented food products. Additionally, the specialist has provided 89 direct one-on-one consultations to value added farmers. Furthermore, the specialist and team at KSU have provided a total of 919 food testing services (pH, water activity, shelf-life studies etc.) representing 56 food processing companies. Last but not the least the team at KSU has provided a total of 117 nutritional labels to companies engaged in manufacturing value added food products in Kansas and North Central Region. The KSU, in collaboration with the University of Missouri team, also provided Better Process Control School training to 13 participants who are interested in stating value added food products. The response from the survey were mostly satisfactory to very satisfied on the topic content and moved to confident to very confident for the before and after training. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training offered: Training of small, medium-scale and marginal value-added food processors is a key component to the work accomplished. Educators/ specialist at the University of Missouri and Kansas State UNiversityworking on this grant provided FDA Better Process Control School - Acidified and Low-Acid to over 35 key personnel in the upper Midwest. Educators in Missouri also offered HACCP training to 38 food processors; safe canning training to 32 registrants; PCQI (human food) training to 41 participants; and Food Safety Microbiology training to 18 registrants. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Extension educators and researchers associated with Food Safety by Design at University of Missouri and Kansas State University worked with stakeholders in their respectivestates, i.e. state Departments of Agriculture or Department of Health/Human Services, industry trade groups, regulatoryprograms, and through Extension networks to promote food safety education and follow-up support for small, meium-scale and marginal value-addedfood processors. Each of the three primary project directors: Drs. Channaiah, and Getty - are processing authorities fortheir respective states and work within the scientific network to promote food safety education and food business supportsystems in the upper Midwest and/or North Central Region. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? A series of Better Process Control School (BPCS) trainings for acid, acidified and low acid canned food products, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), FSMA based Food Safety Microbiology training, PCQI (human food) and FSMA based Food Safety Microbiology trainings are planned for the next reporting period of the project to help small and medium scaled food businesses in the North Central Region. A one-on-one food safety consulting, food testing and process authority review services will also be provided to small and medium scale food processors in North Central Region.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The university of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA: Extension educators and researchers at University of Missouri have provided Better Process Control School training to 22 registrants; safe canning training to 32 registrants; PCQI (human food) training to 41 registrants; Food Safety Microbiology training to 18 registrants; and HACCPtraining to 38 registrants. Additionally, the extension specialist at the University of Missouri issued 21 process authority letters to small, medium-scale and minority food processors engaged in manufacturing value added food products. Furthermore, the University of Missouri team also engaged in one-on-one interaction with farmers, provided nutritional facts labeling services, food-testing (pH, water activity, bacteria, molds etc.) services and process authority services. On an average, the process authority/ specialist interacts with 15-20 food processors each month. The Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA: For the year 2024, the process authority/ specialist has provided 101 process authority review letters to various small, medium-scale and marginal farmers engaging in manufacturing value added food products such as pickles, salsa, sauces, and fermented food products. Additionally, the specialist has provided 89 direct one-on-one consultations to value added farmers. Furthermore, the specialist and team at KSU have provided a total of 919 food testing services (pH, water activity, shelf-life studies etc.) representing 56 food processing companies. Last but not the least the team at KSU has provided a total of 117 nutritional labels to companies engaged in manufacturing value added food products in Kansas and North Central Region. The KSU, in collaboration with the University of Missouri team, also provided Better Process Control School training to 13 participants who are interested in stating value added food products. The response from the survey were mostly satisfactory to very satisfied on the topic content and moved to confident to very confident for the before and after training. Some of the extension publications published from this project: Getty, K. and Gaikwad, R. 2024. Factsheet: Kombucha Fermentation. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Available at: Getty, K. and Gaikwad, R. 2024. Factsheet: Use of Digital Thermometer. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Available at: Getty, K. and Gaikwad, R. 2024. Factsheet: Hot-Fill-Hold Process. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Available at: Getty, K. and Gaikwad, R. 2024. Factsheet: Water Activity. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Available at: