Source: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH UTAH submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2024
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2027
Grant Year
Program Code
[FLSP]- FINI Large Scale Project
Recipient Organization
288 N 1460 W
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Community Food Security Program (CFSP) requests $1,674,750 over a 4-year project period for the expansion and enhancement of the Utah Double Up Food Bucks Program. The goals of this proposal are 1) increase the amount of qualifying fruit and vegetables purchased by SNAP recipients using the Double Up program, 2) increase the number of Double Up participants, 3) increase the number and diversity of redemption sites, and 4) develop and employ novel and innovative strategies to facilitate efficient implementation of the program. These directly align with the USDA goals to make safe, nutritious food available to all Americans and bolster nutrition security and health.These goals will be achieved through carefully selected activities that focus on four priority populations at the highest risk of food insecurity, related chronic disease, and are the most underserved. These populations are: veterans, refugees/new Americans, indigenous communities, and the underrepresented GusNIP geography of Idaho. Recognizing the vital importance of collaboration, CFSP will deepen and expand relationships with stakeholders in these communities. These partnerships will foster the expansion of Utah Double Up direct market locations and the advent of a new Utah Double Up grocery program. CFSP will conduct rigorous evaluation to measure the impact of the program and improve program implementation in the years to come.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goal 1: Increase the amount of qualifying FV purchased by SNAP recipients using theDouble Up program.Outcome 1: By August 31, 2028, increase the annual dollar amount of qualifying FV purchasedwith Double Up at DM sites from $141,147 to $265,000 per year.Outcome 2: By Aug 31, 2028, increase the dollar amount of qualifying FV purchased withDouble Up at GR from $0 to $130,000 per year.Goal 2: Increase the number of Double Up participantsOutcome 3: By August 31, 2028, increase the number of unique Double Up participants from4,311 to 4,958.Goal 3: Increase the number and diversity of redemption sitesOutcome 4: By August 31, 2028, increase the total number of DM sites participating in theDouble Up program from 59 to 70.Outcome 5: By August 31, 2028, increase the number of redemption sites serving prioritypopulations (veteran, indigenous, refugee and individuals in underrepresented GusNIPgeographies) from 6 to 12.Goal 4: Novel and innovative strategies are developed and employed to facilitate efficientimplementation of the Double Up program.Outcome 6: By August 31, 2028, 100% of DM sites will use the Produce Path (PP) portal.Outcome 7: By August 31, 2028, at least 1 model of GR point of sale (POS) redemption isdeveloped.Outcome 8: By August 31, 2028, the top 3 most effective methods of direct-to-consumermarketing for Double Up in both DM and GR firms are identified.
Project Methods
The project will be implemented by DHHS progam staff that recruits and manages farmers maket managers and local produce vendors to implement the Double Up program at thier locations. Evaluation efforts will be conducted via ongoing data collection through the Produce Path portal, paper record sheets, surveys and customer intercept interviews.