Source: ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2024
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCST]- 1890s Scholarships
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Alcorn State University (Alcorn) is the first Historically Black Land-Grant College/University in the nation and from its inception has embraced its unique responsibility to train minority students in agriculture and related sciences. Since Alcorn's founding, the institution has helped advance the state and region's agricultural economy while improving the nutrition, health, and standard of living of its citizens. In addition to educating generations of students in agriculture and related sciences, Alcorn has also provided research and outreach services to the citizens of the state and region. Alcorn is ranked third highest for Most Affordable Online Bachelor's Degree for a Historical Black College/University (HBCU); 13th highest for Most Affordable Bachelor's for an HBCU (, accessed 2019); and 23rd Best HBCU by U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges report (, accessed 2019).Although HBCUs make up only about three percent of the nation's institutions of higher learning, they graduate over 14% of African Americans with bachelor's degrees. Alcorn State University is located in an underserved region, with the majority of the university's students being recruited from surrounding communities. Alcorn State University is therefore well positioned to assist underrepresented students earn B.S. degrees and make advancements within agriculture and related sciences. The overall goal of Alcorn State University's 1890 Scholarships Program Proposal is aligned with the Federal 1890 Scholarships Program's authorizing legislative mandate to increase and "to support recruiting, engaging, retaining, mentoring, and training of undergraduate students at the 1890 land-grant institutions." This will result in the awarding of increased numbers of baccalaureate degrees in the agricultural and related sciences.Both the mission and the vision of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences emphasize the importance of holistically developing students to their fullest potential. The mission states, "Through vibrant teaching, research and outreach activities, the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences empowers students and citizens educationally and socio-economically to enrich the quality of life for themselves and their communities." The vision states, "the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is a premier land-grant program that promotes excellence by providing teaching, research and outreach activities, delivered by cutting edge technology, to its students and the communities it serves." It is critically important that we are prepared to meet the future agricultural challenges facing our society. As the world population increases to 10 billion in 2050, more innovative approaches to address issues associated with population growth will be needed. Challenges such as food shortages, land retention, climate change, are all factors in which current students will have to address and solve. They will have to employ innovative increases in technology, productivity, and conservation to meet these future challenges.The College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences' mission is an integral part of Alcorn State University and "fulfills its 1890 land-grant mission through cutting edge teaching, research, extension and public service programs." These programs improve the quality of life for the people of the region and the Nation. Training students with the skills necessary to live and work effectively and successfully in the fields of food and agricultural sciences in our ever-changing society is key to both our student's and our Nation's success.A high priority has been given to the development and implementation of the 1890 Scholarship Program. This proposal is fully supported by the President of the University, the interim Executive Vice President and Provost, and the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Advanced Technologies (see Institutional Letters; Part V, section 4.2). Both private industry and governmental agencies will be served by the development and implementation of the 1890 Scholarship Program. The development and implementation of the Program is also in full agreement with the mission and vision of the University, to develop diverse students into globally competitive leaders and apply scientific research, through collaborative partnerships that benefit the surrounding communities, states, nation, and world." The 1890 Scholarship Program at Alcorn would primarily serve underrepresented and economically depressed communities in Southwest Mississippi and in the Lower Mississippi River Delta Region. Both traditional and non-traditional full-time undergraduate students from the region who are high achievers have been identified as our target audience. However, efforts will be made to attract students from throughout the U.S.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overall goal of Alcorn State University's 1890 Scholarships Program Proposal is aligned with the Federal 1890 Scholarships Program's authorizing legislative mandate to increase and "to support recruiting, engaging, retaining, mentoring, and training of undergraduate students at the 1890 land-grant institutions." This will result in the awarding of increased numbers of baccalaureate degrees in the agricultural and related science
Project Methods