Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Demands for a food industry workforce with AI and robotics knowledge and expertise have increased due to the advancement of smart technology in the industry. The demands call for the need to educate and train students in food studies programs. Challenges in service-oriented programs stem from gaps in knowledge regarding the food supply chain and the utilization of AI and robotics in food studies courses. The initial analysis of food studies courses in the top 25 U.S. hospitality programs reveals the presence of knowledge gaps.This collaborative project between K-State and Penn State aims to create innovative multidisciplinary curricula to enhance knowledge of robotics and AI in the food industry. It will incorporate knowledge from various disciplines in the food supply chain, such as food production, processing, distribution, marketing, and utilization of food and agriculture products; farm management; technology transfers related to agriculture; and employable skills in the food industry. This project addresses five HEC program goals: #1 (to strengthen institutional capabilities through curriculum), #2 (to attract undergraduate students), #3 (to facilitate cooperative initiatives between two institutions), #4 (to implement in food and agriculture science programs), and #7 (to enhance the quality of instruction for baccalaureate programs).Deliverables include: (1) enhanced food studies course curricula with AI and robotics knowledge; (2) practical experiences with operating service robots; and (3) educational resources for food industry educators. An outside project evaluator will assess the effectiveness of the improved curricula. The project will culminate in a free online resource repository.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
The overarching objective of this project is to create an innovative curriculum to enhance knowledge and understanding of AI and robotics in the food industry. Specifically,Objective #1: Identify the educational needs and skills from students, faculty, and industry professionals in terms of the applications of AI and robotics in the food industry through a comprehensive analysis of AI and robotics applications through the food supply chain and astakeholder needs assessment.Objective #2: Develop an active learning-based educational package, including real-world video material, experiential learner-centered learning activities, and problem-solving tasks to improve students' knowledge and engagement of AI and robotics in food studies courses.Objective #3: Implement, evaluate, and modify the instructional materials for a combined total of six food studies courses at two land-grant universities.Objective #4: Advance faculty readiness and teaching competence through effective, up-to-date interactive educational materials to teach principles, practices, and AI in the food industry, utilizing an approach based on Bloom's taxonomy.Deliverables include: (1) enhanced food studies course curricula with AI and robotics knowledge; (2) practical experiences with operating service robots; and (3) educational resources for food industry educators. An outside project evaluator will assess the effectiveness of the improved curricula. The project will culminate in a free online resource repository
Project Methods
To meet allfour objectives, different methods are applied in each stage:Stage 1: Content analysis will be used to summarize AI and robotics applicationsin food supply chain. Field observations will be conducted in 5 segments of the food supply chain,including farms, food manufacturing plants, food distribution companies, food retailing, and foodservice operations. The 360-degree cameras will be used during the field trips to record AI and robotics utilization for video development. In-depth interviews and surveys will be conducted with food industry professionals and AI and robotics technology company representatives who work with the food industry through fieldwork to identify the skill gaps and needs for future food professionals related to AI and robotics. AndIn-depth interviews and surveys will be conducted withfaculty and students in food science and foodservice-related majors to identify the current implementation of AI and robotics materials and their perceptions of the applicationsof AI and robotics in the food industry.Stage 2: Aprofessional video editor will work with the PI and CO-PIs to develop 360-degree virtual videos.The PI and CO-PIs will utilize service robots from Bear Robotics to develop experiential learning activities and real-life problem-solving activities in the food retail andservice industries.Existing food studies courses will be used to develop and test the education modules.Stage 3:Pilot implementation will be conducted by the PI, Co-PIs, and other faculty at K-State and Penn State in baccalaureate courses in hospitality management. The PI and CO-PIs will gather feedback to improve the developed educational materials and instruments.A baseline assessment will be conducted among students who will participate in the program to gauge their pre-program knowledge, attitude, motivation, self-efficacy, and skill level by the outside project evaluator. The project evaluator will perform three additional end of semester evaluations and a post-program assessment.Stage 4: A webpage will be developed on the K-State and Penn State websites to disseminate and share educational resources about AI and robotics in the food industry.