Source: PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2024
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCST]- 1890s Scholarships
Recipient Organization
P.O. Box 519, MS 2001
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
As a result of the projected shortage of human capital trained with degrees in the food, agricultural and related sciences, particularly among blacks and other minorities, this project will serve as a magnet to draw some of those into this field of study. PVAMU will particularly target underserved and under represented populations and limited resource clientele and prepare this population to participate effectively in teaching, research and extension. By targeting and preparing scholars for success in the food and agricultural careers, the College will promote a reputation of being a student magnet by providing a gateway to opportunities and assist in meeting the needs of USDA/NIFA in achieving its goal of a highly skilled and diversified workforce.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
001 - Administration;

Subject Of Investigation
0001 - Administration;

Field Of Science
1000 - Biochemistry and biophysics;
Goals / Objectives
The USDA has determined that there is a shortage of human capital trained in degrees to fill agriculture and related vacancies now and in the future. It is noted that individuals of color are not entering the workforce in many of these career pathways. This project will serve as a catalyze and target underserved and underrepresented populations and limited resource clientele that are potential employees who would are not likely to pursue these careers pathways otherwise. By targeting and preparing scholars for success in food and agricultural careers, the College will promote its reputation as a student a magnet by providing a gateway to opportunities and assist the USDA/NIFA in meeting its goal of diversifying its workforce. Project success will be measured based on student self-assessment surveys, student evaluations, and academic records, including retention and graduation. This project will provide scholarships to support the recruitment, engaging, retaining, mentoring and training of undergraduate students at Prairie View A&M University, resulting in baccalaureate degrees in the food and agricultural sciences and leading to a highly skilled food and agricultural systems workforce. Measurable objectives will include. 1) Increased number of studentsrecruited, retained, graduated and placed in employment in the food and agricultural sciences workforce. 2) Increased number of students participating in high-impact experiences such as undergraduate research, education abroad and internships. 3) Increased student retention and graduation within the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
Project Methods
This project will support scholars with full or partial scholarships, provide mentoring activities, workshops and will increase scholars's participation in high-impact experiences( education abroad, internships, research projects designed to enhance their career readiness upon graduation and to supplement their classroom/theoretical educational experiences. As a result of participation in these activities scholars professional competencies will be enhanced. Measurement of professional competencies will be achieved through pre-test, formative and summative approaches through self-assessment and evaluation by project staff utilizing research-based assessment tools.A monthly structured mentoring will be used to monitor and measure scholars progress and performance. The PVAMU office of Career and Outreach services will provide assistance in evaluation of student career competencies. Recruitment of scholars will target a number of identified scholars who will assist in promoting the program. These schools offer FFA programs wherein many of their students proceed to pursue food and agricultural sciences as careers of choice.