Source: DARCY SOLUTIONS INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2024
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.6]- Rural & Community Development
Recipient Organization
EXCELSIOR,MN 553317758
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Buildings contribute about a third of global energy consumption and a quarter of CO2 emissions, and heating and cooling constitute approximately 38% of building energy consumption. Emissions associated with electricity use have been decreasing since approximately 2007 due to reductions in emissions from electricity generation; however, emissions associated with direct use of fossil fuels in buildings have increased over this same period. These non-point source emissions are challenging to address. Achieving meaningful and cost-effective reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a critical need of both the public and private sectors. Communities are actively seeking solutions to meet their aggressive GHG reduction goals. Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) represent the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly heating and cooling solution currently available for many applications.Rural America confronts distinctive challenges and opportunities in the crucial endeavor of decarbonizing building heating and cooling systems. Energy burden, defined as the percentage of household income spent on energy bills, is 33% higher in rural areas than urban areas in the United States. The dispersed nature of rural communities demands adaptable technologies capable of catering to various environmental conditions. These challenges also present opportunities for innovation, as the integration of decentralized renewable energy sources, such as geothermal heat exchange, aligns seamlessly with the natural resources abundant in many rural regions. Decarbonizing building heating and cooling in rural areas not only mitigates environmental impact but also contributes to energy independence, economic revitalization, and enhanced resilience in the face of climate change. Addressing these challenges requires a thoughtful, context-specific approach that recognizes and leverages the unique characteristics of rural AmericaThe overall goals of this project are to perform research that will further advance the Darcy Solutions geothermal submerged closed loop heat exchanger system. We will develop innovative new borehole characterization methodologies to optimize the design and installation of our innovative techology. We will develop a new heat exchanger that will significantlyt increase the amount of thermal exchange that can be achieved in a single borehole. We will also map the rural communities best suited to benefit from our innovative renewable energy heating and cooling technology. This project closely aligns with the USDA program goals to address climate change and promote climate-resiliency in rural America, while also providing economic benefits through greater energy independence and reduced costs.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The major goals of this project are to perform research that will further advance the Darcy Solutions geothermal submerged closed loop heat exchanger (SCLHE) system and to map/analyze the rural communities best suited to benefit from our innovative renewable energy heating and cooling technology. The specific objectives that we will undertake to achieve the major project goals are summarized below:Objective 1: Develop/test the next generation of our geothermal SCLHE. To accomplish Objective 1, we will design/test new hollow rod heat exchanger prototypes, model/analyze the prototype test results, and field test the prototypes in our on-site test wells.Objective 2: Develop/test a purpose-built packer for intraborehole sealing. To accomplish Objective 2, we will test commercially available borehole seal/packers, design a prototype specific to the Darcy system, and field test the prototype packer.Objective 3: Develop new borehole characterization methodologies specific to our technology. To accomplish Objective 3, we will test commercially available borehole logging tools, develop/test the borehole characterization protocol, and develop a model to determine key system design parameters.Objective 4: Conduct mapping/analysis of the rural communities best suited to benefit from our technology and evaluate the associated environmental and economic benefits. To accomplish Objective 4, we will perform an energy load analysis of rural applications for geothermal SCLHE and map alignment to local geologic favorability.
Project Methods
This project includes several different areas of work with different methods. We will develop new equipment to be installed in boreholes to facilitate thermal exchange. The methods for this include designing the components, building prototypes, and testing the prototypes. Success will be measured by performance of these new components compared to our existing solution. Another activity is developing new borehole characterization techniques. The equipment used for this activity is commercially available, but we will develop innovative new protocols and test them in well-characterized boreholes to validate their effectiveness. Finally, another activity is mapping and analyzing new geographies to find the intersection between geologically suitable regions for our technology and key rural communities that could benefit from the technology.