Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Veterinary shortages are occurringthroughout the country and large animal veterinarians (veterinarians that practice on large, food producing animals) are especially impacted in rural areas. Animal agriculture in rural America is one of the main staples of our agriculture and food producing system. Without the knowledge and expertiseof veterinarians, farmers often struggle to provide optimal care for their animals while trying to make a business that is profitable enough to be sustainable. With the help of veterinarians, farmers can optimize the healthand performance of theiranimals, and then increase their profitability.By providing care to the rural, agricultural community of Northwestern Wisconsin, I will be contributing to the sustainabilityand longevity of animal agriculture in Northern Wisconsin.Funding from this project will be utilized to construct an ambulatoryveterinary practice. I will be equippedto care for animals on-farm and provide services to optimize animal health. First, I will establish my client base by offering my immediate services for vaccinating, herd health and milk quality consulting. Since funding will have supported the purchase of equipment, I will have lower overhead. If producers are hesitant to utilize a service because they are unsure of the economic return, I can offer, for the first year, a reduced rate. This way, they can appreciate the economic return but have little financial risk involved in the process. I will continue to provide support and education for local county fairs, 4H and FFA associations. I will be able to gauge success based on utilization of services and the success each producer experiences. I can measure their success by monitoring and measuring herd specific pregnancy rates, live births, number of sick calves, quality of milk and number of sick/treated animals. Many farmers, if not all, are using some type of data entry system that can be used to monitor success and progress and we, the farmer and the veterinarian, team up to build a financially sustainable and successful operation.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
3) Laboratory Equipment purchase: Ultrasound, Microscope, Incubator, Blood Chemistry Analyzer, radiograph equipment?
Project Methods
Evaluation of the project will be conducted through monitoring the number of dairy, beef and small ruminant clients/producers in the practice and the various services provided to those producers as reported through aveterinary software program. Sucess on farm can be measured through DHI records, Dairycomp 305 records or whatever other animal record/data collection system producers utilize.