Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Project New Village, a Black-led, community-rooted nonprofit, will lead an intergenerational project that addresses food- and nutrition-insecurity in communities where redlining and structural racist policies and practices have resulted in inequitable access to healthy foods. The project will increase the availability and consumption of healthy, hyper-local food by: 1) collaborating with a local high school Culinary Arts program to develop young people's capacity to prepare value-added and pre-packaged products; 2) enhancing future nutrition workers' ability to meet the needs of food- and nutrition-insecure residents as they develop educational materials and provide brief nutritional health literacy sessions; 3) overcoming households' and older residents' food shopping constraints by bringing healthy food to neighborhood locations via a mobile farmers' market andproduce subscription packs; and, 4) developing marketing campaigns and materials that support community food sovereignty by encouraging residents to spend their money within their own community to reduce economic leakage. Using data from student and customer surveys, the project will demonstrate impact on food availabilty andfood- and nutrition-insecurityin low-income neighborhoods of color.The project will result in a healthier and more self-reliant community, demonstrating how healthy, hyper-local food can be prepared, distributed, and enjoyed within a community to reduce food and nutrition insecurity in the immediate- and long-term.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
Goal 1: Expand The People's Produce Mobile Farmers Market (PPMFM) offerings to include locally-made, value-added products to increase food security and alleviate food shopping constraints.Objective 1. Plan production and packaging of value-added products at the beginning of each semester.Objective 2: Ninety (90) Culinary Arts students will prepare five (5) value-added/prepacked foods for sale each semester.Objective 3: Survey Culinary Arts students at the end of each semester regarding their experience preparing value-added products and gaining entrepreneurial skills.Objective 4: Each semester, track number of students, number and type of value-added products made, and revenue generated as a result of value-added products.Goal 2: Launch Hyper-Local Produce & Value-Added Products Packs (Hyper-Local Packs) to increase nutrition security and reduce shopping constraints amongst area residents, including seniors.Objective 1: Recruit, orient, hire & train New Hyper-Local Produce and Products Coordinator.Objective 2: Develop an outreach plan to local senior centers and other prospective groups.Objective 3: Plan contents & costs of Hyper-Local Packs, incorporating customer feedback from surveys after initial distribution.Objective 4: Organize and oversee biweekly volunteers to package Hyper-Local Packs.Objective 5: Distribute Hyper-Local Packs and survey customers regarding their satisfaction.Objective 6: Track number of Hyper-Local Pack ordered and number of individuals/households placing orders throughout the grant term.Goal 3: Promote Hyper-Local Value-added Products and Hyper-Local Packs via attractive marketing materials to encourage consumption of healthy, locally-grown and prepared food.Objective 1: Develop Marketing Campaigns for Value-Added Products and Hyper-Local Packs each semester to increase awareness of, and demand for, locally-grown and locally-prepared foods.Objective 2: Collaborate with Morse High School to promote products to area families.Objective 3: Promote Hyper-Local Packs to seniors and other demographic groups.Objective 4: Analyze sales and customer response to marketing of products via social media posts, fliers, mailers, etc.Objective 5: Work with SDSU nutrition students each semester to develop nutrition education materials specific to value-added products and to create recipes that reflect the contents of Hyper-Local Packs.
Project Methods
1. Value-Added Products:Surveys will be developed to learn about students'experiences preparing value-added products and whether or not they gained entrepreneurial skills.Project success will be measured by the number of student participants, the number of value-added products made, the percentage of students who report gaining entrepreneurial skills, and the amount of revenue generated via student-made value-added products each semester. We will consider the project successful if at the end of the grant term:a)roughly 450 student participate; b) 85% ofstudentsreport gaining entrepreneurial skills; c)25 new locally-prepared value-added products are sold; and d) revenue is generated to support the Culinary Arts program and/or its students.2. Hyper-Local Packs: Surveys will be devleloped to learn aboutcustomer perceptions related to the appeal, utility, and price points of value-added products and Hyper Local Packs. We will consider the project succesful if at the end of the grant term: a) 1,000 hyper local packs are distributed to at least 100 individuals/households;b) the packs are well-received; and c) hyper-lcoal packs generate revenue that can defer at least some of the fixed costs associate withoperating the program.3. Marketing materials; Marketing materials (social media posts, mailings, posters, etc.)will be created for value-added products and Hyper-Local Packs. We will consider the project successful if at the end of the grant term: a) the number of people served increases; and, b) collaborative marketing campaigns both with i) Morse High School, and ii)focused on Hyper-Local Packs, are succesful in attracting new customers.