Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Eliada Campus Farms propose to organize and execute the Buncombe County Community Food System Planning (BCCFSP). The BCCFSP will bring together members of the community to be served (low-income families) and members of the county's food supply and distribution chain. Monthly meetings of the Collaborative that will be formed will focus the attention on a needs assessment resulting in the Strategic Plan. The outcome of the BCCFSP is a strategic plan with a timeline of accomplishing key activities to improve the food and nutrition of low-income households in Buncombe County.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
1. Assess food insecurity problems and evaluate existing services in the community to determine necessary strategies for responding to unmet needs.2. Establish a group of individuals, including low-income participants, to develop and implement policies and programs that combat food insecurity, to monitor responsiveness of existing services, and to address underlying causes and factors related to hunger.3. Participate in federally assisted nutrition programs that should be easily accessible to targeted populations, such as Federal programs that provide school breakfast, school lunch, summer food, childcare food, and food for homeless and older individuals.4. Effectively integrating public and private resources, including local businesses, to alleviate food insecurity.5. Have available information and referral services for accessing both public and private programs and services.6. Coordinate food services with park and recreation programs and other community-based outlets to which residents of the area would have easy access.7. Improve public transportation, human service agency resources, and food resources to comprehensively address barriers to food security.8. Offer an educational component dedicated to food needs of the community and the need for increased local citizen participation in activities to alleviate food insecurity.9. Have nutrition education programs for low-income citizens to enhance good food purchasing and food-preparation skills and to heighten awareness of the connection between diet and health.10. Formalize a program for collecting and distributing nutritious food, either agricultural commodities in farmers' fields or foods that have already been prepared and would otherwise be wasted.
Project Methods
Monthly meetings anddata collection from community members, farms, and distribution organizations for the needs assessment. Creating a strategic plan based on the needs assessment.