Performing Department
College of Agriculture
Non Technical Summary
The goal of this one-year professional development project is to increase the research capacity of the PI in complex system mathematical modeling in natural resource systems with emphasis on adaptation, resilience, and sustainability. This is important to meet the challenges of increasing demands in food-water-energy sectors exacerbated with environmental changes (e.g., climate and land-use changes) and limited resources. The long-term goal of the PI is to develop a center for the study of complex systems focusing on natural resources.The objectives of this project are to(1) Develop collaborations and network with researchers working in complex systems modeling.(2) Build PI's capacity in complex system mathematics for application to natural resource science and engineering.The three collaborators are Dr. Benjamin Zaitchik (John Hopkins University); Dr. Preetam Ghosh (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Dr. Jules Pretty (University of Essex).The activities of the professional development will be broadly in three phases (pre-project, project and post-project phases). The three hosts were identified in the pre-project phase, The PI will visit the collaborators in-person and virtually for 2 to 8 weeks duration. The PI plans to understand several complex system mathematical approaches suitable for application to natural resource systems. Four months of PI salary and travel to visit hosts are provided.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this one-year professional development project is to increase the resarch capacity of the PI in complex system mathematical modeling in natural resource systems with emphasis on adaptation, resilience, and sustainability.
Project Methods
The methods involved with professional development activities will be through:Meetings: Face-to-face meetings during site visits as well as virtual meetings via zoom with collaborators and their research group members. The PI will physically meet collaborators (Drs. Zaitchik and Ghosh) and interact their research group members. She will also remotely work through zoom meetings. The PI will remotely work with collaborator Dr. Pretty. Alternating between physical proximity with remote proximity will promote better communication and co-ordination; optimizing the cost of travel and allow time to learn and consider how to sustain improvements. The PI will have regular online meetings with the three collaborator.Emails and phone conversations: Brief correspondences such as clarifications, sharing materials will be through emails and telephone.Reading materials,appropriate software and courses: The PI will utilize materials (e.e.g, journal articles, books), short coursesand software suggested by collaborators to better understand complex system mathematical approaches for application to natural resource science and engineering.Site visits: The PI will visit the labs of two collaborators (Drs. Zaitchik and Ghosh) for a duration of two to eight weeks. If possible, visit Dr. Pretty or other potential collaborators outside the United States.