Source: ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
May 1, 2024
Project End Date
Apr 30, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[EP]- Teaching Project
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Biostatistics is vital to apply statistical theory to food and agricultural applications, with a vibrant market for trained professionals. We are in the midst of a data revolution, massive data generated daily in agricultural fields need be mined for knowledge. It is predicted the employment of statisticians/data scientists will increase by 30% between 2018-2028, faster than the average for all occupations. AAMU has a plan to developed a Data Science and Analysis MS degree focusing on agricultural applications in the near future. Many students are reluctant to take biostatistical courses due to the hinderances such as perceived difficulties of the subject and complicated technological development.This project is to provide release time for PI to enhance his professional knowledge and skills and to improve his teaching effectiveness though the development and improvement of the course websites. During the project period, PI will a) develop and improve the course websites related to the biostatistics and b) participate professional trainings of R and SAS programs for data management and analysis. The project will enhance the biostatistical program and develop the foundation for a data science and analysis MS degree at AAMU for training the next generation of agricultural science workforce, particularly minorities.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Biostatistics is vital to apply statistical theory to food and agricultural applications, with a vibrant market for trained professionals. We are in the midst of a data revolution, massive data generated daily in agricultural fields need be mined for knowledge. It is predicted the employment of statisticians/data scientists will increase by 30% between 2018-2028, faster than the average for all occupations. AAMU plans to developed a Data Science MS degree focusing on agricultural applications in the near future. Many students are reluctant to take biostatistical courses due to the hinderances such as perceived difficulties of the subject and complicated technological development. The PI has contributed significantly to the biostatistics program at AAMU, carrying a full load of teaching and research each semester, has advised >25 MS/PhD students worked in his lab and served as a committee member for >100 other graduate students, but has had no release time for professional development or sabbatical leave since joined AAMU in 2001. The goal of this project is to strengthen the graduate biostatistical program and develop the foundation for the future data science program at AAMU by providing release time for PI to a) improve the effectiveness of the biostatistical courses by developing course websites and b) participate professional trainings and certifications of R and SAS programs for data management and analysis. The project will enhance the biostatistical program and develop the foundation for a data science MS degree at AAMU for training the next generation of agricultural science workforce, particularly minorities.
Project Methods
This professional development grant is to provide release time for PI to a) improve the effectiveness of the biostatistical courses and b) professional trainings of using R and SAS statistical software.A website for each biostatistical course will be developed using the Blackboard Ultra, an online teaching platform of AAMU; the website will include all course related materials, such as syllabuses, lecture presentations, chapter exercises, videos related to the topics, external links for online resources, real world examples, discussion board, live-chat, assessment tools such as homework, quizzes and test examples that are aligned with learning rubrics, progress tracking, statistical software, and analysis procedures, etc.PIwill take R software trainings through the "Data Analysis in R" program of Cornell University and the SAS software workshops organized by SASĀ® Inc.