Source: ARS-USDA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Mar 1, 2024
Project End Date
Jan 7, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1102]- Foundational Knowledge of Agricultural Production Systems
Project Director
Ling, K.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This proposal is to request a financial support to help us in organizing the "2024 Joint National Workshop on Sustainable Development of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)" expected to be held in Charleston, SC on July 9-12, 2024. This is a series of CEA meetings organized by the joint committee of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) starting from the 2018 inaugural meeting at USDA in Washington D.C., followed by an extraordinarily successful meeting held at the Biosphere 2 in Arizona in 2019 and a virtual meeting in 2021. The most recent meeting was held on the campus of University of Toledo in June 2023 with over 120 registered participants. It was decided to make this series of meetings as an annual event and Charleston, SC was elected to host the fifth meeting in 2024. The USDA-ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in collaboration with Clemson University will serve as local organizers. The proposed 2024 joint nation workshop on CEA would further the federal government's mission, with the goal to help the struggling U.S. CEA industry recovery to be a stronger and sustainable food production system. We expect to have 100 participants to attend this national meeting in 2024, with two days of intensive scientific presentations, one day of educational field tour and a half day discussion to develop a coordinated agricultural project (CAP) grant proposal. Expected outcomes of this meeting are to generate a workshop report to offer a comprehensive overview on the current state of CEA industry in the U.S., name the challenges, opportunities and needs for research and organize a team of scientists in developing a future CAP grant. This conference grant is related to the program area priority on "Foundational Knowledge of Sustainable Agricultural Systems" (Code A1102) to generate public information on CEA knowledge and technology to support stakeholders in the U.S.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The objective of this workshop is to demonstrate the federal government's support on controlled environment agriculture (CEA), coordinate research efforts,exchangeinnovativeideas,and share scientificinformation andpersonalexperiences toadvancethe CEAresearch anddevelopment in the U.S.and around the world.
Project Methods
The 2024 Joint CEA Workshop will be held in Charleston, SC. Dr. Kai-Shu Ling from USDA-ARS will collaborate with his colleagues: Dr. W. Patrick Wechter of the Clemson University and Shaker Kousik of USDA-ARS in Charleston, SC to serve as local organizers for this meeting.The scientific program will be jointly developed by the scientific program committee consisting of 24 representatives from various federal agencies from USDA (ARS, OSEC, NIFA and NRCS), DOE, NASA and Clemson University.The 2024 joint conference on CEA will be held inthe Francis Marion Hotel located onthe center of beautiful and historic downtown Charleston.The meeting will be held on 07/09/2024-07/12/2024.With enough hotel room occupancy and food service by the hotel, we will get a free conference hall to accommodate 100-150 participants for meeting presentations and discussions. The food and beverage (two lunches, one evening reception and four coffee breaks) are estimated to be around $25K for the first 2 days, the cost for an educational field tour (shuttle buses, lunches, and beverages) on the third day ($10K) and one coffee break for project discussion and coordination on the final day ($1000). We may also consider reimbursing on travel costs for some of the invited speakers who expressedthe need for financial support(5 x $2000).The scientific programs will be conducted in the first two days (July 9th-10th). After the opening remarks by the agency heads and congressional representatives in the morning of the first day, the oral presentations or panel discussionwill be presented by invited speakers on various topics. The scientific program committee has developed a comprehensive program with 11tentativetopic sessions as shown in the following, each with 4 invited speakers.CEA industry stakeholder discussion to identify the challenges and opportunities.Innovative technologies on artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation.Artificial light efficiency to improve photosynthesis and renewable energy.Water quality, hydroponic nutrient efficiency, and growth media.Plant breeding and adaptation to CEA with clean plant and certified seedPest and disease surveillance and management, and microbiome.Food processing, quality, safety, and nutritionMarketing, food distribution and social economic impactFederal funding opportunities for CEA research and developmentHow innovation happens in CEA?Onsite/nearby energy and renewable integrationThe educational field tour will be held on the third day (July 11th). With two chartered buses, visitors will be picked up from the Francis Marion Hotel in the early morning at 8:00 am, with 3 stops on the field tour. The first stop is at the USDA-ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory with touring to the indoor CEA facilities (16 converted shipping containers, or PODS), interacting with scientists and staff on live exhibits and demonstrations in the main laboratory and research greenhouses. We will then board the buses and cross the highway to visit the Clemson University's Coastal Research & Education Center on their greenhouse CEA facilities. The second stop is a tour of a local historic plantation with agriculture demonstrations (Boone Hall Plantation, lunch there). The last stop of the day is to visit AmplifiedAG (a local CEA company who design and engineer CEA shipping containers for indoor crop production and scientific research) and tour its engineering and construction facilities.The final half day (morning of July 12th) will be held at the Francis Marion Hotel for those scientists who are interested in discussion to identify the needs for research, coordination and organization of teams of researchers for further discussion to develop a coordinated agricultural project proposal to be submitted to the NIFA programs (i.e., SCRI) in FY2025.

Progress 03/01/24 to 01/07/25

Target Audience:The target audiences were 184 registered participants who attended the 2024 controlled environment agriculture (CEA) workshop in Charleston, SC on July 9-12, 2024, which far exceed the original goal of 100 people. Most of the participants were researchers from land-grant universities and other academic institutions and R&D scientists from private CEA companies, including CEA Alliance. Several agency leaderships were invited to offer their support to CEA industry in their opening remarks, including USDA-REE Deputy Under Secretary, ARS Deputy Administrator, NASA's Division Director, DOE Senior Technical Advisor, the Center Director of the Clemson University's Coastal Research and Education Center, and the Executive Director of CEA Alliance. In addition, a post-meeting report was presented to the USDA Urban and Innovative Agriculture Interagency Committee (60 members) and another invited presentation at the North Dakota CEA Conference in Fargo, ND with another 50 members, including several tribal representatives fromthe State of North Dakota. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The 2024 National CEA workshop offered a valuable platform and opportunities for networking and collaboration by bringing together 184 participants from federal and state governmental agencies, academic researchers and private industry representatives. Several graduate students, postdoctoral associates and early career scientists were participated in the presentations and discussions. After the meeting, the PD was invited to give an overview of the 2024 National CEA Workshop to the USDA urban agriculture and innovation internal committee meeting virtually and offer an in-person presentation at the first North Dakota CEA Conference in Fargo, ND. Several grant applications had been submitted, including a USDA-NIFA AFRI application, another application to the NSF Foundational Research on Robotics program and a pre-proposal to the USDA-NIFA SCRI program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have attracted 184 strong participants nationwide and some internationally to the 2024 National CEA workshop in Charleston, SC, with approximately one third coming from the U.S. CEA industry, anther one third from academic institutions and the rest one third from governmental agencies. In addition, the PD was invited to make presentations to the USDA urban Agriculture and Innovation internal advisory committee meeting and the 2024 North Dakota CEA conference to reach out to tribal communities in that region. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The project has been completed and all the goals were successfully accomplished.

What was accomplished under these goals? The national CEA workshop series was organized by federal agencies including USDA-DOE-NASA, in collaboration with public academic universities. In 2018, the inaugural meeting was held at the USDA headquarter in Washington D.C. In 2019, in collaboration with the University of Arizona, a successful meeting was held at the Biosphere 2 in Arizona. In 2021, a virtual CEA meeting was held on-line due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. In 2023, a joint CEA workshop was organized by USDA-ARS at the University of Toledo, with over 120 participants. In 2024, in partnership with Clemson University, USDA-ARS organized a joint national workshop on CEA in Charleston, SC with 184 registered participants. The 2024 meeting was the fifth in the series. We have 2 days technical presentations with 11 specific topics. On the Day-1 (July 9, 2024), excellent opening remarks were offered by the USDA-REE Deputy Under Secretary; followed by the USDA-ARS Deputy Administrator for Crop Production and Protection; Division Director of theNASA Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS), Senior Technical Advisor for Department of Energy Undersecretary of Science and Energy; Director of Clemson University's Coastal Research & Education Center; and the Executive Director of the CEA Alliance. The specific topics at the 2024 CEA workshop in the first two days include 1). CEA industry stakeholder discussion to identify the challenges and opportunities; 2). Onsite/nearby energy and renewable integration; 3) Innovation in Controlled Environment Agriculture: Learning from Experience; 4). Innovative technologies on artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation; 5). Federal funding opportunities for CEA research and development; 6). Artificial light efficiency to improve photosynthesis; 7). Water and CEA: a complicated relationship; 8). Plant breeding, adaptation and trialing varieties for CEA; 9) Managing pests, diseases and microbiome; 10). Food processing, quality, safety, and nutrition.; and 11). Marketing, food distribution and social economic impact. In addition, a poster session was held with 22 posters. To enhance hands-on experience, we also organized a field educational tour on the Day-3 (July 11, 2024) with nearly 100 people participating, to tour a CEA shipping container manufacturing company (AmplifiedAg), a conventional field vegetable producer (Ambrose Family Farms), the Clemson University greenhouse and field vegetable productions, and the USDA-ARS research facilities and indoor CEA vertical farming for research. Discussion on the needs for research was held in the morning on the Day-4 (July 12, 2024). The needs for research identified are: 1). Energy efficiency (renewable energy and home indoor gardening); 2). Robotics (pollination, pruning and harvesting, even cleaning and disinfection); 3). Genetic and breeding for CEA (screening germplasm and adaptation in CEA); 4). Foods as medicines (specialty crops with health benefits to consumers); 5). Pests, diseases and pollinators (prevention, protection and biocontrol); 6). Microbiome and beneficial micros (protecting and promoting crop production); 7). Phytonutrient analysis, proteomic and metabolomic (health benefits to consumers); and 8). Social economic impact of CEA (lowering the barrier of the CEA technology so the public can benefit from it).
