Source: UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 15, 2022
Project End Date
Jun 14, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7201]- AFRI Post Doctoral Fellowships
Recipient Organization
TUCSON,AZ 85719-4824
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Bacterial plant pathogens result in crop death and loss of arable land. Ralstonia solanacearum, which causes bacterial wilt in a wide range of economically and nutritionally relevant crops, can persist in water and soil in the absence of a host, limiting future production in infested soil. Further, this pathogen can be carried asymptomatically in ornamental plants that are imported commercially, representing a threat for the introduction of Select Agent strain of this pathogen into the US. Due to extraordinary genetic diversity within the Ralstonia solanacearum species, developing universally resistant plant lines is challenging, however basic research on pathogen-host interaction has led to effect pathogen management strategies that limit disease outbreak. Many motile soil-dwelling bacteria, including Ralstonia solanacearum, use a swimming behavior called chemotaxis to move toward attractant (and away from repellent) chemical sources. Chemicals exuded from plant roots act as attractants that are specifically sensed by bacteria, allowing them to find and colonize roots in the soil. The pathogen preferentially moves towards host plant roots over nonhost plant roots. Importantly, mutants of Ralstonia solanacearum that are not chemotactic are unable to colonize host plants from the soil making chemotaxis an interesting target for pathogen control.Chemotaxis is driven by dozens of protein receptors on the bacterial surface that each recognize a unique suite of chemical attractants. Using innovative genetic techniques, we aim to identify receptors and chemical signals sensed by Ralstonia solanacearum that allow them to locate and infect host roots (tomato, melon, and New Guinea impatiens). In this study, we will compare the chemotaxis of two strains, one with a broad host range (known to infect tomato, melon and New Guinea impatiens) and one with a narrow host range (only known to infect tomato). We expect to identify receptors that broadly recognize plant roots and that recognize host specific signals. Further, we aim to identify the role these receptors play in pathogenic fitness of Ralstonia solanacaerum and how disruption of these receptors affects the ability of the bacteria to infect plants. In the long term, this research will generate targets and methods for biological and chemical control of this economically devastating pathogen, which will protect crops from infection and potentially restore infected soil.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
212 - Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants;

Subject Of Investigation
4010 - Bacteria;

Field Of Science
1040 - Molecular biology;
Goals / Objectives
The overall goal of project is to determine the role that chemotaxis toward specific root exudate chemicals plays in Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) host specificity and translate knowledge of receptor specificity to disrupt Rs pathogenicity. To accomplish this goal, we will (1) analyze tomato root exudates to identify abundant and phenolic chemicals found in the root exudates and cross-reference this data with the chemotactic profiles of the model Rs strains PSI07 and IBSBF1503. We previously identified ligands of Ralstonia chemoreceptors and generated mutatns of these receptors, we will use in planta soil soak assays to compare and compete wild-type strains against receptor mutants for root colonization in tomoto.
Project Methods
Standard chemotaxis assays will be used as well as several innovative approaches including cell tracking video analyses, and linking hybrid chemoreceptor proteins to quantifiable outputs (lacZ, fluorescence). LC/MS will be used for any metabolomic analyses. Standard soil soak inoculation assays will be performed for in planta experiments.Efforts: Laboratory instruction by faculty scientist. Formal preparation of results for peer review and dissimination at confereneces by the Faculty ScientistEvaluations: Publications, communication of research at conferences, dataset of chemoattractant profiles of model strains, dataset of chemical specificities of chemoreceptors

Progress 06/15/23 to 06/14/24

Target Audience:During this project, broad scientific audiences were targeted by the PD. First, unpublished results were shared with scientific audiences within and beyond the PI's home institution (University of California Davis, and then University of Arizona). The scientific audiences reached during this project included researchers and scientists in the fields of microbial physiology, plant pathology, and microbial genomics. This project focuses on a fundamental understanding of Ralstonia solanacearum physiology, and a detailed understanding of this physiology could ultimately be leveraged to control this destructive pathogen. Ralstonia solanacearum is a persistent pest in tomato growing areas in SE US and there is an ongoing threat of introduction of select agent strains from asymptomatic ornamental imports. As such this work was also communicated through oral presentations with extension specialists interested in soil microbiomes and biocontrol research. This research was presented at 3 major conferences, at 5 different institutions departmental seminar series, and at several small colloquia in Davis and externally. The colloquia audiences were largely undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral audiences. During this project, several UCD undergraduates, and junior specialists participated in in-lab training and experimentation related to this project. At University of Arizona, undergraduates and graduate students are leveraging this data for further study as they join the Schomer Lab. Further, graduate trainees were targeted and educated about chemosensing in these plant pathogens in guest lectures and experimental demos at the Marine Biological Laboratory. As proposed a research-based course module was piloted in which students would screen chemoreceptors against an array of potential chemical ligands. This was piloted through the Microbial Diversity Course. Data was acquired by students in the course and this data is being leveraged in ongoing projects. This pilot provided valuable information about how this research technique can be leveraged into a successful CURE. Changes/Problems:As discussed in previous progress reports, the RB TnSeq experimental design ultimately had a significant bottleneck that limited the discovery that could have emerged from this powerful technique. This bottleneck contributed to the PDs and Sponsors ability to design improved experiments to bypass this bottleneck in the future, and exploit alternative selective pressures that will get at the same questions. For that reason, the work in the second and final progress periods focused on pursuing the functional screen (chimeric chemoreceptors in the fluorescent biosensors) and comparative genomics/metabolomics. Further, the pandemic limited the ability of the PD to initiate the CURE as planned originally. Rather than several iterations of the CURE, a pilot CURE was tested in 2022 and 2023 and a curriculum designed for future work. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The original proposal indicated that the PD would pursue professional development to further her career. These goals were accomplished, the PD established an online twitter presence and a professional website to communicate her research and build professional community. Further, the PD was able to develop a curriculum for a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience and pilot that CURE through the Microbial Diversity Course at MBL. The PD mentored an undergraduate and two junior specialists during the project, two of which have moved on to a plant-focused research program, the other to a medically focused post graduate school. Finally, the PD has obtained a tenure-track position and transitioned into a leadership role at a new Univeristy.. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The scientific progress of the project was presented at multiple conferences including APS (which targeted plant scientists, plant pathologists, and extension professionals), Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics (which targeted microbial phyiologist, geneticists, and genomicists), as well as several external institutions including NCSU, RIT, Virginia Tech, Purdue, UArizona and UC Davis. Importantly, this work has reached the broader international Ralstonia community, as the PD presented her work at an oral presentation at the International Bacterial Wilt Sympoisum in Uruguay. This symposium targets both extension specialists and basic/applied researchers in the field of Ralstonia. The work was presented also at symposia and workshops targeting graduate and postdoctoral researchers. Finally, the data described and analyzed above is currently being drafted into manuscripts that will be submitted for peer review and further reach communities of interest. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The goal of this project is to understand the role of chemotaxis (or the directional movement of bacteria towards specific chemicals) in the life cycle and pathogenesis of the plant pathogen, Ralstonia. Chemotactic behavior is a critical step in the infection of many nutritionally and economically relevant host plants by this particularly destructive pathogen. During this project period, root exudate samples were collected and metabolomic analyses were performed on the samples. Samples were taken over time and in replicates, using fabricated ecosystems, allowing for noninvasive and reproducible comparisons of multiple plants at different life stages. These exudates were found to be both growth substrate and attractants to the model Ralstonia strains. These exudate samples are currently under analysis. Targeted analyses revealed a small subset of target chemicals, while untargeted analyses generated a much larger pool of chemical data. The targeted chemicals have been incorporated into HTS and chemotaxis assays, while the untargeted analyses are being analyzed in greater detail to generate a subset of target chemicals for future studies. Further, chemotactic range of all three model Ralstonia strains was tested using individual chemical substrates. Chemicals were targeted based on their report as common plant metabolites. The ranges of the three model systems was variable. The broad-host range Ralstonia strain (IBSBF1503) was chosen as the first strain to proceed with a genomics-driven approach (Randomly Barcoded TransposonSequencing or RB TnSeq) to reveal fitness factors involved in sensing individual chemicals. RB TnSeq is a genome wide screen through which the fitness impact of every gene under variable selective pressures in the entire genome can be evaluated simultaneously Several dozen conditions across several exudates and rich media were tested and analyzed (>90 populations were collected, sequenced, and analyzed). Bottlenecking was discovered as a significant flaw for this experimental design. However, simultaneously, chimeric receptors of the chemoreceptors across all three strains were constructed and inserted into the E. coli reporting strains with lacZ and gfp readouts (44 unique fluorescent biosensors in total across three strains). A protocol was finessed to screen the chimeric receptors in 96-well plate format, using comparative analysis of the chimeras in the established betagalactasidase reporter to the newly designed fluorescent strain. Screens revealed several amino acid sensing chemoreceptors that were followed up on and studied in the original strains. Highly mobile versions of the three model strains were generated by classical enrichments. The whole genomes of these strains were sequenced to ensure any SNPs or mutants were not functionally altering core chemotaxis or flagellar genes. These enriched strains were established as wild-type strains and were shown to infect host plants similarly to the natural isolates by both cut petiole and soil soak inoculation. These strains were confirmed to have more significant chemotactic movement towards test attractants, but not variable chemotactic range from their natural isolate counterpart. The amino acid receptors were deleted from the genomes in all three model strains. Plants were challenged with wild-type and deletion strains to understand the role of each individual amino acid sensor, as well as amino acid sensing in general in plant discovery from the soil. Third, comparative genomics analyses were performed to determine across the RSSC which chemoreceptors are most conserved (core) or variable or cluster to specific phylotypes. This comparative data along with initial screen data has generated targets for downstream studies to continue to map the chemoreceptome of Ralstonia as it relates to host discovery.
