Progress 02/15/24 to 01/07/25
Outputs Target Audience:Students, faculty, food processing and packaging company professionals, educational technology experts, regulatory agency professionals, policy makers Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?More than 10 graduate students and one postdoctoral fellow were involved with various logistics aspects of Conference of Food Engineering and preconference workshops. These students and the postdoctoral fellow assisted with preparation of conference program, book of abstracts, uploading of PowerPoint presentations, Welcome reception, Gala dinner, registartion of participants, pre conference workshops, poster presentations. These students and the postcotoral fellow worked with conference organizers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A detailed conference report was prepared and uploaded on the Society of Food Engineering Website What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The Conference of Food Engineering 2024 (CoFE '24) was held at the Westin Seattle from August 25-28, 2024. Plenary and technical sessions (oral and poster) were organized around the theme: Advancing Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Food Manufacturing and Supply Chain. The organizers represented two Pacific Northwest Land-grant universities: Washington State University (WSU) and Oregon State University(OSU) who worked together with the Society of Food Engineering (SoFE) Executive Committeein organizing and managing the meeting. Nina Willis, Administrative Assistant at WSUassisted with various aspects of the conference including assembly of bags for the participants, at the registration desk of pre-conference workshop and the conference. She was supported by the BSE, WSU and CoFE. Six graduate students fromWSUand OSUserved as volunteers at the registration desk and provided support at plenary and technical sessions. Those volunteers were given free registration to COFE '2024 and free stay at the Westin for 4 nights. A key contributor to the success of CoFE '24 was USDA-NIFA Grant No. 2024-67017-41897, which enabled us to provide various resources to assist student and plenary speaker participation. We were also supported by industrial sponsors: PepsiCo (Platinum Sponsor), ConAgra (Silver Sponsor), Alkar Middleby and General Mills (Bronze Sponsors). Additional sponsorship resources were provided by Elsevier, Travel support for students by the APV Seligman Trust, and technical books were donated by Springer and used for Graduate Poster Competition Awardees.CoFE '24 was a major success, breaking records for the number of abstract submissions and attendance in the SoFE-organized the CoFE era. Historical data are : CoFE 2018: Number of abstract received - 223, Number of registered attendees - 204;CoFE 2022: Number of abstracts received - 238, Number of registered attendees - 222.CoFE 2024: Number of abstracts received - 305, Number of registered attendees - 260.Attendees came from the following countries: USA, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Turkey, UK, France, Italy, Ireland, India, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Austria, Australia, and Israel. Not all those who submitted abstracts were able to attend, due to difficulties in obtaining visa appointments in their respective countries.NIFA support enabled us to provide travel support to 46 students in the form of accommodation for three nights at the Westin Seattle. Thanks to the NIFA grant, we were able to provide accommodation for all students who requested support.The plenary speakers included experts from academia, industry and government.The grant also enabled the participation of plenary speakers and reimbursement of travel expenses.During the conference, a Graduate Student Poster Competition was held, with two categories, Ph.D. students and M.S. students.PepsiCo kindly sponsored 2024 SoFE Young Researcher Award in the amount of $2,500. Important additions to CoFE '24 were four pre-conference workshops on August 25, the City University of Seattle campus. This is the most extensive pre-conference activity we have ever done at CoFEs in the SoFE era. In previous CoFE meetings, we had a maximum of one pre-conference workshop. The expanded activity and attendance (total of 48 registrations, 50% were young faculty members, the rest were graduate students and industrial participants) shows the enthusiasm generated by the extra attendance catalyzed by the NIFA grant. Several students had the opportunity to attend these workshops, where the CoFE '24 student volunteers were provided with free workshop access. The conference organizing committee and SoFE executive team conducted a comprehensive post-conference evaluation about the outcome and impacts of the conference through structured survey questions. The response rate was 32% and 97% were satisfied with the scietific content of the conference. Following is the summary of survey questions and the response: Category: Content and Relevance The plenary session topics meet my expectations as being timely and thought provoking Response Percentages: Positive - 89% Neutral - 5% Negative - 6% How would you rate the technical session topics and the list of talks? Response Percentages: Positive - 96% Neutral - 4% Negative - 0% How would you rate the talks you attended in the technical sessions? Response Percentages: Positive - 95% Neutral - 4% Negative - 1% How would you rate the quality of the posters in terms of science and engineering content? Response Percentages: Positive - 48% Neutral - 42% Negative -1 0% Category: Organization and Logistics How would you rate the communication with attendees prior to conference? Response Percentages: Positive - 80% Neutral - 18% Negative -2% How would you rate the breaks and meals selected for the conference? Response Percentages: Positive - 86% Neutral - 10% Negative - 4% Do you agree with the statement "I did not miss interesting talks because of the four parallel sessions". Response Percentages: Positive - 56% Neutral - 12% Negative - 31% Category: Networking opportunities How satisfied were you with the opportunities to actively engage with the conference attendees? Response Percentages: Positive - 92% Neutral - 4% Negative - 4% Category: Technology and Tools How would you describe the technology used during the conference? Response Percentages: Positive - 89% Neutral - 11% Negative - 0% Category: Satisfaction How satisfied were you with the scientific content of the conference? Response Percentages: Positive - 97% Neutral - 3% Negative - 0% The participant feedback will help improve the outcomes and impacts of future CoFE meetings
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Conference of Food Engineering 2024. Book of Abstracts.