Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 1, 2023
Project End Date
Nov 30, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
[KK]- National Needs Graduate Fellowships Program
Recipient Organization
408 Old Main
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
We will establish one of the first graduate training program at the intersection of microbiome sciences and reproductive biology in agriculturally important animals. Fellows will receive broad training in animal science, physiology, microbiology, immunology, genome science, and bioinformatics. Three 3 PhD fellows will be trained through this program who will participate in research, extension and outreach activities and interact with trainees in multiple participating centers and departments.Fellows will receive a unique and integrated graduate training experience across reproductive biology and microbiomes science with the potential to impact animal agriculture and human health. Graduates will also develop skills and abilities to disseminate research and communicate with the public.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goals and Objectives: We will take advantage of extensive expertise of faculty in reproductive biology and microbiome research at Penn State University to forge and authenticate a new graduate training program in the College of Agricultural Sciences focused on the emerging area of the reproductive microbiome. Work in this field examines how the microbiome interacts with and regulates reproductive processes in production livestock and in insect vectors of disease. A better understanding of these relationships is important for improving animal productivity and health. Faculty in the Center for Reproductive Biology and Health and the Microbiome Center will co-mentor fellows who will be enrolled in the Animal Science, Entomology, or Integrative Physiology graduate programs. Fellows will concurrently be enrolled and complete requirements for the newly established dual title degree in Microbiome Science. In addition to training in the reproductive microbiome, fellows will develop and participate in educational, extension and outreach programming offered through the College of Agricultural Sciences at Penn State to hone their communication skills and interact with outside stakeholders to enhance their future careers.
Project Methods
The project will recruit highly qualified graduate students to complete a PhD degree and training in both reproduction and microbiome science.The trainees will complete a Dual-Title major in their home department (Animal Science or Entomology) and the Dual-Title degree in Microbiome Science. Efforts will be made to recruit a divers cohort and provide them with opportinuties to develop skills and abilities to communicate their work to other professionals na dthe public. A robust evaluation process will track each student and avaluate overall programm success.

Progress 12/01/23 to 11/30/24

Target Audience:Graduate students trained by this project are the main audience affected by these efforts. These students will engage the wider scientific community, producers and the public through presentations and outreach efforts. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Fellowsin theprogram will have access to an extensive network of reproductive biologist and microbiome science researchers in the Center for Reproductive Biology and Health based out of the Animal Sciences Department and the Microbiome Center based in the College of Agricultural Sciences and the Huck Institute for the Life Sciences.Fellows will complete a PhD degree in their major field and a Dual-Title degree in the microbiome sciences.Students will have the opportunity to disseminate their work through various outreach and extension events held on campus and through the College of Agricultural Sciences.Help with project development including workshopson data analysis andconsulting on experimental design in the microbiome sciences will be available for fellows in the program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The main activities for the next reporting period will be to 1) recruit and award 2 more fellowships to complete the training cohort; 2) begin to build bridges among the student cohort and PDs through participation in shared outreach events and presentation of student research findings at intramural and regional and national meetings; 3) Fellows will develop or participate in outreach or extension events.

What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Recruitment efforts. working with the Penn State graduate school and the Huck Institute of Life Sciences, we initiated a robust effort to recruit potential fellows to this training grant. Candidates were evaluated from the pool of candidates applying to the various Penn State graduate programs associated with training faculty. These included, Integrative Physiology, Biology, Entomology, Animal Science and Molecular and Integrative Cellular Biology. 2. Applicant review. A review committee of 3 members was formed from PDs on the project to to review research statement, prior research experience, mentor support and overall potential impact of the proposed area of study. 3. Award. In the Fall of 2024, one student was awarded and accepted a fellowship under this training grant.
