Source: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 1, 2023
Project End Date
Nov 30, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
[KK]- National Needs Graduate Fellowships Program
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The United States has always been a leader in innovation and research within the food and agricultural science sector.However, certain areas within this sector are in greater need ofoutstanding graduates who arewell trainedin research, innovation, and leadership.One such sector is utilization of renewable forest resources.To maintain US dominance on research and innovation, it is critical to continuously produce intellectual capital and a highly skilled workforce.This project will provide relevant research and leadership training to threeoutstandingFellows and enhance thefuturecapacity of OSU to produce new graduatesespecially from underrepresented minorities (URM),with skills and training needed to successfully fill the voids identified in the Targeted Expertise Shortage Area (TESA) - Forest Resources. Moreover, by attracting URM Fellows, this program will contribute to diversification of the forest resources workforce.Fellows will build science competencies, within the TESA, through research, outreach, extension activities, and professional engagement in an international setting. This will be achieved byrecruitment of outstanding students with a special emphasis on URM communities, active mentoring, cohort building exercises, immersion in cutting-edge research, exposure to state-of-the-art facilities, leadership training, professional development opportunities, international experiences, and outreach opportunities. A significant impact on the TESA will be three outstanding fellows, all at the PhD level, with superior communication and leadership skills who will emergenot only as expert professionals ready to propel the forest sector forward with diverse perspectives and cutting-edge technological skills.This innovative program is designed to create technically solid graduates that are confident communicators and leaders with diverse and international experiences.The Fellows will be interacting with faculty members froma a wide variety of discipline on a regular basis and working on cross-disciplinary research and therefore, gain a well-rounded experience. Fellows will be given an option for an summer internship with an industrial stakeholder. All theresearch, training, and extension endeavors are designed to provide holistic impacts consistent with OSU's strategic plan emphasizing sustainability and triple bottom-line. As designed, Fellows will benefit from a unique and innovative bundle of experiences, from OSU, international universities, and local organizations. We expect that this bundle of experiences will create an especially well-rounded graduate that is fully prepared for their next career step and can positively impact utilization of Forest Resources.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Due to the intellectual capital produced through research, coursework, and experiential learning in the institutions of higher education, the U.S has always been at the forefront of research driven innovation, especially in food and agricultural sciences. There are, however, certain areas within the food and agricultural sciences sector that need an increase in outstanding graduates who are well trained in research, innovation, and leadership.One such sector is utilization of renewable forest resources. This project proposes to provide relevant research and leadership training to three outstanding PhD Fellows with IRTAs to address the national need fora highly trained, multicultural agricultural workforce that is exceptionally prepared for effective science communication as well as interdisciplinary research, teaching, outreach, and professional practice, in the current dynamic landscape. More specifically, the goal of this project to gradautethree PhD studentswith skills and training needed to successfully fill the voids identified in the Targeted Expertise Shortage Areas (TESA), particularlyForest Resources, as well as produce the next generation of research scientists and academic leaders. This will be achieved by recruitment of outstanding students with a special emphasis on Under Represented Minorities, active mentoring, immersion in cutting-edge research, utilization of state-of-the-art facilities, leadership training and opportunities, international research opportunities, and targeted outreach experiences.
Project Methods
1. Recruitment: Recruiting fellows through targeted advertising and existing networks inside and outside of Oregon State universities. Targeted recruitment at two HBCUs are planned and exisitng relationships with tribal colleges will be relied upon.2. Academic advising, training, guidance, and career pipelining: Wood Science and Engineeringis a top Wood Science Program in the world due to our extensive and well-designed curriculum, research facilities, exceptional mentoring, and connection to the industry. The curriculum is designed to not only provide technical competencies but also develop core competencies in communication, leadership, teamwork, ethics, and critical thinking. Leadership and teamwork are instilled through multiple opportunities like group projects, committee assignments (search and curriculum committees), and leadership in our Professional Development Committee to organize a distinguished scientist seminar series held during Winter Quarter every academic year. Ethical training in research is a required part of the curriculum for all OSU students, and there are multiple training opportunities. Weekly one-on-one mentoring meetings with the major advisor is common practice in WSE along with either a bi-monthly or monthly group meeting.3. Interaction with Industry:Fellows will havemultiple opportunities to interact with academic and industry leadersthrough the Wood-Based Composites Centerand TDI-hosted Critical Mass (Timber) Meetups and Lunch and Learn events. This augurs well with the network development opportunities for the Fellows and in-turn facilitate career pipelining.4. International Research Training: Fellows will go to a another instition abroad to conduct research and expand thier horizon.5. Cohort Building activities: Several cohort building activities are planned that will help the fellows assimilate within the department.

Progress 12/01/23 to 11/30/24

Target Audience:Our recruitment efforts were underway to identify three Fellows for the cohort. We reached out to peer universities, community colleges, and other institutes of higher education to advertise the opportunity and gauge interests of the students. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Our recruitment will be completed in the next few months. Before the end of next reporting period, we will have started the cohort of graduate fellows in their degree program and commenced all cohort related activities.

What was accomplished under these goals? This reporting period coincided with our recruitment drive for the National Needs Graduate Fellows. By the end of this reporting period, two fellows have been identified and succesfully recruited in the program to start thier respective PhD programs beginning Fall quarter of 2025. Thier application has been submitted and they have been accepted into the gradaute program. Efforts are underway to identify and recruit the third and final fellow for this program.
