Source: OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Nov 15, 2023
Project End Date
Nov 14, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
[KK]- National Needs Graduate Fellowships Program
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
National accreditation requirements by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) will require a master's minimum to practice as an Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)as of January 1, 2024.As predicted when these national guidelines were implemented, enhanced academic preparation and associated financial burden where students self-pay graduate/professional school-level tuition is disproportionately impactingaccessibility of underrepresented persons to earn the professional degree that is now required. In response,we developed acombined academic and supervised practice program called the Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition (MDN).RDNs are trained in a multi-disciplinary manner to provide nutrition care across the healthcare continuum. For example, their counseling implements evidence-based dietary patterns that improve cardiometabolic health (e.g., glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure). The emergence of precision nutrition has driven the call for RDNs to advance their knowledge and practice to tailor nutrition recommendations based on individual's unique genetics, race/ethnicity, and health status. RDNs specializing in precision nutrition will be better equipped to manage diet-related disorders, including leading causes of death (e.g., heart disease, cancer, diabetes) that disproportionately affect Indigenous and People of Color. However, a critical gap for effective dietetics practice exists because persons of color are underrepresented among RDNs. The field is 80% White, fol-lowed by 6% Hispanic/Latino, 3% Black/African American, 5% Asian, and 2% Othercompared to the US population (18.9% Hispanic/Latino, 13.6% Black/African American, 6.1% Asian, 1.3% American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.3% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander). Employment demand for RDNs is also projected to increase 7% from 2021-31, but a shortage of RDNs to fill positionsor advance to a terminal degreeis a concern.To address this gap in dietetics practice, we must empower students from underrepresented and disproportionately affected groups to develop a highly-qualified and diverse generation of RDNs skilled at precision nutrition. This NNF application will establish 6 Fellows, each financially supported for 2 academic years, in a self-pay, professional Masters degree program that has limited financial assistance directed to students. It will also thematically focus on Precision Nutrition for Dietetics Practice consistent with: (1) recognition that dietary recommendations are poorly generalizable to broad populations, (2) patients from underrepresented backgrounds prefer to receive healthcare by clinicians who are from a similar background,and (3) increasing cultural humility/competency improves health outcomes through increased patient adherence. This application is therefore an opportunity to empower those who are disproportionately impacted from dietetics education and practice while helping to train a diverse and highly-qualified next generation of RDNs.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The major goals and related objective include the following.Goal 1. Promote the accessibility of underrepresented persons to graduate education in dietetics through the Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition (MDN).Objective 1. Recruit and graduate 6 new MDN students from underrepresented groups with outstanding records and interest in precision nutrition TESA Human Nutrition.Objective 2. Provide intensive mentoring and engage students in precision nutrition research and outreach.Objective 3. Foster NNF students' clinical assessment and nutrition care skills in targting communities with existing health inequities.Goal 2. Train a diverse and highly-qualified next generation of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) skilled at precision nutrition.Objective 3. Foster NNF students' clinical assessment and nutrition care skills in targting communities with existing health inequities.Objective 4. Track career placement and accomplishments up to 5 years post-graduation.
Project Methods
The Methods of this project will allow for an integration of data from a multitude of sources, with an emphasis on objective, quantitative measures such as graduation rate, pass rates for the national RD registration exam, and scores on performance evaluations in supervised practice. Progress of fellows will be tracked across each semester of the program, with numerous opportunities for formative and summative feedback and evaluation.Efforts that will be used to cause a change in knowledge, action, and conditions of the target audience (underrepresented students) emphasizes the delivery of science-based knowledge through the MDN curriculum that includes formal classroom instruction, laboratory instruction, and supervised practice experiences. The MDN is a Future Education Model program, as designated by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, that signifies that our program meets accreditation standards and competencieswith advancing the profession and protecting the public. The 59-credit hour programencompasses the required competency-based education (CBE) that integrates classroom learning with supervised experiential learning to foster "work readiness" behaviors and skills.The integrated curriculum benefits students because expe-riential learning and didactic coursework occur in a single degree program. In 24 months, gradu-ates earn their MDN degree, fulfill 1000 hours of supervised practice, and are eligible to sit for the national registration exam for RDNs. For this project, the MDN curriculum will be enhanced to highlight electives that will train students on specific Precision Nutrition skills. The MDN uses innovative teaching methodologies, including active learning, simulation, standardized patients, interprofessional education, entrepreneurial pitch presentations, etc.EvaluationObjective 1. Recruit and graduate 6 new MDN students from underrepresented groups with outstanding records and interest in precision nutrition TESA Human Nutrition.Assessment Method: A. Pre-screening of applicants and interview of top candidates. Preference amongst qualified applicants will be givn to those from underrepresented groups. B. Graduation rate.Objective 2. Provide intensive mentoring and engage students in precision nutrition research and outreach.Assessment Method. A. Participation in research lab group meetings and activities hosted by MDN faculty capstone advisor. B. Completion of oral examination (capstone) and capstone paper. C. Present capstone project poster at national or international conference. D. Participation in leadership and outreach initiatves with conference planning and supervised high-school or undergraduate mentoring.Objective 3. Foster Fellows' clinical assessment and nutrition care skills in targeted communities with exisitng health inequities.Assessment Methods. A. Completion of supervised practice hours in rotations that target services to communities with health inequities. B. Fellow Performance Evaluation in Precision Nutrition Rubric.Objective 4. Track career placement and accomplishments up to 5 years post-graduation.Assessment Methods. A. Exit Survey. B. National exam for RDN pass rate reports (from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). C. Alumni Survey and annual communication via email or media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn) that includes career placement data.

Progress 11/15/23 to 11/14/24

Target Audience:This year, the focus was on marketing, recruitment, and admissions. The target audiences included: 1. Directors and faculty of undergraduate nutrition, dietetics, health science, and related programs. Providing information to directorswas primarily accomplished through direct email, professional listserv, networking at conferences, and social media (LinkedIn). 2. Students enrolled in undergraduate nutrition, dietetics, health science, and related programs. The communication methods included direct email, networking at conference and events, social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook), OSU Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition website, and events (e.g., open houses). 3. Graduates of undergraduate nutrition, dietetics, health science, and related programs.The communication methods included direct email, networking at conference and events, social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook), OSU Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition website, and events (e.g., open houses). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, we will continue to advanced Objective 1and initiate activities to achieve Objectives 2-4. Dec 1 2024 - Mar 1 2025: use our admissions process to identify 6 new MDN students from underrepresented groups with outstanding records and interest in precision nutrition. The cohort start date will be August 2025. Mar 1 - August 2025: complete the structure for intense mentoring and engagement (Objective 2) and curriculum (Objective 3 and 4) and train all scientists (faculty) who will serve as faculty mentors and instructors. Train all support staff (clinical coordinators) who will take lead in clinical placements. August 2025 - November 2025: initiate mentoring and engagement (Objective 2) and curriculum (Objectives 3 and 4). This includes, but is not limited to, orientation, introductory meetings and events between Fellows and faculty, specific coursework, and regular meetings between faculty and Fellows.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Recruit and graduate 6 new MDN students from underrepresented groups with outstanding records and interest in precision nutrition TESA Human Nutrition. Accomplishments: Obtained approval from university legal department to provide information about NNF at Ohio State to the public. Published information about NNF opportunity on MDN website and through social media outlets (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook). Reached 200 directors of targeted undergraduate programs using direct email communications.Reached an estimated 2,000 students who are eligible to apply for the Masters in Dietetics and Nutrition (MDN) in the fall of 2025 and spring of 2026. Presented MDN program and NNF opportunities to approx 40 eligible students in the HUMNUTR 4596: Dietetics Seminar in October 2024. Presented at HRS Open House November 3, 2024 to approx 12 eligible students and their families. Obtained approval from university legal for selections process for Fellowships. Fellowships will be offered by Mar 1, 2025 for start date of August 2025. Objective 2. Provide intensive mentoring and engage students in precision nutrition research and outreach. - Planned for August 2025 - May 2027. Objective 3. Foster NNF students' clinical assessment and nutrition care skills in targting communities with existing health inequities. Planned for August 2025 - May 2027. Goal 2. Train a diverse and highly-qualified next generation of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) skilled at precision nutrition. Planned for August 2025 - May 2028. Objective 4. Foster NNF students' clinical assessment and nutrition care skills in targting communities with existing health inequities. Planned for August 2025 - May 2027. Objective 5. Track career placement and accomplishments up to 5 years post-graduation. Planned for May 2027- May 2032.
