Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
A research skillset provides students with increased understanding, confidence, and awareness to utilize in their future workplace.Undergraduate research initiatives are common in many colleges of agriculture; however, the social sciences, including agricultural communication programs, often lack strong engagement and participation. There is a need to develop undergraduate curriculum and programs focused on the intricacies of social science research and communicating research to lay audiences.Scholars have identified the need for and importance of undergraduate research skills in agricultural communication (Leal et al., 2020; Lawson et al., 2020) but the focus on undergraduate research course offerings and opportunities have been limited for students with interest in agricultural communication (Cannon et al., 2016). This need for agricultural communication research skills coupled with current limited resources and platforms to address this need creates an opportunity to develop an inquiry-based curriculum that will enable students in a variety of majors to investigate and interpret social science data. Fulfilling this undergraduate research need will also address stakeholder needs by offering research-based solutions to communicating FAS issues while also providing a better equipped workforce.To address this need, we willCreate undergraduate curriculum for conducting valid and reliable social science research for students with an interest in agricultural communication, collaborate with industry and interdisciplinary partners to address pressing issues by determining research questions and objectives, provide opportunities for students to practice and refine research skills to meet the needs and demands of future employers, and develop an undergraduate research kit with resources and tools for faculty and graduate students in agricultural communication to use at their universities.The impacts of this project will improve the quality of undergraduate education in agricultural communication by addressing an established need for current students and future employees, as well as industry and interdisciplinary leaders, who seek professional, rigorous, and reliable answers to their research questions in the social sciences, and ultimately be informed advocates for the FAS industries. This program will also strengthen institutional capacities in terms of curriculum, faculty, instructional delivery, and student recruitment and retention in response to identified needs. The creation of undergraduate research curriculum and cohort will provide a mechanism to teach and apply social science research skills to students.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
The first goal of the program is to strengthen institutional capacities in terms of curriculum, faculty, instructional delivery, and student recruitment and retention in response to identified needs. The creation of undergraduate research curriculum and cohort will provide a mechanism to teach and apply social science research skills to students. Curriculum will be created and disseminated to faculty at other universities throughout the U.S.through the creation and dissemination of an online undergraduate research toolkit. This dissemination seeks to provide educational resources to inform and support undergraduate agricultural communication efforts.Second,a goal of this project is to attract and support undergraduate and graduate students to participate in cutting-edge research techniques in social science. The goal is to educate students on how to conduct research that informs communication techniques and strategies in the program's needs areas of FAS, and community and business development. The Project Directors (PDs) have received support from industry and multidisciplinary partners who will help to identify potential research topics and problems the undergraduate researchers will address.Finally, the partnership between TTU and OSU fulfils the grant program's goal to facilitate cooperative initiatives between institutions, and the industry partnerships provide for cooperation between university and private sector businesses. These two universities are unique in their geographic locations, and in their connections to industry and interdisciplinary partners. Ultimately, a final goal of this project is to enhance the quality of instruction for undergraduate and graduate degrees to help meet current and future workforce needs.The overall goal of the project is to develop students' analytical, interpersonal, leadership, communication, problem-solving, computational, and decision-making skills and abilities by equipping them with a skillset in research. To accomplish this goal, we will create, test, and distribute curriculum designed for agricultural communication faculty to use in teaching undergraduate research skills and competencies. This will also enhance faculty development in terms of teaching competency and subject matter expertise in an area that is challenging to students.
Project Methods
Planof Operation and Methodology:This project aims to implement a Multistate Integrated Undergraduate Research Program focused on connecting and training undergraduate students to conduct research focused on communicating about issues in FAS. The focus of this program is to develop new and improved curricula and materials and exemplarily education models focused on training agricultural communication undergraduate students how to conduct social science research on how to better communicate about FAS issues. This type of curriculum aims to develop students' analytical, interpersonal, leadership, communication, problem-solving, computational, and decision-making skills and abilities by equipping them with a skillset in research.OBJ 1: Create curriculum to teach undergraduates in agricultural communication how to conduct valid and reliable research.In the first phase of the project, we will create the undergraduate research curriculum to disseminate in a new undergraduate research course at OSU and TTU. This type of curriculum will differ from traditional graduate curriculum on research methods as it is more applied, focusing on the problems addressed by industry and interdisciplinary partners (see objective 2), and it will focus on the faculty instructor mentoring students on how to use research to assist industry-based organizations and interdisciplinary partners to better communicate with their key audiences. This proposed curriculum will introduce students to traditional research methods in social science, such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, and survey methods, and introduce concepts of novel communication research techniques such as continuous response measurement and eye tracking. We propose the overarching curriculum objectives will be the following: 1) to understand and explain the fundamental concepts of social science research, 2) to understand and describe the scientific procedures associated with each method, 3) identify how the scientific procedure may be applied to industry-based issues, and 4) apply the appropriate research method to conduct an agricultural communication-based research project supporting needs of the FASindustries. To create an engaged learning experience, the proposed curriculum will include a multitude of techniques such as handouts, guest webinars, podcasts, and case studies. In this phase, we also begin conversations with industry and interdisciplinary partners.This curriculum development will leverage the strengths of the PDs at OSU and TTU. The PDs are past collaborators, and each of the PDs have mentored undergraduate and graduate students. Their expertise in various techniques in communication research will enhance the development of the curriculum for this project.OBJ 2:Collaborate with industry and interdisciplinary partners toaddress pressing issues by determining research questions and objectives.A novel aspect of this proposal is the collaboration with industry and interdisciplinary partners to solve pressing communication problems. FAS researchers and industry partners are continuously seeking out partnerships on how to better the communication of their science and efforts (see letters of support). This proposal seeks to provide experiential learning education for undergraduate students by making connections with industry organizations and benchmark science faculty colleagues to form interdisciplinary research groups. The research conducted by the undergraduate students will be informed by insights provided by these partners. In the first phase, we will identify partners and the types of communication problems they would like to solve.OBJ 3:Provide opportunities for students to practice and refine research skills to meet theneeds and demands of future employers.The project team will fulfil objective 3 through the dissemination and revision of the curriculum at OSU and TTU. Dissemination will occur through our two-semester long undergraduate research program at each institution.In the first semester, students will complete the undergraduate research course, focused on understanding methods and techniques described in Objective 1 and 2. By the end of the semester, student groups will be tasked with developing a research proposal and instrument to collect data in the following semester. The second course will be focused on continued application of their research methods course through hands-on application and experiential learning. Student groups will collect data, analyze data, report results, and present their work to a partnering industry organization or interdisciplinary partners. Student groups will also be expected to develop a 2-page poster abstract for a research conference and present their findings to industry and interdisciplinary partners. The first cohort will serve as a launch-point for improving the developed undergraduate research curriculum.OBJ 4: Develop an undergraduate research kit with resources and tools for faculty and graduate students in agricultural communication to use at their universities:Faculty support and understanding of undergraduate researchers' needs are essential to the success of an undergraduate researcher (Hunter et al., 2007). To address this need, we aim to develop an online undergraduate researcher mentorship toolkit, developed by the PDs who have prior experience developing websites and teaching web design, to be disseminated to faculty mentors. Based on the needed revisions from student evaluations (Objective 3) and the curriculum proposed above, we will develop a website that houses the Undergraduate Research toolkit. These resources will include fact sheets and handouts such as examples of course syllabi, expectation fact sheets, undergraduate research agreements, onboarding principles, and best practices for writing and communicating research. In addition, we will create and place curriculum videos (i.e., introduction to survey methods in agricultural communication) on the website. Also, during this phase, we will host "train the trainer" events with plans to conduct trainings for educators throughout the life of the grant. Training will occur through a series of webinars and professional development opportunities. We will submit workshops at state, regional, and national education conferences with the goal of training faculty to mentor undergraduate researchers. Further, the project will be disseminated through promotional mailers to agricultural communication program nationwide (see dissemination plan section).