Source: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 15, 2023
Project End Date
Dec 14, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[ER]- Higher Ed Challenge
Project Director
Fischer-Brown, A.
Recipient Organization
2001 S. Lincoln Ave.
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Thisproject aims to strengthen and expand a newly established collaboration offering a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences from the University of Illinois and an Associate of Applied Science degree in Veterinary Technology from Parkland College. The joint degree program was pursued to highlight a viable career path for undergraduate students interested in veterinary medicine while also addressing the national shortage of skilled veterinary technology professionals. University of Illinois students typically begin their undergraduate studies in Animal Sciences with the goal of attending veterinary school. While some students achieve this goal, most find themselves searching for an alternate career path midway through the curriculum; the latter group tends to include traditionally underrepresented students in higher education. Additionally, the program facilitates pursuit of a baccalaureate degree for students who start in the Parkland College veterinary technology program. Fundingwillsupport focused advising at the partner institutions to place and guide students along these pathways. To accommodate increased enrollment from this opportunity, funds willalso expand instructional capacity within the Parkland Veterinary Technology program to maintain an appropriate student-to-instructor ratio per accreditation standards. The outcome will be a cadre of skilled, dual-degree professionals with the leadership and problem-solving capacity to respond to challenging issues within the veterinary field and greater agricultural industry.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The major goals of this project are to highlight veterinary technology as a viable and rewarding career path for animal sciences undergraduates interested in the veterinary medical field, to facilitate pursuit of a baccalaureate degree for veterinary technology students, and to increase career opportunities for students from traditionally underrepresented groups in higher education.The first step in achieving these goals was taken in 2022 when the University of Illinois and Parkland College established a joint degree program in which students work concurrently toward a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Sciences and an Applied Associate degree in Veterinary Technology, respectively. A blended curriculum and focused advising allow completion of both degrees within five years (3+2); four-year completion (2+2) is possible for exceptionally motivated students.Next steps will be taken through the following objectives:(1) Optimize the student experience in the newly established joint degree program through focused advising and exploration of potential scholarship support.(2) Increase enrollment capacity of the Parkland College Veterinary Technology Program through additional teaching expertise and supplies, following procedures appropriate for maintaining accreditation.(3) Measure changes in student outcomes related to initial interest in program, academic performance, program satisfaction, and job placement.(4) Explore the potential of establishing joint degree programs with other veterinary technology training programs in Illinois.
Project Methods
Efforts to achieve project goals include focused advising at both institutions to support students as they consider the joint program, and then guideadmitted students to ensure timely completion of both degrees. In order to accommodate program growth, the Parkland College Health Professional Department will conduct a search for additional teaching faculty and will coordinate logistics related to supplies, space, and scheduling. Impact will be evaluated by tracking (a) the number of students, by year and institution, that acknowledge interest in pursuing a joint baccalaureate degree in animal sciences and applied associate degree in veterinary technology, (b) the number of students, by year and institution, that apply to the joint degree program, (c) the acceptance rate of joint degree program applicants, (d) the completion rate of students who start the joint degree program, and (e) the job placement rate of students who complete the joint degree program. Metrics will be filtered for representation of first-generation college students and racial and ethnic diversities. Once the program is featured in recruitment materials, student interest can also be tracked for high school students through website interaction and indication of interest during recruiting activities. Student experience will be assessed using pre-, mid-, and post-experience surveys with quantitative and qualitative components. Survey activities will take place with guidance from the Illinois Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. Results will be evaluated for continuing assessment and improvement of the program and to determine need for future growth, at Parkland as well as other veterinary technology training programs in Illinois.Though outside the project period, a future measure of success will be the number of graduates of this joint program who go on to pursue advanced degrees, thus contributing to the research and teaching elements of the animal health field.

Progress 12/15/23 to 12/14/24

Target Audience:The target audience during this reporting period started broadly with the 600 undergraduates enrolled in Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois. The vet tech joint degree program was featured inthe weekly advising newsletter andtwo courses:Introduction to Animal Sciences (ANSC 100) and Animal Sciences Careers and Professional Development (ANSC 298). Interested students were provided with a program overview through aninformational lunch session that was also recorded for students unable to attend in person. This was followed up with individualized advising sessions with co-Pd Fischer. Specifically, ourtarget audience is students who desire a medical career but will not attend veterinary school. More specifically, students from underrepresented groups are often the same students who confront multiple barriers to veterinary school acceptance and/or attendance. Changes/Problems:Change in project leadership: At the time ofgrant application submission, Laurie Lobdell was the Parkland Vet Tech Program Director and Dr. Laura Sutter was the Program Veterinarian. Prior to the start of the reporting period, Ms. Lobdell resigned and Dr. Sutter was named Program Director. This left the Vet Tech Program without a Program Veterinarian; recruiting and hiring that individualtook priority over the hiring of additional instructors as initially presented in the grant application. The new Program Veterinarian was hired for the start of the Fall 2024 semester and the hiring focus can now shift toward additional instructional support needed to support this project. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Alumni, prospective student families, and other stakeholders were made aware of the joint program through popular press articles (see Other Products). Students at U of I were made aware of thejoint degree programinthe weekly advising newsletter andtwo courses:Introduction to Animal Sciences(ANSC 100) andAnimal Sciences Careers and Professional Development(ANSC 298). Students at Parkland College were made aware of the joint degree program through individual meetings with co-PD Sutter. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objectivesin the next reporting period include: Continue recruitment and advising efforts started in the previous reporting period Increase the enrollment capacity of Parkland's Veterinary Technology Program by hiring additional instructor(s) Measure changes in student outcomes (program interest, academic performance, program satisfaction, job placement)

What was accomplished under these goals? Goal 1: Highlight veterinary technology as a viable and rewarding career path for animal sciences undergraduates interested in the veterinary medical field. During the reporting period, progress toward this goal was met through the following actions: For current joint degree students - Two students in Cohort 1 (Parkland College expected graduation May 2025) successfully completed two semesters of coursework at both institutions. One of these students graduated from U of I with her B.S. in Animal Sciences in December 2024. One student in Cohort 2 ((Parkland College expected graduation May 2026) successfully completed one semester of coursework at both institutions. Project leaders coordinated and adjusted class schedules to accommodate the above students. Based on feedback from the above students, project leadersstreamlined the application process and discussed ways to improve communications pertaining to financial aid. For prospectivejoint degree students - Project leaders hosted an informational lunch for 21 Animal Sciences undergraduates, and recorded thesession for 45 students unable to attend in person. The Parkland College Open House was advertised in the undergraduate newsletterand transportation from the U of I campus was provided. Co-PD Fischer provided individualized advising to 16 undergraduates interested in the joint degree program. Goal 2:Facilitate pursuit of a baccalaureate degree for veterinary technology students. During the reporting period, progress toward this goal was met through the following actions: Project leadership developed an approach for making Parkland students aware of the program. Co-PD Sutter willmeet with students during their first semester and then connect interested students withCo-PD Fischer for relevant advising. One Parkland vet tech alumus, currently working at the U of I Veterinary Teaching Hospital, received advising from Co-PD Fischer and started coursework toward a B.S. in Animal Sciences. Goal 3: Increase career opportunities for students from traditionally underrepresented groups in higher education. During the reporting period, progress toward this goal was observed as follows: In alignment with Goal #1, just over half of the studentswho expressed interest in the program are from groupstraditionally underrepresentedin higher education. Thethree students currently in Cohorts 1 and 2identify as Hispanic or Latino.
