Source: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Dec 1, 2023
Project End Date
Nov 30, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[ER]- Higher Ed Challenge
Project Director
Ball, A.
Recipient Organization
2001 S. Lincoln Ave.
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
As the United States population grows older with fewer young people in the labor force and fewer still who are educated in food, agricultural, community, and environmental disciplines with the knowlege and skills required to be career ready members of the labor force that predicts significantly fewer graduates capable of solving the grand challenges in food, agricultural and environmental systems. This project aims to enhance the career readiness of graduates in the College of ACES at the University of Illinois by utilizing a human centered design approach aimed at developing, implementing, and evaluating a number of action learning courses in the college constructed with the intention of developing students for career ready skills. Action learning is an exeperientail learning approach that partners students with extertal clients from both corporate and community based organizations whereby they are placed in interdisciplinary groups to solve authentic problems and develop authentic products for said external client. This project posits that the knowledge, skills, and behaviors students learn in action learning coursework increase not only their technical skills in the discipline and related workplace but also make them more career ready future employees able to work in teams, communicate with external partners in professional settings, collect data, problem solve, analyze and present results, and ultimately create authentic products used in future workplaces. To accomplish the overall aim of this project which is to create enough courses across the college using action learning to develop the career ready skills of approximately 1200 students, project directors will offer yearly professional development seminars to scale action learning in the college, create a digital repository of teaching tools faculty can utilize to implement action learning, train a set of faculty mentors who are exemplars in action learning to train and mentor other faculty, and offer mini-grants and other technical support to help faculty teach using action learning approaches. Furthermore the project with create a pipeline of external corporate and community orgniaztion partners who are served by the action learning courses developed and thus hiring students directly into future positions.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The aim of this project is to use a human-centered design (HCD) approach to design and implement a college-wide faculty development program to teach action learning courses in each major across the College of ACES. Using an HCD approach to design and implement a college-wide faculty development program to teach action learning courses entails implementing a series of processes to accomplish this major goal: (a) empathize/collaborate with key stakeholders, (b) synthesize research-supported design opportunities for faculty development programs to teach action learning courses, (c) brainstorm ideas to define the different components of a viable program (e.g. goals, scope, content, etc.) and plan for prototyping (d) prototype and evaluate the program, and (e) implement the program at the college level. Once the action learning program is implemented, this project will accomplish the following objectives: (1) offer yearly faculty development workshops for creating an action learning course (2) develop a web-based repository of examples, forms, and other digital assets and examples for faculty to easily create action learning curriculum, (3) empower a cohort of 15 faculty across the college ot serve as mentors for other faculty who want to create action learning courses, (4) engage a pipeline of approximately 150 external clients, both from companies and community-based organizations to serve as the external partners for action learning courses, (5) increase the career-ready skills of approximately 1200 students who will have been enrolled in at least one action learning course by the duration of the project.
Project Methods
The project will analyze stakeholder data already collected to design a prototype for faculty development for action learning. Then, a faculty action learning symposium will be created for each of the 3 remaining years of the project to train faculty participants for designing action learning curriculum. Faculty members knowledge and skills for using action learning will be assessed upon completion of the faculty development workshops. Simultaneously, a set of digital assets will be developed for faculty to use when creating their own action learning courses. A cohort of 5 faculty mentors will be selected each year and trained as exemplars to help develop other faculty colleagues to create action learning courses, and to offer their own examples up as cases for future action learning course design. Each year, the knowledge, skills and behaviors of students enrolled in the action learning courses will be assessed before and after enrolling in the action learning courses to determine student change in career ready skills as a result of the action learning process. Each year simultaneously, the external employee partners from corporations and community based organizations who will be working with the students will be assessed on their perceptions of student career readiness as a result of the action learning course as well.

Progress 12/01/23 to 11/30/24

Target Audience:The target audience for this reporting year have been faculty members in the College of Agricultural Consumer and Environmental Sciences teaching experiential action learning courses in the college, as well as the students enrolled in their courses. ACES has approximately 180 faculty members in the college and approximately 2750 undergraduate students enrolled. We reached a cohort of 30 teaching faculty in the introductory action learning workshop and then mentored 5 new faculty members creating new action learning courses to provide in the upcoming academic year. Changes/Problems:One of the major challenges has been recruiting faculty to teach action learning courses. This has been a very on the ground process where we have multiple conversations with faculty illustrating the benefits of this type of learning and why it's a good investment of their time to make the effort to teach in this way. Additionally, many faculty already teach in a traditional large lecture style, so finding folks who have smaller courses that are easier to alter to a team based, production based syle of teaching has been a challenge. Thus far we are using the existing group of faculty teaching in this way who are finding success in thisapproach to help us recruit others who are encouraged by this success. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?We hosted a college wide training session on action learning as well as a small group curriuclum development sesison for new faculty developing action learning courses. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Dissemination thus far has occurred via the Canvas site for instructors implementing action learning. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will train a second cohort of action learning instructors in the spring semester, in a similar manner as the prior year, will create digital resources (videos) for new faculty to learn about action elarning from the exisitng cohort teaching those courses, and will host an action learning webinar/meeting for new faculty in the spring.

What was accomplished under these goals? We offered a yearly faculty development workshop on action learning in the college with approximately 30 faculty in attendance, developed a Canvas site on action learning with digital assets for faculty on best practices in teaching action learning courses, we reached 5 new faculty to who created and taught action learning courses, and embedded in each of the 5 courses were approximately 3 external clients per course who mentored students in the action learning projects, and students enrolled in each course learned not only the course content but team building and other carerer ready skills necessary to execute the action learning projects.
