Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Deaths due to opioid and fentanyl overdoses and deaths by suicide remain high and many rural counties are severly challenged by these deadly results. In 2018, OSU Extension was successful in obtaining funding from a grant program that encouraged a focus on the opioid problem. The USDA NIFA Rural Health and Safety Education (RHSE) grant program included language that encouraged applicants to consider addressing the opioid problemWhe We also partnered with the OSU College of Pharmacy to pilot and deliver Generation RX educational programs that promote safe medicine practices for all age groups.With funding from a 2020 RHSE grant, we expanded the program and added three additional counties. When COVID-19 shut down in-person programming, we responded by training instructors to deliver the programs online so we could continue offering programs by converting to the professionalonline platforms.During the past five years, we observed a growing concern about mental health issues in the counties we were supporting with prevention education programs. Deaths by suicide were increasing and the stigma against mental heralth care served to keep people away from the professional help they needed. To respond to these developments , we added Mental Health First Aid training with curricula for adults, youth and teen high school peers. Other programs delivered online or in-person that support mental health care include Trauma Informed Care and Question Persuade and Refer. We are sponsoring a conference to focus on stigma to help reduce or remove the negative association with a visit to see a mental health care professional. This RHSE 2023 grant provides continuing program support in five of the six counties we have already been working with and will include train-the-trainer opportunities for county Educators to teach supported programs. This will provide support for the educational programs giving them a foundation to build on and continue to provide prevention education and mental health programs on an ongoing basis.With funds from this 2023 RHSE grant, we will add 8 additional countiesf for a total of 13 counties., 10 of which are in Appalachia. We will offer prevention education and mental health programs in the 13 counties. We will collaborate with a team funded by the Rural Opioid Technical Assistance (ROTA) grant program sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) which will result in more trainers to support our in-person and online train-the-trainer approaches and provide prevention education and mental health programming in additional Appalachian counties.To evaluate our educational program efforts, pre and post tests will be used to measure knowledge gain, and the intent to change behavior will also be assessed. We will track demand for each program and the number of participants completing each program We will work with schools, families, local governments, community drug coalitions, health care providers, and other local non-profits to identify relevant grant programs that could be used to seek funds to maintain and support these important community-based initiatives.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
Goal 1 - Increase community resilience and capacity to address mental health disorders, substance misuse, and relatedsocial issuesObjective 1 - 1Offer training opportunities to prepare and engage community members as educators and facilitatorsto support and implement mental health and substance misuse programsObjective 1 - 2 Through the use of targeted programs, develop flexiblestrategiesthat best meet the mental health, substance misuse and related social issues facing the communities.Goal 2 - Increase public health knowledge andawareness of resources and suppport strategies for youth and adults facoing memtal health and substance misuse issues. Objective 2 - 1 Promote public health education programs that inrease understandinng of substance use and misuse, safemediction practices, and mental health disorders.Objective 2 - 2 Identify and engage community-based resources that support the needs of aduls and youth wih mental health disorders and substance misuse .
Project Methods
Methods:The delivery of education programs will be done using in-person, online, and hybid options. With the ban on in-person programs during COVID-19,Extension Educators and progam staffbecame quite skilled in teaching online. Now, with COVID-19 restrictions removed, educational programscanbe delivered usingany approach or a hybrid approach that utilizes any of the three in a combination of approaches. With a commitmemt to engage community health care programs and professionals,community members,and community organizationsin respondning to substancemisuse and mental health care needs, community outreach will be critical for bringingkey individuals and organizations together to dvelop a community-basedstrategy to put in place acontinuinggrass roots effort to address mental health and substance misuse issuesthroughout the grant period and beyond. The county Extension office staff will play a key role in facilitating education and outreach efforts that buildlocal support for developing and implementinga community response to address substance misuse and mental health disordersEvaluation:Knowledge gain and the intent to change bahaviorwillbe measeured to determine the impact ofeducational programs. Anotther evaluationcomponentwill assess the level of success of the community education and outreach efforts in forming a diverse and committed effort to reduce mental health stigmas.Communities will be assessed ontheir ability to orgaize andgain local support for their plan which should target key segments of the community - youth, students, families, communities, and local initiatives that focus on reducing substance misuse and mental health disorders.