Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 15, 2023
Project End Date
Sep 14, 2027
Grant Year
Program Code
[SCRI]- Specialty Crop Research Initiative
Recipient Organization
1815 N University
Peoria,IL 61604
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Harvest automation is urgently needed to alleviate labor shortage and rising labor cost for apple and other specialty crops. Moreover, pre-sorting or removal of low-quality or defective apples at the time of harvest in orchard can help growers and packers achieve significant cost savings in postharvest storage and packing. This Standard Research and Extension project is therefore intended to leverage the significant progress we have made recently on robotic harvesting and in-field pre-sorting technologies to develop and transfer an automated and integrated mobile system (AIMS) for commercial harvest, in-field pre-sorting and quality recording of harvested apples. Efficient, dexterous robotic harvesting modules and a low-cost, compact pre-sorting system will be developed and integrated with a new autonomous mobile platform capable of automatic handling of pre-sorted apples. The new AIMS will be able to work under different lighting conditions during day and at night. Extensive field tests and demonstrations of the new robotic harvester and the AIMS will be conducted in commercial orchards in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington. Outreach activities with growers, researchers, extension personnel, and K-12 and college students will be carried out through the project website, podcasts, videos, social media, field days, publications, etc., to broadly disseminate, and accelerate adoption of, the developed technologies. Open-access libraries for AI models and multi-modal sensor data collected for apples will be created to promote R&D and facilitate collaboration among researchers and technology developers in robotic harvesting and quality grading technologies for apples and other specialty crops. Comprehensive economic/labor analyses will be conducted of the impact of the developed technologies and different technology adoption models and strategies on the apple industry and future labor force.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overall goal of this SREP is aimed to develop and transfer an automated and integrated mobile system (AIMS) for commercial harvesting and in-field pre-sorting of apples and quality recording of harvested apples to help growers achieveharvest labor and postharvest handling savings. This goal will be achieved through the following six objectives:Design and construct efficient, dexterous multi-arm robotic harvesting modules, coupled with AI algorithms and optimum systems control and planning schemes, to enable picking apples grown in high-density tree orchards.Develop a low-cost and compact machine vision-based in-field pre-sorting system to segregate low-quality or inferior fruit and record quality information for harvested apples.Design and construct a new AIMS with fully integrated robotic harvesting and in-field pre-sorting modules, along with automated fruit and bin handling functions, to enable selective or full harvesting, pre-sorting, and quality tracking of apples in the orchard.Evaluate and demonstrate the AIMS in diverse commercial orchard systems and with different operational strategies in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Washington and disseminate the technologies to growers and packers through extension and outreach activities.Establish open-access repositories of labeled image data collected by multi-modal sensing systems under diverse orchard conditions as well as a performance benchmark suite of state-of-the-art AI models for fruit detection and quality grading.Conduct cost benefit analyses of automated harvesting and in-field sorting technologies and the impact of different models of technology adoption on the U.S. apple industry and the future labor force.
Project Methods
We will leverage the significant progress we have made in our prior research to develop a new AIMS for harvesting, in-field grading and sorting, and quality recording of apples. Integration of efficient robotic harvesting and pre-sorting technologies in one mobile system is expected to greatly reduce the overall machinery cost (compared to separate systems) and thus generate significantly more overall cost savings in labor and postharvest handling. Specifically, multiple 2-arm robotic harvesting modules will be designed and built. The modular design would enable each robot to work independently and be easier for integration with the mobile platform. It would also facilitate future adoption of the technology for other tree fruit crops. We will build a new compact, low-cost pre-sorting systemto grade and sort fruit for color, size and surface defects. In addition to hardware design improvements, a new generation AI-based grading/sorting algorithm will be developed for full-scale inspection of apples for color, size and defects. Next, a new autonomous mobile platform will be designed and built, in collaboration with a horticultural equipment manufacturing company. This would ensure that the AIMS meets the industrial standards and growers' expectations for commercial use. The mobile platform will be fully integrated withfour 2-arm harvesting modules and the new pre-sorting system developed, along with automated quality recording and fruit/bin handling functions. Throughout the project and beyond, our team will actively engage in field testing and demonstration, extension and outreach activities using multiple forms/platforms for growers and other stakeholders in MI, PA and WA. Field tests and demonstrations of the harvesting robot and the AIMS will begin in year 1 and 2, respectively, in commercial apple orchards in the three states. These activities will enable timely and broad diffusion of the technologies developed in the project, educate growers and the public about the potential benefits of the new technologies and thus enhance technology transfer and adoption. The creation of open-access libraries for AI models and multi-modal sensor data collected for apples in the three stateswill promote R&D and facilitate collaboration among researchers and technology developers in robotic harvesting and quality grading technologies for apples and other specialty crops. Furthermore, through economic/labor analysis of different harvesting strategies (selective vs full), in-field pre-sorting, different technology adoption models and the worker program, we will provide objective and quantitative information and recommendations on adoption of the new technologies by the industry and their potential economic and social impacts.

Progress 09/15/23 to 09/14/24

Target Audience:Researchers, academic administrators and policy makers, K-12, graduate and undergraduate students, ag technology companies, tree fruit growers, extension educators, specialty crop industry members (including but not limited to fruit processors, insurance providers, equipment manufacturers, farm workers), news medium, and the public. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project team has recruited and trained 5 Ph.D. students and 3 undergraduate students in engineering and agricultural economics disciplines, who have participated in research under supervision and mentoring of PIs/co-PIs. The project provided an opportunity for five graduate students to attend a field day on orchard automation technology in Yakima, Washington in July 2024 and tour packinghouses in Michigan in March 2024 and Washington in July 2024, to enable them to learn about the state-of-the-art technologies in orchard and packinghouse automation. One Ph.D. student also attended the first USDA Agri-food Innovation Symposium in Washington, DC in June 2024. Four graduate students were provided opportunities to attend 2024 ASABE annual international meeting in Anaheim, CA in July 2024 to present their research and learn about the latest progress in robotics, automation, and AI in agriculture. Additional opportunities were also provided to two graduate students, one junior faculty in Mechanical Engineering and one PI to visit commercial orchards in the state of Washington and observe firsthand a commercial robotic harvester prototype. All PIs/co-PIs were able to keep up with the latest developments in their areas of expertise by attending various conferences, grower meetings, workshops and seminars. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A public demonstration of the new robotic harvesting system was held at a commercial orchard in Sparta, MI on September 10, 2024. The demonstration was attended by growers, extension educators, researchers and ARS national program leader, equipment manufacturers, graduate and undergraduate students, news media and the public. A new website ( was created, providing comprehensive, updated information about the project to growers, researchers, extension educators, and the public. In addition, more than 100 copies of the project brochure have been distributed at various grower and public events. Project information was provided to growers, researchers, and fruit industry members and stakeholders through emails sent to all regional Michigan State University tree fruit extension listservs. Emails reached over 1,345 individuals across the state of Michigan. Three social media posts provided pictures, videos, and information about the robotic harvester during the fall. Posts were on the Facebook page of a project PI, which has 1,499 friends. The project's robotic harvesting team participated in Michigan State University Science Festival, enabling high school students to learn about the robotic harvesting research. Five oral presentations were given about the project's research progress at 2024 Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineer Conference at State College, PA on July 16, 2024 and at 2024 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) annual international meeting in Anaheim, CA on July 28-31, 2024. Our robotic harvesting research was selected for exhibitionat the first USDA Agri-Food Innovation Forum in Washington, DC on June 11, 2024. Three PIs/co-PIs helped organize and/or participated in the pre-conference technology workshop of 2024 International Fruit Tree Association annual meeting in Yakima, WA on February 11, 2024, and a pre-field day technology workshop, hosted by Washington State University and Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission in Richland, WA on August 25, 2024. PIs gave an exhibition and presentations about the project and robotic harvesting research at the two workshops and participated in discussion with growers and technology developers on challenges and opportunities for enhancing technology adoption and collaboration among/between researchers and commercial technology developers. With the arrangement by an extension co-PI at Washington State University, four members of the project's robotic harvesting team travelled to Yakima, Washington on September 18-19, 2024 and observed a robotic harvester picking apples in commercial orchards, developed by a technology company in California. The team members shared with the company's engineers about the project's goals and progress and discussed the areas of collaboration in robotic harvesting. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Improve the robot's perception system for robust fruit and branch detection and localization; build a new version of the robotic harvesting module with improved picking performance. Construct a two-lane in-field sorting system for fruit defect detection and grading. Develop a computer vision algorithm pipeline for fruit defect detection and grading and fully integrate it with the sorting system for online evaluation. Construct an autonomous mobile platform for integration with a robotic harvest module and an in-field sorter. Develop automated bin filling and handling functions for integration with the mobile platform. Write extension articles and present updated project information at grower meetings and field days and through emails, project website, social media posts, etc. Conduct surveys to get grower feedback about the robotic harvester and in-field pre-sorter, additional needs or challenges for harvesting and sorting fruit in the field as well as potential barriers for adoption. Evaluate deep learning-based algorithms for apple fruit detection and surface quality assessment in orchard environment. Develop an open-access framework for robotic apple harvesting and infield sorting with apple fruit images and benchmark AI models. Update the cost of production to 2024, and to the parameters recommended by the team members at different states and conduct sensitivity analysis with respect to robot speed and efficiency parameters and worker wages. Develop and implement a survey of potential H-2A workers to find their reservation wage to work in U.S. agriculture on the H-2A visa and determine whether and to what extent proposed policies in the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, including proposals to include a pathway to permanent residency through the H-2A visa, impact workers' reservation wage and whether and to what extent the opportunity to work with robotic harvesters impacts reservation wages under the H-2A visa program.

What was accomplished under these goals? 1. A new dual-arm robotic system was developed, where the two arms are coordinated to effectively harvest fruits. Optimum planning and control algorithms were developed to coordinate the vacuum supply and multiple arm movement. New image segmentation algorithms were developed to segment fruits, branches, and foliage from the background, which is critical to robotic harvesting of apples. Further efforts have also been made on the development of computer algorithms to identify tree branches and their positions.An initial collision-free multi-arm planning algorithm was developed and demonstrated, which showed promising results. A sun filtering system to efficiently control the natural sunlight to enhance the performance of the perception or computer vision system has been developed and tested. A preliminary selective harvesting algorithm for estimating fruit size and ripeness has been evaluated on an open-sourced dataset as well as our own collected dataset. In addition, preliminary laboratory and orchard studies were carried out to evaluate the feasibility of using air blowing to mitigate fruit occlusions by leaves. Factors that were considered in the air blowing study included type of air nozzles, air flow pattern and pressure, direction of air blowing relative to the leave/branch positions, and the distance between the air nozzle and target fruit. Field evaluations showed that the new dual-arm robotic system resulted in 9% to 34% harvest time improvements, compared to the single-arm robotic system and achieved 60% successful picking rate. Air blowing demonstrated potential to mitigate the leave occlusion effect on fruit detection. 2. To develop a new AI-based in-field sorting system, images were collected for over 200 apples, using an existing in-field sorting system. These apples were imaged using three different color-depth sensors at different conveyor speeds. The acquired images are being analyzed to evaluate the performance of these sensors for online quality detection of apples. In addition, more than 1,200 apples of three varieties with different quality conditions were collected from orchards in Michigan, and these apples will be imaged by a new computer vision system for further development of defects detection algorithms. 3. An improved fruit transporting and bin filling system was assembled for transporting apples harvested by the robot to a fruit bin for postharvest storage. Preliminary evaluation of the fruit handling system showed that it can meet the need for handling apples harvested by the robot with minimum bruising. Furthermore, the first phase of designing an autonomous mobile platform has been completed; major parts and components are being acquired; and construction of the system is expected to be completed in the second year. 4. The new robotic harvesting module was evaluated in a high-density tree system in Michigan apple orchard during 2024 harvest season. The robot performance was evaluated using multiple metrics, including picking speed (seconds per fruit), picking rate (percentage of fruits in the workspace that were picked by the robot), bruise rate for harvested apples, presence or absence of stems and/or spurs. Analyses of failed picks by the harvesting robot are being conducted to determine the factors causing the failed picks (i.e., inaccurate localization due to leave occlusion, branch occlusion, inappropriate action by the vacuum system, etc.), which will then be used for further improving the robot's perception and manipulation performance. 5. A deep learning model was developed to detect individual objects on trees in the orchard environment. The model was first tested on apple leaf infection detection. A web-based segmentation tool was integrated into the model for precise infection measurements and disease severity analysis. This model will be used for on-tree fruit quality identification for selective harvesting. Color-depth images of at least five apple varieties were collected from orchards in Michigan and Washington for training and testing image segmentation algorithms for robotic harvesting. More than 2,000 color images were collected of apples with different types of surface defects caused by different diseases and insects. In addition, 600 images of normal fruits for three varieties were collected during the harvest season, which will be used for establishing a database for selective robotic harvesting of apples. All these datasets have been or are being made available publicly, to allow other researchers and technology developers to train, test, and evaluate different AI-based detection models and algorithms. 6. The cost of production studies was updated for apple varieties Gala, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, and WA38 for 2024. In addition, an Excel spreadsheet model was built to compare the costs and benefits of the robot and manual harvesting.


  • Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Lammers, K., Zhang, K., Zhu, K., Chu, P., Li, Z., Lu, R. (2024). Development and evaluation of a dual-arm robotic apple harvesting system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 227, 109586.