Source: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Nov 15, 2023
Project End Date
Nov 14, 2028
Grant Year
Project Director
Mata-Gonzalez, R.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
There is a shortage of skilled college graduates to fill positions in agriculture, food, and natural resources areas. This shortage is especially evident in underrepresented communities. The US population is undergoing a rapid increase in minority college-age residents; however, enrollment, and especially persistence, of BIPOC students in colleges and universities still lags behind. Our goal is to bridge this gap, contributing to increase the number of well-rounded, globally-educated and skilled professionals from underrepresented communities that will help develop the larger society in terms of equity, economics and respect for the environment.This program will provide scholarships to recruit, engage, retain, mentor, and train multicultural scholars, who will earn STEM-focused baccalaureate degrees from Oregon State University's (OSU) College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS). Scholars will be paired with an upper-division paid peer mentor and will also receive strong social and professional mentoring and career and leadership development from OSU faculty. All scholars will complete a professional internship and a mentored undergraduate research project, thesis, and public seminar. In addition, scholars will have global engagement through participation in a CAS faculty-led, credit-bearing study abroad.Regular evaluations will guide program improvements. Scholars will graduate well-prepared for careers and graduate programs, increasing the numbers of BIPOC students with scientific and professional competencies to meet the technologically advanced needs of the 21st century food and agricultural systems workforce.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
902 - Administration of Projects and Programs;

Subject Of Investigation
6010 - Individuals;

Field Of Science
0001 - Administration;
Goals / Objectives
Major Goal: To bridge the participation gap of underrepresented students in Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences (FANH)Objectives:1. We will recruit, retain, andgraduate at least 5 MSP scholarsfrom BIPOC/FGLI backgrounds.Evaluation Data:MSP letters of acceptance,yearly student registrations,grade reports, progress towardgraduation. ACC STEM Metrics,Graduation rate, GPA,scholarly involvement, etc.Benchmark/Comments:Fall term: 100% of scholarshipsawarded. Graduation benchmark:80% of original scholars graduatewithin 5 years. If a scholar isunable to continue, a replacementwill be appointed, bringing totalMSP graduations to 100%.2.MSP Scholars will receivesignificant financial support.Evaluation Data:Fellowship payments data,quarterly approval.Benchmark/Comments:100% of MSP Scholars will receivesignificant financial support.Major Goal: To retain and graduate underrepresented students, increasing career-ready and graduate program-ready graduates in FANH.Objetives1.MSP Scholars will conductundergraduate research. Evaluation Data:Project proposals, enrollmentin research credits, projectupdates, quarterly contactwith research mentors, thesesand final seminarsBenchmark/Comments:100% of MSP Scholars will conductundergraduate research.2.MSP Scholars will receiveacademic, social and near-peermentoring, to support theiracademic success and personalwell-being.Evaluation Data:Surveys and focus groups ofMSP scholars and MSP peermentors. Quarterly contactwith research mentors.Benchmark/Comments:100% of MSP participants receiveappropriate mentoring.3.MSP Scholars will receiveprofessional mentoring, career andgraduate school readinesspreparation and advising.Evaluation Data:Surveys of MSP scholars. Trackparticipation in MANRRS,SACNAS, and internships.Collect professionaldevelopment items (resumes,cover letters, mock interviews)and analyze using rubrics.Benchmark/Comments:100% of MSP participants receiveprofessional mentoring, career andgraduate schoolpreparation/advising.4.MSP scholars will participate in atleast one leadership activity.Evaluation Data:Surveys of MSP scholars. Trackparticipation in MANRRS,SACNAS, CAS leadershipactivities.Benchmark/Comments:100% of MSP scholars participatein leadership activities.5.MSP Scholars will participate in aCAS faculty-led, credit-bearingstudy abroad course.Evaluation Data:Course enrollment, programleaders' evaluations, courseproducts.Benchmark/Comments:100% of MSP Scholars willparticipate in at least 1 CASfaculty-led, credit-bearing studyabroad course.6.We will collect semiannual data onscholars' personal and professionalwellbeing, programmatic support,and academic success metrics, toassess and improve program.Evaluation Data:Surveys of MSP scholars.Personal interviews.Benchmark/Comments:Reports filed semiannually.
Project Methods
EFFORTSWe will begin recruitment immediately following notification of a successful application. We will update our student-designed MSP poster, brochure, and application from a previous MSP and will share these documents with the broadest possible audience using a multipronged approach, including social media posts targeted to MANRRS and SACNAS chapters and utilizing ourOSU collaborators such as SMILE, CAMP, OMLI, EOP, TRIO and LSAMP. We will also utilize local community college partners to recruit transfer students. To meet recruitment and retention goals, we aim to recruit 3 freshman, 2 sophomores, and one junior, which will use 20 years of MSP scholarship support.MSP Scholars will also participate in a paid summer internship in industry or government agencies.Scholars will meet with BRR Adviser each quarter providing "high-touch" academic advising and coaching and information about opportunities and resources. In addition, MSP scholars will choose a research mentor and enter a 14-credit research project and will also have a peer mentor, who will be upper division BRR students.Beginning their 2nd year, MSP scholars will have opportunities for leadership and professional development, and scholars will be funded to attend a conference of their choice.Under the guidance and approval of project directors in this grant, each scholar will select one international opportunity from CAS faculty-led programs concerning global food and agriculture.EVALUATIONSWe will conduct semi-annual evaluations, gathering and discussing data, making recommendations, and using results for reports and program improvements. Yearly interviews will also be conducted also in three areas: personal well-being, professional well-being, and programmatic evaluation and support.Success and careers of MSP scholars will be followed after graduation and data will be included in the final project report. We will collect current/permanent address data during the final student interview and utilize LinkedIn and National Student Clearinghouse database to contact scholars. MSP alumni will be asked to participate in BRR/MSP events with students, including orientation and professional mentoring.