Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:The Cellular Analysis Core facility that manages the ZE5 Cell Analyzer is a research core facility open to all researchers at Montana State University. The target audience for this project are undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty members and staff scientists in the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology and other life sciences departments. In addition, our core facility is also open to external users. Researchers from Montana institutions that are part of the NIH-funded MT INBRE network can use the Cellular Analysis Core including the ZE5 for reduced user fees. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has provided training in flow cytometry techniques and technology to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers through hands-on and seminar training sessions offered by the instrument manufacturer BioRad and a methods seminar talk by Dr. Bimczok at the Microbiology and Cell Biology seminar series. In addition, MSU research trainees are now using the ZE5 Cell Analyzer for their various research projects and are thus gaining valuable flow cytometry experience with a state-of the art instrument. In particular, MSU trainees have been using the small particle analyzer and developing multi-parameter panels, two applications that were not possible previously. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Following the installation of the BioRad ZE5 Cell Analyzer in November 2023, a training seminar was held that provided information on the instrument. In addition, hands-on user training sessions were also provided by a BioRad representative, which were attended by >15 MSU researchers from six labs. Leading up to the instrument installation and training sessions, PI Dr. Bimczok gave a presentation at the Microbiology and Cell Biology Seminar Series in October 2023, where she provided information on the Cellular Analysis Core Facility, relevant methods, technologies, and applications for flow cytometry, and the specific features and of the new ZE5 Cell Analyzer. This seminar was attended by >30 individuals and enabled us to spread the word about flow cytometry capacity at MSU and particularly the high-throughput, high-parameter ZE5. The ZE5 Cell Analyzer is now listed on the MSU Cellular Analysis Core Website and is available to trained users at all career stages, with new user training provided by Core Manager Mr. A. Sebrell. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In the next funding period, we will continue to provide routine instrument maintenance and user support for the ZE5 Cell Analyzer, so that we can keep the instrument in good working condition while also supporting increased research output. To increase instrument use, we will further update our website, provide email updates to facility users, and provide information about flow cytometry in internal seminars. We also will include a module on flow cytometry methods in the graduate course in Advanced Immunology, so that graduate students will gain an in depth understanding about flow cytometry technology and applications, and about the instruments including the ZE5 that are currently available at MSU. During the next funding period, we also anticipate that we will approval for our core facility as an official "RED" core facility, which will provide increased financial and administrative support for the core facility from the Vice President for Research and Economic Development Office (VPRED). Our internal application for VPRED approval is currently under consideration. A designation of our core facility as a "RED" core facility will also greatly enhance the visibility of the core, leading to an increased number of users. This will ultimately benefit the current project, as increased facility funding through university funds and user fees will enable us to maintain the instrument, perform repairs if needed, and possibly invest in instrument upgrades such as a robotic plate loader in the future.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
With this instrument award, we purchased a30-parameter, high throughput BioRad ZE5 Cell Analyzer, as described in the proposal. The ZE5 Cell Analyzer is a state-of-the art flow cytometer that features five lasers, 27 fluorescence channels, a small particle analyzer, a universal plate and tube loader, and a robust and user-friendly design. The ZE5 Cell Analyzer was installed in the MSU Cellular Analysis in November 2023, with hands-on and seminar-style training sessions held during the same month. The instrument has been available to internal and external users since then and has been used for 100> hours, with an increasing trend. To make the instrument accessible for MSU researchers, we have updated our core website and have linked the new ZE5 Cell Analyzer to our Cellular Analysis Facility in FluoroFinder, a free online resource that enables scientists to design and optimize antibody panels for specific flow cytometers. In addition to the ZE5 Analyzer, this award also enabled us to purchase a Millipore Ultrapure Water Purification system. This system is now providing clean water to run the ZE5 Cell Analyzer instrument, providing cost savings and contributing to the sustainability of the instrument and our core facility. Overall, the new ZE5 Cell Analyzer has significantly enhanced our flow cytometry capacity at MSU. With this new instrument in place, we have submitted an internal application to obtain approval and support for the Cellular Analysis Core by MSU's Vice President for Research (VPR). This application is currently undergoing review. If approved, our facility will receive financial and administrative support and will be eligible for internal funding opportunities to maintain, upgrade and or repair core instruments including the ZE5. In addition, designation of our core facility as a VPR core will significantly enhance the profile and visibility of our facility at our university. In addition, The Cellular Analysis Core also is a key component of the Research Core for an NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) proposal that was submitted in January 2024 and that is currently being considered for funding. If selected for funding, the COBRE will provide support for core facility personnel and for instrument maintenance contracts for up to 15 years.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Under Review
Year Published:
B. Tegner Jacobson, Jessica DeWit, Eli T. Selong, McKenna Quirk, Michael Throolin, Chris Corona, Sobha Sonar, LaShae Zanca, Erika R. Schwarz, Diane Bimczok
Innovative methodology for antimicrobial susceptibility de-termination in M. bovis biofilms
Microorganisms. In revision.
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Year Published:
D. Bimczok. Leveraging the cellular analysis core for high throughput, multi-dimensional cell characterization. MSU Microbiology and Cell Biology Seminar Series, October 2023, Bozeman, MT