Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience for this planning grant is a transdisciplinary team of researchers and extension specialists in the biological, engineering, social, and economic sciences, along with industry stakeholders, data specialists, and government analysts focused on critical Research and Development (R&D) needs and applications to increase competitiveness of Southeastern U.S. seasonal and perishable agricultural products. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The University of Florida IFAS Dean for Research provided support for 3 Undergraduate students to support this project as part of the Undergraduate Research Internship Program. This internship program is open to undergraduate students in a College of Agricultural and Life Sciences major or minor. Undergraduate and graduate students have been engaged in team discussions, meetings, presentations, and forthcoming publications from the group.Slide decks presented by undergraduate students at the April 18, 2024 Team Meeting Shelby Sumner - "Recap of Previous Stakeholder Input" Morgan Smith - "Literature Review Recap" Mary Serviss - "Investments in Mechanization" A substantial benefit from our team activities has been raising awareness and understanding of transdisciplinary approaches to research and why they are essential to address major challenges such as competitiveness or labor constraints. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?In this initial year, results have been disseminated through team meetings, meetings with stakeholders, and presentations. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Although our 2023 SCRI CAP proposal was not funded, reviewer comments were very helpful and the group is working on a future submission. A series of 4 papers written by team members (including 2 students) has been accepted for publication as a thematic issue in Choices, a peer-reviewed publication outlet of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. The papers in the forthcoming theme issue utilize a foundational systems-based risk-management approach to consider mechanization in the specialty crop sector. They highlight what is missing from the existing literature on this subject and explore how economists can help to "de-risk" labor-saving technologies for specialty crops and overcome bottlenecks in their implementation.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
We were successful in assembling a team of experts with members from academia, the private sector, and government agencies. Input on priority needs for SE US specialty crops was solicited from stakeholders at the University of Florida Ag Expo, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, November 9, 2023 and through team member extension and outreach activities. A Mural Board exercise was held with team members to elicit input on (1) top 3 current and anticipated constraints to SE US SC competitiveness and (2) what innovations are needed to address these challenges. Input on research and extension needs related to labor and mechanization (an area consistently identified as high priority) was gathered by team members at the Farm Labor Symposium, held September 17-19, 2024, in Santa Cruz, California. The theme of thesymposium was, "The Changing Landscape of Farm Labor Conditions in the United States: What the Future Holds and How to Prepare for It." The event was organized by USDA's Economic Research Service and the Farm Foundation. The team prepared and submitted a SCRI CAP grant proposal for review in 2023.