Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:Primary audience of the project is the cucurbit producers in the easternUnited States. This includes watermelon and cucumber producers, packers, shippers, agronomists, crop consultants, farm managers, field workers, seed companies, and dealers; and watermelon and cucumberstorage and shipping/transport personnel and companies. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training opportunities were provided for postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates in plant pathology, genomics, bioinformatics, and extension. These opportunities include conducting thesis or dissertation research, participating in computational, laboratory, greenhouse, or field projects, contributing to scientific or extension publications, and presenting findings to industry and scientific audiences. Undergraduate and graduate students learned to identify anthracnose symptoms on watermelon leaves and fruits, how to operate drip irrigation systems, how to select mature, ripe watermelons for harvest, and how to isolate pathogenic fungi from diseased plant samples and preserve them as purified cultures. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Initial findings of the project were disseminated via various means including regional and state conferences and grower meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We plan to make progress in activities listed for each objective and routinely disseminate findings via various outlets.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Standardized descriptive survey and isolation protocols: Protocols for survey and pathogen isolations were developed. In GA, we surveyed five commercial cucumber and three watermelon fields and collected over 150 isolates, which are currently in the process of being speciated and characterized for their pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity. PD Dutta along with Co-PD Brewer and a post-doctoral associate Kaur has developed a PCR based assay for specific and sensitive detection of Colletotrichum orbiculare. Co-PI Queseda-Ocampo has also developed a semi-selective medium for selective recovery of C. orbiculare from plant samples. Co-PIs Roberts and Vallad surveyed commercial watermelon and cucumber fields in Florida and collected 39 isolates from six counties. Co-PI Queseda-Ocampo has collected 50 isolates from four commercial cucumber and watermelon fields in NC. Race-typing: Differential seeds were obtained and shared with other Co-PIs. A permit for Co-PI Roberts to receive out of state Colletotrichum isolates was submitted but has not yet been approved. Co-PI Roberts have completed germination testing and are now conducting the initial race-typing with a single-spored isolate from North Florida. Preliminary results are expected in October 2024. Determination of mutations underlying QoI (cytb), MBC (β-tubulin), SDHI (sdhB, sdhC, and sdhD) and DMI (cyp51) resistance: A rotating (4-week rotation) graduate student in Co-PD Brewer's lab has developed PCR primers for cytb based on the sequenced C. orbiculare 104T genome. The graduate student amplified and Sanger sequenced cytb for 9 isolates from watermelon, cantaloupe and cucumber with varying EC50 values for sensitivity to the QoI azoxystrobin. It was found that all watermelon isolates were wildtype at cytb, but all cucumber and cantaloupe isolates, which were generally less sensitive to azoxystrobin, had the F129L mutation known to provide partial resistance to QoIs. The PhD student who started August 10, 2024, will be developing an allele-specific PCR-based marker for this mutation and testing it on a panel of isolates from multiple states with varying EC50 values. Fungal population genomics: A postdoctoral researcher working on this objective joined the lab August 1, 2024. She has begun high quality DNA extractions for PacBio sequencing of select isolates. Evaluate the role of seedborne inoculum and seed-to-seedling transmission of C. orbiculare in anthracnose epidemics. Co-PI Walcott is optimizing DNA extraction protocol and a PCR assay to ensure the highest levels of C. orbicularedetection sensitivity and specificity from seed lots. In the interim, Co-PI Walcott is optimizing protocols for artificial seed infestation and seed-to-seedling transmission assays with C. orbiculare. Role of crop debris and field sanitation practices in reducing cucurbit anthracnose outbreaks.? To assess the role of crop debris and field sanitation practices in reducing cucurbit anthracnose outbreaks, field studies were initiated in Tifton, GA and Geneva, NY by Co-PIs Sintim and Pethybridge, respectively. The study entails three crop debris management systems: (a) crop debris left on the soil surface; (b) crop debris incorporated after harvesting; and (c) crop debris completely removed after harvest. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications, and each treatment plot had three beds to ensure adequate buffer. All sampling and data collection will be made from the middle bed. The fields were planted to cucumber in Tifton and watermelon in Geneva, and the management systems (treatments) were imposed shortly after harvest in Tifton. The treatments will be imposed in mid-September in Geneva. Next year (2025), experimental plots will be planted to cucumber and watermelon, respectively in Tifton and Geneva, to assess treatment impact on cucurbit anthracnose control. This represents a worst-case scenario for anthracnose outbreak, given that growers would typically plant cucurbit in rotation with other crops. Therefore, a positive treatment response would reflect a very effective management system. We hypothesized that crop debris removal for cucurbit anthracnose control would not adversely impact soil health and overall carbon sequestration given the low residue biomass and rapid mineralization. Residues of fresh produce tend to mineralize rapidly because of the high moisture content and low C:N ratio. To test the above hypothesis, soil health assessment and soil carbon measurements were made before treatment imposition. Another assessment will be made in the final year of the study. Fungicide programs.PD-Dutta conducted two trials evaluating efficacy of 10 OMRI-listed products on managing anthracnose in watermelon and cucumber (Tifton, GA). None of the OMRI-listed products provided effective reduction in anthracnose severity compared to the non-treated control. Co-PIs Higgins and Langston conducting a 12-treatment single product fungicide efficacy trial in Painter, VA. Fungicide treatment is expected to be initiated in September and the trial is expected to be completed in October 2024. Co-PIs Higgins and Langston also conducting a 10-treatment commercial variety trial in Painter, VA. The trial is expected to be completed in October 2024. In SC, Co-PI Keinath conducted a fungicide efficacy trial with 10 fungicides and 2 non-treated controls. Despite inoculation of interplot spaces with a C. orbiculare race 2 isolate, anthracnose symptoms were found in only four plots. Data for disease severity were collected and are currently being analyzed. Co-PI Vallad conducted two field trials on cucumbers, evaluating ten conventional and ten biological fungicides. Limited separation between treatments and the untreated control was likely due to early-season herbicide damage. In the conventional trial, Cabrio (FRAC 11) showed superior performance. Evaluation of irrigation/leaf wetness. Co-PI Keinath in SC conducted a field trial with three leaf wetness treatments plus a non-treated control was set up and inoculated with a C. orbiculare race 2 isolate. Lengthening the leaf wetness periods with overhead misting at 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. significantly increased severity of anthracnose, but misting at noon did not. Evaluate host response in varietal selections and core PI collection of watermelon and cucumber lines.Co-PI Kousik has increased seeds for over 300 watermelon PI lines and around 220 cucumber PI lines. These seeds will be provided to breeders involved in this project for their evaluation in 2025 season. All these PI lines have been whole genome re-sequenced by CucCAP. Evaluation of commercial cultivars for anthracnose resistance is currently underway in GA, FL, VA, NY and DE. Data for disease severity and yield will be collected in September 2024. Economic analysis. In anticipation of the data from the project's first year of field experiment trials becoming ready for economic analysis in year two of the project, data collection began to acquire market prices for watermelon and cucumber across the different states considered in the project as well as input costs for products considered in the field trials. Additionally, a literature review was conducted for previous studies related to watermelon and cucumber conducting an economic analysis related to anthracnose management. Although there is a literature testing different management strategies for anthracnose, including different inputs and timing of management strategies, the literature has largely focused on the impact in disease rates, rather than the revenue-cost equation for producers.
- Type:
Year Published:
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Higgins, D.S. and Langston, D.L. 2024. Anthracnose, Downy Mildew, and Gummy Stem Blight Disease Management for Virginia Watermelons. Capron Area Watermelon Growers, Capron, VA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Dutta, B. 2024. Update on watermelon and cucumber anthracnose. Southeast Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference, Savannah, GA.
- Type:
Year Published:
Dutta, B. 2024. Fungicide update on cucurbit anthracnose. Southeast Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference, Savannah, GA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Alshwaiki, G., Hagerty, A., Cochran S., Quesada-Ocampo L. M. 2024. Diversity of Fungal Plant Pathogens on North Carolina Cucumbers. Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium. NC State, Raleigh, NC.