Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2023
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2027
Grant Year
Program Code
[EGP]- Equipment Grants Program
Project Director
Lai, C.
Recipient Organization
MIAMI,FL 33199
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The proposed project aims to strengthen institutional research capacity by acquiring a versatile, high-throughput, elemental analysis instrument: ATLAS M7010 micro-X-Ray fluorescence (Micro-XRF). The proposed instrument will serve several ongoing research projects related to food and agriculture; they will utilize micro-XRF in research that requires elemental analysis and elemental mapping. Other FIU projects, spanning chemistry, materials science and engineering, and environmental science will also benefit from the instrument. FIU has the necessary infrastructure to accommodate the micro-XRF, and PD has expertise in micro-XRF techniques and will facilitate user training. The instrument has an estimated lifetime of 15 years and will have both local and regional impact on high-quality research due to its high versatility allowing application in many areas of research. The ability to collect high-quality preliminary data will lead to both increased research funding and a significant publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national conferences during the project period. The micro-XRF will engage participation of many underrepresented minority undergraduate students (estimate of more than 100), potentially leading to their graduate school recruitment. The acquisition will impact recruitment of high-quality faculty, contributing to FIU research capacity growth. The instrument will be included in training workshops for the research community at FIU and South Florida Universities to advertise the instrument capabilities and increase its user base.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The proposed project, to be conducted at Florida International University (FIU), a Hispanic Serving Institution, aims to strengthen institutional research capacity by acquiring a versatile, high-throughput, elemental analysis instrument: ATLAS M7010 micro-X-Ray fluorescence (Micro-XRF). The instrument will advanceor enablefundamental and applied researchat FIU. The proposal objectives and related tasks are as follows:?Objective 1: Acquire and install theATLAS M7010 Micro-XRFresearch instrument.Task 1.1 Place ATLAS M7010 instrument purchasing order to IXRF SYSTEMS, INC.Task 1.2 Complete instrument delivery and installation (IXRF SYSTEMS, INC.)Task 1.3 Complete basic training (IXRF SYSTEMS, INC., part of the installation process)Task 1.4 Complete additional application-based training (IXRF SYSTEMS, INC.)Objective 2: Enhance FIU research capacity by establishing and growing a large researcher user-base using micro-XRF to increase food, agriculture-related research programs at the institution.Task 2.1 Deliver annual Micro-XRF workshops (PD with AMERI Facility staff engineers)Task 2.2 Train faculty and student researchers-need basisObjective 3. Complete and submit annual project reportsTask 3.1 Conduct annual project progress evaluationTask 3.2 Annual Reports Preparation/ Submission (and Final Report)
Project Methods
Methods1. Instrument Acquisition. The XRF acquisition is planned in Year 1 and does not require any special accommodation; the purchasing lead time is <150 days. The equipment will be fully operational by the conclusion of the first year of the project.2. Procedures for allocating the instrument time and maintenance (down time). i). Onboarding of ATLAS M7010 as a new capability at FIU.ii). Managing user training; PDwill participate during training sessions. All users who will be trained on the instrument will be provided access.iii). Schedule and perform maintenance (biannually).iv). Provide any troubleshooting assistance including connecting with customer service at IXRF.3). Attracting/supporting new users. The PD will develop a training video that highlights the instrument features, simplicity of use, and the applicability in many research areas. The PD will actively work to increasing the visibility of the instrument in the research community at FIU and in South Florida through presentation to relevant colleges/departments and references in peer-reviewed publications. Lastly, AMERI, the instruments facility in the collegehosts a biennial users conference, a platform for presenting research and engaging in new collaborations; ATLAS capabilities will be showcased. 4).Curriculum interventions:Integration of teaching modules presenting operation and application notes of the Micro-XRF in relevant courses.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:The target audiences include students and faculty served by the project. The micro-XRF engaged the participation of more than 20 students to date, 5 of them from underrepresented minority students. The acquisition will impact recruitment of high-quality faculty, contributing to FIU research capacity growth. Target audiences include students and faculty served by the project. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Faculty and student participants have been trained to use the instrument for elemental mapping for various applications, including agricultural, environmental, and nanotechnology. The training was done by the PI and faculty users with expertise in XRF (all faculty users have been trained by the IXRF personnel). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Yes, one journal article has been submitted to a peer-reviewed journal and it is under review; two additional manuscripts are in preparation for submission to peer-reviewed journal. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, we will accomplish the following: Objective 2: Enhance FIU research capacity by establishing and growing a large researcher user-base using micro-XRF to increase food, agriculture-related research programs at the institution. Task 2.1 Deliver annual Micro-XRF workshops (PD with AMERI Facility staff engineers)-First workshop to be offered on January 2025. Task 2.2 Train faculty and student researchers-need basis-This task will continue during the next reporting period. Objective 3. Complete and submit annual project reports Task 3.1 Conduct annual project progress evaluation-To be conducted annualy Task 3.2 Annual Reports Preparation/ Submission (and Final Report)-Submit the annual report for the next reporting period.

What was accomplished under these goals? The following objectives/tasks have been accomplished: Objective 1: Acquire and install theATLAS M7010 Micro-XRFresearch instrument-Completed Task 1.1 Place ATLAS M7010 instrument purchasing order to IXRF SYSTEMS, INC.-Completed Task 1.2 Complete instrument delivery and installation (IXRF SYSTEMS, INC.)-Completed The IXRF ATLAS M7010 was delivered on January 2024 and full installation was completed in April 2024. Task 1.3 Complete basic training (IXRF SYSTEMS, INC., part of the installation process)-Completed IXRF SYSTEMS Team has completed training on April 2024. Task 1.4 Complete additional application-based training (IXRF SYSTEMS, INC.)-Completed Aditional training was completed May 2024. Objective 2: Enhance FIU research capacity by establishing and growing a large researcher user-base using micro-XRF to increase food, agriculture-related research programs at the institution.-Ongoing Task 2.1 Deliver annual Micro-XRF workshops (PD with AMERI Facility staff engineers)-In planning Task 2.2 Train faculty and student researchers-need basis- Ongoing Objective 3. Complete and submit annual project report-Ongoing Task 3.1 Conduct annual project progress evaluation-we evaluated the project progress for the purpose of report preparation. Task 3.2 Annual Reports Preparation/ Submission (and Final Report)-This report is being submitted.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2024 Citation: Journal: ACS Applied Nano Materials Manuscript ID: an-2024-03757w Title: "Mixed-Metal 2D Chalcogenides MoxRe1-xS2 as Antifungal Near Infrared-Responsive Nanozymes" Author(s): Zhang, Fei; Sahani, Rishabh; An, Changliang; Na, Ha; Radu, Daniela; McGoron, Anthony; LAI, CHENG-YU