Progress 09/15/23 to 09/14/24
Outputs Target Audience:During this reporting period the Eastern North Carolina Collaborative (ENCFC) have been very instrumental in assisting limited resourced, native americans, small farmers and ranchers, and veteran farmers. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project team received training on Retail Marketing in high-end stores, Soil Health, Multi-crop planting for crop diversity and marketing,and Outreach Methods. The project director also attended the BFRDPDirector's Conference. Theteam also met on a monthly basis to go over project delivery efforts. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Projectresults were dessiminated in our newsletter, distribution of hard copies, by email, online and Facebook. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period the project team intends on continuing to provide hands on training at farm location, continue to assist participants with the development of their operation, developing marketing and sales diversityand conduct othertrainings relating to the project delivery efforts.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
The Eastern North Carolina Farmer Collaborative (ENCFC) project team has been very active during this reporting period.ENCFC conducted13 educational workshops and 1 conference educating an attendance of approximately 930. Participants gained knowledgeof USDA programs and services during outreach events such as a Multi-County Agricultural Workshop (USDA & Local State Agencies) and annual conference. Production training such as High Tunnel set-up and production, Soil testing /Soil health, Installation of caterpillar tunnel, Trellising, Food safety, Aggregation services were conducted. How to Write a business plan and Marketing trainings were also conducted to bring about awareness and educate participants on how to develop and improve their farm operation. ENCFC also provided one-on-one technical assistance to 48 beginning and veteran farmers to start farming. Thishands-on training and guidance assisted participants with the implementation of best practices they learned.72% of survey respondents indicated that they plan to utilize the information shared with them during the training. 56% indicated that they have implemented some of what they learned from ENCFC. ENCFC also assisted28 small farmers to participate in the North Carolina State Beekeeping AssociationCertification course and successfully completed it. They are now certified beekeepers.The use of raised bed growing, pollination, greenhouses, tunnel houses, and open planting increased production in all areas. Using domestic hives to pollinate crops increases yield by up to 50% (Cucumbers, Peppers, Onions, Strawberries, Blueberries, and Watermelons,) Cotton farmer's yields have also increased by approximately 50% to 65%. The ENCFC intends to continue to conduct training workshops to educate participants on USDA programs and services, on production workshops to educate on best agricultural practices for successful yield, and unique marketing methods, and how to get produce to market.